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Tourist Slave Wages taking Aussie Jobs

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posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Janadele

when you refer to the Australian race, do you mean the british or the aborigines?

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:47 AM
This thread is about taking Australia back. It is about our Jobs, our freedom and our identity.

We now are taking in Somalian Refugees who terrorise our neighbourhoods with gang violence and Machetes.

Many Australians in the Brisbane suburb's of Marooka and Annerly do not leave their homes at night because of the Somalian Machete Weilding Gangs.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 01:27 PM
choos: Koori and Anglo-saxon/Caucasion are Australia's racial heritage. We do not need nor want other races and cultures, they should stay in their own countries and work to improve conditions there for their own people.
edit on 15-8-2012 by Janadele because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Pedro4077
This thread is about taking Australia back. It is about our Jobs, our freedom and our identity.

We now are taking in Somalian Refugees who terrorise our neighbourhoods with gang violence and Machetes.

Many Australians in the Brisbane suburb's of Marooka and Annerly do not leave their homes at night because of the Somalian Machete Weilding Gangs.

Wow, you’re inciting violence? Take Australia Back? Why not give it back to the people we took it from? (No, you won’t do that will you?)

Your identity, what do you think ‘your’ Australian identity is?

You’re just as bad as the people you’re complaining about…You still don’t seem to understand, your racist and that needs to stop for you to grow as a person.

As it is your thread, you missed my post on page 1; I will put it here for you again, try and answer these really hard questions now... try not to hurt yourself.

The entire world needs to change, get used to it, all countries in the world (and the people) need to understand that everyone is mobile, displaced, seeking asylum.

We take less than 1% of the world’s refugees and still you complain?????

I really wish you lived in a country that you are trying to flee from with your family & when staying meant certain death…. Yes, I would really like you to experience that.


Here is my post from yesterday....

I am assuming that you also don’t agree that people seeking asylum (the boat people) should enter this country either?

I proudly call myself an Aussie, born and raised in Sydney after many generations….. but I am also an Aussie that has grown to see that the ‘way things were’ will ‘never be again’…. you can’t stop these changes; nor should we try.

I manage many staff here at an Aussie company and now when I recruit I am very certain that I will get zero Australian ‘born and bred’ applicants for a ‘normal office job’ in the middle of our biggest city.

This does not bother me anymore as I have amongst my staff the most diverse range of people from all over the globe from Syria to Columbia, the Philippines to Ireland and they all work well together, they do work hard & I can see that multiculturalism can and does work.

All of these people have either a visa to work here, or are applying to become citizens, we also pay over above award wages.

I will concede that a small portion of businesses that think they can get away with it will try and do so, they should be reported.

As you started he thread, I have a few questions for you.

1. Do you like people from other nations? If so, which ones?
2. Should people from other nations be allowed to come here and work?
3. Have you ever worked in any other country?
4. Should employers pay a fair and reasonable wage to all employees? If yes, should bargaining to get a job be made illegal?
5. Why do you think I get zero ‘Aussie’ applicants for my positions vacant?


posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Janadele
choos: Koori and Anglo-saxon/Caucasion are Australia's racial heritage. We do not need nor want other races and cultures, they should stay in their own countries and work to improve conditions there for their own people.
edit on 15-8-2012 by Janadele because: (no reason given)

Oh my, how old are you?

You really don't understand how the world currently works and how things must change for our species (that means EVERYONE) to survive.

You’re the type of person that should be ashamed…… you’re racist.

Yes, I would also like you to be a refugee from a country that can’t fix its own problems and I would like you to live everyday with the fact that you could be killed…. Yes, I would like you to experience that for all your life and I would like you to try and find a better place for you and your family to live…. and then I want you to be turned away to die by a racist Aussie like you!

Again, Australia takes less than 1% of the world’s refugees & we should take more, but a bunch of uninformed and uneducated people that think the world can ‘stay as it is’ because you ‘want it to’ is so totally stupid and frankly barbaric that you could even consider just letting people die because you don’t like the colour of their skin.



posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:32 PM
Tough. My ancestors helped build the Australia we now enjoy. They carved it from the wilderness with no assistance from others. It was these pioneers who worked and sacrificed to develop a civilised Christian society for themselves and their descendants. Now our very identity as Australians is under assault, we are faced with multi-cultural racial enclaves where immigrants and refugees have brought with them the violence which they say they wanted to escape. In Sydney I have personally observed Muslims taking over neighbourhoods with threats and violence and forcing Christians and others to leave. Taxpayers are burdened with paying for those who come to Australia and are handed a lifestyle and benefits which few in the world enjoy. Britain, Europe, and the US face similar problems, so much so that many I have met would love to immigrate to Australia but are refused, while we accept instead other races and their alien violent cultures which take away our identity and divide our nation.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by magma
Have you ever considered upskilling yourself. ?

