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NWO Survival Planning

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posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 12:32 PM
This tread is testament to the idea of a NWO being ludicrous. It goes to prove why such a concept would lose. The population will not be controlled.

Of course if some of you think that the NWO is a part of the end times, then your plans are futile.

Just to add a little dark humour to the thread, since that is about all one can do in the face of the threats, (I have taken some liberties) where the survival is as a result of other more sinister plots. Unfortunately, the reality of it is, that there isn�t a whole lot one can do to cheat death from: the US homeland security advises:

A Biological attack- Understand one may or may not be obvious, and in some cases public health officials requires time to determine the problem.

-Practice good hygiene- don�t assume you have to go the hospital- don�t spread germs-quickly get away (from the source) �cover your mouth and nose with lots of (cotton)fabric.

Biohcem attack- Nerve agents are clear colourless and volatile readily absored, rapidly fatal.;- Blistering agents aside from the blisters damage the eyes, respiratory system and internal organs. Lasts for long periods, penetrates wood, rubber, plants (if you smell rotten onions or mustard, don�t breathe) after a few minutes of contact the damage is done; -Choking agents are generally colourless gasses with an odour of familiarity, an immediate reaction including nausea, vomiting, decreased pulse rate, ending with pulmonary oedema.

A chemical attack- If you see the signs of same, find clean air quickly- if outside, get inside, if inside get outside, or shelter in place, your call- wash with water and soap gently, do not scrub.

Contamination within 1-10 minutes, death within 4-42 hours.

Explosions- Hide behind or underneath a desk or sturdy table- no, exit the building- crawl low- wet that cotton fabric and place over your mouth.

No more needed here.

A Nuclear Blast- Avoid radioactive material- go below ground or find a shield or shelter, (the desk might not work here)- If no warning is given, try and decide whether you want to go inside, outside or far away (or under your bed.)- close all windows and doors-turn of anything to do with air circulation , but be sure to stay tuned to your TV. radio or ATSNN-remember the further away you are, the less you are exposed.

A wave of intense heat radiating outward; shock wave pressure; radiation; radiation fallout.. at the hypocentre, everything is immediately vapourised. Outward from that, heat, burn and radiation casualties. Shock wave collapse of buildings in outer perimeter, fires from intense heat and radioactive fallout over a wider perimeter over the long term, ingested by survivors.

A one megaton bomb today, has a destructive area of 1.7 miles. A 200 foot deep crater at
Centre of impact, 1,000 feet in diameter, virtually nothing remains within .6 miles from the centre ; at 1.7 miles out, only the strongest buildings remain, 98% of the population in this radius is dead; At 2.7 miles out 50% of the population is dead. At 4.7 radian miles, what is not destroyed is damaged, 5% of the population here is dead. At 7.4 radian miles out, moderate building damage, 25% population injured.

A Dirty Bomb(RDD)- If outside as it goes off, cover your nose and mouth(holding your breath is added insurance) �get inside, get outside, or stay put- close doors and windows-if you think you have been exposed, strip �nekked� and wash gingerly-STAY WHERE YOU ARE and watch TV or sign into ATSNN.- Most importantly: limit the amount of radiation you take in, (less is definitely a plus in this case.)- put a thick shield between you and the radiation (a giant TV or monitor and not the thin type, since you need to be watching or reading while shielded)- get as far away as possible.

Explosion itself is lethal within its vicinity; radioactive materials disperse in the air and contaminate many city blocks.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Here's a VERY good link (if it hasn't already been posted):

And one of the best downloads for the above link:

[edit on 13-11-2004 by astoreth]

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:57 PM
Captain Dave's Survival Center

It got me started on making a bug out bag, and I went from there. I'm mostly thinking in terms of being able to wait out a shorter term upheaval, like natural disaster road closures, flu epidemic resulting in quarantines, etc. I'm not ready to plan for escaping into the woods and living off the land just yet. I have pets that I would rather stay with and take my chances in some door to door round up scenario.

But I do plan to have enough food, water, heat, cash for situations where store shelves empty of emergency supplies, or other conditions mean I can't leave the house for some time. I have a great start, maybe a couple weeks of some things, a month or so of other supplies. I have a few weapons & ammo. In addition to this stuff, I'm working on a set up that will allow me to grow my own food when climate conditions and oil shortages wreak havoc on farming and shipping. Including being able to grow in winter, within reason.


posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by astoreth
Here's a VERY good link (if it hasn't already been posted):

And one of the best downloads for the above link:

