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Dr Sal's Warning

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posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:19 PM
Besides the things I just said, didn't an earlier poster already find that this guy isn't who he claimed to be anyway? I'll need to go back and re-find that but it seems everyone just glossed over it...

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Or lets say, the Earth communication took 330 days to reach the unknown target. It took the other presence (whatever it may be) maybe only one day to send a response and for us to receive it. So you see, there are many possibilities. But doing the math according to splitting the 331 day communication turnaround, there is nothing there in space that we "know" about. Unless, its a huge spaceship or a fleet of them floating around going about their next destination. Given they have "knowledge" of our impending collapse of the magnetosphere, they probably were already here in the past, took measurements and proceeded on their way.

That is also basically my thoughts on the possibility of this being real. Who knows what kind of alien satellites, etc could be out there or craft passing through the area.

If in the next few years changes in the mag field start to happen then maybe it is true. Time will tell.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by miniatus

Originally posted by sheeplearepeople

Ya but he said that it would happen really fast like 60 days which is why it would cause the van allen belts to fall or whatever???
reply to post by r2d246

I think that's Druscilla's point against Dr. Sal. There is significant evidence that polar shifts have happened. There is absolutely no evidence that they cause anything remotely catastrophic.

Absolutely .. Scientists have even narrowed down a time period for when they believe the last one took place, and there's physical evidence to back up the hypothesis .. I think it's pretty well accepted that it has happened
and will happen again.. but there's no evidence that it will be a cataclysmic event

Some science I proposed earlier, and I'm going to make you do the math this time. Look up the last pole reversal. If this type of reversal is rare and is on a longer cycle than the average pole reversal the only evidence we would have would be the magnetic arrangement of the rocks, Energy disperses over time, isotopes decay over time. Our planet is composed of left dust and chunks collected by our stars gravity as well as material that wasn't scattered after it's birth. The rest of the material was deposited by our sun, and other stellar bodies(comets, meteorites.) The majority of Radioactive isotopes are created by solar bombardment, there are a few that naturally occur due to earth processes.

Isotopes created by solar bombardment, like those in the Van Allen belt would decay and leave little to no trace to dig up millions of years later. I also proposed the mass extinctions potentially being caused by said events. Meteorite impacts are well known, the largest of which is in south America. We are lead to believe this event destroyed all life on earth, but the most recent die off killed 75% of all species in the cretaceous period, over a greater amount of land than I suspect a solitary meteor strike could cause.

It's pretty hard to make guesses of ancient radiation dumps, because it decays. How are we to know this hasn't happened in the past? Hell for all we know once some odd billions or trillions of years earth turns back into a fireball of molten rock and recycles completely. We do not know everything, we like to think we do, but we do not. This is plausible, maybe not a complete collapse of the van allen belt as everyone thinks. Our magnetosphere both holds and repels the van allen belt. If the field is capable of becoming unstable to a degree the van allen belt is released, I would think it would move in every direction. It's size, and close proximity to the earth being the problem. I would also suspect, the magnetosphere would not collapse completely, rather areas where radiation could come through.

All theory, but so are the arguments against it. Let's take what we know, and test what is necessary for said event to occur. Can we find any evidence to suggest this is happening? It's already started apparently and will peak I believe he said June-August 2016. With the most noticeable changes in that time.

So let's disprove the man, it's kind of the only way at this point. If he is a NASA physicist I'm going to take his word over anyone else's but right now he's just a man.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by miniatus

Originally posted by Kratos40

Originally posted by roadgravel
reply to post by Kratos40

Of course on their end. But the 331 days sounds like NASA is using comm as we know it. I would think there would have to be a relay in use.

Or lets say, the Earth communication took 330 days to reach the unknown target. It took the other presence (whatever it may be) maybe only one day to send a response and for us to receive it. So you see, there are many possibilities. But doing the math according to splitting the 331 day communication turnaround, there is nothing there in space that we "know" about. Unless, its a huge spaceship or a fleet of them floating around going about their next destination. Given they have "knowledge" of our impending collapse of the magnetosphere, they probably were already here in the past, took measurements and proceeded on their way.

