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To My Iranian Brothers

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posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by ronnieray123

just the mere fact that you have taken it upon yourself to declare that you are somehow the person God put on this earth to define morality for all people says a lot about you.
I sir at least had the courage to state my opinion and provide the data that makes me believe this way.
While you offer nothing but insinuations that because you declare yourself so, you are the better man.
There is nothing more noble than the Bill of Rights. If you choose to believe otherwise that is up to you. Have no doubt that if someone was violating yours, despite your refusal to accept these Rights are for all people, I would still stand by your side and do everything I could to insure your right to Life,Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is not denied you.
But I have my doubts you would do the same for me
Until islam declares these right belong to all people.....I prefer to remain the bigot you have so kindly declared me to be

I have at no point "declared" that. Please re-read my post.

I merely pointed out the bigotry of your post. Please, take some 'calm down' pills, and think clearly. If your personal freedoms were being attacked, I would stand by you as a FELLOW HUMAN. I understand you may think less of others for their religious beliefs, as your posts have insinuated, and that's your right. Just as it is my right to point out the bigotry of your statements. Isn't it wonderful, the freedoms we hold dear in North America?

My post stands. People who would seek to bomb others based on their religious beliefs, until they accept what YOU believe is the exact same atrocity that you supposedly stand against.

I'm sorry, I was wrong, you are a bigot AND a hypocrite.

Good day to you, "Sir"

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by DarknStormy
Yep, seen it in Egypt, Bahrain and swarms of other countries also. Why single out Iran when surely the likes of Saudi Arabia could be blamed for possibly the same atrocities?

And for what its worth, i stand against all countries who abuses their citizens, whether it be Iran, Saudia Arabia or Canada.

Originally posted by DarknStormy

edit on 9-8-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)


I hate to assume this, but I take it you are an American with a big mouth and small brain?

You stand against ALL countries who abuse their people?

If you havent realized but America abuses their entire population and abuses other countries. Or, are you okay that one country abuses another's citizens just not their own? Because they are all human regardless. If you think America is a healthy-strong country, your only looking at media still bud.. your country is in turmoil, because the government abuses its power over the weak people.

If my assumption is correct, and you are an American with this BOLD statement, being against ALL countries but singling out your own (you even through Canada in there?) ... You actually just comitted to the most ignorant and dumb ass post I have ever read in the past few months

You will probably take this as a compliment anyways... you wont have that cocky attitude when your homeland security is throwing your smart ass in a FEMA prison.. Think before you make bold statements over the internet. From my opinion, yours wasnt really worth it.

~ Love is an art

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:29 PM
I like being an infidel. I found something I am good at and see no reason to find a new hobby.
There was a time when the Pope would have herd of Christians getting murdered by mooselimbs and Churches getting torched for being Christian, and he would have sent an army to protect the faithful
Sadly that protection is no more. The mooselimbs no longer need to fear harming Christians because the Pope won't intervene anymore.....

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:44 PM
A nation that openly swears to destroy my allies gets no sympathy from me. If they are in that rough of shape maybe they need to grow a pair and revolt like Egypt did.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by jephers0n

Ooohhh my delusional friend who is still stuck on calling me a bigot
I merely pointed out that islam is in direct conflict with my belief in the words of the Bill of Rights, and you twisted it to say that I am picking islam because it is a religion. I could care less about religion, all I care about is how I see people treating each other and what is their justification for it.
Do you mean to tell me Sir that islamic law does not advocate violence against people for the tiniest infraction??
Do you refuse to acknowledge that islam encourages people to behave very badly
Do you think Sir it is proper for an imam to declare laws and punishments with no regard to the wishes of the people
I refuse to respect those who would deny others what I believe to be basic freedoms. I would have no qualms with subjecting those very imams to the treatment they so happily bestow on others.
I would have no misgivings about stoning someone to death who felt it was acceptable to take part in doing this to someone else.
Would you like documentation that shows that islam is to the Bill of Rights what kryptonite is to superman.

