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Jehovahs Witnesses door to door Conspiracy.

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posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by paleorchid13

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by paleorchid13

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by paleorchid13

I've never had a rude or pushy Jehovah Witness come to my home. I treat them with respect, knowing it is their job, and they treat me likewise.

I'm saying that it is rude to come to people's homes because they're that hard up that everyone needs to hear ones' religious views. It's both pushy and rude to invade peoples private time at home.

What if I like to run around in the nude???

I've gotten sidetracked form the original OP ...I would be suspicious of anyone coming onto my property who I don't know . I've had people I don't know knock on my door and I've gotten their license plates and information. I don't respond kindly to strangers. Like I said, it's territorial pissings and you can never be too careful.
edit on 19-8-2012 by paleorchid13 because: (no reason given)

You know why they come. They would rather not come just as you would rather they didn't. Few people do what they believe is right when it is no fun and is dangerous and difficult, at least you could give them that. Every home could harbor a killer, rapist or someone who feels like you do.

Offering a scripture and an invite to the kingdom hall is surely not considered rude by normal standards. Personally I admire their guts!

I'm sorry, but I don't give them any credit for harassing people; because that's my definition of what they do. If it were atheists or Wiccans doing the same thing we would hear a very different tune.... I Guarantee it.

My motto is "no special rights ". Unless you agree to every Tom,Dick, and Harry knocking on your door to preach......especially to me; when I'm in the spiritual minority and have watched too many people get away with so much crap under the guise of "their religion"............than please don't tell me that THAT is your definition of honorable duty . Please .........

I live a very private life, but I have never and would never be rude to anyone coming to my door.

All you have to do is lie, I am sure that will have be problem, tell them you are an DISFELLOWSHIPPED Withness.

You will be put on a list to not call on. Also if you ask to be put on such a list they will. If some new person misses that message once a couple years someone may come anyway,

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by taccj9903

One time they came to one of my old jobs looking for me. I could have been fired.

I know it was them because they left propaganda.

These people need to wake up and realize that what they are doing is HARASSMENT. They're not spreading the good word but they'll get spread over something if they don't stop it.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:51 AM
I don't agree with their 'door-knocking' ethic ... but I think whilst they may be a bit of a pain in the @r$e they are harmless enough ... I've actually had some interesting doorstep discussions with them and like others have already said I tend to influence the conversation around to Paganism ... some years ago I had a couple of elderly JW's come calling and when I eventually let them bring the conversation to conclusion (30-40mins later) they seemed to have forgotten their original intent and I'd almost converted them ... the power of the Craft proves that 'real' magick is strong in it's subtlties - (true story)

I certainly don't see any reason to be rude to them whether we agree with their ways or not ... respect costs nothing.


posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:53 AM
Having been involved with these freaks, they are just like any other corporation on the planet. The rank and file believe they are doing good but the elders can be corrupt. The governing body most definitely is corrupt. Just like the catholic church, there is widespread coverups of evils they do, which includes pedophilia. Conspiracies are a very real thing, and if they cover up things as low as that, then who knows what else they cover up. Selling information to governments would definitely not be beyond them, after all, their primary goal is to make money.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
These people need to wake up and realize that what they are doing is HARASSMENT. They're not spreading the good word but they'll get spread over something if they don't stop it.

Be careful. Not all Witnesses are raised in the faith. Some join later in life. You may get an ex-Marine.

Char has it down pretty well, speaking as an ex JW. Field Service sucked but you gotta do what you believe in. As for being disfellowshiped, which I am, might work or you may get elders to see if you are willing to make a come back. Also all JW's are different. Yes I got naked people at the door. Being pretty unflappable didn't bother me. Probably would most though.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by intrepid

My mother is quick with a broom so keep up on the cardio.

Just some friendly advice.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:59 AM
I have a "NO SOLICITATION" sign on my door. It works. I never ever EVER have anyone soliciting my house for anything. Though I see them wandering the neighborhood now and then (JW and Mormans and some other odd group of women in prairie dresses
). My house is always skipped.

But to answer your, I do not believe they are CIA or any other ABC agency.....

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 11:07 AM
JWs have been going door-to-door for decades to spread their message. In the 40's, 50's, 60's, and even the 70's, householders really didn't need to be concerned about them. They were benign "message bearers".

However, in today's world of pedophiles, psychos, identity thieves, robbers, etc., I would have to think twice about just who is knocking on my door.

