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Arizona man finds what he believes will change American prehistoric history....

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Very true on that and I ought to keep that more in mind given how I'm living in an area largely formed by that. err.. Maybe there will be more found buried or underground over time. There have been things found in caves and caverns around the world. Why not here. So much of the caverns are still unknown and unexplored too. There may be more to find we just haven't gotten to in North America.

Come to think of it, even the very large Cavern that Silver Dollar City in Branson is built around has only been explored out so far.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:43 AM
Thanks, Slayer, for taking the time to post this kind of amazing threads.

All that you (and the other members) are talking about remins me of Michael Cremo.

There´s a lot of controversy around the topic, and it´s good to try and remain open to any possibilities.

It´s absolutely clear that we´ve been around here for long.... and then almost wiped out....and then again.....

Quite terrifing if you ask me

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I think long time ago North America was connected to Japan and Russia (where now there is the Mariana trench) while South America was connected to Australia and New Zealand (this part of land is now submerged). The whole Pacific plate was not there yet.

Crossing the Bering Strait was - if this is true - of no use, since Asia America's and Australia were one big continent. These thoughts of mine have some connections with the Expando theory of Earth.

Foolish idea? Who knows...

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 08:50 AM
Well Slayer as usual more thought provoking fair for us to digest. Should this guy's find pan out, it will be truely ground breaking.

I often think that mainstream scientists are very stiff and unopen in their thinking. Some anomolous find sends them into a frenzy of denial. because it might upset their applecart of beliefs. Only a few of them are openminded enough to realize that we don't know everything, and the only constant in life is change.

When I was in college, and took classes in physical anthropology, I learned the theories that were believed at that time. Now, many years later I have had to change my thinking many times due to new discoveries coming to light.I have always believed that scientists have not given early man the credit which should be his due. They assume that because it was long ago, that man couldn't have been smart enough to do certian things, like come across the Atlantic tens of thousands of years ago.

I think that they forget that at that time they already had some sofisticated tools and life was centered around survival. These people were good at survival ,and lived close to their environment. They were in tune with the world of nature. Modern man has lost a great deal of that, and therefore thinks that those "primitive people" were the same dimwitted animals that they used to be portrayed as.

As far as having boats and other technology like that, they have no idea what kind of tech ancient man had due to those things not being preserved in time. But to assume that man couldn't have done certian things due to primitive times I believe is just simply wrong. Man was as intelligent and inventive then as he is now. He just worked with different materials, and had different knowlege than we have today.

If these "tools" prove to be as old as some seem to think, then it would add support to one of my pet theories. That man was here alot sooner than is believed. I think that North America was populated when human ancestors first started to explore their world and finds like this ,if proven out , will just support that belief.S&F

edit on 8/24/2012 by lonegurkha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Not very ancient that we know of but still impressive...

In North America we find Mound builders who were possibly contemporaries of the Aztec and maybe even the Maya



Cahokia kəhoʊkiːə is the site of an ancient Native American city (650-1400 CE) near Collinsville, Illinois in the American Bottom floodplain, across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri. The 2,200-acre (8.9 km2) site includes at least 109 man-made earthen mounds. Cahokia Mounds is the largest archaeological site related to the Mississippian culture, which developed advanced societies in eastern North America centuries before the arrival of Europeans.[1]

Slayer, I love your threads, they are always interesting and thought-provoking, thanks.

Wrabbit, I also used to lament that there weren't sites like in Central America or Giza in North America. I've lived in Illinois much of my life and had heard of "Indian mounds" since I was a kid. I imagined relatively small burial mounds, and never in my wildest dreams imagined something the scope of Cahokia right here in Illinois until I visited there.

If you live in the Show Me state, Cahokia is very close to St. Louis, just across the state border in Illinois and right off I-55. I'm sure thousands of people drive by it on I-55 every day without even realizing it exists But it is definitely worth a day trip.

They have a small but very nice museum there and you can walk all around the site and climb the mounds. I recommend visiting the museum first, as it helps understand what you are seeing. The "mounds" are actually earthen pyramids built by moving about 55 million cubic feet of earth. The base of the largest pyramid at Cahokia is bigger than the Great Pyramid at Giza, and it's the "third or fourth biggest pyramid in the world, in terms of volume” according to archaeologist Tim Pauketat of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

They have eroded over a millennium, but once you realize what you are looking at, it strongly reminded me of Teotihuacan. And it's beginnings would have been contemporary with the latter period of Teotihuacan. I think there must have been cross-cultural influence.

But none of this describes the feeling of standing on top of a 1000-1400 year old pyramid right in the middle of the USA, looking out over the Mississippi valley. I think anyone who enjoys Slayer's threads would enjoy visiting Cahokia, especially if you never imagined there was something like this right in the middle of the USA.