I downloaded the book. Thanks for sharing that info.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:58 PM
Inexpensive long life food supplies are everywhere...a box of malt-o-meal or coco wheats is 14+ meals, a jar of peanutbutter, a bottle of syrup will be enough sugar for weeks, oatmeal, raisens would be a nice dehydrated treat! Dryed beans/split peas and a can of spam could make an awesome split pea soup (keep in mind that beans miked with any grain gives you the nutritional equivelant of meat or milk). granola bars...etc... An enameled/porcelin covered metal cup will allow you to cook 1 serving over a candle. A foldable metal camp grill (all the the local sporting goods store) will allow you to cook over an open camp fire. you'll want a 4-5 gallon stock pot for boiling water (making it drinkable, 1st filter water thru clean sand then boil for 20 mins.). A cast iron dutch oven is handy, but large & heavy. Heirloom seeds for planting next season. Our tools are the only thing that seperate us from the other animals. Carla Emery's book of old fashioned recepies is a great way to learn how to live off the land.
Each time i get a new yellow-pages delivered i save the old one (good for toilet paper) and wash old worn out cloths in alot of bleach then save them (for who knows what...bandages...keeping warm, ya never know). I bought 2 - 7 gallon water containers & will fill them up if needed. In a pinch you also can drain your hot water heater (there's 40 gallons of drinkable water right there). The largest thing i've learned about preparedness is NEVER TELL ANYBODY! (except your trusted blood family). I tried to tell people it's better to be safe than sorry...and over Y2K i had over 80 people who told me they were planning on comming to MY HOUSE if anything bad happened (all the while riddiculing me and refusing to lift a finger to help themselves).
We have raised one STRANGE generation of people! WATCH OUT for them because if the worst comes to pass they will think nothing of consuming any stocks you may have & blaming YOU when they run out! If it happens...good luck to us all!


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 06:24 PM
Since you already know what is needed for survival--look at this

... a next step so you have sufficient oxygen to breathe.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 07:09 AM
i think the best place to hide would be right in front of them
they would'nt expect it and some guys earlyer on were talking about thermal imaging the S.A.S. has a way of getting around this a few years ago they dropped one man in the desert and got loads of army and airforce personal to find him they never did and lte they found him back at base the S.A.S. apparently are trained for stealth and they can avoid thermal imaging it would be great to find out how but unfortunatly its al been classified

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 04:36 AM
Do not let anyone discourage you with fear of their technology.

As some here have said, they will be far too busy establishing total control over the vast majority, who will be taken completely by surprise, to even begin to look for you.

Get ready to really live for the first time in your lives, free from the subtle oppresion of modern society. Not only is it possible to escape, it is better than what you have now.

Don't fear, prepare.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by Tasha]

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Long time lurker, first time caller.
I see many here stating their intentions to "bug out".
Where to? "The Woods"? Most places that it is possible for a person to live off of the land already have people in them. Do you believe that refugees will be greated with open arms? Not to mention the travel difficulties with the supply chain down. You will be limited to the gas in your tank. Decide where you want to be, then go there now. In a SHTF condition, the less time traveling, the better. You must have the necessary systems in place before they are required.
Please do not plan on "heading for the mountains" - we are already here.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I'm pretty sure that there won't be Nuclear war and even if there was, the united states will use the missle defence system to protect itsself and other allied nations.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 02:37 PM
Here is an age old tactic the takers use when the natives get restless: When the takers hear the random war drums starting to beat at home stronger and stronger from the natives due to the abuses of the takers, the takers will use their well structured organization to re-create the pounding of the war drums at home with their selected target afar now being marketed to the natives. By doing so the native's attention and hostility can be carefully controlled and directed away from the takers and towards some "other" entity, the created enemy afar.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Yeah, crossbows sounds like a good alternative. If an airpistol was legal that would also be a good alternative(again, I have no idea where to obtain) There would be no problem in getting a sword(an immediate problem in carrying one around in public) or a dagger, but these weapons only be effective in close-range combat.

Would construction of weapons be a viable alternative? Do you know any resources on the construction of own weapons. Also, perhaps this is ambitious, but could we be able to construct electronic weapons with easily obtainable hardware? EMP and microwave, electric guns, sound guns, or blinding light weapons.

Yes, I have absolutely no desire or inclination in having direct confrontations with police forces. Weapons are only for self-defence.

Heh, you want a weapon? Buy a tazer, hide in a corner, and when the police bust in just zap the smack out of them and take their weapons while they're vulnerable.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 08:55 AM
Crossbows are high maintenance weapons. They get through strings at a rate, and you lose your ammunition every time you fire it, just about.

A longbow is far superior for allround use, the strings last well (have plenty of string material, and string wax for backup, along with whipping thread), and you should be able to get your ammunition back for almost every shot. Learn how to make your bowstrings, it isn't difficult.

Get the gear for truing/making arrows together.

If you don't know bows, join an archery club.

A highly functional and longlife bow, in fibreglass, is cheap. A takedown bow can be had very cheap secondhand (2 arms and the handle). Make sure the draw weight is heavy enough for decent performance on animals.

