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Idaho Republican Wonders if Women Even Know What Rape Is

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:12 AM
Idaho Republican Wonders if Women Even Know What Rape Is

In the wake of Todd Akin’s moronic and ignorant comments about “legitimate rape,” you would think the Republican Party would have the good sense to just shut the hell up about rape in general. But no, they just can’t help themselves as they stand in judgment of the female race, like some sick and twisted wanna be paternal figure who’s really a closet sadist.

Take, for instance, Idaho Republican Chuck Winder. Winder [snip] is wondering whether women, mindless, fragile women, are capable of knowing what rape even is. Addressing his detractors — women’s groups who claim his double ultrasound law traumatizes women who are the victims of rape and incest, and for whom there are no exceptions — Winder wondered in March of this year:

“Rape and incest was used as a reason to oppose this. I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape . I assume that’s part of the counseling that goes on.”

So if a woman goes to a physician with a "rape issue", this moron wonders whether these women even know what getting thrown to the ground and sexually violated means?

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:17 AM
I just like the ppl categorically denying this has anything to do with restricting access to abortion or emergency contraceptives. These suggestions are clearly politically motivated on behalf of religious / pro-life agendas.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage
why on earth would any doctor ask a rape victim about marriage relations ??
why would any dr treating a rape victim assume the victim was married in the first place ?

this guy is so far out in left field, i doubt he could recognize a pregnancy.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:31 AM
I certainly will never defend a fool like this and I'll bet few if any find a real life Conservative or Republican they know to chat with who will. Never let it be said that the Right doesn't have a rather EXTREME wing of complete imbeciles which brings shame to all decent folk that might share general ideology.

It mentions abortion so to the very limited extent I'll really ever get into that explosive topic, I'll just say that abortion for Rape or Incest, either and equally, should be unrestricted by any considerations which may be in place to discourage the birth control reality which some do use it for.

In the event people claim rape which really weren't...well, I say it's none of his or anyone else's business to be Sherlock Holmes to solve the case. The damage any such thing does to victims can never be justified in any way, period. Idaho isn't a bad state.....and they can do a lot better than a man like that. Government is WAYYY out there beyond where it ever should be in so many ways.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:35 AM

was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape .

Uh, sounds like he saying are these women getting knocked up and then lying about being raped so that they can get the abortion. It doesn't sound like he is in any way suggesting women don't know what rape is.

I get that its become fashionable to highlight dumb things Republicans say, but this was five months ago and frankly I wonder if some women get pregnant and lie about being raped to abort the kid too. Doesn't mean I think women don't know what rape is.

ETA I think it's pretty clear who the actual morons here are.
edit on 24-8-2012 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:39 AM
Wow....I can't believe this! From a victim at age 15... I babysat for the guy...I say this is disgusting what's coming out lately!!!

I thought people were idiots when I was 15 and yes..I prosecuted, he was murdered before anything was done...but..back then..46 now...people were even more harsh then what I thought they were today with all the info out on rape.

Lord, was I wrong! People are just as harsh and judging as they were 20 years ago...errrr cough30cough years ago.

Ok..I'm old..don't rub it

But on a serious note I want my rapist to know that his actions still effect me today. Sure, you can get help to deal but it never goes away...what you did still goes threw my mind. My body healed but my heart did not. Again...I gave it to god, I tried to get help...and although I don't lose sleep over it today..lits always w/ got the easy way this life......

edit on 24-8-2012 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:52 AM
I guess I'm slow tonight.. About time for sleep I suppose, but the other likely meaning of his words here just hit me. Going by what he said and how he said he, I believe he's one of those rare creatures of pure, unmitigated ignorance (to put a nice face on it) that honestly believe rape can't happen within a marriage.

Anyone else see that or think I'm missing the mark? I mean I've heard that said a time or two over the years, I just can't believe it when I hear it...and if the comparison he's drawing there doesn't suggest that thinking behind it, what does? Wow... Idaho needs to see this guy gets himself a well deserved retirement for all the golf or whatever neanderthals do when no longer needed. Maybe he can remodel his cave or something.
edit on 24-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: Someday...I'm going to destroy this spell checker.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:53 AM
sorry I deleted my post...
edit on 24-8-2012 by hesse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

That makes sense considering he threw marriage and not just sex into the equation. I still think outrage should be reserved consodering we are having to guess.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by hesse

Wow!!!!! I cannot believe what you said!!!

