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John Moore Nibiru updates - can you afford to ignore this?

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posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
reply to post by eriktheawful

Sorry, I mispoke, I believe it is a brown dwarf.

So this storm on Saturn that is tens of thousands of miles long is just a blip? And when did it start, just 18 months ago?

And the Sun has been very calm recently............./sarc

That storm on Saturn was caused by Elenin. Elenin was Nibiru, remember? Oh wait, Elenin was a comet that passed too close to the sun and disentegrated. But hell, it sure did cause a lot of earthquakes!

I believe it all. I spent my life savings on a cabin in the Ozarks and quit my job last September. I've been out of work ever since and my wife left me and took our kids. I lost my house too, but I still have my shack in the Ozarks and I grow potatoes when I can which is hard since I have rickets due to a vitamin deficiency and I can't see a doctor because I have no insurance. People like John Moore are legends for waking up people like me. If I hadn't have acted in time I'd still be living that false life in my hard-to-clean 5 bedroom house, screaming kids, nagging wife and that horrible $150k job that required me to just turn up and look busy. Now I get to get to sh#t in the bucket I just collected rainwater from.

Thanks John and Terral and all you other bringers of hope and truth!

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
Yes, it is strange that for something that "doesn't exist" to have so many names and to have been written about so much in ancient times as well as modern times. I'm sure there's nothing to it - /sarc.

Kind of like Jesus Christ?


posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Dizrael

we have no idea what the surface is made of to even speculate if it would reflect or absorb.

The claim was that Nibiru is a brown dwarf. Brown dwarfs don't have a surface as such.

But are you saying that since it cannot be seen it must be of unusually low albedo? That's called circular reasoning.

Phage you really aren't current with this topic, man. It's no longer a Brown Dwarf, it's simply an "HMO" (Heavy Mass Object). You don't need to know what it is, how big it is, where it is, or what it's made of, it's simply something that has mass and it's "out there". C'mon son, get with the program.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:30 PM
If a planet is heading towards us, what preparations would we really be able to make? Extra batteries for the ol flashlight never hurts I guess.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:41 PM
ok say nibiru cant be seen because of infared spectrum lmfao

ill believe that for the sake of argument

what about the PLANETS that orbit it why cant we see them?

are they alll infared planets as well?

cmon these guys that start this bs all have an agenda dont you get that?


why are you people so convinced of something with absolutly no proof

and then tell other people to wake up lmao to funny

you just believe becaus some idiot says it on youtube

believers you need to wake up you are the real sheep
edit on 25-7-2012 by goou111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 11:59 PM
I'm getting kinda sick and tired of planet earth. Ever since I was a little boy I always thought I would turn into a dragon. I know it sounds crazy, but even the people I use to know kept referring to me as an alien. I'm completely different. Sure I have Aspergers, but I honestly think that this planet will be crushed before any top down government control can be implemented on this human race. Why? Remember Star Wars Attack of the Clones? The aliens made an entire army dedicated to fighting and nothing else. I think the plan is to wait for the complete destruction of the human race not including the top tier of us, because they will be shipped off unto another planet, and the rest of us will be left to die. Some of us will ascend - I'm not sure how - but we will all die.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Triesta
I think the plan is to wait for the complete destruction of the human race not including the top tier of us, because they will be shipped off unto another planet

I heard the aliens like tender meat. You know, cared for from birth. No hard labor. Like veal.

Rest well 1%'ers

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:03 AM
Enough with this BS niburu. When the stupid thing flies in and lands in Central Park then i'll give a rat's arse.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Phage

But Nibiru doesn't give off light in infrared, nor does it reflect the light of the Sun because Nibiru does not exist.

Well... It may exist, but I don't think there is much chance of it coming to get us. Might be a fine point, but...

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Thanks for your post. Fight the good fight.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:24 AM
The dates!
Theres a LOT of heavy things supposed to go down in that time period!
Timewave spikes
Nibiru comes by
The Isrealis still attack Iran because well, You can never be too sure......
Its gettin on bedtime, but i bet there are a few other "porphetic things sheduled for the timespan 1Aug-sept 30
I just cant remember then all right off.........Oh yeah disclosure at the Olympics!
I bet you forgot that one too Phage, im sure ive heard others.....
In fact the doom industry is booming in the exploding economy....

