Being a volcanic area there is probably stations there to take readings and probably housing of some sort for the scientists that go there for a
couple days to retrieve the data.
Air Vents from an underground tunnel or underground facility.
The 6' x 6' low structure on top of it could be to protect the free flow of air from snow accumulation and protection from undesirables like wild
animals and humans alike.
It is obviously maintained/guarded.
Trees have been cut, trails around it are visible from space.
To bad the date on Google puts it september 21, 2003 quite a old shot
from Google Earth that one area definitly looks beachy even equipted with a boarder
of white sand. What is interesting also is the 2 cloud like white patches at the lower part of the island
it looks as if something was definitely blocked out at those places not sure if you'll be able to see
them from the ops pic's 62°5'45.64"N 119°53'29.82"W check out the whole Island it's a weird abnormality.