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Fox “news”

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posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
Simply saying, "you're wrong" is not an argument and is a waste of a post.

Don't tell me how to post. I've been at this MUCH longer than you have. I know what I"m doing.

Go back and read the last post I gave. I didn't just say 'you are wrong'. I said very clearly ... BIAS IS LYING. If you aren't telling people the straight out truth and if you are telling them bits of truth interwoven with bias and agenda .. then that is a LIE. NBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, BBC, NPR ... etc etc .. they ALL do it in equal shares.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:08 PM
The extreme right (I do not call them conservative because they are definitely not Jeffersonian. They support multinational corporations instead of individual freedom) wing claims that the media has a left wing bias. I find that absurd. Capitalists control the media, MSN, ABC etc are corporations. But lets suppose that the extreme right is correct, the media and academia are left wing. I’d think that they would want to keep quite about that. I would not want people to know that those whose job it is to concentrate on current events (journalists) and those with the most education (academia) overwhelmingly oppose my positions.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:19 PM
“I didn't just say 'you are wrong”
Good grief!
I have to explain basic English? If a murder suspect is recorded on tape saying , “ I am going to stab my wife and bury her ”. Then the prosecutor claimed that the defendant said that he was going to kill his wife, you would actually think the distinction was important?
So OK , when you were talking about my position you were not claiming that it was wrong? ( that is absurd) . You were saying that I am right? Were you saying that you have no opinion as to the rightness or wrongness of my position?
My point is that you did not offer any evidence or logic in your “rebuttal” . You simply restated your position.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by wittgenstein

And yet, you have shown only hyperbole and not any quantitative data to support your claims.

Though I suspect you never felt that someone might ask.

Welcome to ATS.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:23 PM
“BIAS IS LYING. If you aren't telling people the straight out truth and if you are telling them bits of truth…”
I already explained why bias is not lying. Let’s go over it again. I love my wife. Suppose I tell everyone about all her marvelous qualities but never mention that she farts occasionally or whatever. You would call me a liar?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:37 PM
“And yet, you have shown only hyperbole and not any quantitative data to support your claims.”
I have provided example after example of fox lying. My opponents have not even presented one example of MSN lying.* I suppose you want a list of all fox lies and a list of all MSN lies , then we count them. That is absurd. As I showed in the list that flyersfan gave of sites showing supposed MSN lies, they were not lies. Sure, lets have a contest. You guys catch up to me ( my amount of fox lies) by showing an equal amount of MSN lies and then we can begin the race. I am sure that I can have at least 2 or 3 hundred. I believe that at most you will come up with 10 legitimate cases of MSN lying. But of course (as proven by my oppositions reluctance to provide evidence for their position.) the race will never happen. All I will get in response to my mountain of evidence is “you’re wrong”, “You’re a dirty liberal” “you hate America” and even the most obviously absurd “you have shown only hyperbole” Implying that the evidence that I gave and that is clearly visible never existed.

* I am not saying that MSN never ever lied. I am saying that it is interesting that it is very easy to find examples of fox lying and very difficult to find examples of MSN lying.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
I have to explain basic English?

Apparently I DO! You put in QUOTES me saying "you are wrong". I didn't say those words.

My point is that you did not offer any evidence or logic in your “rebuttal” .

Okay ... now I'll say it straight out .. you are wrong.
I gave absolute evidence showing that NBC lies and is full of bias .. which is also lies.
So your premise that Fox is the worst .. that's just bunk.
You just see what you want to see. So there is no discussion with you.


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
I already explained why bias is not lying. Let’s go over it again. I love my wife. Suppose I tell everyone about all her marvelous qualities but never mention that she farts occasionally or whatever. You would call me a liar?

