posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan
Thanks for your non-critical reply. U2U me if you want to discuss prayer - it could be that you don't need deliverance, but conversely you might -
it's worth seeking the prayerful support of theologically solid and generally decent Christians who believe in a sensitive and balanced ministry of
this sort... Either way, wish you all the best.
And for once, I don't find myself at odds with Autowrench. This could well be a MK-ULTRA type set-up. Again, I would need to be in a room with the
guy to find out - and that's not going to happen any time soon.
There's a shed-load of evidence to suggest that various organisations have flirted with mind-control techniques; some technological, some magical in
nature. The most current versions in operation are almost bound to be a synthesis of magic and technological/ psychological attacks (such as gang
stalking, 'through-the-wall' brainwave entrainment and the deliberate structuring of the target's environment) designed to result in a reduction of
the patient's faculties to resist what the relevant powers are trying to achieve. The people behind these types of programs are, at some level or
other, in league with forces darker than one can comfortably imagine... (though to what level these folk understand their connection with these
forces, or rather in what light they view the 'working relationship', who can say)...
It is well worth mentioning that often, the symptoms of mind-control (or mind-entrainment if you like) activities will be loosely capable of achieving
misdiagnosis as a psychotic disorder of some sort or other - which is helpful if you want to cover your tracks...