How could I stand before you now and claim I hold the Bill of Rights sacred and then say I find islam an acceptable form of governance? It would be an oxymoron
When the mooselimbs proclaim "
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness....
Then and only then will I accept them as my equal
and if that makes me a bigot

Ok thats fine, I am good with that.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 01:23 PM
Iran, the country that still executes gays and rape victims is a victim of persecution? Really? Why do liberals have such a hard on for extreme Islam?

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by ronnieray123
reply to post by jephers0n

Ooohhh my delusional friend who is still stuck on calling me a bigot
I merely pointed out that islam is in direct conflict with my belief in the words of the Bill of Rights, and you twisted it to say that I am picking islam because it is a religion. I could care less about religion, all I care about is how I see people treating each other and what is their justification for it.
Do you mean to tell me Sir that islamic law does not advocate violence against people for the tiniest infraction??
Do you refuse to acknowledge that islam encourages people to behave very badly
Do you think Sir it is proper for an imam to declare laws and punishments with no regard to the wishes of the people
I refuse to respect those who would deny others what I believe to be basic freedoms. I would have no qualms with subjecting those very imams to the treatment they so happily bestow on others.
I would have no misgivings about stoning someone to death who felt it was acceptable to take part in doing this to someone else.
Would you like documentation that shows that islam is to the Bill of Rights what kryptonite is to superman.

How could I stand before you now and claim I hold the Bill of Rights sacred and then say I find islam an acceptable form of governance? It would be an oxymoron
When the mooselimbs proclaim "
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness....
Then and only then will I accept them as my equal
and if that makes me a bigot

Ok thats fine, I am good with that.

Firstly, I am not your 'friend'. People I associate myself with have a higher moral standing than yourself.

My entire point is this:

You do not even seem to realize (nor could you ever, with your narrow world view) that these imams and clerics in positions of power have TWISTED Islam to their own ends, to achieve the power they crave. Islam actually teaches peace. Do some research. You will fire back, and say that the Quaran teaches this, and that, and I will counter you with the simple fact that even the bible has been twisted to achieve power and control, over the centuries. You argue a moot point, and support bigotry and bombing others for not adhering to what you believe.

You are no better than the clerics you claim to hate. Hypocrite.

Go back to watching Fox news, and proclaiming that everyone on earth must follow the 'godly' U.S.A.

You are hopelessly brainwashed, and absolutely naive.

The OP was a well thought out, well delivered, and highly respectable post. Your point of view is closed-minded, and weak. It's no wonder Americans have such a hard time traveling anywhere outside of their borders, and must sully the name of MY country by wearing MY FLAG, for fear of being attacked simply for being 'Americans'.

I'm done responding to your ignorance. Your comments are better suited for the fox news comment section, with the rest of the uneducated, racist, and hopelessly naive people.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson
Iran, the country that still executes gays and rape victims is a victim of persecution? Really? Why do liberals have such a hard on for extreme Islam?

Are you trying to say that the gay population in the United States isn't persecuted?

You do realize that the people and government are two different entities, just as in your own country...

ETA: I respectfully pull back the question after some research. My apologies
edit on 10-8-2012 by jephers0n because: Researched the laws, and found that the LGBT community is still persecuted, and it is found to be illegal.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 02:05 PM

edit on 10-8-2012 by nightbringr because: Nm, saw the retraction

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 02:07 PM
The USA is attempting to take over the world,it sounds like something out of a comic book but you better wake up and smell the coffee.

Practically every western country is a USA puppet state, for example i live in the UK and whilst it may appear that we are an independent sovereign country,we are tied to the USA if anybody steps out of line they get taken out its that simple,they are hardly even bothering to hide their intentions anymore.

We must support the few remaning independent nations,such as iran and north korea , reject mainstream propaganda and denounce USA imperialism.

Of course its a common law of nature for things to grow and die,to rise and to fall.The american empire will eventually collapse.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:01 PM
I have an Iranian friend who’s been here in the states for about 12 years now. He’s a pretty cool guy. On occasion, he talks about his great discontent for those who have power in Iran. We don’t talk much about it, but when we do, he gets pretty heated up about it all. He doesn’t dislike Americans or even our Gov. all that much, but he does dislike his Gov. He once told me about how his province got humanitarian help from America in the late 80’s/early 90’s. Now people can talk up and down about how Our Gov. is destroying the world, but people need to realize that America has done a great deal to help people, especially in humanitarian aid.