Oh please. Your schmooozing your wife is not even close to what the news networks are doing. If you really think that agenda and bias, and only telling half truths in othe news in rder to manipulate people and misrepresent what is going on isn't telling lies ... then there is no talking with you.
Again .. bu-bye. OUT.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by 2XOHsurf

I have watched FOX news in Australia and let me tell you, compared to every other media station including Al Jazeera, FOX news is the biggest load of garbage on cable here. Bill (buy my book) O'Reilly is one perfect example of absolute garbage... Even the pinheads on the morning show show the intelligence of 5 year old girls.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Ace High
Any idea that Fox News is the enemy, the great evil haunting the left of this country is off base. Fox News is right leaning. CNN is left leaning. The point is, this is a game. A ratings game only.

Most importantly, it must be recognized that the right/left paradigm is a facade. A control mechanism.

Bush passed education reform working with Ted Kenedy and grew the Federal Goverment more than any President before Obama. Obama is waging illegal war and airstrikes across Pakistan and the Middle East.

They are the same. Puppets of a powerful dictatorship, attempting to take over the world.

By the way - They are winning. We are losing

Obama is right in waging a war against Pakistan, it is a hub of terrorism, Osama was found there if you remeber
,.. Stopping the middle east is also important as Islam is taking over America and the west..please keep your Christian bias out while comparing presidents.. Bush was a moron who spent money on idiotic wars

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by wittgenstein

What is absurd is that I spent time here. You have your leftist agenda. You failed to show a comparrison even when someone else provided it for you.
Your "bias" is clear.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:01 PM
“I gave absolute evidence showing that NBC lies and is full of bias .. which is also lies.”

Nope. I refuted each and every one of your sites. If you disagree with my refutation, then show me why. All you ever do is repeat your position.

"Just the facts, ma'am."

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein

"Just the facts, ma'am."
You demand facts but post hyperbole as truths.


ETA; None of your Fox clips showed lies.

(It was just bias)

edit on 31-7-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:06 PM
“You failed to show a comparrison even when someone else provided it for you.”

LOL You are joking right? I engaged each and every site she listed. Are you drunk? Of course I did not show a comparison. My point is that there is no comparison to proven fox lies and speculations that MSN lies.
That is your job. Do you really expect me to make your argument for you? An argument that I obviously disagree with?

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
Do you really expect me to make your argument for you? An argument that I obviously disagree with?
That's my point.

You are obviously biased.

It's okay, pooter. You can be biased. I'm a conservative, I admit that. I'm biased.

Just open up and admit you're a liberal. There's no shame in that. (well, there is, but we'll leave that alone for now)

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:12 PM
It is interesting that I have given evidence in the form of videos of O’Reilly lying , Hannity lying …documentation…..and no one has any evidence or reasoning to refute them. They attempted to provide evidence and I refuted their evidence. However, they have found it impossible to refute my refutation. Now of course , because they have no evidence or logic all I am getting is the same old name calling without any substance. Simply stating one’s position is not an argument. Take a basic logic course!!

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein
It is interesting that I have given evidence in the form of videos of O’Reilly lying , Hannity lying …documentation…..and no one has any evidence or reasoning to refute them. They attempted to provide evidence and I refuted their evidence. However, they have found it impossible to refute my refutation. Now of course , because they have no evidence or logic all I am getting is the same old name calling without any substance. Simply stating one’s position is not an argument. Take a basic logic course!!

O'reilly and Hannity do opinion.

Not news.

Please try again.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:23 PM
“Just open up and admit you're a liberal.”
But that has nothing to do with debate. That would be like me dismissing all your statements simply because you are right wing. I, however, provide evidence that refutes your evidence lacking statements.
“just the facts Ma’mam”

It's okay, pooter.
Good grief. That’s what you call sophisticated debate? OK I’ll try it.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by wittgenstein

Good grief. That’s what you call sophisticated debate? OK I’ll try it.

I ain't sofistikated.

I just knows a skunk when I smells one.


posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 04:27 PM
“O'reilly and Hannity do opinion.
Not news.
Please try again.”
Good grief! We already went thru that and I showed that those fox “news” shows outside those opinion shows lie.
Tho I must admit that I agree with you that Hannity and O’Reilly are notorious liars.
Please read my posts and then you will not post such embarrassing nonsense.

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