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Iran vs. USA in one picture

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posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Your other post pretty well sums it up too. You know you have them beat and worn out when they start making statements about the number of members at ATS "only" giving this thread 140 flags.
I mean that's pathetic, off topic, and the sign of a sore loser with nothing better to do. Pathetic. Hear me? PATHETIC.

Not nearly so pathetic as having to manufacture demonstrably false propaganda in a lame effort to gain those flags.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:31 PM

+8 more 
posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by maes2

I'm sorry, maes2, but you won't convince me that Iran isn't pursuing nuclear weapons. All of the evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that I've seen so far tells me they are. As I've said before, however, I don't care if they get one. I see no reason, other than their signatory status to the NPT, to bar such an activity.

Khameini is a bit of a loose cannon, but I don't believe even he would proactively launch a nuke against Israel or anyone else, even if he had dozens. Whatever he may be, he isn't stupid, and knows that would result in instant erasure of Iran, and untold misery for her citizens. I actually believe that the entire nuclear issue is a smoke screen, a means of diverting attention from the real plan. I believe it's a matter of the right hand staying visibly busy while the left hand is covertly setting up the chess pieces.

I believe Khameini has other plans altogether, based upon some private communications I've had recently with people who know better than I what to look for in that regard.

For the part of the West, they are more than happy to keep the nuclear bouncing ball visible in the public eye, for much the same reasons - they want it for a distraction while they are setting up chess pieces of their own.

I believe the nuclear debate regarding Iran is a non-issue, a distraction that would never be actually employed, just something to hold the public attention so that they will never see the real threat coming until it has a grip on them, and it's being trumpted about bt BOTH sides for the same reason,

That's why I say let it go, let Iran have any nuclear ambitions they want, weapons or not, and watch what happens. Once the issue is seen to be a non issue, we can give our attention more fully to the real problems.

I'm well aware that Israel has around 300 nuclear weapons, and has had them for nearly 40 years. That is one of the most open "secrets" on the planet. Again, however, in that 40 year history of Israel's nuclear arsenal, how many of them have they actually launched in anger? None - and neither will they, unless their national existence is threatened by an overwhelming threat with no other response. Israel ALSO knows that if they do, it's curtains for Israel, so they will never launch unless they are going down any way - they will just go out with a BANG. This makes the Israeli nukes a diversionary non-issue as well.

Yes, Israel was born of war and discord. So has been nearly every other nation on Earth, the US included. That by itself is insufficient reason to deny Israel's legitimacy - unless we are also willing to deny the legitimacy of just about every other nation. To deny their right to exist is also to deny the existential right of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, India, and an entire host of middle eastern countries. Their boundaries were set at about the same approximate time, in about the same way, by the same people. I just can't make the distinction of one being "wrong" and all of the rest being "right".

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
I'm sorry, maes2, but you won't convince me that Iran isn't pursuing nuclear weapons. All of the evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that I've seen so far tells me they are. As I've said before, however, I don't care if they get one. I see no reason, other than their signatory status to the NPT, to bar such an activity.

I know well that I can never convince you ! do not be worry IAEA is a good watchdog.

Khameini is a bit of a loose cannon

it is not a loose canon it is the elected suprem leader in Iran that it's duty is to gaurd revolution desires and it has a great share in foreign policy it is different from presidency. teach that to Obama.

I believe Khameini has other plans altogether, based upon some private communications I've had recently with people who know better than I what to look for in that regard.

so Familiarize them to Obama may be they can help him to figure it out.

Yes, Israel was born of war and discord. So has been nearly every other nation on Earth, the US included.

