Just here to say I'm following this thread,
It's checking out pretty fascinating on my Triangle UFO obsession.
My sister's in Willamsburg so I asked her to look up occasionally .
So yeah, love the giant triangle sightings.
I think these craft are Ours (USA), and are really really big
but I bet they have much smaller ones as well.
Some witnesses say up to a mile between lights?
I say with no evidence they are made of Graphene and Aerogel,
just because they are so big.
I also think the shell is a big ol' screen that can project what's behind it
to the sides being viewed from the ground.
And since it's a screen it can move lights all around
big ones small ones etc. However, along the edges,
especially in the 3 corner triangle position, people report a fiery
orange, beautiful, undulating light, thats brilliant, but doesn't hurt the eyes.
These have me fascinated and I have followed stories since Phoenix in 97.
Here are some
famous Triangles that I think look and act similar below.
Smaller Triangle version?
And a version of a giant Triangle, that's working it's screen hard.
And no these are not night jumping paratroopers.
These are still. As in no fluctuations.
I remember the SyFy show, Fact or Faked, did a story on this El Paso
sighting and a couple interesting things happened.
First the Golden Knights, an Army expo parachuting team,
claimed it was them practicing. ...
you know like they do over heavily populated cities, at night, with no warning.
And they admitted this fast. The military was like Yep! We goofed!! Sorry it was Us!
This would make sense if they were indeed paratroopers because it would help with
potential lawsuits from people realizing there were paratroopers floating over their homes
with powerful spark emitters.
I'm gonna rant a bit
So the Fact or Faked team aired their video of paratroopers doing what the UFO did
(but not really) & proclaimed abruptly, as the show ended, "Yep thats definitely the explanation".
"The Golden Knights." "You're welcome."
I was like WTF? wait wait wait.... I watched and they simply, and obviously,
froze the video and used a still just when the troopers got into a (fleeting)Triangular position
And it was obviously just for a second or two.. (if someone says "any 3 points in the sky
make a triangle" I'll smack them with an iPad playing videos of triangle UFO's one after another)
Anyway ...Fact or faked ended their show with this video still
and said case closed. They never continued the video.
So blah blah, this is why I speculate wildly and say triangles are military.
Fact or Faked dismissed it in a lame haphazard way and got seemingly quick help from an extremely
talented group of professional sky divers with just the right gear.
Hmm..maybe Golden Knights in civilian garb? And yeah, they are incredibly talented
paratroopers, just not talented enough to freeze in mid-air.
Anyway if as much work went into the investigation as the recreation, I'd be a little happier.
But I still wouldn't buy their lame explanation. How about playing the whole tape of the jump Fact or Faked?
Sorry I went a little nuts.
Told you I'm into Triangles.
El Paso Triangle:
edit on 20-8-2012 by sealing because: (no reason given)