posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:26 PM
I've been a casual student of Buddhism for a couple years. To say it simply, its helped me live in the moment. I've learned to appreciate the feeling
of a cool morning breeze on my skin. I can breath deeply and clear my mind of all thoughts without effort. It comes naturally now.
As for reincarnation, I've contemplated this debated part for the last few weeks. I don't have the exact quote but Alan Watts once put it this way.
"What will it be like to go to sleep and never wake up?
What was it like to wake up after never having gone to sleep?" If you contemplate that
quote you may understand, it's almost indescribable to me. The only way I can describe it is - it is not reincarnation of what you think of as your
independent self, but if "you" could wake up after never having gone to sleep, "you" could wake up again manifested as something else.
Another quote which helps to describe this is contained in the classic book "Zen Mind Beginners Mind"
Tozan, a famous Zen Master, said, "the blue mountain is the father of the white cloud. The white cloud is the son of the blue mountain. All day long
they depend on each other. The white cloud is always the white cloud. The blue mountain is always the blue mountain."...They are quite independent,
but yet dependent.
edit on 17-8-2012 by shangqing because: (no reason given)