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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I was about to respond to my last post but before I do I don't completely understand what you are saying here, could you please clarify. Also you said I don't answere U2U's what are they ,where do I find them. Until I hear from you I will check around for something that says U2U and see if I find anything.

OK kids, let's play nicely. BTW O 50, I find it hard to believe you've been here for 9 months and don't know what a U2U is. I figured that one out my first day.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I was about to respond to my last post but before I do I don't completely understand what you are saying here, could you please clarify. Also you said I don't answere U2U's what are they ,where do I find them. Until I hear from you I will check around for something that says U2U and see if I find anything.

Yep, you are playing with me...!

Unfortunately this isn't the right place for this game, because we'll be fired .. but to refresh your memory, I got something for you:

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I was about to respond to my last post but before I do I don't completely understand what you are saying here, could you please clarify. Also you said I don't answere U2U's what are they ,where do I find them. Until I hear from you I will check around for something that says U2U and see if I find anything.

You've never noticed the "You have [#] new U2Us" message to the right under the Comments/Buddies/Members, etc. tabs?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:00 PM
Did you understand my U2Us, or are we going to play another round? My aim is definately to make you crazy, and yours is to bait me. Fair game with a little difference: I love this subject, but you hate it.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:18 PM
Actually NO I didn't know about U2U's but I just found them now when Vertu accused me of not answering them. I even wear my bi-focals when here all I can say is sorry.
Vertu I sent you an U2U hope it got to you. From the sounds of it you seem to think I am someone else sorry I am observe50 and only observe50.
I don't think even if I wrote from the beginning and totally told and explained everything to you, you would believe. For once you have someone here that's is willing to share with you. (I ask nothing from you)
Instead I am made to feel as if I am a liar that this is all just a story and if this is the way you feel so be it. All I ask is do you want me to start from the very beginning and tell you everything as I know it to be or not. If not call this thread dead, I will wait some responses.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 05:44 PM
Many ATSers call you crazy, liar, etc. I think, you got that through the previous posts. In their viewpoints they are right. As for my opinion, I know why you are here, you found my "Vertu" nickname because I wanted you to find it, not because of my mistake. You compared my words and my writing with other posts of mine, it was easy to pinpoint me.

Unlike you, I use a very different technique to find you, and it works quite well. I still see that you try to bait me, and it disturbs me really much. Your presence on ATS has nothing to do with aliens or UFOs. You want to access my personality, but you are restricted to do that due to your past.

It is still quite interesting to me, how fool do you think I am, but you should know that this is my platform, not yours. So I would like to ask you to kindly stop what you are doing, because it will be bad only for you. If you want to continue on, I will play the victim for you, and after your 100th written A4 pages I will announce my statement to each of your nicknames. I know it's not funny, but you force me to make you work hard.


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:10 PM
We have a problem here, Vertu who do you think I am? I really don't understand some of the things you are writing. I am not playing a game with you this is not a game. This is a serious subject that people need to discuss.
I won't fight with you and I don't understand when you say you will win exactly what will you win?
If people at ATS don't want me here they can tell me that and I will respect there request and leave.
I am a 56 year old female with 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren 4 of whom I have custody. I only wanted to share with all here and I am still willing if I am wanted.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:28 PM
I tell you who you are: Your name is Blood Raven.
Only you are capable here playing the female, only for your serious subject, which makes you very crazy. Even this post of yours is a trick, because you want me to write here, what you have seen in your U2U. So let's see: Exactly what did I mension in my U2U? Can you please write it in this topic? I'm just wondering, how serious you are.

So far you gave me every reason to be rude to you, but as you posted me: I can turn the skills of an intellectual toward himself... let's see, if I am really capable for that.

And for last: you (and your nicknames) are playing a game with me, and I'll see you stop that .

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:38 PM
Definately a waste of time.

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