So instead of apologizing to Iran for America’s wrong doings, how about talking about the good things America has done for the rest of the world and Iran in the past? Or are you one of those people who can’t grasp any good coming from America?

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson
Iran, the country that still executes gays and rape victims is a victim of persecution? Really? Why do liberals have such a hard on for extreme Islam?

Last time I checked, I am in no way shape or form a liberal. I do not believe in gun control, i do not believe in abortion, I think illegal immigration and refugee status should end, I think corporate taxes should be as low as possible. Last time I checked, humans regardless of their political beliefs should still have a heart.

However, I know this response to your statement will only fuel your hate.

In the words of Jon Stewart, "Go Onnnnnnn"

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

I never indicated such a thing whatsoever. Period, end of conversation.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by seenavv
I am an American. Please understand that many Americans understand that it's the regime, and that the regime oppresses it's people.

Our government is out of control. Obama sat there and said nothing as the Iranian people protested the "election", yet, stood up yelling "yippee" as Libya, Egypt and the other countries fell.

So many americans just vote in the same people that are going to give them their welfare checks so they can use their free "smart" phones and watch american idol, dancing with the stars and desperate housewives.

I wish that peace could come to the world, but, unfortunately, it looks like the PTB are pushing for WW111, and many innocents death all over the world.

So many of us are seemingly powerless to stop the insanity.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by jephers0n

Originally posted by ronnieray123
reply to post by jephers0n

I'm done responding to your ignorance. Your comments are better suited for the fox news comment section, with the rest of the uneducated, racist, and hopelessly naive people.

This is what liberals do when they lose an argument, they storm off and leave a trail of name calling. Bless their little hearts.
I would post for him direct quotes that show the love mentioned in the koran is specifically directed towards other muslims, and that this love is not extended to me and other infidels, but he would call me hateful and a hundred other colorful words.
Now he is offline and congratulating himself for showing me his obvious enlightenment. His moral higher ground that separates him from the unwashed masses.
Yes it is true, my eyes lie to me everyday.
It is clouded vision, vision made false by the hatred imbedded in my heartless soul that causes me to see islam as a scourge that violates the very words our founding fathers first wrote to us.
A hatred so intense that I can not see that when the koran and the Constitution are placed side by side they are merely 2 sides of the same coin. That both offer an abundance of freedom to those they speak to.

Yes what ever your name was because I have forgotten already
I see why your avatar looks like it does,,,,A big O face Ohh Ohhh Ohhh, you know what I'm talkin' about Oh Ohhh

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by gravitational
reply to post by DragonRain311

The “propaganda” as you put it, is not and never was against the Iranian people, but against the megalomaniac murdering actions of the Iranian regime.
See the difference now ?

I don't think that that's even right. There are so many countries with tyrannical leaders and we leave them alone. Whatever my U.S. government is doing in the Middle East (and, well, everywhere else) has got to be for the personal gain of those that aren't even in the picture.

Is my government really messing with the Middle East to offer freedom to the people? I seriously doubt it. If this were the case then we never would've pulled out of Viet Nam.
edit on 8/10/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by jephers0n

Ew. This kind of disgusting petty name-calling is a plague to political and regional conversation on ATS. Tapping out then referencing Fox News is an old trick, and one of the saddest. For some reason people think this is an all-encompassing statement that makes them more intelligent than the person they are posting against. All is really shows is childish insolence and immaturity. People believe that referencing a news station which hasn't even been referenced prior to the argument is their trump card, the thing that will make their opponent "re-think their views" and let himself continually validate his own. My friend, you are a paradox of yourself - calling someone close-minded then making assumptions about his political views and media preferences. Maybe it is you who are close-minded, drawing conclusions with little or no information on the other person present. I guess stooping so low by calling someone "uneducated, racist, and hopelessly naive" as well as "hopelessly brainwashed, and absolutely naive" automatically makes you feel as though if you have the upper hand? Anyone can make those statements, they are usually just smart enough not to. Throwing terms in somebody's face with no factual backing is counter-productive to any type of argument.