I meant occupation by war. Israel is just some occupied Lands of at least four countries. and the real residents are alive and want their lands back. there are christians, jews and muslims among them and they are the real palestinians. some say that Israel is the first and real residents. but all of us know that they are brought there from other countries. not in ancient times but 60 years ago. some say that the word Palestine is made by Romans to humilate jews ! again another funny excuse for their genocides. palestine has a root in history. they were christians, jews and muslims.
Canaans were the first residents of Palestine and they were Arabs.
the word Palestne or philistin dates back before Romans.

so your logic that Israel is legitimated. because it is formed by war. this is because you do not know what is Zhionism. I have a link in my signature take a look at it maybe it can help you.
moreover the real residents are alive and want their lands back. and it seems Israel is not successful in it's genocides !
If it had not been because of Cyrus the king of Persia (ancient Iran), there would have not been any Jerusalem or jews in this world. it is written in Bible. so we do want to make insurrection and annex that land to our neo Persia. would you support us!? do you see this right!? are you saying it is allowed!? (laugh it is a joke)

edit on 11-8-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 11:43 PM
After reading many posts here it seems that some posters are talking about Iran in ways that will soon not even apply. Iran's current Leadership will their own people. That is unless they force the U.S. Military's hand by doing something stupid...but it will fall one way or the other.

This is inevitable. The only real question is will it Fall Cleanly or will this be Messy? The U.S. is prepared for either one. All the talk over who has this right or they signed the NPT or whether they have the right to build bombs or not...does not matter...they are going down...the Iranian Leadership that is...and the Iranian People will be all the better for it.

This is what I worry about. I worry that not all the secret Direct Military to Military talks work and we...the U.S. has to make an example out of a specific Iranian Army Division or perhaps it will occur at sea...but if the Iranian Military does not stand down in a case where the Iranian Leadership orders a Last Ditch Effort to get the population on their side by portraying the U.S. as an Invasionary Force...which it would be if the Iranian Leadership attempted to Close the Strait or WORSE...the Iranians declare PUBLICLY...true or not...that they have Nuclear Weapons. At this point the U.S. Military is given a GO...most Iranian Military Leaders stand down but say a few do not...and the U.S. Military decides it does not want to expose the effectiveness of Non-Nuclear EMP's Just Yet...thus...a SHOOTING WAR. The U.S. Military has already picked an example target just as they did in IRAQ when a Large Wing of B-52's Wiped Out an entire Republican Guard Division...80 to 100 Thousand one pass. NOTHING REMAINED. This Republican Guard Division was picked due to it's known atrocities. The Iranian Divisions also have their one very specific Highly Vicious and Highly Paid protectors of the OLD RELIGIOUS GUARD. The same thing would happen...80 to 100 THOUSAND MEN just...GONE! This should be avoided if possible as this kind of LETHAL U.S. ABILITIES could derail our possible Pro-Democracy Members from stomaching this large scale Killing of Iranians. THAT IS WHAT I WORRY ABOUT! With any LUCK...these Secret Military to Military Talks will avoid this possibility and a FREE DEMOCRATIC IRAN will have a Military of the people. But COMMUNICATION IS KEY HERE! If an Iranian Warship starts firing on a USN. Naval Ship...because someone didn't get the message to stand down....the U.S. Fifth Fleet will sink every Iranian Ship above and below the water. I don't think there is much HONOR in KILLING a bunch of unfortunate and FORCED CONSCRIPTED KIDS who have ZERO CHANCE in a fight with the U.S. Military. I also don't think such large numbers of DEAD would be appreciated by the Pro-Democracy Leadership. As when you talk about a Military Fight between the U.S. and Iran it is like a PRO Sports Team playing against a Bunch of Kids in the FIRST GRADE. It would be a SLAUGHTER. We need to avoid this. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

well we could avoid it if the US didn't bother with that region. I'm not sure why the US, or Israel is worried about Iran (and yes, I've done my reading). If they were to drop a nuke on Israel, there would be potentially thousands of nukes going back at them. They're just a deterrent. It's a bit like guns hey split (no I don't want to go there lol, just an example), if Joe (Bob got shot) over there has one, then you probably want one too. Same goes for nukes.

I think Iran should have nuclear programme (why not.. all the cool kids do), as (assuming they actually have a weapon) if they were to send one over, their entire country would be levelled in a few seconds anyway. All it would mean is that Israel (seemingly the most threatened by Iran) would maybe have to behave a little more, which would be a good thing for many. The US isn't making Israel behave, someone needs to...

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by spoogemonkey

Actually the U.S has FORBIDDEN Israel to Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites due to the Massive amount of Radioactive Dust that would poison the entire Middle East.

