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Israeli court: American protester Rachel Corrie's death an ACCIDENT !!

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posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by benrl

You state,

Americans sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

And I agree!!!
The United States should not be supplying weapons nor cash to the terrorist regime of israel.
We should full on withdraw from the ME and let them take care of themselves.

OP, are you really surprised at the outcome of this?
What you have here is a case of the officer investigating his own shooting.
Of course Rachel was in the wrong...

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Win some, lose some indeed!
This guy had some huevos.

Am I the only one that sees the absolute nonsense here?
The evil communist Chinese Empire has more compassion and heart than the ...israel terrorist state.
What a comparison!!

Really now, who is the bad guy?

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by g146541

The Chinese, for all their faults are still human.
The I.O.F. have had all their humanity sucked out of them by propaganda and brain washing.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 08:31 AM
It wasn't an 'accident'. It was THE DARWIN AWARD.
She stood where she could get killed. She knew it. She did it anyways.
She's dead of her own actions. That's the truth of it.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 08:41 AM
People comparing what Rachel Corrie did with American imperialism is sick. Trillions of dollars = one small girl? The only place america should be intervening in is gaza.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
It wasn't an 'accident'. It was THE DARWIN AWARD.
She stood where she could get killed. She knew it. She did it anyways.
She's dead of her own actions. That's the truth of it.

If a drunk driver crush a lady in the streets

if i understand your logic ..
the lady should have saw the drunk driver coming
and its her fault that she die because she was in the street
because she didnt watch before walking on the other side

Darwin award for the people excusing this drunk bulldozer driver
intentionaly crushing a young 23 yrs old american female
you are all complicite of murder to support a terrorist

Rachel is a Heroe that made a judgment call to risk her life so people can hear
what peace deal she have to offer ..
they destroy illegaly thousand of palestinian home each yrs like that illegaly
and nobody does nothing to stop the destruction of property
Rachel made the right call trying to reason with the IDF and open their cold heart
she had big hope from her heart that they would listen to her .. and maybe just save one home
why did they have to kill her and wait until she move .. why the rush of destroying palestinian home ?

only soulless savages destroy and kill like that unarmed innocents
edit on 8/28/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

Rachel made the right call]

Standing in front of a armoured operating bulldozer is only the "right call" if you want to get yourself killed.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 08:59 AM
She was a Gentile and the driver was a Jew. That's it that's all. She was murdered not for being an activist, not for being an American, not for being a human being,not for sticking her nose in where it didn't belong, not for the Palestinian cause but because she was a Gentile!!!!

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Ben81

Rachel made the right call]

Standing in front of a armoured operating bulldozer is only the "right call" if you want to get yourself killed.

She though that the IDF would never crush her alive intentionaly ?
She though that the IDF had hearts and souls ?
She though that the IDF would at least not destroy this house because of a big familly ?
She though that it would be awfull to illegaly destroy a palestinian house and put the entire familly in the street
She though that she would not support again having her heart broken by such injustice seeing a familly ruined by the IDF because for them settlements is more important then any lifes

kill her to have though all of that?

WTF is wrong with you

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 09:29 AM
Suicide, by means of bulldozer.

Reminds me of this so much.

"Some factual information for you. Have you any idea how much damage that bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?"

"How much?" said Arthur.

"None at all," said Mr. Prosser.

edit on 28-8-2012 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Aggghh....those poor ISM peaceful activists

more peaceful activities of the ISM peaceful guys:

those innocent peaceful activists need to resort to lies and fabrications to explain her death:


posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:18 AM
I don't care what you protest for/against or how, but when your ridiculous method of protest gets you hurt in an entirely predictable fashion you only have yourself to blame. I'm sure that going into default 'blame Israel' mode comes so much more naturally but let's use a little common sense please.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 11:01 AM
Now if Rachel had been a Muslim defending her own home and country against an attack by the US, the US would have been happy to extradite her to the US. But as an american citizen, her case is thrown to the court of the wolves that killed her.

On a larger scale, hubris and a sense of entitlement on the part of a few always leads to trouble and history is replete with examples.

Rachel is only one in a long line of brave souls who stood up to the usurpers and was mowed down without remorse, but her example will live on and she will be honored by those who aren't blinded by hubris and a sense of entitlement.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by abdel
reply to post by sonnny1

Well, I'm not going to apologise for my sense of humour but death in Palestine is the norm, life for Arabs is very cheap there.
Excellent vid, I support One Voice but there is not enough international support for the Occupied Territories, most people on the vid were from that region. This is why we need people like Rachel Corrie, her case brings to light many wrongs in that area. Foreigners won't listen to Arabs, they must hear it from a countryman in order for it to sink in.

you are wrong, foreigners do listen to arabs, however, the way that arabs treat their own people, shows a stunted and backward civilization gripped by literal meanings written in the Quran, with a culture that still embraces kings, warlords and mullahs. societies have to evolve to eliminate the barbarism and strife, of previous centuries and rebuild a civilization ruled by it's people, not by a few wealthy individuals.
this battle is even being fought here in america, where the wealthy and powerful few, have influenced a great deal of our decision-making elected representatives, through intimidation and corruption, for their own selfish benefit.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 11:23 AM
On ATS, we must be always on guard, for there are some whom will use every trick in the book to twist minds, using emotional appeals and lies mixed with a bit of truths to be acceptable, for many here are only gentle people, but often fooled, just as Rachel was fooled and manipulated.

1. The D9 is no ordinary bulldozer. It is an amored vehicle, with protection for the driver and thus limited view. It sets a straight course and heads for it non-stop once an order is given, to avoid being shot or missiled at. In the photograph, while you can see Rachel, but can you spot the driver?

