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Watch what happens when Guns are banned in Australia

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+55 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:20 PM
Being that there are at least 5 gun-grabbing pieces of legislation in the pipe with 2 mass shootings in as many weeks just in time to bolster support for them... Let's take a look at recent history.

And to back-up the video, please check out Gun Facts 6.1

Sticking with Australia specifically:

Myth: Countries with strict gun control have less crime

Fact: Many of the countries with the strictest gun control have the highest rates of violent crime. Australia and England, which have virtually banned gun ownership, have the highest rates of robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force of the top 17 industrialized countries.

Myth: Gun control in Australia is curbing crime

Fact: Crime has been rising since enacting a sweeping ban on private gun ownership. In the first two years after Australian gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms, government statistics showed a dramatic increase in criminal activity. In 2001-2002, homicides were up another 20%.

From the inception of firearm confiscation to March 27, 2000, the numbers are:
• Firearm-related murders were up 19%
• Armed robberies were up 69%
• Home invasions were up 21%

The sad part is that in the 15 years before the national gun confiscation:
• Firearm-related homicides dropped nearly 66%
• Firearm-related deaths fell 50%

Fact: Gun crimes have been rising throughout Australia since guns were banned. In Sydney alone, robbery rates with guns rose 160% in 2001, more in the previous year.

Fact: A ten year Australian study has concluded that firearm confiscation had no effect on crime rates. A separate report also concluded that Australia’s 1996 gun control laws “found [no] evidence for an impact of the laws on the pre-existing decline in firearm homicides” and yet another report from Australia for a similar time period indicates the same lack of decline in firearm homicides.

Myth: Gun registration works

Fact: Not in Australia. One report states, “It seems just to be an elaborate system of arithmetic with no tangible aim. Probably, and with the best of intentions, it may have been thought, that if it were known what firearms each individual in Victoria owned, some form of control may be exercised, and those who were guilty of criminal misuse could be readily identified. This is a fallacy, and has been proven not to be the case.” In addition, cost to Australian taxpayers exceeded $200 million annually.

Partisanship aside, whether these nut-jobs were leftist commies, right-wing extremists or libertarian fanatics is irrelevant. They were all NUT-JOBS who didn't value human life. As much as i truly dislike some people on this forum, i'd never physically harm them, unless it was in self-defense, or you were attempting to take my firearms... or attempting to violate my other unalienable rights... or... well, just leave me & my rights & the Constitution alone and we'll have no issues.

edit on 2012/8/7 by mal1970 because: link fix

+11 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:26 PM
You can never take away peoples ability to kill others, so you have to address the root cause of these issues in society.

They might be able to ban guns, but there are so many other ways for nutcases to take out a bunch of innocents, for example they could get a job as a bus driver then just drive the bus off a cliff, they could poison masses of people, start fires, attack them with heavy machinery the list goes on. You can't ban everything.

Gun aren't the problem, and while they are getting all the attention the real problems are ignored.

edit on 7-8-2012 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:27 PM
Australia and USA are very very different countries.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by just_julie
Australia and USA are very very different countries.

I believe this was very well spoken.

We frequently hear members from countries with more liberal gun views espousing such actions in the US as are taken in their countries. Overlooking some statistics that indicate unintended consequences from such actions in their own nations, such steps in the US would - in my opinion - be more than catastrophic due to the differences mentioned.

While I don't understand all the causes behind the differences, I can't debate that they exist...and that the criminal class in the US would certainly take advantage of the law-abiding in the US being effectively disarmed - as such restrictions only affect the law abiding.

I really need to look further into these differences at some point to try to understand the disparity - but sadly, it's there.

Be well, and stay safe out there.

+10 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:44 PM
First let me say I'm Australian, I own guns (legally), & I opposed the gun laws in the form they were passed.

Secondly let me say that video was a load of sensationalist CRAP.

Australians are not disarmed just restricted, you don't need an AK for home protection my gauge will do just fine, nor do I want my crack head neighbour killing my kids when he has a "moment" and thinks letting loose dozens of fmj rounds in a suburban area is a good thing.

WE ARE NOT LIVING IN FEAR, what a crock fencing ourselves in & installing high tech security lol lol & lol.
Like the poster above said, this is a very different place to the US so while I do think you need gun reform I think you need to be very careful how you go about it.
We also don't have another country that shares our border to flood us with illegal firearms, which is a big consideration IMO.

