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Tourist Slave Wages taking Aussie Jobs

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posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 06:35 AM
One of the things I enjoyed the most about my R&R in Sydney 43 years ago was the ethnic diversity.... The only violence I witnessed were a couple of drunks fighting in front of the Whiskey A GoGo in Kings Cross... A group of white guys tried to shake me down for my money near a park in the Kings Cross area but my Texas accent, response to the question "which branch of the military are you in" and my size must have been what deterred them.... A sailor that I shared a suite with for the six days we were there and myself were invited to a suburban leagues club where we met and danced with girls from all over the world... The girls from the foreign countries or girls native to Australia with parents from other countries had a lot more class than many of the Australian girls we encountered especially at the leagues club.....Growing up and living in the Southwestern part of the US I have seen a lot of racist people and hostility directed to the Tejuano people that inhabited the area long before white European and people of Scots Irish lineage became citizens of Mexico to acquire cheap land.... I had a lot of Mexican American friends as a child and never understood why other white people had dislike for them... Other kids I went to school with were told by their parents they couldn't play with me because I had Mexican friends..... Nowadays there are more of them coming into the country than ever before because of Richard Nixon's war on drugs and the violence occurring in their country as well as to provide better lives for their children...... It is a crying shame that there are so many people that find it necessary to blame a people that are willing to work harder than themselves because they aren't able to or think they should have to because of some silly idea that they deserve more money because of their color or the language they grew up speaking.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Mickierocksman
You’re not happy I believe because you don’t understand yet WHY the world has to change for our species (that means all of us) to survive.

Not even close!

[ Good, most of it was foolish]
Hence the reason I don't agree doesn't mean he didn't have some points

[Being white means that you or your family were also an immigrant to this country, a land taken from the traditional owners – you can call it home but it’s not your land]
I am as Australian as any Aboriginal, they were immigrants too. My parents yes 10 pounders.
So yes bor here raised here god? willing will die here, it is my/our land. It could also be argued that we saved the indig, wonder how things would of gone if the Dutch, Germ, Japs got here first.

[Not sure if I understand this, do you not like a particular person or race? Is that based on their religion, ideals, education or the colour of their skin?]
NO, is that an attempt to make me racist?

[Aussie Ex-Pats do the same thing in all other countries, I agree it’s not right and needs to stop, but it is not only a human trait - animals do it too in nature too]
So I shouldn't be happy? Out of curiosity what does Ozzy town look like?

[Are you? Please tell me how because I have not seen or experienced this at all]
It would be a long list but what is the first Q on a Gov form usually? What freebies do u get?

[What culture does a white Aussie have? Is that football, BBQ’s, freedom and beer?, How is it being ‘destroyed]
Out of all the things u could pick u used that, true colours shining are they?

[ please tell me how immigrants are being intolerant of you]
Why are my tax $ spent on functions for female muslims only? Ever walk through an ethnic suburb at night with ya girl?

[See above, and replace intolerant with disrespect]
What started Cronulla riot?

[That’s an easy one! If you’re a humanitarian that cares ‘even just a little bit’ about those less fortunate than you, if you have compassion for those families that will die if they don't leave – then you should help]
If you could only help 1 out of 2 people do u help the 1 that would do the same for you or spit in your face?

[Again, who is changing the country, and into what? I live in the middle of our biggest city and I’m not seeing it change? & believe me, I notice everything]
Another long list, please see an optometrist. One of my most treasured possessions is a vid of my 1st kid singing 6 white boomers at Chrissy concert wont be able to do that for the 2nd 1 this year can't offend anyone can we.

[Sounds like you don’t give them either time or any understanding to do so - so why should they want to be like you?]
Wrong again & no one has to be like me, I love multicultualism just not what it has & will become.

[Just wondering, how many languages do you know? How many years would it take for you to learn one if you have never had an education before?)
Over my life 5, with a basic education 6months & you should be able to get around, 1 year, hold your own.
Without an education given the assistance offered & an effort made, not much longer.
I'm not talking a masters level but basic isn't to much to ask is it?

[(Complain to your government; ask them that question because they are the ones accepting the money and allow it to happen - Mickierocksman)]
You appear to be endorsing it so...
Care to answer the Q

[Why did they nail your dog to your door? Further to that, I am certain that many Aussies do just that to the people ‘they don’t want here’ so again, people are not really learning are they? - Mickierocksman)]
Because a lot of other ethnic groups are extremely intolerant of others in their own country.
The Aussies that do are a minority though & believe me they are not even close to what others are like.