You see people...perfect example of people not getting it!!! Apparently people are just as ignorant as they were 30, 40, 20 yrs ago. That is why people are trying to educate about rape now because of all the ridiculous things people are saying. Again...perfect example from this guy! He's not even going to read the post? Just give us your very uneducated opinion..


You should not have even commented since its making you sick! HeartlessRude

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Unlike Democrats, Republicans can quickly throw out some imbecile like this and say good riddance. These poeple claiming they are conservative should be thrown out immediately.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage
why on earth would any doctor ask a rape victim about marriage relations ??
why would any dr treating a rape victim assume the victim was married in the first place ?

this guy is so far out in left field, i doubt he could recognize a pregnancy.

He implying women are cheaters and had extra marital affairs that want abortions. The reality is that some women would get an abortion if they got pregnant from an affair or because they want a divorce from their husbands who they might be pregnant by and claimed they had got raped. or maybe i got that wrong? just trying to put 1+1 together

30, 40, 20 yrs ago. yeah from the look of it he was around before 20,30,40 years ago he just kept the same ideas.

edit on 24-8-2012 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by hesse

The democrats are pushing this issue to show the stupid republicans who should be removed.

No, means No.

How about the death penalty for rapists and child molesters. It's worse than murder for the many, many, many, many victims.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by tracehd1

Wow, I did not mean to be rude. My apologies. I know what rape is! I think its scary what some of the US officials have to say about it. However, If I want to read about it or not is my busines, im sorry I should not have posted that comment.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Unlike Democrats, Republicans can quickly throw out some imbecile like this and say good riddance. These poeple claiming they are conservative should be thrown out immediately.

Now that I won't argue with.... After some serious soul searching and consideration about where values and politics meet, I'm going to vote against Akin, despite what that means. I know better than most, what that means for who does win if a majority in the state do the same........and I think they very well may.

No question, Politicians in general and no pass given to Republicans by any stretch, just have no business forming public policy when they are this shallow and ignorant. (or outright mean spirited..and I wonder sometimes with individuals)


You do have a point about the uncertainty, even if it is only slight. Perhaps someone from Idaho will wander by and give a local perspective about what this guy is like from that side....

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Happy1

The state of Louisiana tried to exterminate a child rapist and molester, but the Supreme Court said "no".

Why doesn't the US make a stand and differentiate ourselves from Sharia law?

Wonder why?

What's coming our way?

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Happy1

Hell yeah! I would be all for it! What scumbags! It makes me sad that such things even happen. I beat a guys ass on a train because he was groping a woman between the legs, and NO she didnt like it and was scared. I punched him in the face!

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by hesse

Awwwwww your awesome!! Tysm for the apology. I get your sick of it however...obviously we need to Dicuss this because lately people are making Un-educated remarks where rape is concerned. By talking about it...maybe we can change some minds....

In your post that I yelled about...I know you were NOT sticking up for what the politian's were saying...I just thought it was way rude to say you were sick of seeing people talk about it. Sometimes..that's all victims need is an ear...and again..maybe we can change some minds.

Tysm again for being a stand-up guy and admitting you might have offended me...Or others..(s)
edit on 24-8-2012 by tracehd1 because: Add

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Im still rather rather unclear if he meant to say there is sometimes an issue with people claim7ng they were raped so they can easily abort, if hes talking about married women getting raped by the husband or what. I certainly dont take his statement as claiming women dont know when theyre raped. That wording is just to drum up an emotional response.

I hadnt considered the you cant rape your wife stance. Was a very good point.

I have really grown tired of the Republican party, not just recently but the latest deluge of dumbassery is rather astounding. Its obviously being milked with the elections coming up, but its still just mortifying our politicians are this dumb.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by tracehd1

I dont understand how anyone could not really understand what rape is and does to victims. People are crazy. I would always help a woman in trouble! I just get very emotional when I read about the topic. I think it good your trying to change some minds. People got to be really lost if they minds need to be changed about the subject.

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