Iran signed the NPT so it could buy Nuclear Tech. it could not develop on it's own. By signing the NPT they must abide by the rules or face sanctions as well as possible Military Action. A few old style Truck Sized Atom Bombs will not deter the U.S. Military. This has more to do with Middle East Politics as a few bombs of this nature are not in any way a method to prevent Military Action. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by maes2

Originally posted by nenothtu
I believe Khameini has other plans altogether, based upon some private communications I've had recently with people who know better than I what to look for in that regard.

so Familiarize them to Obama may be they can help him to figure it out.

What was that Obama said once? Oh yeah "that's above my pay grade". I can't teach him nothing - he's been busy with a round of golf or planning another Beer Summit or something.

I meant occupation by war. Israel is just some occupied Lands of at least four countries. and the real residents are alive and want their lands back. there are christians, jews and muslims among them and they are the real palestinians. some say that Israel is the first and real residents. but all of us know that they are brought there from other countries. not in ancient times but 60 years ago. some say that the word Palestine is made by Romans to humilate jews ! again another funny excuse for their genocides. palestine has a root in history. they were christians, jews and muslims.

Oh, no doubt - but that doesn't affect it's legitimacy. The US is also an occupied country - parts of it under a double occupation at the moment (the CSA is occupying indian lands, and is in turn being occupied by the US, making that area under a double occupation), but I don't hear many calls at the UN for the dissolution of the occupying forces.

Canaans were the first residents of Palestine and they were Arabs.

I'll have to check into that - last I heard, Arabs are Ishmaelites, not Canaanites. I'll look into it,

so your logic that Israel is legitimated. because it is formed by war. this is because you do not know what is Zhionism. I have a link in my signature take a look at it maybe it can help you.
moreover the real residents are alive and want their lands back. and it seems Israel is not successful in it's genocides !
If it had not been because of Cyrus the king of Persia (ancient Iran), there would have not been any Jerusalem or jews in this world. it is written in Bible. so we do want to make insurrection and annex that land to our neo Persia. would you support us!? do you see this right!? are you saying it is allowed!? (laugh it is a joke)

No, being formed by war is not what legitimizes it - I'm saying that the method of formation is inconsequential. Most countries are formed by war, but that isn't what makes them legitimate. Existence does. Possession does. Methodology doesn't.

Zionism doesn't interest me. I'm not the least bit scared of them. Zionists are so rare that I've run into more bears in the woods than I have zionists.

Regarding the expansion of the Neo=Persian Empire, sure. Go for it. Right of conquest is a time-honored tradition across the planet, and the Middle East is no exception. How many times has that ALREADY been done there? 'Nuff said.

Just remember - you don't gain right of conquest until AFTER the conquest is established and mopped up - until then, it's just another war, which the Middle East is no stranger to.

edit on 2012/8/12 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
Oh, no doubt - but that doesn't affect it's legitimacy. The US is also an occupied country - parts of it under a double occupation at the moment (the CSA is occupying indian lands, and is in turn being occupied by the US, making that area under a double occupation), but I don't hear many calls at the UN for the dissolution of the occupying forces.

the fact is that old north americans were successful in their genocide. but situation is different in Palestine. they are alive and want their lands back. and they are not a minority but a majority surrounding the occupied lands.

No, being formed by war is not what legitimizes it - I'm saying that the method of formation is inconsequential. Most countries are formed by war, but that isn't what makes them legitimate. Existence does. Possession does. Methodology doesn't.

with these situations Israel will not last long the residents will escape from nethanyahoo to their real homelands !

Zionists are so rare that I've run into more bears in the woods than I have zionists.

this is why there is a 99% rising in US. a group of those minorities are zhionists !

I'll have to check into that - last I heard, Arabs are Ishmaelites, not Canaanites. I'll look into it

no I was saying that Canaanites were Arab not Arabs were Canaanites.

Regarding the expansion of the Neo=Persian Empire, sure. Go for it. Right of conquest is a time-honored tradition across the planet, and the Middle East is no exception. How many times has that ALREADY been done there? 'Nuff said.

thank God you are not in place of Obama !

and of your avatar smile is better than Lour !
edit on 12-8-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Actually the U.S has FORBIDDEN Israel to Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites due to the Massive amount of Radioactive Dust that would poison the entire Middle East.

