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NWO Survival Planning

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posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:35 PM
hmm, if the NWO were to take over i think i would go to the woods, and build a shelter( ). Then bring a few weapons, some food, some water purification tablets, some lighters, and maybe some other stuff. I would probably bring my best friend for mental support and protection, and probably just wait it out until the NWO got overthrown.

EDIT: I was reading the posts earlier and someone said that a person in there family was allergic to iodine water treatment i believe, i found the measurements to use with bleach :

Bleaching method. You can use non-scented household bleach to treat water for storage. Two eye-droppers full of bleach to a quart of water. For a five gallon container use a 1/2 teaspoon bleach. Be sure to date the container so you will know when it was prepared. Bleach treated water will store in a cool dark place for 1 year.

The website is :

Hope that helps some

[edit on 30-12-2004 by enlightened_smurf]

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 12:32 PM
I have read with great interest all of the above points. I have been reading about the NWO/Illuminati for some years now and can conceive that our civil liberties are slowly but surely being restricted.

As for surviving the challenging times we might one day face...I question why there will be a "them" and "us"....bear with me I will explain.

From the day we are born till the day we die, our life, opinions and thought processes are engineered so we are a collective. To win the war we have to break the chains society has forged and forced upon us.

Like with the police force, fire dept. and all other organisations et. we are programmed to respond to the image associated with the title/status of the role...Dr. = white lab coat. Police = Police Car, Black Uniform, Gun. Military - Uniform, Gun etc.

Remember; the enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.� (Bruce Lee)

If you strip the illusion you will realise that without the clothing they are but humans. We respond to the image/irrational fear of the establishment. When all we are really scared of is ourself. To survve is one thing, getting more people to think for themselves is another battlefield and one where we face a battle like no other, it is only when more people think objectively that progress will be made.

If like me you have these perfectly rational thoughts in your head I congratulate you on free thinking. I also suspect society has a way of casting you out as a geek, weirdo or other social recluse - again we come back to the conditioning that society generates - think outside the box and be excluded from whats cool or whats in fassion - I welcome the geek/ social outcast. Be strong - these pressures are there solely to add to your "self"control.

Too many people are caught up in their busy little lives to really care what happens day to day all around the world. 1000's die everyday, 10000's starve however in the western world we are blinkered to reality.

We need to break the pressures of society and defend the limited freedom of speech we now have, even if this means being cast out.

Society as we know it are sheep, they follow thy leader - we are the new children of the future, we must educate ourselves and others in the basic arts of humanity, Survival in the outdoors, Social inter woven dependency - living off the land...not from your local superstore etc - compassion and loe for th earth that is now so polluted and state dependant that if ever it were to break down millions would perish as all our basic human knowledge is now unknown to most.

We are millions of years old as a race, yet we have allowed our knowledge of the earth around us to be robbed - we have lost what makes us human, our ability to realise we are another of mother natures creation, we should live in sync with nature, not work against it.

Please, does anyone have any ideas on how to educate others without endangering ones social standing?

posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 03:45 PM
this is a very interesting topic. fortunately i am an avid hunter and have, carry most of these things mentioned above. i think being near any city would be dangerous. weapons are a must. i currently have a compound bow and a 50 cal. inline blackpowder rifle.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 11:56 PM
Text Blue

I have spent a great deal of time reading all nine pages, and i wanna say that i agree with Genuine ninjas third choice and estraul_ice idea about staying to fight in a organizied resistance. but how is one to begin to put theses things into play, sure we want ppl to wake up but few do if any. i would like to see you guys throw some helpful suggestions on building an organized resistance, how to wake ppl up with out sounding crazy, how to put the counter offensive on a rolling start. And i also wanna ask why are ppl that post there thoughts here seem to worry about themselves were all in it together. cant we become the first real wave of resistance or is that agaist the websites rules... i will be ready, handing out ammo and food to the few that will be down for warfare that will be down to fight to the end.. forget about running away years of planning can be useless just know one thing that youll never give in and that they had to pay a DEAR price for taking your life. More will follow from your courage and thats what we need more.


posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by nwo vs me
....i will be ready, handing out ammo and food to the few that will be down for warfare that will be down to fight to the end..


(just a joke.. I don't mean it.)

You are right though, but I would imagine that the only way somebody could do this is by masquerading as something else.. eg a shooting club or a debate society or like you said.. a web discussion site..


posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 06:09 AM
there's no way to fight the NWO because they already have control over us. we may not have realised it but we aare playing a part to help them and their new power.

posted on Jan, 11 2005 @ 08:44 AM
how are we palying apart of them? when they come i will resist even if my campagian last 10 minutes they will not take me alive.
be prepared to fight the elusive enemy!