Also, they have to knock doors to remain in good standing in the religion. They have to turn in a report of hours spent doing this, literature left, return visits made, and bible studies conducted. Many of them probably don't really want to be out on a Saturday morning doing it, but if they don't report a certain quota of hours, the congregation looks down on them as spiritually weak. I have JW relatives....nice people, but they march in lock-step with whatever the religious leaders tell them.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by queenofswords

This is exactly why most jw's go door to door, while it's based on Jesus admonition in the bible to go 'from door to door and house to house' really in reality it's about keeping up with the jones, JW style. Meaning if you aren't out knocking on doors your fellow witnesses call you 'unspiritual', 'worldly', 'falling away from Jehovah'. It's all a fear mechanism to keep you knocking on doors, converting and docile to following orders for fear of the reprecussions. I should know I grew up as a JW and let me tell you yes it SUCKED, knocking on classmates doors on Saturday morning facing mortification sure to come Monday, was not a pleasant experience.

But I can tell you they are not government spies, nor do they keep notes on you to gather intel. The only reason they keep notes is in the hopes they can convert you and bolester their position in both the congregation and with God. They truly for the most part believe they are doing God's work and they take the fact that most christians do not do so as proof that they are God's people, because they are actually following their bibles.

As mentioned in other replies, tell them you are a Satanist or say flat out, put me on your do not call list and they won't be back to harass or bother you. I have alot of family still in the cult and they are really good people just completely and utterly brainwashed that they are the sole bearers of truth and true christianity.

I saw a youtube once of this super hate filled guy who actually threw hot water on an elderly JW for knocking on his door, god pity the person who ever did something like that to my mother, they'd have to answer to me and I wouldn't reply with a watchtower. Sure she can be annoying to someone who's door she's knocking on but she's also a great mom, a good wife, a good person who does not deserve to have that treatment when in her own mind, she's doing something she believes is out of love for her fellow humanity.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:48 PM
Why do you leave out the Mormons? Because they only send young men or because one is running for president?
Also why do you not include door to door salesmen?

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:52 PM
The Government doesn't need agents to go door to door to get intelligence about your home.

The PATRIOT act gives the Government the authority to go into your home any time they like, without a warrant. All they need to do is label you a "terrorist" and they can enter at any time.

And do they need a judge to pin this label on you? Of course not.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by ManOfHart

They are just gullible idiots... I treat them as such every time.

You know what you should do? Next time, keep a porn mag at the ready, and a porn movie... when they come, say "oh yes... finally you are here, please come in."

Then you talk about how happy you are that you have been awakened and that you want to share what gave you this awakening. Then you start up the porn and watch the leave and never return again.

Jehova's witnesses are a fun type of sick people, because as easy as they were to lure into this fantasy world of religion, as easy they are to make believe that you get what they are saying.

Might as well get some fun out of them.

If only they weren't so f'ing busy missioning, it would be easier to just offer them the slightest amount of respect, but hey... their choice.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by ManOfHart

Here's a good movie clip from the Coneheads showing the fear you imagined. Two government agents pose as Jehovah's Witnesses to determine the foreign nature of the homeowners.

Who knows? Most Witnesses could be legit but there's a chance some could be agents. Both groups dress up in business attire.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by paleorchid13

but then to come and intrude on my turf to push your religious beliefs down my throat?

I don't know if it's exactly "pushing it down your throat" if you can shut your door or say that you're not interested.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 07:59 AM
Nah don't fear the Witnesses, it's the suited / booted male Mormon missionary tag team you want to watch for.
Before you know what's hit you, you are plied with Bowling, Uno and end up sat in front of a computer inputting census info to be sent off to the FBI.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:09 AM
I thought we give plenty of info about ourselves to the government, free on Facebook.
You could always take up their offer and go with them and check out their church. I really don't get theier idea of going house to house, door to door when they read the bible as only 144,000 are going to heaven. Correct me of I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they read:

And they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. For it is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:18 AM
Explanation: ...

Jehovah Witnesses and critical bible students, Please listen up. (by Theophorus posted on 6-5-2011 @ 05:47 PM) [ATS]

My reply, which is completely applicable in this thread also, was as follows ...

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by Theophorus

Explanation: Uhmmm?

Here ....

How to Get Rid of Jehovah's Witnesses []

Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe that we're living in the last days, most people are trapped in false religion, and it is their commission to preach the good news of God's Kingdom that will solve all of mankind's problems. They want you to be a part of that wonderful future.

They will often schedule a Bible study with one of their publications for you, if you show interest.

If you are not interested in speaking to them, it is easy to get rid of them without getting angry or being rude.

