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Obama backs race-based school discipline policies

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posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by RealSpoke

Uhhh, maybe you should try going to a ghetto school and see what it is like. There is a reason that the graduation rates are so is a hell hole that does not educate people.

Move out of the Ghetto.

Problem solved.

Lmfao don't suggest something like that if you've never been in those shoes.

why not? I came from a bad neighborhood and that sounds like a good idea. stay out of trouble while youre there and work on getting out. It worked for me and my family . Unfortunately we cant all be lucky enough to be born in fortunate circumstances but at the same time you cant sit on your butt and just accept it either.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
I would love for one day a white person to walk into Harlem, or any predominate AA community, and listen to the reactions. Maybe you'll be met with standing ovations for helping us with our confusion. Try it out and get back to me with that.

Your response is to challenge me with a threat? Do you consider yourself intelligent?

I would love for you to investigate the truth. Try that out and get back to me.

I am not white; I posted that I am Native American. Harlem and any other predominately AA community is filled with people who, like the rest of the publicly educated in America, have not been taught true history.

"Met with standing ovations?" Your sarcasm is not becoming; it is pathetic and, frankly, embarrassing. It only makes you appear petty, malignant and willing to voluntarily remain in what has now become self-induced ignorance - self-induced because you have been provided with the truth and, rather than investigate it, you immediately malign both it and the bearer of it.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation." ~ Edmond Spenser

You, sir or madam, have just illustrated Edmond Spenser's observation more than anyone I've ever run across. That is not a distinction to make one proud. You refused to investigate; instead, you chose to try to drown the truth with your contempt. Pathetic. Why are you so afraid of the truth?

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
I'll make sure that I inform the AA community that there's this guy on the internet who remembers the 60's quite differently than us black folks.

I am not a guy. But, rather than informing them of me, why don't you inform them of some truth? Maybe there will be a little less hate? Maybe it could even grow into a lot less hate? Maybe some in the AA community would like to know the truth - you know, those unlike you.

I grew up in a rural area. People were just people where I grew up. But, then again, politicians didn't bother coming through our neck of the woods to spread lies meant to divide them, either. Politicians know it is much harder to feed lies to rural people than to those who crowd themselves into small places and feed off of one anothers' ignorance.

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
I'm gonna assume since the 60's were full of Hallucinogenics I'm gonna assume you were quite giddy during those times. In fact why don't you just tell us where you live at and I'll tell all my black friends we should move over there cause apparently where ever you lived 60's Civil Rights movement didn't happen. the buses skipped over your town. You were completely oblivious to what was happening for an entire DECADE. The Civil rights movement wasn't a 30 day movement. Or perhaps you were watching the Amos and Andy show... You know that wasn't a documentary right? Or the 60's Black Panther party was literally a birthday party for imaginary racism cause it didn't happen it was already over hundreds of years before

I've provided you with information about which you previously knew NOTHING and you, for your part, are willing to ASSUME that I am ignorant of the Civil Rights Movement? Deflection, projection and laughable attempts at denigration doesn't work; you'll have to stretch your mind and try something else. Or perhaps your hatred runs so deep and your paradigm has been so challenged, that the only weapon left in your arsenal is publicly defending your intentional ignorance in order to hold on to your ego?

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
The fact that I pointed out the demise of a race, is a fact, but not actually pertaining to AA, that is solely White People problems.

You really believe that is a fact? If it is a "fact," as you claim, then it should prove no difficulty for you to provide a source that cites that fact. You really think that the whole white race is going to just disappear? White people all over the world are going to just lay down and give up? *LOL* And with what will you be left? Who will you hate then? Tell me, do you hate successful Blacks as much as you hate whites? You who claimed NOT to hate whites, that is.

As for telling you where I live, no, thank you. We do not want your kind here - and I do not refer to your color as we have plenty of people who share your color. It is your mindset, attitude and ignorance that is unwelcome. But I'm sure that is the case for you in many places. Tragic you have chosen that for yourself.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:28 PM
If I didn’t know better, I would have to say that there are still a lot of black people who would rather prefer to be a slave than a free man. Doesn’t it seem like there are many black people who would rather be controlled? If many black people can’t take control of their lives, some might see it more logical to be controlled by someone who does have control.