Wait for the zombie apocalypse,.......Oh whens hurricane season start? pretty soon too methinks....And theres bound the be toronados too., before then......of huge proportions, now i dont want to alarm you, and this May be disinfo, but theres not much old friend i trust who is well .......actaully hes a garbage man...But he reads a lot!
Mostly other peoples garbage, but hes sure about this one,,,,,,,,,,he got it right from the mayors can last week

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by stirling
The dates!
Theres a LOT of heavy things supposed to go down in that time period!
Timewave spikes
Nibiru comes by
The Isrealis still attack Iran because well, You can never be too sure......
Its gettin on bedtime, but i bet there are a few other "porphetic things sheduled for the timespan 1Aug-sept 30
I just cant remember then all right off.........Oh yeah disclosure at the Olympics!
I bet you forgot that one too Phage, im sure ive heard others.....
In fact the doom industry is booming in the exploding economy....

Wait for the zombie apocalypse,.......Oh whens hurricane season start? pretty soon too methinks....And theres bound the be toronados too., before then......of huge proportions, now i dont want to alarm you, and this May be disinfo, but theres not much old friend i trust who is well .......actaully hes a garbage man...But he reads a lot!
Mostly other peoples garbage, but hes sure about this one,,,,,,,,,,he got it right from the mayors can last week

If you take all of what you said and put it into the google text analyzer it spells ILLUMINATI! I'm not sure how it works but it takes relavent letters and assign's them a number. Then it adds up those numbers to make a new word!

Here is the source!

Google Text Analyzer

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

So it's all BS basically then?

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:03 AM
I have a question: When none of this comes true, no Nibiru, no 12/21 doomsday. What will the believers say?
What will be the reasoning behind all of these warnings and prophecies being wrong? Will it be aliens/god saved us? Or will they finally admit they have been taken in? Will they come back and apologize or just make excuses?

MY prediction is, The Galactic Federation
will get the credit.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by DAVID64

They will say nothing. The Earth will continue to spin and they will continue with their lives.

Till the next doomsday approaches......

Then they will fire back into action. Because this next one, will be the real one.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

So no objects in the universe absorb reflected light?

If it's reflected light it's not absorbed.

Light is reflected and then BENT before it hits the naked eye.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:21 AM
Ok... listening to this right now. I still don't get it. What are the actual reasons to believe in Nibiru? I mean... are the only people with the ability to detect this the same people who happen to be on conspiracy sites and radio shows?

Aside from simply wanting to believe in it, what are the reasons an objectively-thinking person would believe this if they had never heard of Nibiru in the first place? Is it all because of suggestion? Everything I've read that Nibiru believer reference could be talking about things other than a big planet. I mean, if you want to believe a large planetary object is coming towards us, that's cool... but where's the actual evidence? By evidence, I mean anything that can hold up to more scrutiny than about five minutes of Google.

Really, I'm not a debunker. I'm an honestly interested person in the subject but just can't see the reason behind the stalwart belief in it from so many people.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by PlanetXisHERE

So no objects in the universe absorb reflected light?

If it's reflected light it's not absorbed.


Is it possible for an object to absorb the light from the sun thus making it invisible to the naked eye? or at least very difficult to see.


posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

id like to point out that ISLAM didnt exist until around 400 ad.

which is only 1600 years ago

for a document to even mention islam, and claim to be 3600 years old, is a scam.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:16 AM
Come on people, enough is enough.
Nibiru may exist, maybe in another dimension but certainly not in this one < removes tongue from cheek >.

Seriously though, being an amateur astronomer of nearly 40 years who's travelled all over the world to look at the skies, I can categorically state I have seen no evidence either visually or via radio-telescopy of this mythical celestial body.
An earlier poster pointed out that Nibiru's light is in the infra-red frequency which somehow renders it almost invisible. Absolute nonsense. It is so easy to convert a standard telescope into infra-red using even a very basic digital sensor. The difficult part is keeping the housing of the scope cool but in winter, certainly in the UK, that's not much of a problem. And in the Antarctic, where some fervent Nibiru supporters believe it can ONLY be seen, the conditions are perfect for infra-red telescopy.
I know it's difficult for people to admit they're wrong especially those who follow the likes of Sitchin but the best thing to do is either admit defeat or turn your interests to something more productive as there in NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to support your claims. Nothing.

On the subject of Sitchin, he made an awful lot of money on the back of his falsehoods, his deliberate misinterpretations and his twisting of the "facts" capitalising on the gullibility of "new-agers". The same goes for Von Daniken, Icke, Temple etc etc.
Charlatans to a man.

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