“cloaked in ambiguous claims like "Fox lies"
www.merriam-webster.com... how is that statement not clear?
Why are you uncertain as to the meaning of
www.merriam-webster.com... ?
Actually, my opponents are the ones being ambiguous as they confuse the word “bias” with the word “lie”.
Since words have no precise definitions for them, everything they say is ambiguous.
“If you really want to make your case I will help you. Start with something like...Fox lies about... (something that actually matters)
Note that you are all over the map. When I proved that Hannity, O’Rielly etc are liars you conceded that they are liars but that they are not part
of fox “news”. However, in the above quote you are asking once again for examples of fox lying. I’ll take your word.
Perhaps, you think these things do not matter and that is why you refused to even engage them
or perhaps, as you claimed, you cannot take on a mountain of evidence. OK, Lets take other evidence individually,
Fox lied about Obama claiming that taxes will go up next year for everybody
Fox claims that Obama said that business people are bad people
Now for fox “news” without reference to Hannity and O’Reilly etc (already proven to be liars).
Fox claims that Obama’s India trip cost $200,000,000 a day, even when they knew that that was untrue. ( see below video that proves that)
O’Reilly’s defense was that he and Hannity are not news shows and so do not have to tell the truth. However, note that that lie made it into fox
“news” itself.
Also, why would Fox “news” go to court to fight for their right to misinform the public? Site from a post of “OLD HIPPY DUDE”.
I apologize, the next site shows 10 fox lies and I know that you can only tackle one at a time.
Fox “news” continued to report the made up ACORN “scandal” as fact. *
Fox “news”called the 2000 election (with certainty) before the results were even remotely determined.
“I give up. You win. You're better than me. FOX is Satan. Liberals are awesome. MSNBC is truth on tv.”
Stop making up things. That was never my position. However, I understand, you lost the debate and must resort to
Is anyone so gullible that they would believe (actually, yes. Most are sheeple) that streetwise urban workers would confuse
( A.K.A.
en.wikipedia.org... 's stooge , see the first video in this post for a real laugh! He looks like the Beave dressed
up as Huggy Bear)
PS; It is interesting that whereas I have posted many many fox lies, my opponents have not done the same for MSN.Note that I never claimed that MSN
never ever lied (it is a major capitalist institution and is interested in maintaining the current power structure, hardly a socialist goal). However,
I am saying that fox “news” lies at the very least 10 times more. Fox “news” is shameless in its service to the international elite’s desire
for the public’s support. MSN caters to a more educated audience and so cannot lie so blatantly. Therefore it lies less. Not because the
international elite does not also control MSN, but because it cannot get away with lying as easily as fox.
edit on 1-8-2012 by wittgenstein
because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-8-2012 by wittgenstein because: (no reason given)