In this day and age, there just seems to be a lot of black people who are pressing blame on all the white folk for their everyday woes. Why is that? There was a time where white folk (along with some black), had control of black people. Could it be that many black peoples are conditioned not to be self-sufficient or independent? Here’s a thought….Lets take away the words “Our Government”, and put in the words “Plantation Owner”. There seems to be a lot of black folk who are looking to their “owners” to survive. Here’s another thought….”Who’s is the one person speaking for the plantation”?

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
reply to post by SeesFar

Here's the Point you want to acknowledge slavery but there's always "But..." instead of just saying yes we accept it. they did it here with black people, they did it in south Africa, they did it to the Native Americans, they do it wherever you set your foot down. That's why you have to invade countries, cause everyone knows what you did to the Native Americans. I fell bad for them and we didn't even have anything to do with that. How greedy were they to actually go to another country and get more people. But You actually suggested that one black guy is the perpetrator of all slavery. and the injustices of the African American race. Bravo.

In case you missed it the first 3 or 4 times, I will type louder for you: I AM NATIVE AMERICAN.

We do not want your pity. We deal with our own issues. If you want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for yourself - you are deserving of the pity.

No, I did not "suggest" that one black guy is the perpetrator of slavery; I proved it to you. Anthony Johnson permanently enslaved the first Black person in the Colonies prior to the Colonies even considering becoming the United States.

Ahhhh, but once Anthony set precedence with his legal win of forever .. FOREVER .. enslaving Casor, he set the tone for the rest of those who would commit such an atrocity.

I want you to expand your thinking. What if Johnson had not done that? What if he had released Casor from his servitude, just as he, himself, had been released? What if Casor had gone on to obtain his own 250 acres with family, household, farm animals, etc., and become another Black person accepted as equal by Colonial society?

But, that is not what happened. So, expand your thinking to this scenario: what if children were taught the truth in school? What if children had never been lied to and taught by the public education system to hate the white man because it was ONLY the white man who enslaved others? What IF children were taught that the Dutch slavers only bought the Africans because other Africans were selling them?

What if it was a white man who had freed Blacks from slavery? Oh, damn. I believe it was. Do you hate him, as well?

Yes, Anthony Johnson WAS a Black man and he WAS the father of permanent enslavement in the Colonies of the Americans. It's not pretty, but truth often isn't.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Honor93

Originally posted by nightstalker46
Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
So I guess we're going to pick random white people to send to prison to balance things out then?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

You might be interested in this little tidbit.
Corrections Corp. of America offers to buy prisons in all 48 states. [with a guaranty of a 90% occupancy rate built into the contract]
edit on 29-7-2012 by nightstalker46 because: adding link
reposting this with emphasis cause i think most just breezed on by it ... and for your own safety, some might want to read it, then go study up on "Reconstruction" and what happened to the Southern labor force (slaves) ... they found/were directed to a new home but it often wasn't of their own choosing.

Thanks for re-posting. Since the thread got side tracked by the race baiters, some have forgotten how politics sometimes uses smoking mirrors to cloak the true intention of legislation. More often than not, a proposed new law,, or executive directive is titled or named with some innocuous sounding description like" we're doing it for the kids", that may seem logical or benign on the surface, but hides it's real intent that is much more sinister when dissected. It's worth exploring what lies below the surface. We've had enough of "you have to pass the bill to see what's in it. Right?
Again thanks

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Illumin Not I

Do actually think white man invented slavery? Not that it matters who started...because for now most of it in the US is over..I say most of it because it still goes on with women and children being the victims this time....

But study your history much further back than the 1600's go way way way back and see what you will knock your racist socks off.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:57 PM
From one of my favorite new bloggers, a black conservative who will tell you he escaped the Democratic plantation, labeled an Uncle Tom by fellow blacks....please take a look around his website, here is his article on the the reaction from the detractors.

Blatant Racism – Obama ignores rest of middle class children with Executive Order to bolster Black American Students

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by timetothink

Slavery has been around since man had civilization.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 10:09 PM
I know the true deniers and racists will not seek out the info themselves so I will post it and I hope others will a proud white woman, I will not sit quietly by will we are steamrolled any longer...we have a right to live in peace also...if the racists want to throw blame around, then they need to throw it in the right the blacks who also contribute to this mess past and present.
Enough is enough....just stop it!!!

African slavery arose long before Europeans came to the region, probably as early as 1550 BC in Northern Africa. The ancient Egyptians used Hebrews, Babylonians and other war captives to work as slaves to work in the Pharaoh's palace and the houses of nobility.

