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Obama backs race-based school discipline policies

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posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

Ah emporer palpatine, those were the days, jedi( no matter the color) good, sith ( no matter the color) bad.

However if I had a choice I would have have to pick the big bad ugly scariest dude I ever saw as a child( cue march of the empire du du du du du du du du...) Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader! Kinda a personal hero of mine. He always hated everyone equally no matter their race, age, color, religion......kinda like myself somtimes.

Ok now back to reality sorry.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by de_Genova

Ignorant people who act out of jealousy because somebody else has more than they do have come to just about every neighborhood I know. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO EXCUSE MURDER WITH ANCIENT HISTORY!!!!!

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by de_Genova

More hogwash. People use lots of excuses instead of taking personal responsibility for their own actions. In the end it is all only excuses.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

Let me ask you a question or any one that wants to answer it. When a person is suffering from mental and emotional abuse, let's say, from a psychopath or narcissist... how long does it take for that person to get over the abuse?

Most people have to go to counseling. Most people have to join support groups to help them cope and get over the enormous amount abuse they have endured at the hands of the abuser.

Some take years to get over the abuse... some never get over the abuse. Some go through life with a hole, a hole which they can never fill with love. They are broken.

Now with that in mind, how long do you think it will take a group of people to get over centuries of emotional, intellectual, physical, mental and spiritual abuse?

African American abuse is generational. That's why it's so despicable and abhorrent. It didn't stop with one generation. The abuse went on and on for generations. And do we not as humans adapt to survive? When the abuser keeps telling the abused that they are crazy, what do you think the abused will think over time?

So when for centuries, the white man calls the black man an animal, lower than human, sub-human... all these things, and no one is there to object to the notion, or to reassure the black man of his humanity, what do you think the black man will think? He is an animal. When the white man of antiquity continuously berates the black man and calls him an animal not worthy of the joys and benefits of education. Unfit for academics, what do you think the black man will do, after being told for generations and taught from their parents for generations that they are inferior? You think he's going to strut out with his chest high ready to take on the world?

You think AA's being in the state they are in now is mere coincidence?

Physical with the whips. Mental with the words, spiritual with the christian faith, intellectual with the prohibition of books, emotional with the dissolution of the family all for a good profit. All for America.

I'm not saying let's take it to the white man because the white man of today is not responsible for this, but do not cover your eyes. Open them and realize that the whites of antiquity committed the worst form of abuse in the history of mankind... generational abuse. And understand, like the person who is abused by the narcissist or the sociopath, that it will take more than 50 years of counseling and some legislation for AA's to put this atrocity behind them.

edit on 28-7-2012 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

Once again, name one single black American alive today that was a slave. What happened to people in the past that you have never evn met does not effect your today here and now actions. My people were treated way worse blacks for way longer than blacks by more countries than blacks. Do you here the irish whinning about it? No. Do you see irish going to jail wholsale and blaiming their personal shortcommings on somthing they have never evven seen IRL? NO. It is a crutch used solely to try to rationalise adbhorrent behavior that is a personal failing, not the fault of anyone but the person doing it.

If blacks would stop whinning and start teaching their young how to act right in the first place things would be different in 1 generation, the next one. But instead they will just continue to kill eachother, and steal from eachother, and sell drugs to eachothers kids, and glorify violent criminals in all their coulture. All the while blaiming a suppossed "white man" that's keeping them down, instead of doing.. ready for it? Doing what's right! I mean being violent drugged up criminals is working out so well right, why would you ever stop before your entire race is behind bars?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:37 AM
Basically what they are saying is this "Blacks are always in trouble, so that is now normal, and we will no longer punish them for being that way.""

Doesnt anyone else find that disturbing in the least? I find it not only disturbing, but evil.
Evil because they are using skin tone and dna to seperate the people, all while blaming other people for their actions(all the while they are sitting there promising them paradise on a stick).
THAT is evil, and THAT is what is being done.

If you treat everyone equal- then they will be.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

You didn't read my whole post. I can tell you read a portion of it and fired up an emotional response. Read my post again... all the way to the end.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

No I did read it. I just once again for the third time now find if to be absolutely full of excuses how blacks misbehaving is somone elses fault.

It is called personal responsibilty, as I have stated previously, my irish ancestors were treated way worse for way longer than blacks ancestors were, yet you don't see the same behavior from us. You see us as "white people" and totally discount the fact that plenty of peoples have been enslaved, plenty of other peoples have been abused for generations ( it is the better part of a thousand years in the case of the irish.) Yet blacks are the only ones carrying a crutch they don't need to try to blame their PERSONAL ( as in individual) failings on others. Then try to sit on a hi horse being some of the most vocal and hardcore racists I have ever seen in my lifetime, saying how everyone is against them because they are black. This is just not true in the least, well not for my part, nor any of the people I associate with. I assure you, I understand their are racists in the world, some are white, but some are also everyother color also.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

You didn't read my whole post. I can tell you read a portion of it and fired up an emotional response. Read my post again... all the way to the end.

I read your "whole post"... twice. What I read was a well written, but "long winded", excuse for the poor behavior of many African Americans. Unfortunately, excusing poor behavior only encourages more of the same.

A major problem in the African American community is the lack of fathers that are actively involved in the upbringing of their children. This problem has absolutely nothing to do with the abuses of Blacks by Whites! It was created from within African American culture, and can only be corrected from within that culture. Unfortunately, many Blacks who try to address this issue are often derided as being "Uncle Toms".

