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A Perfect Example Of How America Is Turning Into A Police State? Look At Tampa Bay

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posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Americanist
reply to post by Blaine91555

How many videos would you like to see?

One of the Occupy Dallas protesters was pushed from a 4 foot planter, which led to a disturbance ending in 8 arrests. This video clearly shows a Dallas police officer inciting violence.

How about improper use of a sidewalk next? Or even better...

Pepper spray in the mouth is now on the menu.

edit on 24-8-2012 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

To be fair, the guy that gets pushed supposedly called the officer a racial slur, doesn't make it right, but I found this out by going to that video and a video by the same channel popped up with a comment from the uploader.

All the other officers watched him commit a crime and didn't do anything. Pretty sure that's illegal.
xjake88x 9 months ago

I'm actually no longer supporting Stephen Benavidez, the individual pushed in this video. According to one of the individuals standing next to him, he used a particularly offensive racial slur against the black officer before he was pushed. The officer has apparently has a history of bad choices, but OWS has no place for racists.

crazy internet.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by jude11

My point exactly. It's just a nowhere story, proving how sensationalistic, the media can be. I mean, a cop that can look at a spray paint drawing of a witch and the number 99, and keep a straight face when saying, It has to be the Anarchists! (ad-lib)

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 02:56 AM
At the 1984 RNC in Dallas there were actors driven in from California in huge motor homes..., They had multicolored spiked mohawk hair, signs and the attention of the media... They were going to lay down on the pavement on Main street but they found out hot the asphalt was and changed their minds... They did have one guy that told my son he was going to burn an American Flag and to hang around and watch... After a while camera crews and reporters showed up with a mess of Dallas cops hung back behind them... The guy snuffed out the doob he was toking walked up on the steps of City Hall with a can of lighter fluid, a lighter and the flag and the rest is history.... The last night of the convention at around 3 AM all of the motor homes were parked up and down the street by the Central Police Station, the "protesters" were released and boarded up and left town.... The flag burning was an issue that both Bushes brought up a lot to rile up their "base" for years...... I'm thinking that their will be something similar happening at this convention except it will be actors brought in as agitators that will cause the problems and the genuine protesters will be the ones that are jailed and won't leave on motor homes.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 03:09 AM
The problem with this conversation is that we are already giving these protestors labels.. They are Ron Paul Supporters, or OWS Protestors Etc.. Which allows us to be divided depending on where you fall politically.

What we should see instead is how upset our fellow americans are. And to think that any group of protesting people all have the same reasons to be protesting doesnt align with my way of thinking. I know each of them has their convictions. I wish our media would do a better job of defining the groups, or at least talking to people to hear what is on their mind..

SO before we start guessing who it will be to disrupt things. .. Lets think about how we slant things by allowing ourselves to be given titles that further spread us apart.. Those arent OWS (example) Guys down there protesting.. Those are AMERICANs

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by jude11

At least the DNC didn't make this call. Could you imagine how lit up ATS would be?

Thank goodness it's the RNC. The people who protest the RNC are obviously rabble-rousers and no-goodnicks.
Any protesters who might show up are full of crap. Where have they been? Why haven't they been protesting the Democrats who have been in charge since 2006?

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by CaptChaos
My advice to any REAL protesters is to not go there. They will have saboteurs mixed in to incite riots and cause mass arrests.

It would be better if the saboteurs were the only ones who showed up.

And so they win. No more protests about anything because the people have successfully been scared into silence.

America has only just woken up and actually started to have a public opinion about the way their leaders are running the show, and now people are telling them to shut up because they might be arrested?

Come on!

This is scary stuff, but this SHOULD be encouraging many hundreds of thousands MORE to get out there and protest THIS instead. What are they going to do, arrest everyone? Let those causing the damage be arrested and locked up. When you see something happening you walk away from it, or point them out to the thug cops so they can come and "fake arrest" their off-duty stooge.

This is not the time to wimp out and be terrorized into silence. This is the time for people to get damned angry about being threatened like this.

If I were there I would be going, and I wouldn't let their tactics scare me. The most you'll get is a night or two in a cell, and then you're free to condemn them for months and draw more attention to their actions. They're making a rod for their own backs, so let them try this BS and see how angry it makes the rest of the country.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by jude11

At least the DNC didn't make this call. Could you imagine how lit up ATS would be?

Thank goodness it's the RNC. The people who protest the RNC are obviously rabble-rousers and no-goodnicks.
Any protesters who might show up are full of crap. Where have they been? Why haven't they been protesting the Democrats who have been in charge since 2006?