[To end off..... I believe that most of the world is starting to realise that borders should not exist. Millions of people are displaced, many millions more want to move and work around the globe, this is the world we created for ourselves and I don’t see anything wrong with that (except for the wars)]
You want a world without borders? in this current time that's Armageddon.

[Refugee families (through no fault of their own) must and will leave a war-torn nation in a hope to just survive and want for a better quality of life somewhere else – we should not turn a blind eye and just let these people die]
No but you choose who u help first & if possible repatriate at earliest conveniance, and you take care of your own first

[I for one canot stand by, nor can I allow or let others believe its ok to let them die…… I do not hate people for coming from a different culture, or if they have a different colour skin.
You can't save them all & nor do I, I'm not op & have no issue whith colour/R.
[they all come from the same place that we call earth, if we can’t do that as a species – then we are all doomed to perish under our own misguided sense of what people]
Sadly I belie we are screwed.
edit on 22-8-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-8-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by maldini

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan
I saw a guy selling units north of Brissy to a Singapore family & 1 of things that got me was he how they were heavily advertising this place in Singapore with the notion that at least 40% would only be sold to singaporeans & with such a large number of them in business in the area they would all have good job prospects for them & their kids as their fellow countrymen would hire them over an Aussie any day, and how they could make it just like their little Singapore not have to worry about english or differant food. That disgusted me to no end as does the one sided media portrayal of racism & refugees in this country.

You sure you saw and heard that? I bet that guy is a very poor salesman not understanding his target customers at all.

Just to clarify English is the 1st language in Singapore and Singaporeans use it daily to communicate. All textbooks in Singapore schools are in English. A 2nd language is taught and everyone is free to choose from Chinese, Malay or Tamil as Singapore is a multicultural nation mainly of Chinese/Malay/Indian races. You can even choose a 3rd language if you want to like Spanish, German, French, etc. In fact one of the reasons Singaporeans choose to migrate to Australia is because English is commonly spoken. Other reason is the proximity to Singapore.

As for food, Singapore has about 3.5 million citizens mainly of the races I mentioned above plus 1.5 million foreigners and permanant residents from all over the world; as such you can find all sorts of food in Singapore. Yes even Western crusine that you have in Australia, it can be found everywhere on the little island.

Perhaps the salesman was confused between Singapore and China.

I am familiar with Singapore and went there a lot growing up & I am as sure as the day is long.
Seemed like a good salesman to me both her and her parents signed up and stated their friends in Singapore who attended the sales expo there were very keen.
Cost of living is to high there, most have good education & English & get good jobs here in a nice country & opportunities for their kids.
For those reluctant to move, don't worry it will be just like home. Well X% of it anyway a lot of Singaporeans stick to their own type of Singaporeans if u will so target an area & demographic & that's what u get.
Very nice people to I might add.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Pedro4077
In Australia unemployment is on the Rise, and "Working Tourists" are dragging down our wages. I see it more often by the day, there is less and less secure long term work. Greedy Mega-Corporations are hiring backpacker tourists on a "Working Holiday" for a fraction of what "Aussies" would get paid. The tourists all squeeze into cheap accomadation (up to 15 people in a single bedroom apartment) to save their stolen Aussie wages.

I've seen this sentiment before. Lake Louise, Whistler, Niseko, Phuket, and Bali spring to mind - and it's always Aussie backpackers taking the local jobs, sleeping 15 to a room and so on.

You guys pretty much introduced the world to the Working Holiday Visa, and have been responsible for driving service industry wages down worldwide for three decades and counting. Turn about is fair play....

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Janadele
Mickierocksman , I return to you all of your insults with interest

I have been told personally by many British and American Anglo-Saxon / Caucasians that their applications to migrate to Australia have been rejected.

I don't pay interest.

So once again a manufactured statement / claim by you is not verifiable and totally unsubstantiated…. I could have guessed.

I’m just wondering, do you have any creditability at all?

So, you asked some white British and American people and they told you that the applications were rejected?

Very scientific study & analysis there….. Do you think maybe it’s just the people that you know? You know, the ones that mark on the application under 'job skills' as being ‘christian white supremacists’ ?

That would raise alarm bells at the immigration office for sure


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Hi, not sure if everyone including you and I would be able to understand the post if I added another line below your response, so I will try and just add mine here.

What does Aussie town look like in different countries?
A. Depends which country you’re talking about? Travel to any country, stay at a hotel and they feel obliged to tell you where to hang out with the x-pats, me, I do that sometimes, but I would rather spend time with the locals.

It would be a long list but what is the first Q on a Gov form usually? What freebies do u get?
A. That would be your name or maybe the date. I don’t get freebies, I work for a living and pay taxes.