Or, more likely in my mind... it's simply not true

There's no evidence that a pole shift will have any of the described effects .. it's already happened before.. given that fact, it really takes the whole claim apart as far as I'm concerned.. including the communication aspect.

I'll also say that if this really were such a huge leak of information it would have already been taken offline.. plain and simple.

Think about the science based on what the Utoob character said. If the magnetosphere abruptly changes within a span of a few weeks/months, the magnetic shielding will be in flux. Thus, leaving us vulnerable to cosmic rays, and high energy particles (Van Allen radiation) that are held in place because of the Earth's magnetosphere.
In a way, the Van Allen is a blessing in disguise. This plasma field shields us from cosmic radiation, but at the same time, if somehow our magnetosphere fails us, the Van Allen radiation can hurt us to a certain extent.
edit on 12-8-2012 by Kratos40 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by lunarcartographer
"Under funding from NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts, TUI is currently investigating a novel concept for remediating the radiation belts to improve the safety and reliability of manned and unmanned missions in Earth orbit. The High Voltage Orbiting Long Tether (HiVOLT) System, illustrated in Figure 1 below, will utilize long, lightweight, conducting structures deployed in the radiation belts and charged to very high voltages to scatter the energetic radiation particles, causing them to leave the radiation belts. Preliminary analyses indicate that a HiVOLT System can reduce the MeV particle flux in the inner electron belt to 1% of its natural levels within about two months."

Indeed, real science. The radiation belts are dangerous to orbital satellites, and the occasional human who is launched there.

Thanks to the crazies, NASA actually wrote something on the science of geomagnetic pole shifts:

Summary: you and your tinfoil hat will be safe.

edit on 12-8-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:27 PM
I Read that he worked for Houston space center. So researched Harris county court records. He came up. Middle name victor? See Results page eSjp5J5/NdZkfWnnQ+5U7I=

If link no work go to main site and search the Harris cnty criminal records. Plaintiff field.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Fantastic, hundreds of thousands of scientists in space agencies around the world including NASA can't be trusted but the minute someone claims to be from the (evil) NASA (that can't be trusted) and posts a video on YouTube with an identity that can't be verified people just can't get enough of it.

The difference, the You Tube video entrepreneur is bringing people what they want to hear - the news they've been waiting for.. That everyone's going to die. How sad when your life is so crap and insignificant you comb the Internet every day hoping for news the end is coming and at the slightest hint get that tingly feeling you get when excited.
edit on 12-8-2012 by AgentSmith because: (no reason given)

So true ... I've noticed that trend.. people tend to disregard anything NASA says and calls them a bunch of liars when it doesn't jive with their preconceived notions.. but the moment someone claims to be from NASA and feeds them what they want to hear, they eat it up and think wow this must be true.. he's from NASA!

This no precedence for his claims to be even remotely true.. and his identity can't be verified... he conveniently said he's going away after this as well so no follow up questions.. and I'm still having a big issue with the fact that if this were remotely true and he's "leaking" information.. why it would still be on youtube in the first place... no logic in any of that.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Kratos40

Originally posted by Ilyich

Originally posted by Kratos40
reply to post by roadgravel

To suspend disbelief for a moment, lets assume this is true. If NASA sent out a message out to a region of space and got a response back in some 331 days as alleged. Plausibly, there could be communication arrays floating around well beyond the our Solar System that utilize Quantum Entanglement to speed up the process.
Do a little research and you will find that even here on Earth, scientists are currently researching this and have actually been able to expand the reach of such communication little by little. So can you imagine for a moment, that a civilization that would theoretically be eons more advanced than us, using such technology?

At 24, 500 odd AU they are in the solar sytem chap. That's how far a message two ways can travel at light speed.

You are still referring to light speed. Quantum Entanglement communication supercedes the speed of light. Here is some reading for you as a start:

Once you understand the math and the theory, then you will have one of those "Wow!" moments.