The biggest thing that video forgot to mention while stating the rise in crime figures, is this is not the same country it was 10/20 years ago. We have had mass immigration (no racist) but often of they types of people who have less care for life than us, we have had economic troubles & a lot more class division, we have had an increase of drugs like Meth, we have had an escalation of gang violence now the traditional groups are being challenged by other new ethnic groups & the list goes on.
So once again that vid was 100% horse sh%$, & comparing Oz to the USA is even bigger pile of crap, also 600,000(illegal) guns over a population of 22 million people, we still have an estimated 2.5 million and rising legally owned fire arms.
How many guns in USA to people.
We can have rifles (centre & rim), shot guns & hand guns but we can't have semi auto, full auto, high capacity mags etc without a very good reason as most people don't need this.
We can't own them for purposes such as home defense/fighting the gov or just because it's cool, we can however have them for sport, hunting, & work needs farmer etc.
We do have to complete a full day course both theory & practical before applying for a license. We do have to have them locked away which IMO isn't a bad thing cause anyone who has a gun should have at least 1 professional lesson & we don't have a problem with kids taking guns to school or accidentally getting shot in the home.
Not like anyone is coming to check under your pillow at 2am though so if you have half a brain you will have a cover story good to go & not fill out home defense as your reason to own 1 on your application form, if your not that smart then your not smart enough to do that you are not smart enough to own a gun.

Worst part is costs involved to us, but that's a small price really, also the fact it will take you at least 12months to be approved for a hand gun, you will face more scrutiny & you will have to actively use this gun at a range X times a year.
edit on 7-8-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-8-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-8-2012 by WorkingClassMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by just_julie
Australia and USA are very very different countries.

Indeed they are. I would urge you to at least skim through the Gun Facts link in the OP (it's over 100 pages & thoroughly cited). I pulled stats from Australia only because the vid was about the same. Gun Facts pulls stats from around the world & pretty thoroughly debunk just about any argument the gun-grabbers can throw at you.

While countries do indeed differ, gun restrictions & bans have the same predictable effects. The more restrictive the gun laws, the more the balance of power shifts away from law-abiding people & into the criminals' favor.

The inverse is also true:

Firearm Ownership is Mandatory for All Households in Kennesaw, Georgia

25 Years Later, "Gun Town USA" Continues to Maintains Exceptionally Low Crime Stats

Crime dropped after the ordinance and the city has maintained an exceptionally low crime rate ever since, even with the population swelling from 5,000 in 1982 to approximately 30,000 today. The truth is crime has plummeted and population has soared.

In comparison, the population of Morton Grove, Illinois has dropped slightly and the crime rate has increased, especially right after the ban.

I'd think (and i wager we'd all agree) that if the USofA did what Australia did, the results would be far worse.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by mal1970

Let's see here, according to the Australian Institute of Criminology there were 253 murders in Australia in 2007. According to the CDC there were 16,799 homicides in the United States the same year. That's 66 times less than the US.

In 2003, fewer than 16% of homicides involved firearms in Australia.

There were 176,427 recorded assaults in Australia in 2007. In America the number was 1.8 million. That's 10 times less than the US.

There were 19,781 recorded sexual assaults in Australia in 2007. The United States recorded 203,830 sexual assaults in 2008. That's 10 times less than the US.

In 2007 the population of the US was 301 million, in Australia the population was 21 million. That's 14 times less than the US.

Overall, you're safer in Australia than you are in the United States.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:29 PM
Though I do believe the citizens of Australia and the USA are very different, I do believe that people are, by nature, somewhat evil. Taking away the firearm of the law abider doesn't take away the gun of the criminal who uses illegal methods to get firearms, in the first place. For example, the previous AR shootings happened in an environment where people weren't allowed to carry firearms, yet, the criminal continued to carry a firearm. Criminals don't obey other laws, so why would they suddenly start obeying gun laws?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:37 PM
They can place all the bans they want in the US and a few will hand them over but the vast majority will not and if they try and take them by force then it will be the second American civil war simple as that we know it and they know it. So they will just continue to nickle and dime us to death and try and indoctrinate our children to being against guns it won't work its not working.

Want war in America just try and take the guns on a massive scale like they did in Australia...

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
They can place all the bans they want in the US and a few will hand them over but the vast majority will not and if they try and take them by force then it will be the second American civil war simple as that we know it and they know it. So they will just continue to nickle and dime us to death and try and indoctrinate our children to being against guns it won't work its not working.

Want war in America just try and take the guns on a massive scale like they did in Australia...

This is actually an outcome that I hadn't considered, in the past. If the government comes across a legal way for our amendments to be taken away, such as the UN Small Arms Treaty, would we have the right to fight back?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:45 PM
From the inception of firearm confiscation to March 27, 2000, the numbers are:
• Firearm-related murders were up 19%
• Armed robberies were up 69%
• Home invasions were up 21%

Those stat's are out dated and way off the mark.Crime and shootings are at horendous levels since the GFC.Multiple shootings near daily across the country and the GFC has not even begun yet!The wise oiled and buried them.Be warned USA.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:54 PM
What about bow and arrows, slingshots, throwing knives? I bet alot of these people have large dogs in the house or outside running around somewhere. UNLEASE the PIT. Let the dobermans have em. I bet alot of them have throwing knife stashes all thruout the house. Well take a look at crockadile dundee's knife, you might want to think twice unless they are in groups with guns. I wonder how many aussies have torture chambers in their homes and feed the dogs raw meat.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by calebdaniels

Originally posted by hawkiye
They can place all the bans they want in the US and a few will hand them over but the vast majority will not and if they try and take them by force then it will be the second American civil war simple as that we know it and they know it. So they will just continue to nickle and dime us to death and try and indoctrinate our children to being against guns it won't work its not working.