Wages are proportional to skills and the type of job you do.

consider mining, there really is plenty of jobs on offer.

Anyway backpackers get their 5 bucks an hour for the job they do.

Mate, you are either one of the lucky ones, or in denial and believe the rubbish and lies told by the Muppets and faceless mob that rape our country and sell us off as slaves, for the new wealthy. Mostly there are no real jobs.

Get skilled, what a circus, that is a crock of crap, be honest the greedy rain and the peasants get to pay. I will stop there as you all might not agree with the rest of my thoughts.

If I could have a T-shirt printed, and we were in the land I was raised in, where we had a bit of honest free speech, it would say. KILL THE GREEDY feed the poor.

And don't tell tails, there ant heaps of mining jobs, for local Aussies!

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Mickierocksman

1. Do you like people from other nations? If so, which ones?

All nationality's that don't tread on me or my country.

2. Should people from other nations be allowed to come here and work?

Yes if we don't have enough specialists in a particular field.

3. Have you ever worked in any other country?

No. That's not relivent.

4. Should employers pay a fair and reasonable wage to all employees? If yes, should bargaining to get a job be made illegal?

Yes - and what kind of bargaining? Bargaining is the Unions Job. I support Unions.

5. Why do you think I get zero ‘Aussie’ applicants for my positions vacant?

Trying to make youself sound like a hero? Trying to make Aussies look lazy?

I manage many staff here at an Aussie company and now when I recruit I am very certain that I will get zero Australian ‘born and bred’ applicants for a ‘normal office job’ in the middle of our biggest city.

You tell me. Why don't you get "Born and Bred" Aussies applying.

I need a good laugh.

Why is an Australian so Ant-Australian?

edit on 15-8-2012 by Pedro4077 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Janadele
Tough. My ancestors helped build the Australia we now enjoy. They carved it from the wilderness with no assistance from others. It was these pioneers who worked and sacrificed to develop a civilised Christian society for themselves and their descendants. Now our very identity as Australians is under assault, we are faced with multi-cultural racial enclaves where immigrants and refugees have brought with them the violence which they say they wanted to escape. In Sydney I have personally observed Muslims taking over neighbourhoods with threats and violence and forcing Christians and others to leave. Taxpayers are burdened with paying for those who come to Australia and are handed a lifestyle and benefits which few in the world enjoy. Britain, Europe, and the US face similar problems, so much so that many I have met would love to immigrate to Australia but are refused, while we accept instead other races and their alien violent cultures which take away our identity and divide our nation.

You’re kidding right? Your ancestors and mine took this country away from the traditional owners and tried their very best to annilate the entire aboriginal race.

Right, your Christian, but you don’t believe in helping others (how Christian of you) unless of course they are white and come from a country that you approve of? Well, I’m sure your god will send you straight to hell for that!

The identity of all countries needs to change, the world is continuing to develop into a multicultural world where everyone is mixed and that is the way it should be.

You have a problem with violence, but you only see one type - I see more stupid Aussies creating more hatred and committing more crimes than people from other nations. It’s not just the people you say it is, you’re blind & racist and you need to grow up.

I’m a taxpayer (are you?) and I’m not ‘burdened’ by the cost of our very minimal intake of refugees.

Your first word was ‘tough’, well I say tough to you and I still hope that one day you get to experience what it is like to not have clean water, food, a home and live with the constant threat of death..... yep, I really hope you get to experience that.

You don't seem to understand that it's not their fault their (inset any country here) is a terrible place to be...... but you don’t care as long as they just die quietly and without a fuss and don’t bother you or cost you anything?

Let me guess..... if Britain became a war ravaged nation and they needed to flee, you would welcome them with open arms even though violence is a way of life there too?

You’re sick, you uneducated misinformed racist.


posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:50 PM
Your irrelevant nonsensical rave means nothing to me. Take yourself and your means to wherever you think they are most needed and devote your life to improving conditions there. Australia does not need you.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

In response to your answers…..

1. Name the countries or the people that ‘tread on you’… further to that, its not ‘your’ country it is ‘our’ country.

2. Specialists hummmm, well that will disallow over 90% of workers in the world that don’t have a specific skill set, so only doctors and such wold be allowed to work here under your guidelines?

3. Yes it is, because I want to know if you have ever tried to work in another country, as I believe that you have not…. why not go and try and see how you go & I hope you don’t come across any racist people, angry because you took their job when all you are trying to do is work, live and experience the place you have chosen to reside in for a while.

4. Simply put, if an employer has two alike applicants and can’t choose between you and another, would you drop your salary expectations by say 5%pa to secure the job?