Many whom are unaware of the difference, will simply take for granted that it was an ordinary bulldozer, with the driver sitting on top in full view, as those whom had sought to mislead readers here had tried to do.

In that tense situation, the IDF do not know who she was, or whether was she another suicide bomber, common then, standing in front of those buildings.

Only when investigations were carried out, were the realities known. Thus, it was an accident, of no ill intent to an unarmed human WHO, rightfully, should have stayed away from a declared combat zone.

2. This event happened in 2003, not aug 2012, thus we cannot use the knowledge of the environment of 2012 to judge upon events of 2003. Terrorism was a scourge then, and not many knew what and how to deal with them. Furthermore, there were more players involved than just ' palestinians and jews' whom had been stirring the pot, which we only now realized.

The UN had not granted statehood to Palestine, even today, thus the Palestine is not a country still. Occupied territory or not, that view is subjective. The fact remains that those lands were Israel lands, and there were indeed terrorists whom had been hell bent on 'pushing jews to the sea' despite the Oslo accords for peace in 1993 - Hamas, whom refused to recognise the accord, and had even broke away from the representative Palestinian Authority illegally.

The real solution for Israel is to share the land - Israel to end settlements and awakened Palestinians to boot out the hizbollahs, hamas and any other idiot who wants genocide upon an innocent jewish people.

3. That battle was between Israel and the terrorists there in that battle zone. Foreigners should have stayed cleared, just as the palestinians had stayed away. There are many other ways to protest, but to do so in a battle zone, is to ask for trouble, and that responsibility for what happens next is one's own, and not combatants there.

4. The family of Rachel had sought to seek for justice through the Israeli court, as is one's right course. Israel is a democratic country, and not tyrannical states such as Putin's Russia, Veneuzela, Cuba, China, etc. Even with a judgement out, they can still appeal.

HOWEVER, they must realized that going to court DOES NOT mean the court will judge in their favor. The system judges upon facts presented and not emotions.

Thus, they must accept whatever the result that comes out, regardless if it is in their favor, or the military. To do otherwise, is to make a mockery of the justice system, more so after several investigations had been done over the long period, with expert witnesses called in by both sides.

5. Rachel, unfortunately, had been caught up in a deliberate scheme of which she knew nothing of, and that is to keep the palesinians and jews fighting forever, because it serves a 3rd party's interest to direct Sunni's anger towards jews instead of to the minority Islamic sect - Shias, with the introduction of Hizbollah terrorists into the picture.

She gave her life which she thought it would give freedom to the genuine palestiinian people, but she was only manipulated, to throw herself infront of that amored bulldozer, to get world's opinion of sympathy by the unconscionable animals - hamas, which today, will NO longer work, for many are awakened than in 2003.

6. Nevertheless, she was only a fellow human, only misguided. Let her death be not in vain, for the real purpose will be to let us humanity and the free palestinian common masses be aware of the complexities and wild games being played out in those terrorities by animals in a sovereign state, and not be manipulated in any way by those supporters here, whom are desperately looking for new fools here and other threads to divide us all.

ATS motto is to deny ignorance without fear or favor, against whatever tactics used to perpetrate deceptions, either by coercion or by downright thumbing others down.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by FlyersFan
It wasn't an 'accident'. It was THE DARWIN AWARD.
She stood where she could get killed. She knew it. She did it anyways.
She's dead of her own actions. That's the truth of it.

if i understand your logic ..

It's not MY logic ... it's just LOGIC, plain and simple.

She went to the other side of the world, into a place that had been at war for thousands of years. She was a civilian without any military experience, without any experience about that part of the world, and went into what was basically a war zone. She had no business being there. She stood in the middle of a volitile situation .. she stood in front of a bulldozer. She was told not to be there. She was trespassing and ignoring the laws of the foreign country she went to. LOGIC = she got the Darwin Award.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Mister1k
She was murdered not for being an activist, not for being an American, not for being a human being,not for sticking her nose in where it didn't belong, not for the Palestinian cause but because she was a Gentile!!!!

She got ran over because she was too damn stupid to get out of the way of a bulldozer.
... a bulldozer that she didn't need to be standing in front of.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

If she wasn't such a pompous radical leftist know-it-all, it would be more tragic.

In any case, I'm sure her death gives her parents the particular pleasure of a political victory against Israel; they - like her - would have been happy with that.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by gravitational

People would be amazed how thoroughly immoral "activists" involved in Israel, whether as UNRWA volunteers, or with the red cross, are.

Its a joke. These organizations are one big massive #ing joke.

I highly recommend people read "The Crisis Caravan: whats wrong with humanitarian Aid?" . These organizations are CORRUPT to the bone.

Whats so surprising then that these so called human rights activists provide shelter for Hamas terrorists? Or wield machine guns?? They're moral relativists. They don't believe in right and wrong. At their very core, they hate Israel not because of any of its supposed crimes - but because it is a symbol of that culture which they have nothing but disdain for: belief in an objective morality. Israel - as the state of the Jews - is a symbol for that. Their war against Israel is therefore a war against the patriarchal culture Jews normalized in western society and culture.
edit on 28-8-2012 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Oh I'm fully supportive of the "it was her own daft fault" corner.

I feel saddened that the girl lost her life, but I can accept the fact it was just an unfortunate accident, with her in the wrong.

She must have known the risks, yet took them anyway, as another poster pointed out, the driver probably wasn't even aware she was there, or if he was, couldn't take a chance with her intentions.

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