In case you didn't notice, they have been

But, the last time I checked, it wasn't the Democrats backing the tax breaks for their rich buddies, nor was it the Democrats in power in Michigan creating a dictatorship. I'm also pretty sure all those comments about gay people being denied equality and the stupid statements about women being raped denied the right to abort all came from retard Republicans too.

It's pretty clear for most intelligent people that while the Democrats are just as pathetic and corrupt as the Republicans, the Republicans are far more ignorant, dangerous, hateful and fundamentalist than the Democrats.

You just need to see their response to a peaceful protest to see that!

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by jude11

It only shows how the powers in this nation relegate dissenters to nothing more than criminals and domestic terrorist, freedom of speech in the US has been killed a long time ago, is just that you don't realized until you want to exercised publicly against the corruption we call government and their minions.

Welcome to the corporate dictatorship.

You are with them or against them.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:08 AM
Oh, to live in an egalitarian, ecologically-balanced system where protesting against top-heavy, greedy, destructive, self-serving, power-hungry policies was not necessary . . .

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:37 AM
Good Lord, these prison officials and the paranoid RNC members need to lock themselves up, if they are that worried about being attacked. They would be safe from protesters carrying Signs, might have a problem with those that have the need for some fresh meat. Chocolate Starfish lovers, LOL

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:39 AM
I read an article that I will not link due to the sarcasm of the story,

It tells that the ones to benefit the most from conventional parties are strip clubs, "escort providers" and the very elite areas where the rich and famous gather, in this instances is going to be downtown Tampa and the beach areas were access to the common citizen and tax payer has not business, see they have all the right to complain after all is 50 million dollars of tax payer money to pay for the hookers I mean escorts and all the orgies I mean luxurious fanfare the corruption we call government officials are to engage in their days prior to their main event of deceptions

That part of the whole party merry go around is not even talk about unless is in inner circles.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by pajoly
I live here. No one I know is getting anywhere near that cluster muck. There are 3500 cops and other security personnel and most of downtown is blocked off. The Coast Guard has closed down the water ways and are patrolling in gun boats.

Happily, the out of towners will be freaked by the little weather we'll get here Monday night and Tuesday, so that'll be fun.

c'mon, you have billionaires at various "functions" there that are going to have their asses kissed all can't have common american trash around to spoil the moneylords debauchery.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:46 AM
The preparation of jailing protesters reminds me of this scene in A Clockwork Orange:

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
I read an article that I will not link due to the sarcasm of the story,

It tells that the ones to benefit the most from conventional parties are strip clubs, "escort providers" and the very elite areas where the rich and famous gather, in this instances is going to be downtown Tampa and the beach areas were access to the common citizen and tax payer has not business, see they have all the right to complain after all is 50 million dollars of tax payer money to pay for the hookers I mean escorts and all the orgies I mean luxurious fanfare the corruption we call government officials are to engage in their days prior to their main event of deceptions

That part of the whole party merry go around is not even talk about unless is in inner circles.

that's right...just go to craigs' list....they are lining up for carnel fun. the RNC has to keep the wealthy penises happy and satisfied.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by pajoly

I am more worried about the rain. We don't need anymore, that is for sure. This storm needs to go to Texas and then go water our Grain belt.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 10:08 AM
Ya Fools!
Anybody who believes the FBI and DHS "Intelligence" announcements is brain dead......
The ploy is obvious, and they thus set up a licence for themselves to "over police" the whole event.(which represents possible thousands of dollars in each cops pocket)plus a plethora of free stuff for the police departments....which of course, they get to keep......and deploy later of course.....
Then as has been PROVED they send in police agents to whip the crowds into mob activity.The police agents LEAD the people in destroying property and such, by doing the vadalizing thremselves!
Its sickening to watch the people being psychologically controlled by the PTB.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 10:11 AM

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by jude11

Having a peaceful protest is the only way to win the battle that is the protest. Peaceful sit ins and chanting is what I support. That how you win the battle, never by losing control of your emotions and resorting to anger and violence. When that happens the protesters lose and there adversaries win. On the other hand, I've read a story or two about a few riot agitators (many of a conspiracy as to their real identities, ie off duty cops or hired thugs) posing as protesters to begin the violence so arrests can be made and the protest be broken up.

What ever the case may be let's all hope and pray next week's protests go off without any bull# and that prison remains empty.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:05 PM
"Anarchists are those who consider the state to be unnecessary, harmful, or otherwise undesirable, and favour instead a stateless society."

Oh the anarchists!! Puhleeease..... the only ones doing any damage will be in uniform. Any "vandalism" (see plain clothes uniform) won't be from joe nobody.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Lysergic

supposedly called the officer a racial slur

The officer has apparently has a history of bad choices

Two supposed wrongs don't make an apparent right. Is that what's being said here? Please...

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