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Iran vs. USA in one picture

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by binkman

"I don't see the Iranians committing even half the crimes the US government has."

Of course you don't.
It must be nice to have a selective memory and eyesight.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by binkman
I didn't dodge anything, the questions were not aimed at me.

True, my bad.

Originally posted by binkman
But if we are going on the actions of a President, it's pretty hard to ignore the crimes against humanity authorised by successive US presidents. I don't see the Iranians committing even half the crimes the US government has.

Of course you dont. But add Irans crimes (which are many, simply look at the way they slaughtered and beat their own people protesting their last election), to Hezbollahs and Hamas, and you might get close.

But yeah, your blind to any crimes but those commited by the USA and Israel.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by gravitational
reply to post by binkman

"I don't see the Iranians committing even half the crimes the US government has."

Of course you don't.
It must be nice to have a selective memory and eyesight.

Yep, If memory serves, I don't recall the US ever using child soldiers as cannon fodder so that the veteran troops can have a better chance, as the Iranians was caught doing during the Iran-Iraq war.

I will say this again, just so that it sinks in- the US definitely has it's share of dirty laundry and some criticism is justifiable, but to employ dishonest selective memory like this and reinventing the facts to manufacture all this fake phony critism while painting everyone else as the land of dancing unicorns and all the free ice cream you can eat is nothing but ignorant America bashing. It's nothing but an exercise in "haters gonna hate". We may not be the land of dancing unicorns or all the free ice cream you can eat, but we don't imprison people for having incorrect political or religious views either. Go over to the "peace loving" country of Iran and yell out I HATE ISLAM in public, and see what happens to you.

Besides, did anyone actually explain why North Korea is on the OP's list and why it was warmongoring to stop their invasion of South Korea? Didn't think so.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

"Yep, If memory serves, I don't recall the US ever using child soldiers as cannon fodder so that the veteran troops can have a better chance, as the Iranians was caught doing during the Iran-Iraq war. "

Yes, the infamous "Paradise key".

"Upon command (Allah Akbar) they would rise up over the trench and walk out, hand in hand, into the minefield. Certain death. No child ever made it to the other side."

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:25 AM
Iran doesn't really take a world police/ peacekeeping role.
Your chart is the equivalent of this:


Me | Cops
0 | 2321

Looks like cops are arrest mongers!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:27 AM
Well I would like to point out that the Original Posters idea seems to be that the US attacked these countries for no reason. While I agree that America has done some pretty unethical things in the past, as have all countries that alot of these attacks we will call them were done for the sake of freedom for oppressed people.

Again were not perfect and I have problems with how some things are done. So as an American should I just say you know what there not americans lets them get slaughtered, abused, and stolen from because it doesnt effect me?

I get that alot of you hate us for your own reasons, but if we didnt exist do you think the world would be a peaceful harmonious place??

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by binkman
I didn't dodge anything, the questions were not aimed at me.

True, my bad.

Originally posted by binkman
But if we are going on the actions of a President, it's pretty hard to ignore the crimes against humanity authorised by successive US presidents. I don't see the Iranians committing even half the crimes the US government has.

Of course you dont. But add Irans crimes (which are many, simply look at the way they slaughtered and beat their own people protesting their last election), to Hezbollahs and Hamas, and you might get close.

But yeah, your blind to any crimes but those commited by the USA and Israel.

When you talk about "beating and slaughtering their own people", do you mean like the way various US police agencies slaughter innocents every day, and how they beat the occupy protesters? I just want to be absolutely clear that we are thinking about the same thing.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:42 AM
It's so easy to hate. To cause war. War is what happens when politicians fail to do their job.

But peace? Real peace?

That takes the work of brave men and women who are willing to stand for principle. For honour. For dignity. For openess.

We've seen the results when I even suggest that Iran open their doors. Iran could have been the leader of peace. Iran could have held the standard for peace.

But there is nothing but hate. Because that is the easy way.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Go over to the "peace loving" country of Iran and yell out I HATE ISLAM in public, and see what happens to you.

Once again, I just want to make sure we are thinking along the same lines, when you say go over to the "peace loving" country of Iran, and yell out "I HATE ISLAM" for the response, do you think the response would be similar to say, going to the "peace loving", heavily Christian state of Alabama and yelling "I HATE JESUS"?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:44 AM
The oppressed people of central america. The US did such a great job there is why they are all moving here.
edit on 8/9/2012 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Brilliant thread, finally something that clearly shows that Iran is not the aggressor. The aggressors is the West and Israel.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Dorfdad
So as an American should I just say you know what there not americans lets them get slaughtered, abused, and stolen from because it doesnt effect me?

Unfortunately that seems to be a mentality many Americans have. They simply don't care that their government does these things.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
reply to post by Jussum0ne

Can't agree more; I guess I quite misunderstood what you meant in the first place. You're right, the system should be changed, not only the people in there.