Want war in America just try and take the guns on a massive scale like they did in Australia...

This is actually an outcome that I hadn't considered, in the past. If the government comes across a legal way for our amendments to be taken away, such as the UN Small Arms Treaty, would we have the right to fight back?

Wow you really have to ask that? Are you looking for permission from someone or some document to defend your inherent rights? Everyone on the planet has those rights it is just a matter of if they are willing to fight for them and defend them or not. Read the Deceleration of Independence for some inspiration. Oh and f___ the UN treaty and f___ the UN!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

Texas checking in , ole mate.....
10-4 on that post of yours ....starrrr in my mind for ya!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

I live in the state of Massachusetts in the United States in a small town where just about everyone owns several types of Guns. Rifles, Shotguns, Hand Guns and Rifles such as AR-15's and AK's.

We have very little crime and what crime we do have is trivial in it's level of violence....because EVERYONE IS ARMED!

Taking away GUNS from Citizens who own them legally as well as use them legally and for Hunting as well as Defense or Target Shooting Hobbies is just plain CRIMINAL as far as a Government forcing people to give up their weapons.

All this does is allow Criminals to be the ones with Firearms. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by mal1970

Actually, reconsidering the evidence I see that your only option is to not vote for Barack Obama. I can tell by your tone that you were pretty on the fence about it, but you're sharing this information because you've seen that Mitt Romney is the only safeguard we have at this point.

edit on 7-8-2012 by links234 because: Grammar.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by WorkingClassMan
First let me say I'm Australian, I own guns (legally), & I opposed the gun laws in the form they were passed.

Secondly let me say that video was a load of sensationalist CRAP.

We can have rifles (centre & rim), shot guns & hand guns but we can't have semi auto, full auto, high capacity mags etc without a very good reason as most people don't need this.
We can't own them for purposes such as home defense/fighting the gov or just because it's cool, we can however have them for sport, hunting, & work needs farmer etc.
We do have to complete a full day course both theory & practical before applying for a license. We do have to have them locked away which IMO isn't a bad thing

We, Americans Can and should have guns for the purposes of home defense, and fighting the government. In fact, having guns to fight the government is protected under the U.S. Constitution. What are you going to do when a corrupt government tries to take away your rights to life and liberty? Nothing. Your gun is locked away. What are you going to do when a criminal breaks into your home at 2 am? Nothing. Your gun is locked away. Might as well not have any guns at all if they can't protect you.

You don't get it. They Own you. You are their slave, they control you. That's what the people in the video were upset about. They saw the Big Picture. You are not seeing it.

I have a semi auto 22 long pistol. I can fire 12 shots into a target as fast as I can pull the trigger - about a shot a second. It has a 6 inch refiled barrel so it penetrates great for a small caliber. If you don't have a semi auto and you have 2 or 3 attackers how are you going to stop them all in time? They will have semi auto and automatic weapons. You are outgunned and out manned with no ability to compensate.

My gun is legal to own where I live in a major city. I don't have to register it at all and I can openly carry it on my hip with no permit or papers. I don't believe in having a CCW license. No need for it. I'd rather everyone know I'm carrying. It's a better deterrent.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Taking away the firearm of the law abider doesn't take away the gun of the criminal

If there wasn't such a surplus of legal guns it would be much harder for criminals to get them.

Guns cause far more harm than any supposed good they do.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by mal1970

I seen something on the news a couple of weeks ag which really made me sick. Some old guy was interviewed and I am pretty sure he was using the Aurora shootings to justify banning guns in Australia.

1) What does the Aurora shooting have to do with Australian citizens and their gun control?

2) It seems who ever will use any given event anywhere in the world to make our citizens look like crazys with guns whilst trying to convince Australians that guns are a bad thing also.

3) When it comes to the Sydney shootings, it is gangland. Very similar to what was happening in Melbourne years ago..

4) If the Australian government wants to take our guns, they will. I cannot see a bunch of unenlightened morons fighting for their rights here. They will simply bend over and take it from behind.. The Australian populace are weak minded people and anything our governments says or does usually happens.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by just_julie
Australia and USA are very very different countries.

Exactly. yet a person in Australia can use an American shooting to justify confiscating guns in Australia. Where is the logic in that? I cannot find the interview, but my ears were not lying either.

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