posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 04:55 PM
First I want to thank the people who posted useful links and technical info.
I think there is a big difference between the situation after;
1) a destructive war and
2) the situation after a point-of-no-return removal of civil liberties
in the case of 1), presumably, there will be some warning and then the survivalist tools and strategies which have been widely discussed and
documented for decades can be employed. However, I will suggest that surviving alone or in a small group will be extremely tough in the long run.
How long can you last, physically and psychologically, in isolation, winter after winter? At some point, social organization and cooperation will
have to come into it. I think it is best to seriously consider that up front and to plan for it.
in regard to 2) we already have warning signs and I for one am not about to stick my head in the sand.
Conceivably, one could just hang on as a citizen of the totalitarian order while quietly finding and preparing ways to make that life more palatable.
People have done that throughout human history.
If you want to check out and move to a remote community, then life in a such a place might not change much no matter who or what is in power. There
will still be sex, alcohol, music, sports and cursing politicians under one's breath, if you can live well enough with just that. I wouldn't be
difficult to just quietly hang out on the sidelines and live a life that felt free from moment to moment but in fact was without political rights.
I've spent good time in Siberia some years ago and China more recently and it was quite informative along those lines.
The crunch comes if you want to resist the ultra high tech police state. How is this possible in the long run without a resistance that is organized
in some way? Individual efforts will be symbolic and ultimately futile.
In contrast, and despite what some people might think, organized resistance and free thinking does cause them trouble. Given enough trouble, they can
be stopped. If not, they would have fully realized their agenda long ago. But no lone person can do it.
So I am suggesting that if you want to feel free and tolerably survive, just move out of the mainstream and quietly to the sidelines. But if you want
to resist, start organizing. It might not be a bad idea to have contingency plans for both options.
Now, another nightmare could be a destructive war combined with an immediate imposition of totalitarianism. The NWO could have their act together
tight enough to try that. But the resulting chaos will present as many problems for them as it solves so I think they are more likely to create
specific controlled episodes such as 911, selected contained conflicts, directed epidemics, etc., that will leave their assets and infrastructure
intact but give them justification for whatever they have in mind.
I think that wider, destructive warfare will more likely take place when factional splits appear in the NWO and one faction or another decides to
brutally push things in their preferred direction or the factions even turn on eachother. (not something a "normal" person would do but those
people live in a different world) Then we might be pushed directly into situation 1).
One last thing.
If all hell breaks lose and you want to strike out on your own, then it seems better to be in Canada than the US; more open space, fewer people, fewer
roads, fewer guns, less of a shoot first mentality (with exceptions for sure), weather shuts down operations more frequently, etc.