posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by daskakik
look you are just copping out now to avoid getting in trouble.... that is not what you meant or said or were thinking of, and that is just sad. It
doesnt help you in any way shape or is a little sad....
I will leave you to it and only post this to say that. You can have the last word, or all of them for that matter.
I want to thank you for showing me that some people are just not willing to be wrong and in that, refuse to see their next step. To them being right
and absolute is all they want. Some people are just camels and all the water in the world won't inspire in them the thirst for greater understanding.
I hope you always feel comfortable in what you think you know and are never scared by what you don't. I hope you are always a master and never the
servant. I wish you all the wealth and happiness in the world and hope it doesn't leave you empty and numb inside. Be content.
good luck and good bye. enjoy ATS and try contributing sometime, it is how you grow. Not just here ,but in life. if not, your just a big fish in a
small pond, or fat kid in tight shorts....either way you look silly.
try being kick ass some time. try it on for size and learn something new. Maybe even blow your mind is not that scary and actually
feels great....good luck either way...
chau bacalao.....