In West Africa, we know about slavery from about 900 AD. But the lives of African slaves in West Africa and African American slaves were very different. In many West African societies, land was owned by communities, not by individuals. Social status and class could therefore not be based on land ownership. Instead, they were based on one's place in the social environment. Slaves were thus part of the family as well as private property. And slavery was not a lifetime status—someone might be born free, made a slave for a few years, and then be free again for the rest of their life. Slaves also had rights; they could marry, own property, and inherit substantial goods from their owner. They could even own slaves themselves. Their children were generally born into freedom, not servitude. Some owners even adopted their slaves as family.

When Europeans first came to Africa in search of slaves, the African leaders themselves were eager to contribute. Initially, the slaves were war prisoners, criminals or people in debt. However, as the European demand for slaves grew, African leaders turned to new ways to find slaves.

Wars were started for the sole reasons of taking prisoners to sell, and many were simply kidnapped (either by people from their own tribe, or from competing tribes). Some African rulers earned great profits by controlling the regional slave trade.

HEY AA's.......your own ancestors happily gave away their own as slaves and continued to find ways to sell more and leave us whiteys alone already..or you know what? America is still a free country, you can leave!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by de_Genova

Never said you were one and the same. Just birds of a feather singing the same old tired song. If all his posts are this ridiculous, I realllllly hope mine are not equal. I'll leave it to more mature minds to judge mine.
Perhaps had you been taught the true history as (posted throughout this thread) instead of the progressive PC hogwash that is now taught in schools and black history month, you wouldn't be so brain washed that you have to feel "guilty" about your own race. This also applies to many blacks in this country who have such hatred for whites. People, can't you see how badly you have been used by the left. Had the truth been given to blacks and every one else in the past 50 yrs., we might have no need to have this conversation. The issue would be dead. So ask yourself "who" benefits from a continuation of this racial divide?? What is the agenda? With the trillions of taxpayer dollars spent on the so called war on poverty, why is anyone still in poverty in this nation?? That in itself is the strongest indictment of the failure of the delusional left. They meant to keep the poor, poor!! Black and white. What would it take for you to return to a thinking person. I don't intend to sound insulting, but this site is a search for the truth. Most of us here have had to change our preconceived notions when we started to "connect the dots". There is far more going on that we don't see, than what we are presented with. If not falling for the PC political propaganda that is spewed into our brains daily is paranoid, then I stand guilty as charged.
edit on 29-7-2012 by nightstalker46 because: addition:

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by SeesFar

Do you even live on this planet? Do you have a clue how the system works? Do you think because this was the first court case about a black slave owner that there wasn't other white slave owners at the time? Do you know why there aren't any white slave owner cases before that? Because if you were White back then, No one would argue you being a slave owner. Do you actually think they brought over one slave, then after everyone looked the other way that's how slavery started?

I don't care if you're Native American or not. I don't care if John Casor was a slave or not. None of that changes the oppression for the last 2-300 years.

You grew up in a nice community, Bravo for you! I can use any example from the Media but I'll use this. How do you think the Colorado-Batman shooting would have ended if he was Black or Hispanic? If he was black do you think he would have been painted as a troubled person? If he was black or Hispanic would he be alive to actually have a trial after shooting up a bunch of White people? But hey everything's equal and racism is just in our minds. But you're right let me stop putting blame on the people of antiquity who's notorious for the things they do. Why do that when I can blame the victims of the massive atrocities.

I'll blame the Jews for having money in the first place that Nazi's desired. They set the stage, Nazi's just played the role.

I'll blame the Native Americans for having land that Europeans wanted. Cause someone traded with them, they set the precedence.

and finally I'll blame oppression of black people on Anthony Johnson. Because his winning of this court case allowed white people to have complete dominion over African Americans for the last 400 years. Because he was tried in front of a jury of his peers (other Kidnapped Africans) and the circumstances were completely unbiased. and afterwards, he didn't loose his land because he was Black and didn't have rights.

Also I guess this allowed White folks to control the education system, the Media, and religion. Again thanks for the enlightenment. Boy was I wrong!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Illumin Not I
do tell, who is this "they" which you keep repeating ??

they did it here with black people, they did it in south Africa, they did it to the Native Americans, they do it wherever you set your foot down.
until you can properly identify "they", perhaps you should keep your fantasies to yourself?