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 11:13 PM
G.P.U.N.D. is "Ground Preparedness for United Nations

Can we discuss what the G.P.U.N.D is and will they be the firsts signs of martial law coming from the north in the event of a staged terrorist attack?
im to think so..... I heard/read that they were involed in the major blackout that hit the U.S a while ago. (remember everyone walking home in New York city during rush hour on cnn.) That was there training excercise to determine how the public would react in times of confusion, monitored from canada..... please post any info regarding this topic because it relates to surviving the Nwo.... Thanks in advance.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 05:30 PM
So subtle are they you don't no where they are. How do you fight an enemy you can't find or get close too?

I have been reading with interest the coming plans for a new war with China Vs The USA and it's allies.

You see my thought is this. The NWO control all governements and as a means of people control design wars to cull as many of us "cattle" as they can. In all reality war changes nothing...except the population. Sure they say one side wins and everyone who died fighting is a defender of freedom, but come on - there have never been more imprisoned people than those who beleive they are free.

If the USA and it's allies lost to another group of countries - the country who won would still be controlled by the order.

How do you change the opinion of your enemy that we are all being played against each other? In WW2 the Germans and English men played a footbal match for christs sake - that is goodwill considering that the day after they would happily slaughter each other. The task at hand is to change everyones view around the world at the same time. Easilly done I'm sure.

Those of you who want to fight need to grow up. You would die trying and you would die fast.

You would be fighting your neighbours, your friends, your old school mates, your country men....because the system would change your status from patriot to "terrorist" - then the public would be manipulated into policing the country for you and then once found you would be tried as a terrorist.

People are far too immersed in their sad little lives to give a sh it that the goverments are spending their money surpressing another country rather than feeding 1000's that are dying through starvation in Africa.

The best way to fight them is to stay alive and to keep spreading the word.

You found out from somewhere - tell others.

If riots ensued and public disorder erupted the police would have to try and keep the peace - they are us. We are killing each other and thats what they want - they don't have to fight us....we fight each other for them.

THE FACT SO MANY OF YOU TALK OF WAR SHOWS YOU HAVE NO REAL SCOPE ON HOW TO CHANGE THINGS FOR THE BETTER! I am disgusted that you think human life is so worthless, Black, Jew, Asian whatever - we are all human and would hapily live in harmony without being manipulated by the process that is the world.

Stay alive - stay fighting - battles are won by brains, not by brawn.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 06:07 PM
I think most folk would not be of mind to take things mentioned here, a few might, but folk tend to emotional under duress. most folk would simply lose all will to live and alot would be obsessed with taking things of sentimental or monetry value, such as photo albums and jewlery etc. Things of value might be worth bartering for a while until folk realised that basics were worth more than jewels and cash was worthless.
If you look at any such movie of similar scenario you see hordes of folk migrating with large amounts of personal belongings and not much that seems to be of use in a post nuke world.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 06:52 AM

Those of you who want to fight need to grow up. You would die trying and you would die fast.

thats what they said to us during the revolutionary war.

the so called nwo is losing a war to iraqi insurgents right now, i'd love to see them try to bring the pain on our soil.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
the so called nwo is losing a war to iraqi insurgents right now, i'd love to see them try to bring the pain on our soil.

i would not say its the NWO loosing to Iraqi insurgents, the movement is still secret at the moment. It won't go public for a long time.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 04:55 PM
First I want to thank the people who posted useful links and technical info.

I think there is a big difference between the situation after;
1) a destructive war and
2) the situation after a point-of-no-return removal of civil liberties

in the case of 1), presumably, there will be some warning and then the survivalist tools and strategies which have been widely discussed and documented for decades can be employed. However, I will suggest that surviving alone or in a small group will be extremely tough in the long run. How long can you last, physically and psychologically, in isolation, winter after winter? At some point, social organization and cooperation will have to come into it. I think it is best to seriously consider that up front and to plan for it.

in regard to 2) we already have warning signs and I for one am not about to stick my head in the sand.

Conceivably, one could just hang on as a citizen of the totalitarian order while quietly finding and preparing ways to make that life more palatable. People have done that throughout human history.
If you want to check out and move to a remote community, then life in a such a place might not change much no matter who or what is in power. There will still be sex, alcohol, music, sports and cursing politicians under one's breath, if you can live well enough with just that. I wouldn't be difficult to just quietly hang out on the sidelines and live a life that felt free from moment to moment but in fact was without political rights. I've spent good time in Siberia some years ago and China more recently and it was quite informative along those lines.