Iran signed the NPT so it could buy Nuclear Tech. it could not develop on it's own.

maybe this is what some powers like USA,China,Russia, .... would be glad to add it to NPT. but enrichment and developement is allowed under NPT. Iran is just the apex somehow the frontline there are many countries that are against that they get limitations under NPT. however powers are not doing their responsiblity towards nuclear disarmament.
edit on 12-8-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Where there is some aspects to this I agree with, i disagree with it as a whole. Look at it this way (this may be a little pushing it some, but hey devils advocate) You know when your a kid, and the little guy gets picked on relentlessly, or in this case a country such as Iran. They get sanctions and told everyone else is the bad guy, its like the little kid who brings his dads gun to the playground. You corner them one last time and they make you feel their pain. It may sound a little sensationalist but think about it. Now I dont think we need to withdraw from every where but i think a serious re-thinking is needed.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:25 PM
Its altogether comical to note, that the U.S. was the one who first created Iran's nuclear program, during "atoms for peace". Just another in a long list of horrible foreign policy initiatives.

1957: The United States and Iran sign a civil nuclear co-operation agreement as part of the U.S. Atoms for Peace program

September 1967: The United States supplies 5.545 kg of enriched uranium, of which 5.165 kg contain fissile isotopes for fuel in a research reactor. The United States also supplies 112 g of plutonium, of which 104 g are fissile isotopes, for use as start-up sources for research reactor.

1970s: Under the rule of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, plans are made to construct up to 20 nuclear power stations across the country with U.S. support and backing. Numerous contracts are signed with various Western firms, and the German firm Kraftwerk Union (a subsidiary of Siemens AG) begins construction on the Bushehr power plant in 1974.

1975: Massachusetts Institute of Technology signs a contract with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to provide training for Iranian nuclear engineers.

This pattern is repeated through the whole history of the U.S., and their British masters. Its called divide, and conquer, propping up dictatorships, and allowing nuclear proliferation where it suits you, and denying it where it doesn't. This policy of funding clumsy dictatorships, has come back to bite the West in the proverbial "ass", more then once. Yet it still seems to be a fully accepted part of Western geopolitical tactics. With the mass amount of funds sent to the Afghani UNOCAL puppet Hamid Karzai, and the government of Jalal Talabani, who's security forces have been implicated in crime's all across Iraq. Its clear to see that this method of world domination is not going to stop, until it results in a worldwide war that costs us all dearly....

The backing of the "Free Syrian Army", is yet another bad decision on the part of the Western "democracy's", as well as the backing of the Libyan insurgent groups. How long will it take before we see another Saddam be created in these country's? How long will it take for another "Taliban" to be created to help fuel the interests of an international oil company? How long will it take for another set of false flag attacks to be blamed on country's who had no involvement, and the Western hegemonic powers to invade yet another sovereign nation?

This is the reason the U.S. hasn't invaded Iran yet : "The U.S. Government and other sources estimate that the numbers of Iranian-Americans are close to 2 million.". It knows that if it does, the backlash at home will be huge in comparison to the Iraqi war, since only "200,000 - 350,000" Iraqi-Americans live in the U.S.. It cares nothing for the bloodshed of foreign people, or even its own citizens, as long as it can get away with it. That is the way hegemonic imperialist country's have always existed, and to think the U.S. is an exception, is to be highly ignorant, and illogical in one's thought patterns.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
I'm sorry, maes2, but you won't convince me that Iran isn't pursuing nuclear weapons. All of the evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that I've seen so far tells me they are.

Wow, so you know more than the IAEA and our own national intelligence to come up with that load of BS!!??

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, CIRCUMSTANTIAL OR OTHERWISE, that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.

What part of that doesn't want absorb through the brain matter? Otherwise if there was the warmongers would have attacked them already- and added them to the list, AGAIN. I almost wish Iran would attack us, just so you could shut me up. But at the moment, all I can do is scream. Yes, all those nasty nasty military bases Iran has surrounding us! I mean they are calling us up every ten minutes with another direct threat they are going to invade! Those nasty nasty Iranians. I just wish they would go back to the middle east and get out of our hemisphere for good! Why do they have to have their armies over here, surrounding us like a pack of lions around an antelope? That goes against everything religious we believe in. I feel so skeered they are going to attack us. *tremble tremble, shake shake, quiver quiver.* Mommy, please make it stop! Tell those Iranians to go home!


posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by nenothtu
I'm sorry, maes2, but you won't convince me that Iran isn't pursuing nuclear weapons. All of the evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that I've seen so far tells me they are.