How greedy were they to actually go to another country and get more people.
who, 'they' ?? the Spanish, the Africans, the English, the Brazilians, who exactly ??

since you're a fan of boat records, i wonder ... ever seen the movie, Amistad ??
(i highly recommend it)
you however, based on your posts, probably couldn't handle it beyond 30 minutes.
why ?? cause the truth hurts, but, the entirety of this movie is well worth the watch.

if not, there is a scene near the end where attorneys for Queen Isabella (Spain) are in an American court demanding "their property" be returned to Spain.

what property did she want back ??
Cinque (a human) and his Mendi brothers who were captured, forced onto a boat in horrific conditions, then sailed all the way across the Atlantic, only to be sold into the American slave trade.
wonder what happened to Cinque ??
this is how it began ... Cinque's fate took a different path when he was taken captive by African tribesmen of the Ley people, due to impatience of a creditor for payment of a debt owed by Cinque. Cinque was taken to a "slave factory" in Gallinas where he was sold to a Spanish slave trader. He was subsequently resold and placed on the Tecora, a slave trade ship.

point is ... this was the "business" of the day for many countries not just America.
and to be totally honest, mirroring your previous words is about appropriate at this point ... so, how'd you say it ??

there's always "But..." instead of just saying yes we accept it .
so, how many more butttts are you gonna put forth ??

But You actually suggested that one black guy is the perpetrator of all slavery.
NO, we've indicated that one black man is solely responsible for the slavery of Americans. not the slave trade that brought the industry to our shores.

and the injustices of the African American race.
never said such a thing but if you're referring to Homer Plessy and forced segregation, well, yes, absolutely.
edit on 30-7-2012 by Honor93 because: typo

edit on 30-7-2012 by Honor93 because: add "forced"

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by nightstalker46

yes indeed, nightstalker46 ... i've had my share of that BS.
nothing p'ssed me off more when i heard that because I READ it, while it was changing, and all whatever 1300pgs of it.

IF i have to pay these ppl AND do their job ... why i outttta ... use your imagination

you're quite welcome for the re-post, i hope others notice as well.
believe it or not, this sounds alot like Reconstruction all over again.
only this time, the "peeps" are a much larger group of people.
it's gonna be a case of every man for himself and that is NOT what makes this country great.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Illumin Not I
besides the fact that this is a horrible straw-man attempt, i'll address it anyway.

How do you think the Colorado-Batman shooting would have ended if he was Black or Hispanic?
how do you know he wasn't either ??
from all the witness testimony so far, the shooter was the "blackest" man anyone had ever seen -- or not seen -- in this case. [black = color of gas mask]

now here's a thought for you ...
as a previous poster mentioned, thanks to the Human Genome Project, it has been announced that there is NO SUCH THING as race, period.

we are humans ... different and individual ... but humans, nothing else.
Considering that "race" has been proved not to exist as a matter of scientific Government-approved fact, one would expect that the news media would begin using alternate words to refer to factors that DO exist, like skin color. But, the news media (and many Black bloggers) still stubbornly insist that "race" exists after the theory of its existence has been utterly disproven.
hmmm, i wonder why the media is silent about this for 3yrs now ??
and why, would our POTUS have a desire to legislate based on a concept proven and accepted as non-existant ??

so, given the truth, why hold a grudge or foster hatred for anyone from the past ?
it's history.
can't we just get along ??

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Illumin Not I

Do you even live on this planet? Do you have a clue how the system works? Do you think because this was the first court case about a black slave owner that there wasn't other white slave owners at the time? Do you know why there aren't any white slave owner cases before that? Because if you were White back then, No one would argue you being a slave owner. Do you actually think they brought over one slave, then after everyone looked the other way that's how slavery started?

Attacking the individual while ignoring the evidence. READ the information provided.

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
I don't care if you're Native American or not. I don't care if John Casor was a slave or not. None of that changes the oppression for the last 2-300 years.

What you seem to not care about is changing your thinking or letting go your hatred. I care very much that Casor was permanently enslaved. Had he not been, the entire social structure of this Country might be different. It might be missing a lot of hate.

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
(EDITED FOR NONSENSE) How do you think the Colorado-Batman shooting would have ended if he was Black or Hispanic? But you're right let me stop putting blame on the people of antiquity who's notorious for the things they do. Why do that when I can blame the victims of the massive atrocities.