The crunch comes if you want to resist the ultra high tech police state. How is this possible in the long run without a resistance that is organized in some way? Individual efforts will be symbolic and ultimately futile.
In contrast, and despite what some people might think, organized resistance and free thinking does cause them trouble. Given enough trouble, they can be stopped. If not, they would have fully realized their agenda long ago. But no lone person can do it.

So I am suggesting that if you want to feel free and tolerably survive, just move out of the mainstream and quietly to the sidelines. But if you want to resist, start organizing. It might not be a bad idea to have contingency plans for both options.


Now, another nightmare could be a destructive war combined with an immediate imposition of totalitarianism. The NWO could have their act together tight enough to try that. But the resulting chaos will present as many problems for them as it solves so I think they are more likely to create specific controlled episodes such as 911, selected contained conflicts, directed epidemics, etc., that will leave their assets and infrastructure intact but give them justification for whatever they have in mind.

I think that wider, destructive warfare will more likely take place when factional splits appear in the NWO and one faction or another decides to brutally push things in their preferred direction or the factions even turn on eachother. (not something a "normal" person would do but those people live in a different world) Then we might be pushed directly into situation 1).

One last thing.
If all hell breaks lose and you want to strike out on your own, then it seems better to be in Canada than the US; more open space, fewer people, fewer roads, fewer guns, less of a shoot first mentality (with exceptions for sure), weather shuts down operations more frequently, etc.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 05:12 PM

The nwo/illuminati/whoever.

They have been here for a very, very long time.

What they aim to do Im not too sure, but it will be off the scales, so do prepare and do becareful, because people these are the times, indeed.

I dont want too scare anybody, but this is reality that we live in, and they will stop at nothing, NOTHING.

As for the future and what to do to grauntee your survival,

study, learn and be brave, together we stand strong

Divided we fall.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 08:43 PM
The first level of half-life 2 offers a good representation of what might happen in a NWO. Also, fleeing to the wildreness would be something i wouldn't advise because the militant group would be attempting to hunt down and destory any from of resistance to their cause. They would be using advanced spotting and infared tech. to show the location of refugees. I would advise hiding in the urban wasteland of a small city that wasn't bombed, but has enuugh ifasturece to keep one hidden for a very long time. Also, there would be no nuclear war because the NWO would be interested in contoling the poeple, not completly destroying them. There would be no rights for the person and there would be a constant state of martial law, but ones life would continue somewhat normally, while in a state of constatne fear, there would also most assurdle be some form of resistance, and if you want to stick it to the NWO, join that.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:36 AM
WHo said there isn't a devoted core who will resist if anything happens? Really everyone acts like there is no coordination going on. I submit to you that there is no coordination going on over suspect methods of communication. AM I a part of that group... No. Do I know some of them, Yes. The problem I have is philosophical, how far do you let things go before you just say enough?

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Can we discuss that? What is your ideological problem with these people you know?
Personally, I can get along with a lot of people but I think it is unwise to get involved with people are trigger happy or who actually seem to want things to break down so they can live out the scenarios they have been planning "against". At least I would want them at arm's length.

Is that what you are talking about? Or are you talking about more directly political or religious ideologies?

posted on Feb, 16 2005 @ 07:55 PM
i havent read all of your guys posts.. sorry no time. few useful items though and ideas.

1. SAS survival handbook- EXCELLENT guide. Best I have seen. these guys can snipe you while shooting from the hip. lol j/k. about 300 pages i believe
even some nuclear holocaust shiznit.

2. Weapons are a plus, i make my own tomahawks and bow and arrows for self defense and tools. Easy to learn and are very useful. Guns are best though.

3. Learn how to fight. Although nukes may be dropped it is still good to know hand to hand combat. I would suggest THAI BOXING with some weapons work.

4. Of course The essentials tools, water, and food, outlined extensively in the SAS book.

5. Head south. Fallout in theory wouldnt travel very much to the southern hemispheres. most of the south american governments are so unstable now, the locals there already live in chaos. emulate them lol.

5. If chip is used or whatever... precious items such as Gold or CIGARETTES will be as good as cash. Gold is a SPECIE meaning it is the basis of all currency. And those cigarette addicts will trade food for a stog. PAZ.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 04:18 PM
i must say i have been buying a ton of stuff off of and i am ready... bring it on

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by spartacus
i must say i have been buying a ton of stuff off of and i am ready... bring it on

I think you are thinking ahead just a little abit,
nothing will happen for years. When the new world order movement is complete, we will know nothing about it, thats the beauty of it.

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