I do understand the theory, how ever the messages were sent out in radio waves( light speed,) as well as received in radio waves(light speed.)

Quantum entanglement is fascinating, and I can't wait to see it put to great uses, how ever the supposed message was not in this form of communication.

Given that the message was sent in radiowaves (lightspeed) We earlier came to the conclusion 24 500roughly AU or closer for the source, whether it be a beacon, ship, planet, moon, rock, sentient being composes of photons.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by TreatyWomack

It's important to note that blazing speed, when referring to geologic time, usually means thousands of years. At the end of the interesting acticle you linked, the authors themselves stated:

But apocalyptic SyFy channel movies to the contrary, nobody should worry about waking up one morning to geomagnetic havoc, says Bogue. “To geologists a polarity reversal is a nearly instantaneous thing that changes a global feature of the Earth — it’s really a spectacular phenomenon,” he says. “But if you were alive when it was happening, it probably wouldn’t be that big a deal.”

I challenge anyone to find actual empirical proof that shifting poles causes catastophic events.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Ilyich
It's pretty hard to make guesses of ancient radiation dumps, because it decays. How are we to know this hasn't happened in the past? Hell for all we know once some odd billions or trillions of years earth turns back into a fireball of molten rock and recycles completely.

For all we know hordes of enraged unicorns might have sterilized the planet with their toxic urine, even though there's no evidence for it.

We do not know everything, we like to think we do, but we do not. This is plausible, maybe not a complete collapse of the van allen belt as everyone thinks. Our magnetosphere both holds and repels the van allen belt. If the field is capable of becoming unstable to a degree the van allen belt is released, I would think it would move in every direction. It's size, and close proximity to the earth being the problem. I would also suspect, the magnetosphere would not collapse completely, rather areas where radiation could come through.

The charged particles currently in the belt would no longer be trapped and they would quickly dissipate.

But those ETs on the other side of the universe or whatever---THEY know for sure what will happen compared to our scientists who have instrumetned our planet and subjected its crust and core to many decades of scientific tests?


posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Kratos40
This plasma field shields us from cosmic radiation, but at the same time, if somehow our magnetosphere fails us, the Van Allen radiation can hurt us to a certain extent.
edit on 12-8-2012 by Kratos40 because: (no reason given)

Well technically it's the magnetic fields which are manipulating the high-energy charged particles, and the Van Allen belts are the evidence of their existence. On their own, the trapped particles in the Van Allen belts have no benefit to us other than making pretty auroras and they damage satellites and astronauts.
edit on 12-8-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by miniatus

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Fantastic, hundreds of thousands of scientists in space agencies around the world including NASA can't be trusted but the minute someone claims to be from the (evil) NASA (that can't be trusted) and posts a video on YouTube with an identity that can't be verified people just can't get enough of it.

The difference, the You Tube video entrepreneur is bringing people what they want to hear - the news they've been waiting for.. That everyone's going to die. How sad when your life is so crap and insignificant you comb the Internet every day hoping for news the end is coming and at the slightest hint get that tingly feeling you get when excited.
edit on 12-8-2012 by AgentSmith because: (no reason given)

So true ... I've noticed that trend.. people tend to disregard anything NASA says and calls them a bunch of liars when it doesn't jive with their preconceived notions.. but the moment someone claims to be from NASA and feeds them what they want to hear, they eat it up and think wow this must be true.. he's from NASA!

This no precedence for his claims to be even remotely true.. and his identity can't be verified... he conveniently said he's going away after this as well so no follow up questions.. and I'm still having a big issue with the fact that if this were remotely true and he's "leaking" information.. why it would still be on youtube in the first place... no logic in any of that.