You are trying to deflect what you see as an argument using an unrelated situation and I will not dignify your attempt by responding to it.

Please point out where I said racism is in peoples’ minds. I don’t recall making such a ridiculous statement.

Is everything equal? No. It never has been throughout history and unless we (all human beings) change the path we’re on, it never will be.

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
I'll blame the Jews …. I'll blame the Native Americans …

Illogical deflection.

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
and finally I'll blame oppression of black people on Anthony Johnson. Because his winning of this court case allowed white people to have complete dominion over African Americans for the last 400 years. Because he was tried in front of a jury of his peers (other Kidnapped Africans) and the circumstances were completely unbiased. and afterwards, he didn't loose his land because he was Black and didn't have rights.

Now you’re closer, though still incorrect. Blame Johnson for setting the precedent that permanently enslaved Black people in the Colonies. Winning his Appeal allowed other people (white AND black) to hold other human beings in bondage for life. Remember, Johnson lost the first suit. He was SO determined to keep Casor for life that he appealed; he was relentless in his pursuit to permanently enslave Casor. Johnson set the precedent; there is no denying it.

How much information do you NEED?
"Johnson Family Court Cases.

Anthony created a situation of two-fold bitter irony: 1, that a Black man was the first to permanently enslave a Black man in the Colonies; and, 2, that by doing so he changed the view toward Black people in that society, which action ultimately caused the taking of all his property away from his family upon his death. Johnson, himself, lost nothing – nothing was removed until his death.

Johnson's widow renegotiated the leases of their properties and got matters back in order. Scroll about 2/3rds down that page to "Johnson Family.”

First it was “2-300 years ago;” now it’s 400? Whites have not had “complete dominion” over Black people for the last 400 years. That is disingenuous, at best. The institution of slavery ended almost 147 years ago.

Originally posted by Illumin Not I
Also I guess this allowed White folks to control the education system, the Media, and religion. Again thanks for the enlightenment. Boy was I wrong!

For a long time, yes, white people controlled the public education system and the media. There are far too many religions to assign control of them to one ethnicity.

The topic of the thread is about the President's E/O which reduces expectations for AA children. That E/O is another means to cheat AA children. Political implementation has already resulted in almost 70% of AA homes being fatherless. It implemented the Urban Reservation. It is not leveling the playing field to expect LESS of certain citizens - it is setting another dangerous precedent. The Black community needs to hold itself accountable (as do the Asian/Hispanic/NA/white communities). History happened; we cannot change it. We can only change the future but only if we're willing to see the truth of the past.

Precedents, such as that set by Anthony, open evil doors that cannot be closed.
edit on 30-7-2012 by SeesFar because: necessity

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Propulsion
If I didn’t know better, I would have to say that there are still a lot of black people who would rather prefer to be a slave than a free man. Doesn’t it seem like there are many black people who would rather be controlled? If many black people can’t take control of their lives, some might see it more logical to be controlled by someone who does have control.

In this day and age, there just seems to be a lot of black people who are pressing blame on all the white folk for their everyday woes. Why is that? There was a time where white folk (along with some black), had control of black people. Could it be that many black peoples are conditioned not to be self-sufficient or independent? Here’s a thought….Lets take away the words “Our Government”, and put in the words “Plantation Owner”. There seems to be a lot of black folk who are looking to their “owners” to survive. Here’s another thought….”Who’s is the one person speaking for the plantation”?

Yours is such a difficult post to answer because, initially, it sparked anger in me. It is never good to respond to someone from a point of anger, so I had to read it several times and think about it. In short: No. No, I absolutely do not believe that anyone wants to relinquish their freedom and put themselves under the control of another.

Yes, people blame - in every ethnic group because they've been taught to do so; that's the reason for my posts providing the information on Anthony Johnson and John Casor.

Look at L.B. Johnson's "Great Society." That "Great Society" has robbed Black families of fathers - almost 70% of Black families have no father in the home. It set up a program whereby people (of all ethnicities) can take from the government and do nothing for themselves. Let's say that a 20 y/o mother signed up for that program in 1966 and that she had 2 children, aged 1 and 2 years. Try getting welfare and other benefits if there is a healthy male in the household - it's not going to happen. But, by getting rid of any husband/boyfriend in her life, she got all the benefits - housing, money, food, medical care, etc.