3 Request to be put on a 'Do Not Call' list. Your house is part of a numbered territory card. A congregations total territory will be divided up into these small territory cards. At any given time many of these are in circulation with various "publishers" (a responsible JW preacher). Usually included with each card is a "do not call" list. So, if you want on that list, you need to tell the person who called at your door. Someone in their group will likely have the territory card with them. Be polite when making this request.

Personal Disclosure: I am a disfellowshiped baptised brother of the JW's and I am no longer a practicing Christian. The Solution is a simple as asking to be placed on THEIR do not call list! No need to argue theology AT ALL!

edit on 7-5-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited to fix buggy quote bbcode.

Personal Disclosure: I hope that helps!

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
The Government doesn't need agents to go door to door to get intelligence about your home.

The PATRIOT act gives the Government the authority to go into your home any time they like, without a warrant. All they need to do is label you a "terrorist" and they can enter at any time.

And do they need a judge to pin this label on you? Of course not.

All you now is be "belligerent".

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by ManOfHart

If you are or were a Christian and believed whole heartedly that the end is near, and that you have been ordered by God through go out and speak the truth and spread the word.

You would do so. if you had the love and compassion necessary to care that everyone is aware that time is short.

I can't understand everyone's constant beef with these people as they are nearly the only ones doing exactly what their bible say to do! Which would be no fun at all! there would be bad dogs and bad people to face. I have great respect for anyone who acts on their convictions so strongly.

They come to your door because they give a darn about whether you live through their last days or not. Why else would anyone do it!

Unlike the Mormans JW's do not own big business through the congregations, they only own printing facilities operated non profit. Most of the literature is given away free.

can't hurt to respect people can it.

You are either a Jehovahs Witness or you know very little about this group. I was raised a JW and spent half of my life indoctrinated into this cult. They do great damage to themselves and their family members. The group is not benign. True most are so blinded by the dictates of the Watchtower Bible and tract society, that they have no clue how much they hurt themselves and those whom they love and who love them, and it does seem courageous going door to door, but the picture you painted of them is not accurate. I respectfully suggest you do a search on these people in this forum and educate yourself. Sorry, if I seem harsh, thats not my intention. Peace.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by crawdad1914

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by ManOfHart

If you are or were a Christian and believed whole heartedly that the end is near, and that you have been ordered by God through go out and speak the truth and spread the word.

You would do so. if you had the love and compassion necessary to care that everyone is aware that time is short.

I can't understand everyone's constant beef with these people as they are nearly the only ones doing exactly what their bible say to do! Which would be no fun at all! there would be bad dogs and bad people to face. I have great respect for anyone who acts on their convictions so strongly.

They come to your door because they give a darn about whether you live through their last days or not. Why else would anyone do it!

Unlike the Mormans JW's do not own big business through the congregations, they only own printing facilities operated non profit. Most of the literature is given away free.

can't hurt to respect people can it.

You are either a Jehovahs Witness or you know very little about this group. I was raised a JW and spent half of my life indoctrinated into this cult. They do great damage to themselves and their family members. The group is not benign. True most are so blinded by the dictates of the Watchtower Bible and tract society, that they have no clue how much they hurt themselves and those whom they love and who love them, and it does seem courageous going door to door, but the picture you painted of them is not accurate. I respectfully suggest you do a search on these people in this forum and educate yourself. Sorry, if I seem harsh, thats not my intention. Peace.

NP we all have our opinions, I wholeheartedly believe I likely know more then you about them. I also know a lot about Catholics and many other religions. I totally respect people who actually read their own bible if they are going to try and sell their belief to someone else.

I asked a few questions of any Catholic I know, and they tell me they let their "Father' interpret the bible and NO they did not read it.

The bible does say to go to the people and bring them the word...such as Acts 20. I can't see what harm anyone does by offering something you can say no to. Again I ask why are Mormons left out of this discussion. They also admonish people to leave the unbelievers behind and they do collect wealth and own huge chains. They take your fee will to smoke and drink and many other non biblical demands.

I read the bible through the first time when I was 11. I read it through many times after and as many other ancient writings as I could find, searching for the roots of them all. JW's are one of the groups that follow closest to what I read there.

Their way of living in comparison to the general public is healthy, you may have issues from being raised in their group against your will but that does not make it harmful. You may have issues with certain people or your Family because of this group but that also does not make them harmful. You would have issues if you are gay, but they are not the only religion who rejects gay sex, not gay people. Compare to other religions, the largest reason I can see to single them out is because they are not as loose with their connection. They actually require something of the follower.

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