5. Thanks for the laugh, no, I’m a well educated simple man with a family that has worked all his life, I am only a hero to my son.…… I am simplay stating the truth as someone that employes people, Aussie’s don’t seem to want the ‘normal office jobs’ that I have for 60-70Kpa and the reason for it is that they “want to much” they feel that the world owes them more and that they have some type of entitlement to it…. Same as you, and it’s wrong to think like that.

To end, I may have been able to solve your problem of unemployment and offered you a good job, but as I can see you have a problem with people that are not as ‘Australian as they should be’ for you, I would never allow myself to do that.

Good luck with the hatred etc, your obviously what is wrong with this country, grow up and realise that the world needs to change in order for everyone to survive and your idea of a perfect Australia where everyone is white, eats chico rolls and watches the cricket is not going to happen.

I am a proud Australian and not ‘anti’-Australian at all….. I am a realist and a humanitarian and I look forward to a future where all cultures can learn from each other and for a time where people are not racist because of the colour of their skin or where they came from.


edit on 15/8/2012 by Mickierocksman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:03 PM
Mickierocksman seems to be the only shred of sense in here.

I moved to 'Straya for a job, and for the most part the people here are all good, but I have more trouble from born and bred white trash bogan meth fiends than anyone else. There appears to be A LOT of them around too.

The main issue is the willingness of 'tourists' to work for a lower wage, theoretically displacing the locals, but does it actually happen?

You can produce all the unemployment statistics you want, but it's hard to stop people being useless and lazy.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Janadele
Your irrelevant nonsensical rave means nothing to me. Take yourself and your means to wherever you think they are most needed and devote your life to improving conditions there. Australia does not need you.

The WORLD does not need people like you..... a christian racist with no common sense and a narrow view on the world….. Wow!

Nonsensical rave? At least I can make paragraphs…… see, I did so just then.

I do my bit as a humanitarian; let me guess how much you offer people in need…. ZERO, unless of course they are white and fit into your ideal of what a person ‘should be’?

Your also a perfect example of what is wrong with this country, the hatred of other people must envelop your life….. so good luck with that, onward christian soldier!

Oh, one more thing..... I take it you realise that your gods ‘jesus’ was darked skinned and grew up in the middle east?….. so why do you hate your gods children so much?

Maybe you should convert to a god that’s not from a place that you hate?

Try scientology, I hear they willl accept just about anyone.


posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by Mickierocksman

1. Name the countries or the people that ‘tread on you’… further to that, its not ‘your’ country it is ‘our’ country.

So you want names and addresses too? Get real princess.

Like I said ANY people who tread on me or MY COUNTRY.

I think you should leave if you have such low opinions of Aussies and Kiss the Butts of Forgieners.

You are no use here.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

Have you ever left the shores of Australia?

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Derpitude
Mickierocksman seems to be the only shred of sense in here.

I moved to 'Straya for a job, and for the most part the people here are all good, but I have more trouble from born and bred white trash bogan meth fiends than anyone else. There appears to be A LOT of them around too.

The main issue is the willingness of 'tourists' to work for a lower wage, theoretically displacing the locals, but does it actually happen?

You can produce all the unemployment statistics you want, but it's hard to stop people being useless and lazy.

Thanks mate.

I have to tackle racism and stupidity on a daily basis…. I know you can’t cure stupid, but I like to try.

What gets to me is this idiotic ideal that everyone in the world should stay where they were born and if you were unlucky enough to be born in a place where your life is absolutely horrendous, then tough – they can just die because some others just don’t want to share.

I really wish that these people were on the other side of the fence and not in the ‘lucky country’ I want them to experience no water, no food, kids being killed every day – maybe only then will they realise that we need to help more than we currently are.

I absolutely hate racism (as much as I do religion) everyone on this earth is part of the earth, we are the same species, we are humans but some it seems some are less human than others because they are uninformed and uneducated for whatever reason.

Hatred has to stop, people need to learn compassion for any of us to survive.

Peace mate


posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Derpitude
reply to post by Pedro4077

Have you ever left the shores of Australia?

What's that got to do with wanting what's best for my country?

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Pedro4077

white european man came and tried to extinguish native Australians.. why do you not complain about that?? perhaps you should say the British should leave Australia?

you guys forget that we are the adopted children of this country wherever you came from.
edit on 15-8-2012 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Derpitude
reply to post by Pedro4077

Have you ever left the shores of Australia?

I'm going to guess...... NO, unless it was a holiday that mum or dad paid for


posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by choos

You are living in the past. I am an Indigenous Australian. I have moved on. My mother who was part of the Stolen Generation has moved on.

We are talking about the destruction of modern day Australia.

And to the other bloke - What nationality's do you hire most for slave wages?

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