She no longer had to do anything and this is what her children were raised seeing as the norm. She was Generation One. Let's say the eldest child was a daughter and that daughter became an unwed mother at 18 y/o and she signed up for all the benefits, too, because that is all that she has known. It is now 1982 and it took 16 years to produce Generation Two. Generation Two also has a daughter who becomes an unwed mother at 19 y/o and she (Generation Three) follows in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother and signs up for benefits in 2001. That puts Generation Four being 11 years old right now and, if she follows in that path, she will be receiving from the system in 7 more years.

It was done to target those who do not have a work ethic. Have there been people of all ethnicities who've used those programs temporarily? Of course. Have there been people of all ethnicities who've become generational abusers of the system - no father in the home, a mother who shows no work ethic and, therefore, teaches no work ethic? YES! Does that mean those people want to be "owned?" Absolutely not! It means our government set up a system designed to make people dependent - in short, it assures votes as well as a means of bringing indescribable apathy to a large group of people. Apathetic people don't challenge the system.

There are currently 46,611,293 Food Stamp recipients. That's a LOT of voters.

An excellent 2011 Forbes article on the welfare state - though I disagree with terming Medicare as "welfare" if one is retired and has paid into the system all one's working life. Neither is Social Security "welfare" if one has similarly contributed to it all one's life because it is the law. Getting back one's own money is not welfare. Taking someone else's money (or participating in a program funded by someone else's money) when one has done nothing to earn it or contribute to it IS welfare.

I don't believe continuing the insult of "Plantation" is going to advance relations between Blacks and whites. In fact, I believe it is counterproductive and insulting.

Black people are no more born "conditioned not to be self-sufficient or independent" than any other people. Conditioning comes from learned behaviors; not from DNA. A child who is shown a strong work ethic will, most often, expect to work.

But you have hit upon something. It is not the nature of people to want to work. Given the opportunity to live without working, it is the nature of most to take it. It is why communism has never worked - the lazy will feed off the hard working until the hard working quit working.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Vitruvian
America for the first time in its slavery ridden history finally has to face up to what she has done. What you are witnessing today is the legacy of slavery and its coming time to acknowledge that the "Piper must be paid" and paying the piper is exactly what is happening. The American people ELECTED Obama so that this could come about because a WHITE government would never have accomplished it and the American voting public was well aware of that fact.

The legacy of slavery is very broad and very deep............its still within the psyche of American blacks to this very day, but more importantly its still within the psyche of American whites. This is a major reason why black Americans ‘seem to be’ so "unfortunate" or make up the major portion of the under class culture in America. Just look around in your cities and you will see the major aspects of SLAVERY manifesting itself everywhere - in crime - in poor housing - poor education and the list goes on and on...........and the WHITES are directly responsible because THEY THEMSELVES have also inherited the evil legacy of SLAVERY.............Its PAYBACK TIME like it or not.

I am white BTW and I am willing to face the responsibility for what has happened in America because of my inheritance – so its about time I faced up to that awful reality……… might the rest of you smug whites.

edit on 28-7-2012 by Vitruvian because: editing

WTF are you prattling on about? I'm sorry about your "White guilt". Feel free to package up all of you belongings and your wealth and ship it to the closest black community near you. But please keep your ignorance to yourself!

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker46

Thanks for re-posting. Since the thread got side tracked by the race baiters, some have forgotten how politics sometimes uses smoking mirrors to cloak the true intention of legislation. More often than not, a proposed new law,, or executive directive is titled or named with some innocuous sounding description like" we're doing it for the kids", that may seem logical or benign on the surface, but hides it's real intent that is much more sinister when dissected. It's worth exploring what lies below the surface. We've had enough of "you have to pass the bill to see what's in it. Right?
Again thanks

Seems that one of you should start a thread on this subject. It seems an important stand-alone issue.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

They are just depressed and under a spell of learned helplessness.

Close, but not quite true. Your statement would have been more accurate it you had used "self perceived" in the place of "learned".

See ya,

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Illumin Not I

Really? How does this Order relate to "Light skinned people...losing their coveted #1 spot"? Is it so far fetched that I, a white person, would prefer that our government treat ALL children in the education system equally? Obviously, I don't speak for all the white people on this thread any more than you speak for all the black people on this thread. Point being that we're all individuals and should reject the ideology of treating various groups differently under the guise of fairness.

edit on 07/27/12 by glasshouse because: (no reason given)

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