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Massive Sydney and California Tsunamis coming???

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posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:28 AM
They won't be as strong as he says.... the one in Australia will be some sort of rebound or backslash from the main one, that will happen near the New Madrid area... a big one is due in that area, and TPTB are waiting for the right time to boost its power by man made means, just like they did with Fukushima.

You guys will probably feel a quake, and suddenly a large shockwave, like a BOOM. It will feel like a sudden vertical motion rather than horizontal swinging/rattling.
Expect some volcanoes to show some activity, even at the Atlantic side...

Keep an eye on MCEs and the ocean tides, and their conjunction. That will help you get an idea of when there is a bigger chance of earthquakes and where they will take place. Guide yourself with a map of fault lines and tectonic plates to pinpoint the right areas.

Speaking about HAARP... I do not believe it generates earthquakes... but it does detect significant changes in the magnetosphere... keep yourself updated by reading the graphs on their website.(By the way, these last hours the spectrogram it's been displaying some curious anomalies at a rather high frequency, and blacked out areas... seems like someone kicked an antenna or something... lol)

In either case, do not be afraid of what may or may not happen... knowing what to do in case it hits is all you need to worry about. Even if nothing happens, it is important to spread the word about what to do and what to have always ready in an emergency backpack.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:42 AM
I agree it wouldn't hurt to have some back-up for yourselves. If this doesn't come to light you will at least be prepared and that's a good thing.

For myself I am going to observe this predicton to see if it comes to light and if it does it IS NOT
the big one (event) it's would only be the beginning.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by srsen
Gotta head out for a few hours, but one last post before then. A remote viewer said that in June 2013 he sees Sydney, AUstralia and other coastal regions worldwide under water!

Is it linked? Maybe, maybe not


I heard the same prediction on Red Ice Radio with Dr. Courntey Brown. I also wondered if it was linked myself. I guess we'll see, huh
edit on 7-8-2012 by iwan2ski because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:53 AM
If this does happen and i hope not! Will i be safe in the san fernando valley? ):
I am so scared .

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by rabzdguy
I was born and raised in sydney..ive had many dreams involving flooding and water.

wouldnt be suprised if it happens

I've had a dream of Sydney getting hit by a Tsunami too.. about 9 months or so ago...

Came inland a fair whack. My sister lives in Sydney.

I've only been in Sydney 3 times in my life..

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:04 AM
i have dreamt of being hit by a sunami several times, but it's never a specific location, i just see it coming, turn my back to it, and brace.. then usually wake up - it's just a metaphor your subconscious uses to explain emotions you're feeling to you while you sleep

i also dreamt a few times i owned expensive cars, or had lots of money, none of that has come true so far though

on a side note, sunamis have been my biggest fear for as long as i can remember - actually since seeing Deep Impact in the cinema lol, but put things in perspective.

everyone relax.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:07 AM
Thought this was weird so i thought id share... check this out.

The only recent earthquake activity is in California..Go here to view for yourself -

weird that he predicted earthquake in the only area theres been recent activity.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:09 AM
Last Event Details
Location: 70 miles/113 Km SW of Fresno, California
Event Magnitude: 4.7 (Ml), Depth: 9 (kilometers)
Lat: 35.858 Lon: -120.496
Origin Time: Monday, August 06, 2012 2:35:49 AM

CREEPY! my mom lives in Porterville, CA but im hesitant to show her this info... dont want her to freak out!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by lostangel818
If this does happen and i hope not! Will i be safe in the san fernando valley? ):
I am so scared .

We've seen these predictions come and go. I wouldn't worry.
Search the prediction threads and you'll see.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Yngvarr

Originally posted by lostangel818
If this does happen and i hope not! Will i be safe in the san fernando valley? ):
I am so scared .

We've seen these predictions come and go. I wouldn't worry.
Search the prediction threads and you'll see.

Agreed, like others have said this guy hit the jackpot last time, I wouldn't worry. Although if by some miracle he's right this time too, well then I'll be paying attention. The thing is even if he is right there's not a damn thing you can do about it anyway. But if you are in the area and he calls his 104 deal and it still bothers you, take a last minute vacation what's the worse that could happen? You either get away from the normal bs for a few days or survive a disaster, win win in my book.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Yngvarr

I know theres a bunch of prediction threads and the only reason why i believe this guy is because he had the japan tsunami right . i just want to know if id be safe if this does happen .

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:39 AM
Just for the sake of ...uhm... interest?

Coombes posted another (pre-)"warning" 14 July 2012...

