reply to post by groingrinder
Let me ask you a question or any one that wants to answer it. When a person is suffering from mental and emotional abuse, let's say, from a psychopath
or narcissist... how long does it take for that person to get over the abuse?
Most people have to go to counseling. Most people have to join support groups to help them cope and get over the enormous amount abuse they have
endured at the hands of the abuser.
Some take years to get over the abuse... some never get over the abuse. Some go through life with a hole, a hole which they can never fill with love.
They are broken.
Now with that in mind, how long do you think it will take a group of people to get over centuries of emotional, intellectual, physical, mental and
spiritual abuse?
African American abuse is generational. That's why it's so despicable and abhorrent. It didn't stop with one generation. The abuse went on and on for
generations. And do we not as humans adapt to survive? When the abuser keeps telling the abused that they are crazy, what do you think the abused will
think over time?
So when for centuries, the white man calls the black man an animal, lower than human, sub-human... all these things, and no one is there to object to
the notion, or to reassure the black man of his humanity, what do you think the black man will think? He is an animal. When the white man of antiquity
continuously berates the black man and calls him an animal not worthy of the joys and benefits of education. Unfit for academics, what do you think
the black man will do, after being told for generations and taught from their parents for generations that they are inferior? You think he's going to
strut out with his chest high ready to take on the world?
You think AA's being in the state they are in now is mere coincidence?
Physical with the whips. Mental with the words, spiritual with the christian faith, intellectual with the prohibition of books, emotional with the
dissolution of the family all for a good profit. All for America.
I'm not saying let's take it to the white man because the white man of today is not responsible for this, but do not cover your eyes. Open them and
realize that the whites of antiquity committed the worst form of abuse in the history of mankind... generational abuse. And understand, like the
person who is abused by the narcissist or the sociopath, that it will take more than 50 years of counseling and some legislation for AA's to put this
atrocity behind them.
edit on 28-7-2012 by Q2IN2Y because: (no reason given)