OK as another canadian I have a right to chime in on the many diverse topics and issues raised
Certainly when we hear you call us socialist we
know for sure you don't know much about our politics history or our country.
Airborn Rgt disbanded on the issue of torture death of a Somalie youth. It was clear from the post event investigation, the problem was systemic
within the unit at large. AS to the solution their might have been better choices but it was made and we took another look at the way we train
troopers to deal with these situations.
Upholders . They were a fine bunch of subs when they were designed back in the 1980s. Clearly such subs in the hands of skill sailors can be deadly
[witness the Norwegian subs simulated attacks on the RN fleet in that exercise]. But these subs sat unused for what 10 years, what kind of effect has
that had on them? THe HMS UPHolder was completed in 1988-1990 period which makes it 15 years old of which ~ 10 years was spent in mothballs. I wonder
what kind of effect that has on such a complicated piece of equippment.Their is a possibility that crew training could be a problem and that always
needs to be monitored. But don't expect any courageous spending plan's from this government cause its a minority government.
RE Medicare. I'm not well off but I had 'carpal tunnel surgery' on both hands this year and didn't pay a cent for the surgery or the months off
work. My son just had complicated surgery to remove wisdom teeth...of which I paid only 6% [$ 80.00] . On our family budget I would never have been
able to afford these had they not been covered by MSA. My other son requires special schooling with specialist teachers. I don't pay a penny for this
and they even buss him to the school cause its so far away and buy him glasses to see better in his class.
THe Universality of our health care was an important selling point. Its for all of us no matter how rich or poor. Start to make destinctions and you
slide down a slippery slope. We believe that our people are entitled to this much and more. We don't want to make them pay for it if they can't
aford it. In time the cost of health care will change this but there are other forces at work. Administrations of Hospitals is becoming a criminal
cost over run in most health care budgets. Its obsene how much these people get payed. Their is price gouging at all product levels so improvements
have to be made.The collaberation between drug companies and doctors has to be monitored etc etc.
If some want to go to the states for 'pay as you go' health care thats their bussiness, but we don't want it here.Oh and BTW I gather our cheap
drugs are very much sought after in some AMerican states.
RE military. On the basics we don't see the world the same way you do cause we are not a super power and don't pretend to play that game. Most of us
look at what your country is doing in places like Iraq and we just shake our heads in puzzlement. Many of us don't understand why you would want to
do that? We just don't see the need for force of arms that were needed in the past.
In the past during WW-I /WW-II and the cold war it was seen as needed. ANd Canada was often their before America was. SO when we see a need we can
arise to the occation. We just don't see that need any more. We don't see Cuba as a threat nor do we see China as a threat, and many of us don't
agree with this war at all. However since we are from a commonwealth we have long recognised the need for collective defence, where its needed .
But since WW-II its become apparent that prevention is better than cure. SO while we pushed ahead in peacekeeping missions we maintained a standing
force in GErmany through out the cold war. We are now badly over stretched in this area and there is need for more money to be spent . This is why we
will only act through the UN cause its more important than any other organisation...and dare I suggest it , the UN is probably more important than USA
If you Americans want to take your marbles and go home suit your self. No one will attack us cause we are quite difficult country to over run [much
too large]. SO we can take our chances in that department
But I think you'll find we are becoming increasing economically intertwined and it may
be more difficult and costly than you image. I heard that AMericas # 1 outside supplier of energy is Canada.
Besides if you go , you'll miss out on all our wonderful canadian treats like 'BC bud' , our 'great beer' , our 'famous musical stars' and our
'fantastic TV' , like " THis hour has 22 minutes" , "AIrfarce" and the "Trailer park Boys"
[edit on 13-10-2004 by psteel]