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A Perfect Example Of How America Is Turning Into A Police State? Look At Tampa Bay

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posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by jude11

If you live here , like I do and see the freak show that came here for this . You'ed know why they cleared out the jail most are obama's 2 year unemployement check receivers with nothing to do except cause problems.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by pfawcett1
reply to post by jude11

If you live here , like I do and see the freak show that came here for this . You'ed know why they cleared out the jail most are obama's 2 year unemployement check receivers with nothing to do except cause problems.

Well, you should just get right in the middle and cheer for Obama then. See what happens and report back.

If your convictions are as true, put your beliefs on the same line.


posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by Blaine91555
CNN - Agencies warn of .....

as of March, the FBI had intelligence indicating individuals from New York "planned to travel to Tampa and attempt to close" all of the Tampa Bay-area bridges during the Republican National Convention next week.

This is not protest, it's just plain old fashioned thuggery and criminal activity.

The bulletin says that law enforcement agencies believe most protesters at the conventions will obey laws and not commit violent acts, but that anarchists are the most likely exceptions.

Seems like a fair assessment to me. The police are not interested in bothering real protestors at all. Anarchists are something else entirely.

When people attempt peaceful protests, they are also attacked, set up, beaten and thrown in jail. It's happened so many times that it's sickening.

So what is your answer here? Just stop protesting?

Because peaceful protests don't work and anything more labels it as 'Thuggery'.

So what else can be done? Because there are about 300,000,000 people who are going to want the answer.

So why aren't they "protesting" (saving up bricks) for the people who hold power in this current govt?You know The "other guys" who are in charge of two out of three branches????????.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by r2d246
I just think it is how you protest, the helmet law in our state years ago looked like it was going to pass but the motorcycleist got togather (were talking about 75000) organized and rode town to town and picked up what they could for riders and all of them ended up at the capital. Bikers one, government nothing. A bunch of farmers did it back in the day but they showed up with tractors. I dont mean any disrepect but I think the giant is still sleeping. But I think one of his eyeballs might slowly be opening.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by jude11

protesting just gives them a reason to lock you up. it has to happen some other way like everyone in the world stop spending money for a year or two. protesting is a knee-jerk reaction and only feeds into their agenda

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Liquesence

We live in a corporate dictatorship, Americas Democratic process was nothing but a distraction while the power of the Republic was killed.

That corporate dictatorship is the one that runs the circus in the nation to make people believe that they have public serves elected by the voters.

Meanwhile the private interest write the laws in the nation screwing the populations constitutional rights, draining the economy to benefit them, all in the name of for the safety of the nation and national security.

The only security that is put on top of agendas is that of the corporate power.

I wonder when America is going to wake up and smell the ugly crap that is taking hold of this nation.

If Tampa bull crap doesn't open the eyes of the unbeliever I guess nothing will.

Can't add anything but a Star fer ya!

Well put.



been there done that. how's THAT working for ya? there is no way there will ever be a revolution in this country with weapons again. there is no way a shotgun is going to take out a tank or drone missle so your ideas of beating the govt back is silly. WE HAVE THE FRIGGIN INTERNET TODAY!!! what ever happened to "the pen is mightier than the sword?"

I tell you, I'd bet money some of the people here supporting civilian unrest and violent activities are the ones who's job it is to put protesters in jail.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
The only security that is put on top of agendas is that of the corporate power.

Gee let's see...... How do you defeat a corporate power??????? don't spend money. Can't not spend money???? then we're willing slaves. We are addicted to technology. We depend on it, need it, love it.

I'm just pissed there is no priority to keep the Earth clean or that technology doesn't serve everyone equally. That's a shame on "The Givers of Technology".

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by Blaine91555

How many anarchists do they assume will be there? Enough to fill an entire prison? I see your point and I agree, as do others, that among peaceful protesters are trouble makers who ruin it for everyone. The conspiracy surrounding the trouble makers can go either way, but how big are these anarchist groups?

The prison is capable of holding 1,000 prisoners and I would guess 2-3 times that when using the yard, gym, lunch room etc. Maybe more.

If they were only expecting to arrest a few or a few hundred, why would they need such a large facility? And why such a secure one? What happened to hangars, warehouses etc?


And WHY MENTION IT as news?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
They had to empty out the jails full of criminals, to make room for protestors.

Shows you exactly where this country is heading.

I know, right? Obviously our problem here is the need for more prisons. Better yet, labor camps for dissidents.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by jude11

You know what, Jude, I always love your posts. Very informative, although typically they scare they hell out of me.

The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have released a bulletin warning of the threat posed by violent anarchists who may use explosives devices to cause havoc during the event.

I love this preemptive guilty-until-proven-innocent attitude...days before the convention even starts. Nice way to make the general public even more distrusting of legal protesters.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by pfawcett1

2 year unemployment receivers?

My former boss downsized his company, and I have been on unemployment for 2 months. My unemployment check averages to a wage of less than $5/hr over a 40hr work week. Suffice to say, anyone who is seriously on unemployment can't live on what is paid out of it. I have spent almost $2000 dollars of personal savings to keep my head/family afloat, while keeping my frivolous spending to almost zero.

