You know its funny to me that the American citizens replyng to poltiical threads or those of Ron Paul, and they understand that their system is fraud
and voting will not make a difference. They already KNOW that the hydra behind the election chooses who they want asa a puppet.
Yet, Iceland can throw the bankers over and completely change the direction of government, because the PEOPLE of Iceland took the ropes away from the
"authority". I do understand Iceland does not have the security and law enforcment as America does and this is why it is so risky for American
citizens to actually take out those in authority by force... but that is not an excuse to sit back on your computers blabble opinons and share Ron
Paul pictures in HOPES that the American hydra does what is right for the people. Everyone in the WORLD knows America will not change unless the
people do!
All this campaigning and voting blah blah.. you already KNOW the elections are fraud! The American people still put up with whatever the authority
does or says! Its outrages
If you want Ron Paul, follow Iceland and make him your leader. Throw the frauders in PRISON and get the New America
over with. Its seriously that simple. But American people are just all talk and weak when it comes to action.
Dont forget you are a human being, and those who are programmed and paid to enforce these so called leaders of America, are also human beings. If they
notice an uprising for a change in authority that benefits the PEOPLE of America, they too will join for change. Whoever seats in the Whitehouse,
influences and affects ALL Americans.
Quit whining about the election fraud, Mitt Romney, Barack... and change it yourselves. Thats how its done. The People have the Power, and this is
what the "elite" have forgotten. So throw em in prison, hang em for ffs.. and get your leader in that Whitehouse.
If Romney or Obama become 2013 President, I hope to see an uprising from the American people. If not now, when the election is fraud one more time...
I keep seeing on the internet "Ron Paul is Americas last hope". ITs so sad that citizens of a country have "LAST hope" over one person. 300Million
of ya, and one guy is a last hope for your entire Nation? Just shows how weak your country really is. The PEOPLE ARE THE LAST HOPE, when they finally
realize that governments work for THEM and not the other way around.
*end of rant* -_-
~ Love is an art