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Originally posted by cassiper
OMGosh this is atrocious! Really!? Is that why there are children that are a product of rape?
If he looks like an idiot and sounds like an idiot... (wait for it)... he's probably an idiot!
Originally posted by Lannister
reply to post by sonnny1
I obviously do not defend rape and I never said I agreed with his opinion. I think his words were chosen poorly. It is a serious question and I think it comes down to how much do we value life and when does life begin? If we can define when life begins, we can more easily use tools like abortion for situations such as rape/incest. For instance, if we say life begins with a heart beat, then you have a few weeks prior to that where abortion would be acceptable - well within the window needed for a rape victim.
Originally posted by Lannister
reply to post by sonnny1
I obviously do not defend rape and I never said I agreed with his opinion. I think his words were chosen poorly. It is a serious question and I think it comes down to how much do we value life and when does life begin? If we can define when life begins, we can more easily use tools like abortion for situations such as rape/incest. For instance, if we say life begins with a heart beat, then you have a few weeks prior to that where abortion would be acceptable - well within the window needed for a rape victim.
Originally posted by jimmyx
matter of choice?....yes, yes it is. now you got it....china= no choice...america=choice
Originally posted by Lannister
If a man murders a pregnant woman he would be charged with 2 counts of murder. Yet if that same woman aborted that same child that same day it's called family planning. Only in the twilight zone. But sure, make sure a woman never has to be responsible for a child that she doesn't want, but make sure you throw a man in prison for 18 years and destroy his entire life for missing a single child support payment.
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by neformore
That's the problem right there. Not that the Senator has this uninformed and ignorant belief, but that there are VOTERS out there who agree with him and will use their votes to keep him in office and help him get his controlling agenda passed.
reply to post by jimmyx
Originally posted by jimmyx
matter of choice?....yes, yes it is. now you got it....china= no choice...america=choice
I once used this argument to turn a staunch anti-abortionist into a pro-choicer. The question boils down to: Should a woman have the choice to get an abortion or NOT to get an abortion - or should the government make this choice for her? The choice must remain in the hands of the people, not the government.
To the argument, "Is abortion killing"? I say yes, IMO, it is. But we "kill" viruses, germs, and even ants and mosquitoes every day and we don't consider that "murder". It all depends on the value of the "life" to each person. My husband captures almost any bug in the house and takes it outside to set it free. I'm likely to swat it and be done with it. But I'm not going to be bothered by people calling abortion "killing". If something is growing in my body and I don't want it there for any reason, I have the right to make it stop (or kill it), because I own the rights to my body. The government does not.
Originally posted by seagull
Let the stereotyping begin...
Oh, wait, it has...pity.
Yes the comments were outrageously stupid...god yes they were. Certainly worthy of a "WTF did he just say?" moment, or even two. He'd certainly have lost my vote...assuming for a moment I'd have been contemplating voting for him in the first place.
Honestly now... Dems don't say equally stupid things? Really? Honesty should compel some of you to at least pretend to search for living breathing examples of Dem stupidity...
Originally posted by de_Genova
A person is not a part of another person. They are independent in soul and body. The mother is host
Independent - : not subject to control by others : self-governing (2) : not affiliated with a larger controlling unit (1) : not requiring or relying on something else
Host - a : a living animal or plant on or in which a parasite lives
Originally posted by zero1020
Not surprised in the least. Religious people are completely insane but they are the majority so nothing we can do. Republican = religious nut bags.
Originally posted by Hefficide
For those who are interested - a pretty good summary of Congressman Akins voting record, by category. This helps with context and to counter any "You're basing your opinion on one gaff" arguments.
Not surprised in the least. Religious people are completely insane but they are the majority so nothing we can do. Republican = religious nut bags.
I'm sorry but the day you can create a child on your own is the day you will have the right to abort it on your own.
Originally posted by Lannister
It is a serious question and I think it comes down to how much do we value life and when does life begin?
Originally posted by Lannister
... the problem I have with your arguement is that you did not place that "something" in your body on your own.
The way I see it, it took 2 people to make a child and it should take both people to abort it.
I'm sorry but the day you can create a child on your own is the day you will have the right to abort it on your own. It is not a woman's right to murder.
Originally posted by otherpotato
reply to post by Lannister
I'm sorry but the day you can create a child on your own is the day you will have the right to abort it on your own.
I can create a child on my own. I may have needed a man to put his penis inside of me before but thanks to years of modern science and Playboy magazine there is now and will be for the foreseeable future plenty of sperm available that has been freely given, all rights to any resulting children signed away by the person who donated the genetic material.
Thanks for acknowledging my rights. Appreciate that.