posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by masqua
Something like this, aye?
The abstract anthropomorphic alliteration about animals.
I've a whole alphabet to work through now, clever enough for me, and subsequent chapters can be added right in.
(Notice there are no cats digging holes in my freshly tilled flowerbed! Shoo, cat, shoo!
Seriously though, are you advocating a new idea?
I can see it working out conveniently, especially since many members make multiple entries. (ARRGH!
Trying to get out of alliteration mode!
It would be much simpler to have each member make one thread each month, and place all their stories in it, for that month. However, that removes the
"interjection time advantage" per individual story injection into the ATS system, and that may result in an overall flag loss. People don't like
to dig for new stories, (except me, perhaps) and individual flags per story usually result from that factor. However, however......and however.
It SEEMS like a good idea. Members would have to adjust to the new format, namely, making one thread per month in the SS forum, entitled with their
username, and the monthly [intials here format]. The one thread WOULD get flags, but people would also have to star individual stories. Then, it
would seem that the thread with the most flags would win first, second and third determined accordingly, but the stars per story would determine which
story actually won. Adaptation would be the key factor here.
Just tossing out ideas.