There are arrow heads for different applications. Learn what you need to use for what target.

It doesn't take long to become competent with a bow, with a good instructor. Avoid complex sighting systems. Whilst they are good, if you learn to use simple systems effectively, you will always be able to provide your own simple systems.

Join an archery club, for sure.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:50 PM
I am loving this thread! I have a few things that might help. I worked at a camp for a while during a summer and we used to go rappeling all the time. I can't find any links for this right now but try to find how to tie a backpacker coil.... this is a really simple way to coil a rope and wear it like a backpack or belt. We used to use this every day out there and it always helped. Use high grade rapelling rope (black diamond brand is the BEST!). Make sure it is static, dynamic ropes are good but they stretch a bit, this is used for rock climbing so if you fall the shock is less when the rope finally catches you. I would also recommend a small pack of alluminum rappeling equipment. This would be especially usefull in mountainous terrain. The rappeling harness can also be worn as a workbelt kinda thing and hold a good amount of your supplies. I also think getting a dog (obviously something like a boxer, german shepard, etc... a poodle can't really help you out in the wilderness) would be a good idea. The dog can be used for hunting, tracking, defense against other animals (especially snakes since dogs are immune to most snake poisons) and also for anxiety. Well, there's my thoughts.

[edit on 1-12-2004 by slaughterdove]

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 08:22 PM
If you dont have access to weapons you can make guns, cannons, explosives, and rocket launchers out of model rocket engines, bamboo, wire, and a battery. A friend of mine and i made a rocket launcher, and a cannon. they aren't very powerful but with some modifications they can be made more powerful.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:48 AM
For some people that are thinking how the law is going to enforce.
To me I can see others rebeling to go outside at the same time can the government use diseases as a reason to keep everyone in?

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 07:35 AM
Why would anyone run... if it comes down to this your best and only bet is:
1. Be armed at all times (I ride a motorcycle so I can't throw my AK in my trunk but I do live in an open carry state.) consequently i go nowhere without my 2 9mm pistols and 10 full HIGH CAPACITY clips each. I don't think I would use them both at once but hey loaning someone a pistol is a hell of a way to start a friendship in a situation like that. On the always being armed note, if your weapons aren't accessible the moment things happen chances are you aren't going to get to them in time to save you. Also a pistol is specifically to fight your way to your rifle, AK's can be bought for $300 and change in most of the US (ten dollars for add'l 30 round clips, and about $110 for 1,000 rounds of ammo.
2. Ammo, clips, and parts/maintenance: If you have a semi auto pistol with one clip and 50 rounds of ammo you are done in a serious firefight. Even trained personnel fire the equivelant of 9-12 rounds before hitting someone, keep this in mind. Keep extra clips around for 2 reasons, a. they do wear out b. without an extra clip or 20 you are limited to whatever is in that one clip for a firefight. the person or people trying to kill you will not let you hide behind something and reload a clip which takes time even if you are good at it! parts and maintenance: find a list of the most wearable parts on your gun i.e barrels springs, pins and buy 3 of each, also keep your gun clean and well lubricated! A cleaning kit is more important than a cool holster! Ammo: personally I have seen the writing on the wall for awhile and if something happens I have a minimum of 10,000 rounds and parts to keep the gun running for that many rounds for each weapon! (Note I have multiple 9mm weapons consequently I have 10k rounds for each!)
3. The forest is not your friend if you want to fight it out! Watch the news they aren't hunting desert bandits in Iraq they are engaged in urban combat!! Urban Combat is a nightmare for the force that has to dig you out if you do it right.
urban combat tips:
1. Do not press up against a wall for cover: in firefights if you are pressed against the side of a building bullets will tend to roll across the wall, hence if you are at the end of the wall you become more likelly to get pasted
2. Resist barricade syndrome: Yes your home is your castle but 82mm mortars and jdams never got the memo, understand?
Movement is your friend scout the area prepare it as much as possible then pop up hose them down, and scatter, regroup at the next rally point repeat. This accomplishes two things first you will not beat a well armed well trained group toe to toe, period. second by choosing when you will strike the enemy will be the one getting surpised, third after a few weeks of this regardless of the brasse's opinion the line troops you are facing will not want to go into 'rebel held areas' and morale will plummet as troops are forced to stay undercover and in secured zones or risk death.
3. Operational security: If something like this goes down celullar service will be the first thing to go. This is ok when it hits the fan toss your cell in something going the opposite direction you are unless you want to be tracked! Walkie talkies and gps also fall into this catergory if you plan a strike via airwaves phones computer you will get hammered. face to face communication is key, also get a book on tradecraft, dead drops etc. will be a little more secure. Finally in operational security do not tell anyone what you are doing, appeasers or those willing to sell you out to catch a break will be everywhere
4. battlefield resupply: when engaged in guerilla war the best source of supplies is the enemy. Ideally when you ambush a group of them give yourself a window of time in that time you should wrap up the fighting in 30 seconds after that, it might seem ghoulish but military grade radios flack vests, food, tools, and fuel are only needed by the winner of a firefight don't be shy. Some of you may have negative comments about this, good for you if you plan to fight and you want to live the first thing you need is parity of equipment and supplies, this is easier than trying to find illegal weapons now.