The teachings of The Koran are integral to Arab Nationalism and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Koran itself preaches that there is no other religion but Islam to be respected and the world should be engulfed in it. The ideals of Ummah are brought about in the Koran: "You [Muslims] are the best nation brought out for Mankind, commanding what is righteous (معروف Maʻrūf, lit. "recognized [as good]") and forbidding what is wrong.” [3:110] The Koran preaches mundane marriage practices (still in use by Shiites.) The Koran preaches continual disrespect and Jizya to "People of the Book."

I suggest you read "Infidel's Guide to The Koran" for information on the more violent verses in the book. Or, you can just read The Koran itself to make yourself more aware of the atrocities in the book. For the sake of time I won't include every single hateful, xenophobic, and violent verse in The Koran. You'll have to do that for yourself. These verses don't need to be 'twisted' in any way, they speak for themselves. Maybe if you ditched your mud-slinging argumentative speech style you may give yourself some room to actually educate yourself and form a decent argument aside from "you're a racist who watched fox news." Pure tripe.

And what is with you bringing the Bible into this? The Koran dictates Shariah Law which is in practice in multiple Middle Eastern countries. The Koran dictates the behaviors of government and military leaders in the Middle East and has for hundreds of years. The Bible has no relevance on American policy or how they interact with other countries, therefore it should not even be present in this discussion. Of course comparing the Koran to mishaps involving the Bible (for no reason whatsoever) is the typical cop-out for posters such as yourself.

The OP made a well-delivered statement?
All OP did was give the opinion of one Iranian family who lives in Canada. How does that have relevance to anything whatsoever? That's like an Iranian making a statement about America because he met some tea-partier in North Carolina. I guess someone with such a great appreciation of ignorant assumptions such as yourself must really find something to hold onto in the OP.
edit on 10-8-2012 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 06:46 PM
Go spend a few weeks in Iran, which is currently not at war. Then re-post.

Take Care.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:02 PM
To my American brothers.

The four freedoms of common humanity are as much elements of man's needs as air and sunlight, bread and salt. Deprive him of all these freedoms and he dies--deprive him of a part of them and a part of him withers. Give them to him in full and abundant measure and he will cross the threshold of a new age, the greatest age of man.

These freedoms are the rights of men of every creed and every race, wherever they live. This is their heritage, long withheld. We of the United Nations have the power and the men and the will at last to assure man's heritage.

The belief in the four freedoms of common humanity--the belief in man, created free, in the image of God--is the crucial difference between ourselves and the enemies we face today. In it lies the absolute unity of our alliance, opposed to the oneness of the evil we hate. Here is our strength, the source and promise of victory.

Aggressive war, sudden armed attack, secret police, these must be forever circumvented.


edit on 10-8-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by binkman

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

You, as a Canadian, do not need to apologise for the actions of the Israeli controlled US media. I'm sure they know the difference between Canada and the US in Iran.

But he as a human being may.


I do not subscribe to the idea that one must apologise for anothers actions because they are also a human.

Couldn't hurt. I mean after all, we may have one country saying they are better than another and singing the "Battle hymn of the Republic" or ten million commercials on the Canadian TV saying "I am Canadian" and other commercials where they brag about the two times they beat America in a war...despite the fact that this was the war of 1812 and Canada wasn't even a Federation until 1867 when their constitution was put in place.

Sure America tried to take Canada and failed but it was the 'British Redcoats' that America was fighting and was held off by..the military of Great Britain...not the soon to be Canadian colonists and certainly not the Canadian there was none, of course, this is not the propaganda the Canadian government feeds their people almost every single commercial....Canada brags about beating the American military as if Canada "The Nation" and it's mighty military beat us and they don't mention the British at all. They act as if it were yesterday too. LOL. (Talk about an old man sitting on the porch telling stories to his grandchildren)but I digress.

My point is that, when you take away all of the chest pounding, and brainwashing and media propaganda....get the map out and erase all of those lines on it..placed by man and government. You have one big world full of humans and animals who all roam one great big earth with no rights to brag and no one to say that you're better than....simply because your government scrubs your brain with political soap. Most of the time they are lying anyway. They Lie, Lie, Lie and the people Buy,Buy,Buy. Yep, one great big world full of easily hypnotized idiots.
edit on 10-8-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

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