[What culture does a white Aussie have? Is that football, BBQ’s, freedom and beer? How is it being ‘destroyed]
Out of all the things u could pick u used that, true colours shining are they?
A. Ummm, no, I like football, BBQ’s, freedom and beer. I could add the beach and the bush as well if you like? What could you add as your Aussie culture?

Why are my tax $ spent on functions for female muslims only? Ever walk through an ethnic suburb at night with ya girl?
A. That is a question for you to ask your government, maybe they had a reason? I am at home in any suburb; I am not frightened when I walk any street for any reason.

What started Cronulla riot?
A. Being from the shire, I can tell you it was a bunch of racists trying to get rid of a certain group of people from a beach that they believe that they own or have a sole right to use - which they don't.

If you could only help 1 out of 2 people do u help the 1 that would do the same for you or spit in your face?
A. I would try and help both equally, it is better to show compassion to an aggressor - that way they may just learn tolerance.

One of my most treasured possessions is a vid of my 1st kid singing 6 white boomers at Chrissy concert wont be able to do that for the 2nd 1 this year can't offend anyone can we.
A. Religion (any religion) does not have a place in our schools, I also think that religion no longer has a place in society as a whole. Religion is the biggest killer of man in known history, the second on that list is racism.

I love multicultualism just not what it has & will become.
A. What has or will it become?

You’re talking about learning languages here……
A. Unfortunately, some people are not as smart as you, some people without education can barely speak their own language, let along use another. I believe that immigrants do try and learn English, I know of one Italian born now Australian mother (70 years old) she has been here for 50 years and still finds it hard, she is a simple woman, not smart, but she does try (and I still can’t understand her)

You appear to be endorsing it so... Care to answer the Q
A. No, not endorsing it, I just can’t answer that question. If the government accepts money from potential immigrants and puts one in front of another – then it is wrong, you need to ask them why they do that.

Sadly I believe we are screwed.
A. I agree, because we simply cannot overcome the animals that we are, the fighting and the hatred that we hold for one another. We will never reach a type 1 civilisation and that is a shame. If we destroy ourselves then that is the fate we made for our species.


posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Mickierocksman

Tell me, why can't these people be helped in their own country? by err, not dropping bombs on them as a starting point? surely we could better help them and help MORE of them, by starting here? do they really need to be imported over here, where they suddenly need brand name clothing and big screen tv's as part of their lives?

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:23 AM
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)... immigrants we do not want.

Australian counter-terror agents have reopened an investigation into the bombings of the Israeli Consulate and a Jewish social club in Sydney 30 years ago. Police confirmed Saturday that members of a special force called “Operation Forbearance,” established to investigate these two bombings on December 23, 1982, had interviewed a prime suspect in an American jail. In the first Australian counter-terror cold case ever to be reopened, detectives travelled in May to interrogate Jordanian-born Palestinian Mohammed Rashid, local media reported.

The 65-year-old is serving a seven-year sentence at a federal prison in Indiana for the bombing of a Pan Am flight from Japan to Hawaii in August 1982, which killed one passenger and injured 15 others. Australian detectives believe Rashid, who is scheduled to be released next March, was also behind the bombings of the Israeli Consulate and the Hakoah Club. No one was killed in either bombing, which occurred hours apart, although two people were injured at the consulate. The bomb in the car park underneath the Hakoah Club, a popular Jewish social club in Bondi, was designed to collapse the building, police believe.

Mohammed Ali Beydoun, then a 32-year-old Lebanese-Australian citizen, was charged for the Hakoah bombing but the case never made it to trial, as it was dropped by the New South Wales attorney-general due to insufficient evidence.
It has long been suspected that the perpetrators were members of the Iraqi-based 15 May Organization, a terrorist offshoot of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

Operation Forbearance detectives are now seeking Husayn Muhammad al-Umari – known as Abu Ibrahim or the “bomb man” – who, like Rashid, was at the forefront of May 15. He is accused of preparing the bomb on Flight 830 to Hawaii that was planted by Rashid. The FBI is offering a reward of $5 million for information that leads directly to his apprehension or conviction. Al-Umariwas born in Jaffa and has a Lebanese passport, according to the FBI. May 15, sometimes known as the Abu-Ibrahim Faction, was founded in 1979. It claimed credit for the bombings of El Al offices in Rome and Istanbul, as well as bombings ofIsraeli embassies in Vienna and Athens, according to the Encyclopedia of Terrorism.