See ya,
edit on 28-7-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

Alright, so you think 40-50 years of true freedom is enough time to offset hundreds of years of abuse. I understand your point now. So AA's have been abused in every form imaginable up until the late 1960s (after the assassination of two great revolutionaries that could have paved the way for African Americans), who cares; 40 years of rehabilitation is enough to mitigate the effects of centuries of abuse. Not to mention, these 40 years were still met with opposition, albeit subtle, but still opposition nonetheless.

You do know 40 years is about 1.8 generations? Almost 2 generations. Two generations are going to recover from centuries and generations of abuse when there's no leader, or figure to guide them?

I want to see what civilization or group of people recovered completely from oppression and tyranny in two generations, after being taken from their homeland, family destroyed, identity removed, humanity seized, and happiness annihilated for CENTURIES.

Please. I'm dying to know, and I promise any links provided will be read with great interest.

edit on 28-7-2012 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Is this for real? It's so bizarre that I want to believe this is being misinterpreted by conservatives.

There is so much misinformation floating around in this election year so I don't know what to believe. Is this really true? I did some google searches but the sources I am seeing all appear to lean to the right.

Does anyone have a link to a non biased source? I'd like to research it for myself.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

Alright, so you think 40-50 years of true freedom is enough time to offset hundreds of years of abuse. I understand your point now. So AA's have been abused in every form imaginable up until the late 1960s (after the assassination of two great revolutionaries that could have paved the way for African Americans), who cares; 40 years of rehabilitation is enough to mitigate the effects of centuries of abuse. Not to mention, these 40 years were still met with opposition, albeit subtle, but still opposition nonetheless.

Unless you, and those that feel as you do, get off of your "pity pots", African Americans, as a group, will NEVER experience "TRUE FREEDOM"!

See ya,
edit on 28-7-2012 by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:30 PM
After reading thru this thread, I felt the need to Vomit.

Excuses for behavior for one sector of the population over another.

Let's start telling the Truth and throw PC out the window.

Blacks are in the Position they are in because they are Lazy and hate to work.

Hate to work hard for their money as I do.

Hate to work hard in school to better themselves.

because they are Lazy, and look for the easy way out, which is usually Crime.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by BenReclused

No question answered though. What civilization recovers from tyranny and oppression in less than 2 generations? After being oppressed in a society for centuries?And not even oppressed with a sense of identity... oppressed with NO identity.

PM me a few links, I'm interested. Peace
edit on 28-7-2012 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

I wouldn't go so far as to say that blacks have been free for 40-50 years. I would call it closer to 30 but that is relative to where you live, and also how sensitive the person being asked is.

Ask some and they are still being beaten by the white man, ask othersand they won't know what you mean.

Also stop playing a victim, blacks were not treated any worse than most of earths peoples at one point or another, yet nobody else is whinning about how man in his youthful ignorance diid things that today are considered grisly, but for their times was commonplace. Just like today you probably like most others enslave at least one animal in your home, or at least condone it at the farm. Yet no bleeding hearts about it from most people. Because in our time it is commonplace. Does that make it any less barbaric? Nope, and yet it continues wholesale.

As for the black race, they are the only ones that is limiting their success. They chose on an individual basis to do the things they do, whichputs them where they are at. Until such a time as they learn to take responsibility for their own actions they will not trully free themselves, until then they will remain enslaved to the notion that they somhow got a bad deal out of living. In the best country on earth in modern times where all men are free to choose their own destiny

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

And it just amazes me that they think their life right now would somehow be better if they were still in Africa?

Do they know anything about Africa?

What's not owned by the Imperialists from Britain is run by genocidal maniacs.

Put you big boy/girl panties on and live the life you are dealt like the 7 billion other people in the thankful your ancestors weren't burned by the millions in incinerators or shot in the forehead in front of their children or bulldozed alive by the thousands into pits to suffocate.

And what does it matter if they were? You are a different person in a different world, you are in America where you have the same opportunity as everyone unless you screw it up for yourself....quit your whining and get on with it.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Actually the main problem in ghetto schools is that there is no discipline, not that there is more..

I wouldn't doubt that minorities in suburban schools get harsher punishments though.
edit on 28-7-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

I applaud the round things it took to say that, although I wouldn't generalize that much.

They are perpetuating the victimization because it pays off and it is the fault of their leaders such as Farakhan and Sharpton.

They are increasing the hatred by whites, increasing the divide and purposely increasing racial's sickening and needs to stop.

It is obvious they don't want to live with whites as one happy society...they want it to be us against them.

Those that have truely left the plantation, such as Cain and Col. West are called sellouts and Uncles Toms...that is your proof right there of what the real agenda is.

White guilt is misplaced and traitorous.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

It is not just ghetto schools, it's all schools....this whole mess started with Dr Spoke about time outs and treating kids like adults has ruined generations.

You can't reason with kids, they need discipline, respect comes from fear..fear of losing perks or something dear. Not sitting in a time out chair.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Blacks are in the Position they are in because they are Lazy and hate to work.

Yeah, because you can really generalize a whole race
All the black people with jobs are lazy? Or all the pro-athletes?

Hate to work hard in school to better themselves.

Uhhh, maybe you should try going to a ghetto school and see what it is like. There is a reason that the graduation rates are so is a hell hole that does not educate people.

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