"Don't be surprised if Youtube delete this video soon, so hurry up and watch it, based on the Illuminati Card Game 1995. Please watch this video urgently in preparation for my next 104 hour tsunami warning (Pacific- Twin Tsunami, Sydney and California). I will not be releasing the 'DATE' for this tsunami, I will be posting a 104 hour countdown (these events are volatile and subject to change). If you care about your life, and the lives of your family/friends, and you live in the Pacific areas (Sydney, Japan, California, Indonesia), then please take precautions NOW. This is serious and many tens of thousands of lives could be saved."

And 8 June 2012...

Ok everyone, you've been warned of what's to come, we are getting extremely close to the 104 hour tsunami warning. I strongly advise that if you live on the east coast of NSW and west coast of USA, have your evacuation gear ready to go as soon as possible. I said on March 11 that California would be next after Japan's countdown... Sydney's earthquake will be magnitude 9.5, California's earthquake will be magnitude 9.6, followed by two 9.4's, all of these tsunamis will be created in the same exact hour.

I found this on his facebook page - 104 hours was to start on June 9th.

Ok everyone, you've been warned of what's to come, we now have 104 hours to go! Hold on tight we are in for the shock of your lives!.June 9 at 1:03am · LikeUnlike · 5.


All of these were supposedly posted on his Facebook page. And then deleted. (Sadly no one bothered to take screen shots.) See a pattern yet?

The above quotes were posted on a different forum I do not care to link to. If I can give you a hint: Begins with "G" ends with "LP". Should be easy enough to find with Google.

Edit: With copyright laws in mind I'll have to state for the record that above quotes are from the GodLikeProductions forum.
edit on 7-8-2012 by Gemwolf because: Added sources

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by bigern

His count down will bother me and i cant afford a vacation .
im on the poor side .

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:00 PM
Well this is certainly interesting.
My son (almost 6 years old) was playing on the floor with his toys and had created a disaster scene. This was Saturday morning (8/4).
I asked him what was going on, he told me "A tsunami came and destroyed Daytona Beach."
I laughed for a second, because it sounded so odd coming from a little kid, and being that I had no idea he even knew what Daytona Beach was. But it weirded me out a lot, and I asked him what had made the tsunami and he told me "Australia blew up!" He specified that there was no lava.

I swear I am not joking or lying.
Now, he is a little more morbid then kids his age and he does know what a tsunami is. He is obsessed with natural disasters, particularly earthquakes and storms. He has also drawn me a picture (last year) of the Golden Gate Bridge coming down and has fairly prophetic dreams. He makes me check out books for him at the library of natural disasters. I suppose it is possible he just has these scenarios in his head a lot, but combined with this thread, and our location (Southern California), I must admit I am a little on edge now.

Strange, to say the least.

edit..I asked him again to clarify without leading on, he said actually, there might have been lava. He said there was an explosion.
edit on 7-8-2012 by bastet11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by srsen

THis would not surprise me. If you looked at a post I made a few months back already, I told of a vision I had in Dec 2010, and I described what I had seen as flooding, and I predicted for Aug 2012.

Edit: here is where I state what I saw- New Madrid Fault Region: Area Residents Noticing Sulfur Smells In Arkansas And Missouri, page 3
edit on 7-8-2012 by MoEskiMo because: Add the info where I posted my vision

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:17 PM
So how about Brisbane? Say norrrtttthhhh Brisbane, as in, the new bloody waterfront house I just moved into..
I think I should have stayed in the mountains in tassie, cold and snow, but 700 metres above sea level

I'll keep my eyes on I guess, like must breaking news, I'll most likely read about here at ats first lol.
SO make sure if there's a confirmed development to post it, I want a head start off this island!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by MisterFister103

Originally posted by srsen
Well i can say first hand that the day AFTER the Japanese tsunami i saw a post on his page from 104 hours before the event occured giving a 104 hour warning to all in Japan. It is feasible that he somehow hacked the time-stamp, but if he didnt do that then yes he actually predicted 100%.

I'll take your word.....

It's probably kinda morbid of me, but I kinda hope he's right. Just once I want a prediction to come to pass.

i saw it too.

im pretty sure ive seen stuff of his wrong since tho.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by bastet11


From the mouths of babes. My nephew does stuff like this. From early on he draws pictures in crayon of disasters he says he see in dreams. Some have big brown clouds over many "crosses" on the ground. It looks like a graveyard from some disaster. When asked he told me that it was like a "big firework coming down and exploding all over the place".

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by bastet11

Now that is really freaky. your kid mentionning that AUS would explode....seeing the recent volcano activity/quakes plus this thread...I sure hope that he has only a very active imagination. If this was prophetic...I would definately worry!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 12:21 PM
I've been lucky to WITNESS A PREDICTION. Sorry, can't elaborate much on what that is. It was Pre-HAARP. With Current-HAARP, magnitures can be higher than 9.5. External factors such as bombing the moon, meteorites, pole shifts, in conjunction with a naturally occuring earthquake can really push up the magnitudes of any "quake(s)".

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