“We welcome the fact that new evidence seems to have come to light that might help solve this case,” Yair Miller, the president of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, told Sydney’s The Sun-Herald newspaper. Jeremy Jones, a former president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry who has compiled the annual report on anti-Semitic incidents in Australia since the late 1980s, told Channel Seven news: “It’s very promising that we now know this matter hasn’t ended.”

Although countless Molotovcocktails and several fire bombs have been launched at synagogues and Jewish community centers in Australia, especially during the first Gulf war and during the second Palestinian intifada, the bombings of the Israeli Consulate and the Hakoah Club in Bondi, just under five hours apart, are believed to be the most serious assault on Australia’s Jewish community.

Israel's Foreign Ministry condemned the 1982 attack on the consulate as “another attempt of Palestinian terror to sabotage the efforts for understanding and peace in the Middle East,” Reuters reported at the time. The Israeli consulate was closed about a decade ago during cost-cutting measures by Israel's Foreign Ministry and the Hakoah Club, built largely by Jewish businessman and philanthropist Frank Lowy in the 1970s, was sold to developers recently amid financial woes.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by tramman2000
reply to post by Mickierocksman

Tell me, why can't these people be helped in their own country? by err, not dropping bombs on them as a starting point? surely we could better help them and help MORE of them, by starting here? do they really need to be imported over here, where they suddenly need brand name clothing and big screen tv's as part of their lives?

Please tell me how Australia can stop the bombing's an also help people in a country where the government does not want our help? We don't want to be a country like America that invades countries where it has no right.

PS: We create this demand, refugee's come here and have never seen a big screen TV and would not know which lables are the trendy ones..... we create this, they don't ask for them - we tell them (media, TV etc) that you must have this stuff if you want to be a 'real person'.


posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Janadele

Ok, here we go again......

Firstly you’re copying and pasting from a website again and NOT stating that its offsite content. Try looking up how to link to offsite content so people don’t think you the author of the post.

Once again it comes down to credibility……

So, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, why don’t you tell us, who are the “immigrants we do not want” and WHY?

Also, replace 'we' with 'you' because you do not speak for the entire Australian population and never will.


posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 05:59 PM
Economic principle: Capitalism depends upon unemployment.

Research this. It's pretty self evident as well. Common sense. The more that want the less you need give.

And conversely - the less that want - the more you must pay.

Welcome To Capitalism!

Your gripes should not be with the people taking the low paying jobs. Your gripes should be directed at the 'system' that perpetuates this scramble for money.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Zinky
Economic principle: Capitalism depends upon unemployment.

Research this. It's pretty self evident as well. Common sense. The more that want the less you need give.

And conversely - the less that want - the more you must pay.

Welcome To Capitalism!

Your gripes should not be with the people taking the low paying jobs. Your gripes should be directed at the 'system' that perpetuates this scramble for money.

(Clapping Hands) I applaud your post sir and give star for insight and intellectual thought.


posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 09:54 PM
And people wonder why Australia has a world-wide reputation for being an incredibly racist place. Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit A, this thread. Obviously, you can't paint all Aussies with the same brush, but where theres smoke theres fire.

Does the hostility of your average Australian white trash have anything to do with the hostility of the country they live in? 90 per cent of animals in Australia are actively trying to kill you, and when you live in that environment all your life I wonder if it does something to your brain.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

You received $500 for 72 hours work? Did you request a pay slip or was this cash in hand? If this was a legit job then you know whice Govt dept to go to lay a complaint.

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:09 PM
Working "tourists" are taking Aussie jobs because the Australians don't want those jobs. Just in the mining industry alone, are you aware of how so few Australians are lining up for those jobs? I know because I have contacts on the inside and thats why the mining companies go abroard for the workers! When I had this debate with a few Australians the other night and I told them why they don't want these well paid jobs their answer is this "well, we can't just pack up our families and go to WA" answer was "but Kiwis ARE packing up their families and moving countries just to get these jobs!".

posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Monger
And people wonder why Australia has a world-wide reputation for being an incredibly racist place. Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit A, this thread. Obviously, you can't paint all Aussies with the same brush, but where theres smoke theres fire.

Does the hostility of your average Australian white trash have anything to do with the hostility of the country they live in? 90 per cent of animals in Australia are actively trying to kill you, and when you live in that environment all your life I wonder if it does something to your brain.

I’m an Aussie and I am not racist.....

The reason why so many are is because they are uninformed, uneducated or misguided by family, friends or indeed religion.

Most don’t understand that a country does not lose an identity by immigration and that is what they are scared about.

A lot of the time I am appalled by the racism here, but am doing everything in my power to educate and change people’s prospectives everyday.

We are a great country and can fit a lot more people into it.


posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Mickierocksman
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

That's a better way of doing it, I was getting a headache typing it let alone reading it.