Here is the official Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I have a hard time believing that hes finding these thousands of year old artifacts sitting on top of TOP SOIL! From the video it doesn't even appear as if he has to dust them off
not usually typical of something that is thousands of years old...

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:17 AM
This also reminds me that many 12,000 years or older settlements
seem to be in desert regions. Worldwide, as well as in the Americas.
Obviously not all, but Clovis NM
is certainly desert as well as Arizona. Chaco canyon, etc.
The high deserts of Bolivia and Chile.
Is this because they were more temperate during and just after the last ice age?

And I'm officially up to date now (I think) on all you Ancient Civilization
threads after reading the America Rocked thread.
Again Slayer, absolutely fantastic intriguing and extremely well written.
It's more Thesis than Thread.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
reply to post by Murgatroid

correct, I'm near rockwall texas....
it's not just a large city, it's where the giants that God ordered to be burried till the last day built a 3 mile by 5 mile structure. complete with fossilized skulls. just like Indianna's famous collection. but it's kept really quiet.

This is very fascinating, where did you hear about the story of the buried giants? Is the city easily discernible from the terrain?
edit on 24-8-2012 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Sly1one

It wouldn't be the first time a site has been exposed by weathering. I'm not arguing this man has found a real site [He may have found one though] but as far as artifacts being on the surface exposed in that manner. It isn't unheard of is all I'm saying.

Not every find needed to be excavated.

Pot and ceramic pieces etc and other ancient artifacts are routinely found all over the world in certain locations just sitting out in the open. Which is why they don't usually last very long after that point. Once they are exposed again to the elements the natural weathering usually destroys them relatively quickly after that point.

If they are what he thinks he has found, We are talking about stone age tools. Made of stone so, they would last longer than something made artificially from human hands...

So were does this possibly leave us?
edit on 24-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by PragmaticBeliever

I appreciate the feedback. Cremo makes some rather interesting statements. [I don't believe much of what he has written but] he does raise some interesting questions and presents some anomalies that have been pushed aside and over looked.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Sly1one

It wouldn't be the first time a site has been exposed by weathering. I'm not arguing this man has found a real site [He may have found one though] but as far as artifacts being on the surface exposed in that manner. It isn't unheard of is all I'm saying.

Not every find needed to be excavated.

Pot and ceramic pieces etc and other ancient artifacts are routinely found all over the world in certain locations just sitting out in the open. Which is why they don't usually last very long after that point. Once they are exposed again to the elements the natural weathering usually destroys them relatively quickly after that point.

If they are what he thinks he has found, We are talking about stone age tools. Made of stone so, they would last longer than something made artificially from human hands...

So were does this possibly leave us?
edit on 24-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Interesting and amazing at the same time being able to find ancient artifacts out in the open on the surface of top soil. I didn't know artifacts had actually been found that way before unless they were near water erosion areas or old dried river beds. Which may be the case here I'm not entirely sure. It will be interesting to see how this plays out but unfortunately I think the "current historic model" set forth by mainstream archeology is too hardened to be challenged or changed even with the most obvious of evidence. This guy has one hell of an uphill battle to wage...

The reason I don't think the current historic model with change is because too many people would have to humble themselves and say they were wrong. As well as open the door of speculation even further due to how much it would prove we don't know...

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:15 PM
Jesus Christ! Don't tell me he found Joseph Smiths missing plates given to him by the angel Moroni?? Just when all the major propaganda networks are pushing LDS prolefeed! How friggin conveeeeniant is that huh!!!

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by TimesUp
I've always believed this. This planet has been here for 6 billion years. If our current modern civilization started 100,000 ago and went from stone age to cloning and space travel then there is a long period of time before where this could have happened over and over again.
How can you believe science for ever? We keep updating it and changing the text books every 50 years.
What we think we really know is only temporary until they tell us what we know now.
But it's still "the law of science" or a working theory that we are forced to study and absorb as fact (even though it is temporary)

Exactly. Today's Church of Science is, in a lot of ways, no better than traditional religion in terms of the arrogance in which the Church's constituents portray in their apparent recognition of ultimate reality.

I see it having a lot to do with the Dark Ages, and subsequently, all of the heinous beliefs that were thrown around and acted upon. Now we have "empirical methods" to tell us what to believe as a back lash.

I was under the impression that we simply try to learn as much as we can, with an appreciation of what we're pretty damn sure of, through application, and a protection of the idea that maybe we're wrong, or maybe we don't know everything, or rather, what is possible.

edit on 24-8-2012 by Soloro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 08:03 PM
Evolution is a lie, any beleivers have fallin under Darwins trap and societies forced perception of humankind. We have creators, who have creators who were created by other creators. Deal with it.

