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posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 12:20 PM
Please move if this is not in the right forum. I really don't know what to think about this.
So yesterday was an extremely odd day at my work.
Let me give you a little bit of background on this. I work in a very prestigious salon and about 3 months ago, a woman in her mid 20's came in for an
appointment that she scheduled 2 weeks ahead of time. Mind you I booked her appointment and this woman sounded completely normal on the phone.
So it's a sunny Saturday morning at 8, she's the first client of the day, and she walks in 20 minutes late. Her hair looked like a 5 year old cut
it. The stylist was absolutely speechless and had no idea how to fix the tragedy on her head. So she did her best, colored it and put her in the
"cleansing room" to let her hair process.
This is where it gets weird. The girls starts making faces, making evil grins, laughing hysterically, and talking to people that aren't there. Every
once in a while she would catch a glimpse of some one in the mirror and sort of make an evil smile, showing her teeth, and furrow her eyebrows. Then
she started telling someone that wasn't there that "this party is lame, we need to get out of here, we can't stay, we just can't stay here." and
she kept repeating it. Finally it was time to rinse out her color and she snapped out of whatever was going on with her.
She left the salon about 30 minutes later and waited outside for another 30 minutes for her rise, but the whole time she was laughing hysterically and
acting as if she were in the middle of a crowded room. Hugging and casually touching people that were not there. I honestly hoped that I would never
see the woman again.
Fast forward to last Tuesday. She calls back again and I book her an appointment with one of our newest stylists, who is extremely religious. I tell
the woman that we look forward to seeing her at her appointment on Saturday and just gave my boss a heads up that she was coming in.
So yesterday was basically a nightmare and I want to know everyone's opinion about what this woman is going through and advice on what we should do
with her.
She comes in for her 8 am appointment late again and we introduce her to the stylist that took care of her. They start consulting and my boss, who is
a curious woman and who loves to make people feel welcome in our salon, sits down next to her and asks her about herself. The woman, who seems normal
at this point, tells my boss that she recently became an ordained minister online. She then tells her that she makes religious music videos in the
nude with jewelry on and posts them to YouTube. She even gives my boss a user name to look up. So, curious, she goes to look it up, and the spider
name doesn't exist. She tries to search her on Facebook, google, you name it, but we cant find information on this woman...
In the meantime, the stylist asks the woman what church she goes to and she replies "every one of them". Then she cricks her neck and in a slightly
different voice she says "I work for Satan." the stylist, baffled, gets really quiet and moments later the woman starts singing in a quiet,
child-like voice "here's the church, here's the steeple, open the doors and I'll kill 22 people... with a silencer and rifle... I love
homicide... Homicide is my favorite thing."
Guess how many people are on staff at our salon? You've got it... 22!
How she knows that, I have absolutely no clue but everyone basically flipped the f**k out when word got around the salon.
This woman proceeds to tell her stylist to put more bleach on her scalp because she likes "feeling the burn". She snaps out of it again and walks to
the back of the salon. About 10 minutes later, my boss hears her saying " vroom vroom", she looks around the corner and the woman is pretending to
drive a car. So of course she is curious about what going on and she says, "hey! Whatcha doin?" The woman turns around and says, " I'm pretending
to be a mailman!! By the way, did I tell you that I love homicide?" ok.. Weird.
One client said that she saw blood on her arm and thought the woman had cut herself. She kept saying that she wanted to get it out.
Snaps back out of it again and proceeds to check out at the front desk like a normal person. She then cricks her neck again and almost in an evil way,
asks my boss for a lighter. " you have a lighter, I know you must have a lighter." She goes outside and waits for her ride... And does the same
things outside that she did before 3 months ago.
Please keep in mind that I, myself have been an athiest since I could remember, I have always felt uneasy in a church... Even when I was 7. My boss is
also an athiest, but she says that she is starting to question everything after she saw and heard what she heard from this woman yesterday. Se said
that she honestly thinks that something is in this woman.
From the get go, I thought that the woman has some kind of schizophrenia. But the vibe in the salon was just weird yesterday. Every single person that
was working that day felt uneasy, and on edge... Half of them didn't even know the woman said these things.
We are going to watch the security footage on Tuesday and see if there is anything odd on it.
So my question to you guys is, what do you think is wrong with her. Schizophrenia? Possessed?
And my last question is do you think that we should contact authorities and tell them what she said about killing 22 people. I'm honestly afraid to
go to work on Tuesday. I don't feel safe.
Please help and give me any insight that you guys may have!! Thanks!