Wow, so you know more than the IAEA and our own national intelligence to come up with that load of BS!!??

No, not "more than". Not "more". Knowing "more than" the national intel appartus knows isn't even sort of necessary to reach that conclusion.

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, CIRCUMSTANTIAL OR OTHERWISE, that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.

Just because you reject it out of hand does not mean it doesn't exist, any more than sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting "la la la la" makes the noise go away - it just means you ignore your own senses, which isn't my problem.

What part of that doesn't want absorb through the brain matter? Otherwise if there was the warmongers would have attacked them already- and added them to the list, AGAIN. I almost wish Iran would attack us, just so you could shut me up. But at the moment, all I can do is scream. Yes, all those nasty nasty military bases Iran has surrounding us! I mean they are calling us up every ten minutes with another direct threat they are going to invade! Those nasty nasty Iranians. I just wish they would go back to the middle east and get out of our hemisphere for good! Why do they have to have their armies over here, surrounding us like a pack of lions around an antelope? That goes against everything religious we believe in. I feel so skeered they are going to attack us. *tremble tremble, shake shake, quiver quiver.* Mommy, please make it stop! Tell those Iranians to go home!


If you're through throwing your little tantrum now, you can bite me, baby. My wife is a Shiite, and you can carry your racist BS on down to the bar, play it there. Sounds like you need a good stiff drink any how. YOU be "skeerd" - I don't need to. I can face the world as it is - not as I wish it was.

Trying to hide it under the rug does nothing to open an honest dialog, and you're not going to solve a goddamned thing like that. Keep going, though - it's amusing in a twisted sort of way.

Pathetic? Yeah, I think your whiny little tantrum here qualifies. Good call.

edit on 2012/8/13 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Official Iranian media outlets published a commentary Sunday titled “The necessity for the Islamic world to have the atomic bomb,” laying the groundwork for Iran’s refusal to accept limits on its illicit nuclear program

The essay’s author, Alireza Forghani, is the former governor of southern Iran’s Kish Province and an analyst and a strategy specialist in the camp of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“The fatwa from Imam Khomeini [the founder of Iran's Islamic revolution] said ‘all Islamic countries have Islamic blood,’” Forghani wrote. “Therefore the Islamic world should rise up and shout that a nuclear bomb is our right, and disrupt the dreams of America and Israel.”

Read more:

Internal IAEA information links the Supreme Leader to 1984 decision to seek a nuclear arsenal

“The Agency [IAEA] was informed that in April 1984 the then President of Iran, H.E. Ayatollah Khamenei declared, during a meeting of top-echelon political and security officials at the Presidential Palace in Tehran, that the spiritual leader Imam Khomeini had decided to reactivate the nuclear programme. According to Ayatollah Khamenei this was the only way to secure the very essence of the Islamic Revolution from the schemes of its enemies, especially the United States and Israel, and to prepare it for the emergence of Imam Mehdi. Ayatollah Khamenei further declared during the meeting, that a nuclear arsenal would serve Iran as a deterrent in the hands of God’s soldiers.”


All indications, straight from the real power in Iran, is that they want nuclear weapons, to say otherwise is disingenuous and ignorant.
edit on 13-8-2012 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Earlier in this thread, I stated that Iran could settle this issue and stop the war before it even stops if they only just opened their doors. they could shame the west, shame Israel, shame America.

I was attacked by a group of foaming at the mouth idealogues who fought my opinion tooth and nail.

Looking at your post, I can know understand why.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
It would be a SLAUGHTER. We need to avoid this. Split Infinity

Your post is a nice summary of a complex topic I have been following for several days now.

I am totally happy to make your post the final word.

Well said! I can now move on.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by maes2
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Actually the U.S has FORBIDDEN Israel to Bomb Iranian Nuclear Sites due to the Massive amount of Radioactive Dust that would poison the entire Middle East.