Depends which country you’re talking about? Travel to any country, stay at a hotel and they feel obliged to tell you where to hang out with the x-pats, me, I do that sometimes, but I would rather spend time with the locals.
A. So are there whole suburbs in china other places that are called Aussie town and everything is written in English or just bars Aussies hang at? I prefer locals too.

That would be your name or maybe the date. I don’t get freebies, I work for a living and pay taxes.
A. Unless you are Aboriginal or TI.

Ummm, no, I like football, BBQ’s, freedom and beer. I could add the beach and the bush as well if you like? What could you add as your Aussie culture?
A. They are a huge part of our culture so yes it is nice to have them added, as well as giving someone a fair go, standing by your mates, a good lamington or pav from the CWA, laid back larican attitude etc.

Why are my tax $ spent on functions for female Muslims only? Ever walk through an ethnic suburb at night with ya girl?

That is a question for you to ask your government, maybe they had a reason? I am at home in any suburb; I am not frightened when I walk any street for any reason.

A. You asked the Q now u want me to direct my answers to "OUR" gov, are u Ozzy? There are many places where you would quickly learn to fear walking there the hard way, heaven forbid if u were naive enough to take a nice white girl with u.

Being from the shire, I can tell you it was a bunch of racists trying to get rid of a certain group of people from a beach that they believe that they own or have a sole right to use - which they don't.
A. Had nothing to do with the Muslim community constantly harassing you girls who had every right to be there as well. How old was the volunteer life guard they kicked the crap out of for trying to help 1 of those girls. Are you going to tell me with a straight face the group running round saying " I have never seen so many guns pointed at people since beirut" weren't the problem? Nice of them to crawl out of hiding after dark & smash a bunch of innocent peoples property but I guess that's how they roll.

[If you could only help 1 out of 2 people do u help the 1 that would do the same for you or spit in your face?]
I would try and help both equally, it is better to show compassion to an aggressor - that way they may just learn tolerance.
A. Now try and answer the Q there are to many to help everyone "Fact" and you only get to pick 1, why do you choose the criminal over the guy who spent 5 patient years in hell trying to do the right thing.

Religion (any religion) does not have a place in our schools, I also think that religion no longer has a place in society as a whole. Religion is the biggest killer of man in known history, the second on that list is racism.
A. Your entitled to your opinion but you touched on culture earlier & Aussie Christmas songs at Christmas time was part of our culture & really had little to do with religion, who are you or immigrants to want that taken away from us.
Do you tell Muslims that they should not be teaching the Koran & such in their own schools? Would you go to other countries & demand they change for you.

What has or will it become?
A. turn on your tv u might see Indians rioting throwing petrol bombs and rocks at police in the street, Violence between ethnic groups at soccer matches cause they can't leave their trouble back where they ran from, Synagogues attacked, Clerics preaching rape & murder I could go on.

Unfortunately, some people are not as smart as you, some people without education can barely speak their own language, let along use another. I believe that immigrants do try and learn English, I know of one Italian born now Australian mother (70 years old) she has been here for 50 years and still finds it hard, she is a simple woman, not smart, but she does try (and I still can’t understand her)
A. 99% should have basic oral skills in 12mths, "if they try or are allowed"

No, not endorsing it, I just can’t answer that question. If the government accepts money from potential immigrants and puts one in front of another – then it is wrong, you need to ask them why they do that.
A. You were endorsing taking criminals over people who did the right thing, please show me where boat people pay the Gov to cue jump.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by WorkingClassMan

Crap, I have a large monitor and I can't read that. Something has gone amiss

Home for the night and back in the morning to ATS, I may have to copy and paste that into a word document so I can read it.

Will reply tomorow...



posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by Mickierocksman

May I ask what area in Sydney you live in?

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 03:09 AM
I'm an Australian (7th generation) who just recently left a mid-level IT job, in my industry we have a great deal of migrant workers, mostly because we cant fill the number of positions with locals only; but also because a lot of the younger Australian-born IT workers dont posses the same work ethic as immigrants or older Australians. I have no problem with this; I would rather work with a migrant who can do his job than an Aussie who relies on me to do their job for them.

Someone in an earlier post mentioned "We cant all be lawyers..." or something to that effect; it is REALLY easy to get into a Laws degree, I applied for one during my work lunch break. Hence why Im no longer in IT. Re-skill if you fear redundancy; re-skill yourself if you are bored at work; do a degree just for sh**s and giggles, or be content in your own ignorance.

Im tempted to paint on the back of my ute: "F**K ON; WE'RE EMPTY!"

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