After 2 months of this, I have been both accepted into an union apprenticeship, and started my own contracting business in the last 2 weeks. You can make the case for going and getting a McJob to get off unemployment, but even then, the minimum wage is not a living wage.

Anyone who is "surviving" on unemployment isn't living solely off of it. I would venture a guess that they are selling drugs or something similar, which presumably means they wouldn't even need the unemployment to stay afloat.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by LeSigh

If you mean we need more prisons to hold prosecuted criminal bankers and politicians, then I agree with you.

Let's follow Iceland's lead, and hold the people who got us in the financial mess we are in accountable, and make sure it never happens again. We need to end the federal reserve bank system and we need money that is backed by something valuable like gold and silver.
edit on 26-8-2012 by IndieA because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:26 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if all the citizens decided to just ignore the convention?

The only people who they could arrest would be the government operatives!

The masked black clad anarchists are government employees.

The government places infiltrators in every political party group.

It would be the media, riot police, anarchists and political infiltrators, these would be the only guys who show up

This would be awesome, the government could fill the prison with all their own employees and we would get a good look at them all.
edit on 26-8-2012 by sdocpublishing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by IndieA

we would need something waaaay bigger than the Orient Road jail, that's for sure

for those who aren't aware, the Oj is more a processing facility than a holding center.
yes, some are held at the jail after trial but not many hardened criminals like the msm would like everyone to think.
This is a jail facility. In addition to other types of criminals and felons, A jail houses those who have not had the benefit of a trial to address the charges filed against them. In the United States, one has the opportunity to be tried for the charges against them, and is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Once proven guilty, the offender is sentenced. A sentence may include anything ranging from a fine, a jail sentence, or a sentence to a state or federal prison.

edit on 26-8-2012 by Honor93 because: typo

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Liquesence

We live in a corporate dictatorship, Americas Democratic process was nothing but a distraction while the power of the Republic was killed.

That corporate dictatorship is the one that runs the circus in the nation to make people believe that they have public serves elected by the voters.

Meanwhile the private interest write the laws in the nation screwing the populations constitutional rights, draining the economy to benefit them, all in the name of for the safety of the nation and national security.

The only security that is put on top of agendas is that of the corporate power.

I wonder when America is going to wake up and smell the ugly crap that is taking hold of this nation.

If Tampa bull crap doesn't open the eyes of the unbeliever I guess nothing will.

Can't add anything but a Star fer ya!

Well put.



been there done that. how's THAT working for ya? there is no way there will ever be a revolution in this country with weapons again. there is no way a shotgun is going to take out a tank or drone missle so your ideas of beating the govt back is silly. WE HAVE THE FRIGGIN INTERNET TODAY!!! what ever happened to "the pen is mightier than the sword?"

I tell you, I'd bet money some of the people here supporting civilian unrest and violent activities are the ones who's job it is to put protesters in jail.

I'd hazard a guess that your prediction is spot on. I see alot of sketchy folks on here. Maybe I'm misreading them

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by IndieA

we would need something waaaay bigger than the Orient Road jail, that's for sure

for those who aren't aware, the Oj is more a processing facility than a holding center.
yes, some are held at the jail after trial but not many hardened criminals like the msm would like everyone to think.
This is a jail facility. In addition to other types of criminals and felons, A jail houses those who have not had the benefit of a trial to address the charges filed against them. In the United States, one has the opportunity to be tried for the charges against them, and is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Once proven guilty, the offender is sentenced. A sentence may include anything ranging from a fine, a jail sentence, or a sentence to a state or federal prison.

I see, so the prisoners they let out are not necessarily convicts.

Still some of them may be.

edit on 26-8-2012 by Honor93 because: typo

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by jude11

It's pretty crazy that he's making all that room, but at the same time I wonder what other than complaining do the protesters do. It's one thing to gather around a good cause and another to make other's lives a headache. I'm all for free speech, but I would have a hard time not being annoyed by herds of people blocking my way.

If they got together and made music, I'd probably stay around or join in the cheer though.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 05:33 PM
I dont know what to make of this. If true then, yes, it would be a bit disturbing. However with state budgets the way they are and with such a large politically charged event about to happen, I suppose that accomodations would have to be made to avoid a possible all out chaotic scenario if tempers flare and things get crazy.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 05:39 PM
so the police are preparing for protests

I went outside today

didn't see a police state

maybe "emperor bush" can expalin ? lol

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 05:53 PM
What is your problem comrade?! This is your tax dollars hard at arbeiten! Freedom is for pussies. War is peace. Continuous war and violence thats what the proles crave! Lock up all of those stinking hippies and draft dodgers before they take off to Canada! So what if you let out a few "criminals" the charges were trumped up anyway to fill the for profit jail so that the local politico's and judges can get a nice juicy kick back! Seig Heil!! All hail Obomney in 2012!!!
edit on 26-8-2012 by HUMBLEONE because: VOTE FOR OBOMNEY IN 2012.

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