posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 07:39 PM
you've seriously glossed over all the details of what is affecting every Amerikan, details that include the removal and denial of every Amerikan
right's and liberties; militarizing police forces devoted to the Amerikan agenda, everywhere are militarizing, and the mass media outlets who
maintain a strong grip over the sightless Amerikan masses.
you speak of willpower, but you don't realize that willpower alone will not cause a movement. there needs to be motivation for action, which there is
little amongst those who know Amerika.
even for such a movement to be had, you'd need a strong and viable Leader to direct it, and unfortunately there are no present day Martin Luther King
Jr types floating around. [considering that Amerika would even allow such a character to manifest in the political spotlight]
Even if there was such a person, peaceful movements are no longer being tolerated in this day.
[i have the [willpower?] motivation to protest. so does several hundred others. we intend to make our voices heard peacefully, but we face laws
that restrict protesting, law enforcement that intends on ending our protests quickly, and a media that barely shows what objectives we were trying to
achieve. ]
in essence, our protest has no is shut down by the Amerikan corruption that has been established specifically for removing protests from
the limelight.
so, your belief that willpower alone is unsound; it will not defeat the corruption that is Amerika. Again, Look at every protest rally against bankers
and politicians to date, and you will see the belief in willpower hauled off by the Amerikan authority, and every protesting voice ignored by
but in regards to your response, you may be speaking of an armed Revolution. Such a revolution would again need a strong viable leader, and a literal
army of concerned citizens who have the propensity to take up arms and make due course of action against the Amerikan establishment. Willpower alone
would make little difference; it would be up to the individual to make that choice and take a stand against tyranny.
this is the reality of Amerika today.
to say that Amerika is making exuses...that its people are making excuses for not acting, is showing a sizable degree of ignorance over the awareness
of the Details that are affecting every Amerikan.
and mind you, one important detail you've overlooked is the Amerikan psyche;
at present most Amerikans, including the ones who know Amerika, are selfishly inclined.
They Don't Want Conflict.
those who don't know what Amerika is have become lazy and content on how they live.
they prefer Ignorance.
those that do know America want some sort of peaceful solution to counteract what Amerika has become.
this is Wishful Thinking.
again, these are not excuses. this IS the reality of Amerika and it's population.