Iran signed the NPT so it could buy Nuclear Tech. it could not develop on it's own.

maybe this is what some powers like USA,China,Russia, .... would be glad to add it to NPT. but enrichment and developement is allowed under NPT. Iran is just the apex somehow the frontline there are many countries that are against that they get limitations under NPT. however powers are not doing their responsiblity towards nuclear disarmament.
edit on 12-8-2012 by maes2 because: (no reason given)

LOOK...If a Country signs the NPT they can buy Nuclear Power Generation Tech. The problem is that when a Country like Iran builds Tens of Thousands of Centrifuges in order to enrich Uranium CAKE into Weapons Grade Uranium...this is a VIOLATION OF THE NPT as well as not allowing Nuclear Inspectors in and building SECRET NUCLEAR BASES...etc....etc...etc...IRAN has broken just about every rule in the BOOK!

The Iranian Leadership and Old Guard are GOING DOWN one way or is inevitable and has already been decided. The BEST case scenario is that Iran"s Pro-Democracy Movement is able to do it within at the VERY LEAST...12 Months. This is the TIMETABLE....12 MONTHS. This is also the most dangerous period of time as WORSE CASE SCENARIO...Iranian Old Guard Leadership anticipate their Downfall and by Preemptive Strike...attack the Pro-Democracy Movement with one of their Special Military Divisions that has already been designated as the "EXAMPLE TARGET" in the event hostilities break out and the U.S. Military...even though has continuing secret Military to Military Talks on going...has to respond in the event we choose not to use EMP's and our Special Forces and Airborne Rangers are placed in Jeopardy by a counter attack...the B-52's will fly out and Wipe From The Face Of This Earth the existence of this "Example Target". This will have the desired effect and all Iranian Military Forces would Stand Down.

I HOPE for the Best Case Scenario as it would allow many people to keep on living as well as give Credence to a New Iranian Democratic Government. As far as the U.S. responsibility for continuing to reduce it's stockpile of Nuclear has drastically reduced those numbers and due to New Ultra-High U.S. Military Weapons Tech...Nuclear Weapons will no longer be needed as the New Tech is not only more Powerful but does not render an Geographic Area Radioactive thus unusable or unlivable. We have reached this level of Military the only thing left to do is fully install these Weapon Systems which are both Defensive and Offensive in their capabilities. Plus...they eliminate the possibility of a Nuclear Accidental Launch by ALL SIDES.
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Axial Leader

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
It would be a SLAUGHTER. We need to avoid this. Split Infinity

Your post is a nice summary of a complex topic I have been following for several days now.

I am totally happy to make your post the final word.

Well said! I can now move on.

Thank You. As I have said...We really need to find a way to avoid what we could be coerced into responding to an action that the Old Iranian Religious Guard would use to make the U.S. Attack. The Old Guard does not care how many of their KIDS would be killed in a WAR...all they care about is keeping Power by ANY MEANS....and if that means allowing the DEATHS of THOUSANDS of their OWN...they would DO IT IN A HEART BEAT!

This is why it is so important to continue these secret U.S. Military to Iranian Military Talks. The Iranian Military does not want to become a U.S. Military Target because some 80 plus year old Religious Fanatic wants to see the Arab World and all the Middle East AFLAME before he dies.

The Iranian Military will stand down if this is done right whether it is Iran's Pro-Democracy Movement that takes over or if the U.S. Military is Forced to secure Nuclear Sites. Either makes me sick to my stomach to think of some poor KID on the deck of an outdated Iranian Naval Ship that the USN. is about to BLOW OUT OF THE WATER...before that KID even knows he is about to die...for some 80 Plus Year Old NUT JOB!
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Here is the problem as I see it, and respectfully I do disagree with your consensus on Iran pursuing nuclear weapons.

First is its against Islam, and this is a theocracy run according to sharia.

Second, while the IAEA states with the possible exception of one fluke, that Iran's enrichment is currently just below 20%

Now, what is the enrichment necessary for nuclear power, and what do you think Iran needs in order to pursue nuclear power?

In my opinion, just because it is something you might personally do in the same situation, does not mean everyone would, and you are using nothing but your own personal opinion, and throwing facts to the wind!

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