All of this is a purelly academic concern as of right now, and this is what I would do in the case of an NWO scenario. For those of you that don't want to fight, your best bet is getting away from urban areas, if you do that though you will need a deeply buried shelter that is camouflaged and resistant to IR scanning. For those who wouldn't fight I understand as well, those of us that would have been preparing and we'll cover your retreat. Just remember us I am good with an AK but a crappy farmer haha

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:23 PM
I hate the NWO

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 06:55 PM
My dad's a cop, so just in case, I have full access to bulletproof vests, guns, and other things. Also we have a sword hanging in our garage.

One thing you really need to do is get a big survival group. No one can survive alone. Get together with some of you closest friends and set up a plan.

[edit on 26-12-2004 by invader_chris]

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween
This tread is testament to the idea of a NWO being ludicrous. It goes to prove why such a concept would lose. The population will not be controlled.

Of course if some of you think that the NWO is a part of the end times, then your plans are futile.

Just to add a little dark humour to the thread, since that is about all one can do in the face of the threats, (I have taken some liberties) where the survival is as a result of other more sinister plots. Unfortunately, the reality of it is, that there isn�t a whole lot one can do to cheat death from: the US homeland security advises:

A Biological attack- Understand one may or may not be obvious, and in some cases public health officials requires time to determine the problem.

-Practice good hygiene- don�t assume you have to go the hospital- don�t spread germs-quickly get away (from the source) �cover your mouth and nose with lots of (cotton)fabric.

Biohcem attack- Nerve agents are clear colourless and volatile readily absored, rapidly fatal.;- Blistering agents aside from the blisters damage the eyes, respiratory system and internal organs. Lasts for long periods, penetrates wood, rubber, plants (if you smell rotten onions or mustard, don�t breathe) after a few minutes of contact the damage is done; -Choking agents are generally colourless gasses with an odour of familiarity, an immediate reaction including nausea, vomiting, decreased pulse rate, ending with pulmonary oedema.

A chemical attack- If you see the signs of same, find clean air quickly- if outside, get inside, if inside get outside, or shelter in place, your call- wash with water and soap gently, do not scrub.

Contamination within 1-10 minutes, death within 4-42 hours.

Explosions- Hide behind or underneath a desk or sturdy table- no, exit the building- crawl low- wet that cotton fabric and place over your mouth.

No more needed here.

A Nuclear Blast- Avoid radioactive material- go below ground or find a shield or shelter, (the desk might not work here)- If no warning is given, try and decide whether you want to go inside, outside or far away (or under your bed.)- close all windows and doors-turn of anything to do with air circulation , but be sure to stay tuned to your TV. radio or ATSNN-remember the further away you are, the less you are exposed.

A wave of intense heat radiating outward; shock wave pressure; radiation; radiation fallout.. at the hypocentre, everything is immediately vapourised. Outward from that, heat, burn and radiation casualties. Shock wave collapse of buildings in outer perimeter, fires from intense heat and radioactive fallout over a wider perimeter over the long term, ingested by survivors.

A one megaton bomb today, has a destructive area of 1.7 miles. A 200 foot deep crater at
Centre of impact, 1,000 feet in diameter, virtually nothing remains within .6 miles from the centre ; at 1.7 miles out, only the strongest buildings remain, 98% of the population in this radius is dead; At 2.7 miles out 50% of the population is dead. At 4.7 radian miles, what is not destroyed is damaged, 5% of the population here is dead. At 7.4 radian miles out, moderate building damage, 25% population injured.

A Dirty Bomb(RDD)- If outside as it goes off, cover your nose and mouth(holding your breath is added insurance) �get inside, get outside, or stay put- close doors and windows-if you think you have been exposed, strip �nekked� and wash gingerly-STAY WHERE YOU ARE and watch TV or sign into ATSNN.- Most importantly: limit the amount of radiation you take in, (less is definitely a plus in this case.)- put a thick shield between you and the radiation (a giant TV or monitor and not the thin type, since you need to be watching or reading while shielded)- get as far away as possible.

Explosion itself is lethal within its vicinity; radioactive materials disperse in the air and contaminate many city blocks.

They can control us, flourine makes people dangerously passive, the government could easily flood it into our watersystems and have us drink it for months. Anyways, I believe there was a large site preeching(sp?) this, does anyone know its URL?

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