Because of us. Such as the ATS community fighting with each other. If there is a TPTB, they will leave it alone and let us simpletons do the disinformation. Such claims will be destroyed, solely based on the differences in our blogging communities.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Reversals are the rule, not the exception. Earth has settled in the last 20 million years into a pattern of a pole reversal about every 200,000 to 300,000 years, although it has been more than twice that long since the last reversal. A reversal happens over hundreds or thousands of years, and it is not exactly a clean back flip. Magnetic fields morph and push and pull at one another, with multiple poles emerging at odd latitudes throughout the process. Scientists estimate reversals have happened at least hundreds of times over the past three billion years. And while reversals have happened more frequently in "recent" years, when dinosaurs walked Earth a reversal was more likely to happen only about every one million years.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Ilyich

Sure, I am in agreement with that info. Lots of possibilities. Much we do not know about life out there.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by SkuzzleButt
reply to post by Unthought Known

i guess if civilizations out there are millions of years ahead of us, then things that we consider impossible are not necessarily impossible for them, their tech would be mind boggling to say the least, there really is no limit, teleportation, warp drives, worm holes etc are things that their infants are taught in basic science classes lol

If these aliens are so advanced, surely they know how to stop this massive loss of life on earth. Why don't they tell us how to fix it, instead of making this guy go on YouTube?

Maybe they want us out of the picture. And if they know anything about us as a species, could you blame them?

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:50 PM
Is it me or does this guys seem like he's wired to the gootnats on blow?? Stuffy Nose,dry mouth,dilated pupils?? I know when I've done blow I get into these kinds of conversations. As matter of fact, I think I've discussed this very same topic at 4:30am somewhere spun out of my mind. This kind of babble always ends with religion!! Oh man

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:51 PM
Regardless of what we think and want .......what could you physically do to avoid this..

Well NASA could use its space fleet to start shuttli#ng people off this dump.....

Well if they have kept the communication quiet for all these years they are certainly not going to starting helping us out are they.

I say party !!!!!!!!!! till 2016.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:57 PM
Too well scripted, when someone is talking like that in real life they have tell tale signs - this didn't have that.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by sheeplearepeople

Here is evidence of a very rapid pole shift which was related to the staggering amounts of lava --- several flows hundreds of feet thick -- which inundated the Steens Mountain region between 14 and 17 million years ago. S. Conte makes reference to the Steens Mountains in his youtube announcement.

Occidental College geology professor Scott Bogue has recently found evidence of a brief episode of rapid geomagnetic field change that was thousands of times faster than usual.

Their research, funded by National Science Foundation grants, also brings more credence to a similar instance - the only other example discovered so far - found at Oregon's Steens Mountain in 1995. The researchers for the earlier study analyzed lava flows 1.2 million years older than the rock at Sheep Creek Range and found evidence of an episode of a 6-degree per day change. That rate of directional change was so high that many in the earth science found it hard to accept.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Do you have a theory describing how aliens in outerspace have detailed insight into the state of the earth's core?
edit on 12-8-2012 by Legos because: (no reason given)

hey legos, i could propose many theories but i suspect that my powers of intelligence might not be strong enough to even begin to approach the truth of how our space brothers, if they do indeed even exist, could know such detailed info about our planet. but on the flipside of things, my best guess would be that their ability to ascertain certain knowledge about us might not be so different than OUR ability to ascertain key facts about the cosmos. we've got instruments that measure things and they probably have far better and more advanced instruments than we could ever imagine. for all we know, alien telescopes might be able to see through to the core of our planet. hell, alien eyes could be adapted to see all light wavelengths. the way i see it, there are just too many variables at play to be sure. we're at the point in our technology where we can develop nano machines to repair ailing cells and we can create prosthetic limbs to augment our bodies' performance capabilities. i cant even begin to wrap my mind around the tech an advanced civilization might have.

and to those who seem so baffled about the time it takes to send and receive messages through the universe, please remember that our understanding of the nature of the cosmos is still in its infancy. some have suggested that maybe the aliens are using satellites of some sort to beam messages which i think is perfectly plausible. or they might have figured out a way to beat the speed of light. we can speculate until the cows come home but when it comes to alien intelligence vs our own, i always think about whether the most intelligent dog, or bird, or fish could ever fathom space travel or our financial markets or even spirituality. i don't think so. maybe in the same way, even the brightest, most capable human mind might not be able to fathom the intricacies of alien intelligence and ability.

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