For the next thousand years we wll continue to find more and more "evidence" that human kind have marked all over the continents in ancient times, has nothing to do with monkies or apes

The more we technologically advance, the more easier it is to travel and have the right archeological tools for new findings. Thats how we progress as an experimental race of the cosmos.

~ Love is an art

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Arizona man finds what he believes are ancient artifacts

PHOENIX -- An amateur archaeologist said he has made a discovery that could change the theory of how America was first settled, but the tough part may be getting someone to listen.

Ken Stanton can hardly control his enthusiasm as he shows off a site in north-central Phoenix that he says contains some ancient artifacts. “You can see them all through here, that's an artifact there,” said Stanton, as he point them out.

And while to most people it may look like a pile of rocks, Stanton said this site could change everything we think about how the Americas were settled. “This would be the first Acheulean stone tools, proof of it in the Americas period," Stanton said.

OK this is pretty amazing. I can't speak for the veracity of this guys find but, If true it will turn anthropologists and archeology on it's ear. Acheulean by it's very nature is prehistoric. Wiki puts it as follows...

Acheulean is the name given to an archaeological industry of stone tool manufacture associated with early humans during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia, South Asia, and Europe. Acheulean tools are typically found with Homo erectus remains. It is thought that they first developed out of the more primitive Oldowan technology as long as 1.76 million years ago, by Homo habilis.

There have been many controversial finds going back several decades here in the Americas too numerous to name them all. Now either he has found something worth further research or he just has an over active imagination and is just seeing what he wants in a pile of stones.

Should we let this possible find be dismissed? He does make a rather compelling argument.

As always, Stay tuned

edit on 23-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Hey Slayer hows it been. If this is the case it's going to be like hell to get anyone to listen I totally believe you. The Indians won't like this one bit, because there has been cases over the decades about things being found that shouldn't be in the new world the US. I truly can't wait for the day that someone finally gets enough pieces of the puzzle together to tell the whole human story and what happened on this planet.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:41 PM
Awesome find OP. I have found , myself and my grandfather, a very very old aboriginal site that as far as we know, only myself and him know about it . There are still holes in the ground where the aborigines would light fires and then bury their food to cook it . There are carvings and paintings in the caves around the site , gouges in the trees where they used to remove the wood or bark to make bowls , weapons , tools , communication devices , and canoes. There are actual human bones that my grandfather has laid down his aboriginal law and told me i cannot touch them or tell anyone where they are . Every time we go there, as we are walking in , he is calling out words i cannot understand and when i asked he said " Im letting them know we are here mate, so they dont get angry. They can really go off if you dont respect 'em. "

I fell very priviledged to be one of only 2 people to now about this place and hope that no one else stumbles across it like my grandfather did years and years ago. I wil ask him if it is ok for me to take photographs and to show you guys its a really awesome site.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Chai_An

Originally posted by Chai_An
This is very fascinating, where did you hear about the story of the buried giants?

What I found very interesting about this Ancient city unearthed in Rockwall Texas is that just like so MANY other discoveries that do not fit into the Illuminati's agenda, it has obviously been covered-up.


Examples of Cover-ups:

Quest for Death Valley Giants and the Cover Up

I asked about what happened to the full bodies and the older curator said University of Berkeley had came and taken all the giant skeletons away for study decades ago and this was all that had survived that grab. ...if you research into giants or other races they will end your career immediately, we are told to say it’s all 1800’s media fraud regardless of the evidence, it’s pretty controversial, again if you ask questions you’ll be working at McDonalds tomorrow”. Source

Well, evidences abound, and this is one. I should say that there could be many more at hand, but when they have been found by Darwinians, they have been ignored, hidden or simply destroyed. Destroyed by those who later on demand such evidence. An example of this is the "mysterious" disappearance of more than 50 perfectly kept gigantic antediluvian skeletons (between 10-14 feet tall) found in a cave in Arizona. You may, or not, have heard that Mr. Samuel Hubbard, discovered remains of giants in a cave in the magnificent Grand Canyon of Arizona."Source

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by hoghead cheese

Blast from the past.

Great to see ya out and about and thanks for the reply

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 04:46 AM
AARRRRGGHH!!!! The further I read, the further down the rabbit hoel I go. It's pretty amazing how there's been pyramids and ancient civilizations that have been sitting under my nose, so to speak. Thank you everyone for your posts, you keep posting them, I will keep reading them.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69 this will help you all of your ??? so I say check it out.
Ken Stanton

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