For me, I'd definitely involve the educational system more in decission making on national scale.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:10 AM
Why don't you list the reasons for each of those? 1986 was during the reign of Ferdinand Marcos, dictator that sent his people into rampant poverty. Iranians can't even get on a forum like this and do what you are doing now. Isolationism wouldn't be good either and if Americans didn't do anything, these countries would still hate Americans for not doing anything. That aside, as a human being, should we let other human beings suffer under a dictator who cares nothing for his people? World War II was the turning point for the United States because of Hitler! After that, the U.S. could not, from a moral standpoint, stay isolated. We're not a perfect country, we have bad people here too, but the entire Government is not filled with people wanting to just go to war. And you do have freedoms. We can speak out against our Government. And don't post articles saying no we can't because those articles EXIST proving that you can. In Iran, you can't speak out against your Government because if you did, you would be sent to jail or killed. There is TRUE censorship in that country as well. I have friends from there, who have lived there and visits there now, and who have family there. I've been told horrific things and their internet is highly censored. And don't lie and say you live there now and posting from there now because that is complete bull#. If you're an American and don't like your own country, then don't live here. Go live in Iran. Laws are needed. They are. And those countries where law is TRULY corrupted, like IRAN, you can see how well that turns out for the people of that country. Now someone is going to google more stuff so they can argue about how bad the U.S. is but never once reflect on the fact that they have the freedom to do so.

edit on 9-8-2012 by kisharninmah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Buffalo Soldier

Anyone who think that the graphic in the OP is accurate is willfully denying reality.Iran has funded terrorist groups since at least the late 70's and has had in the past and most likely now, terrorist training camps within it's borders.

Little trivia for ya'll.

Who has the first terrorist sponsor to propose and train for using suicide pilots to crash them into high value targets to spread terrorism and Jihad across the world? Hint: It wasn't Al Queda.

Who financed all the kidnappings of westerners in Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East in the 80's?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom
reply to post by nenothtu

No matter what i say you people think war is ok but i bet if you were living in a small country with a small military
and some big bully came along and started killing your neighbors, family and destroying your country. I bet you would have a sudden change of heart! Since you can live your life not having to deal with it, that makes it ok!
Well I hope you never have to find out what these people have to live with every day! Karma is a real MF though
and eventually all the hens come home to roust!

War is NEVER "ok". What the hell are you using to think with? YOU go dodge the bullets and smell the blood, then get back to me about that. Don't EVER presume to tell me what I have and haven't dealt with, or what I still deal with.

With that said, it is sometimes necessary. Not nearly as often as some folks seem to think, but some times it is. I have no idea what they are dealing with in Iran, nor do I care. that is for the Iranians to handle, not me. What they deal with OUTSIDE of Iran becomes MY playground, however. The US has as much right to tinker there as Iran does, and vice versa.

It's all part of the game - you have an enemy fiddling around with other folks lives, and you send in the clowns to amuse the news men. neither America nor Iran have a monopoly on it, and to paint one or the other as they guys in the white hats, doing no wrong, is ludicrous and naive.

edit on 2012/8/9 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by GAOTU789
reply to post by Buffalo Soldier

Anyone who think that the graphic in the OP is accurate is willfully denying reality.Iran has funded terrorist groups since at least the late 70's and has had in the past and most likely now, terrorist training camps within it's borders.

That reminds me of how you funded ALL of the major terror groups we are being brainwashed to fear, plus the IRA and many, many others.

Originally posted by GAOTU789
Little trivia for ya'll.

Who has the first terrorist sponsor to propose and train for using suicide pilots to crash them into high value targets to spread terrorism and Jihad across the world? Hint: It wasn't Al Queda.

No you are right, it wasn't Al Queda. It was the CIA, who funded, trained and armed Al Queda.

Originally posted by GAOTU789
Who financed all the kidnappings of westerners in Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East in the 80's?

Wouldn't surprise me if it was a CIA false flag to frame Iran, you are good at that sort of thing.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by GAOTU789
reply to post by Buffalo Soldier

Anyone who think that the graphic in the OP is accurate is willfully denying reality.Iran has funded terrorist groups since at least the late 70's and has had in the past and most likely now, terrorist training camps within it's borders.

Little trivia for ya'll.

Who has the first terrorist sponsor to propose and train for using suicide pilots to crash them into high value targets to spread terrorism and Jihad across the world? Hint: It wasn't Al Queda.

Who financed all the kidnappings of westerners in Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East in the 80's?

The OP got 126 flags and 24 pages so far all based on a lie. 

That goes to show you that ignorance is indeed bliss. 

Iran has been spreading hatred and violence for decades yet it was completely omitted. The OP had no intention of honest debate when he started the thread with a false premise. 


Pure propaganda and hate mongering. 

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by nosacrificenofreedom

Well I guess some here just love it when Iran Covertly attacks other countries. Where is your outrage about that? Nothing to say?


Strawman argument.
Nobody here is advocating nor likes war

Link these attacks! i mean actual military attacking and not just 1 or 2 people launching missles cause that don't count!

Sorry hoss - you don't get to set the parameters for what constitutes "war". I'm not playing by your rules, and never have.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by gravitational
Are you a Muslim? The only ones who put 'H' in the word Zionism, are Muslims.
Ahh...but you forgot to mention GAYS.
My bad, I forgot Achamdinifruitcake said there are no GAYS in IRAN.

zhionism's harms are not just limited to muslims. or their countries.
if you want to know that Gays are executed, no, they are gays in their private no one comes and says that he is a gay and he wants to marry with the same sex ! moreover if one says this they do not execute it but send him to Madhouse to be cured !

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