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James Holmes - Psychosis, demonic possession, or just a bad guy?

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:25 AM
Trying to keep this respectful .. considering the tragedy and those suffering ... Psychosis .... demonic possession ... or just a bad guy? We can't diagnose from online, of course but this is a discussion forum so it's a subject we could discuss. Let's look at what James Holmes (the movie theatre shooter) has done and how he's behaved. He could fit into any of those three categories. I especially find the testimony of the gun range owner intersting. He described hearing Holmes answering machine recording as GUTTURAL .. INCOHERENT .. BIZARRE ... with lots of low groaning in it. (meaning psychosis or demonic possession)

Psychosis can be cured. If James Holmes is suffering from a psychosis, he could get off on an insanity plea. And he could be 'out' after being cured. If he's possessed, then the courts could (probably would) find him guilty because they don't see possession as real and he'd get the death penalty.

Wall Street Journal - Suspects Rapid Descent

On June 25, the Lead Valley Range received Mr. Holmes' online application with answers to basic questions about age, gun ownership and drug use; all seemed normal, said range owner Glenn Rotkovich.

Mr. Rotkovich called Mr. Holmes to set up an orientation time, and heard an "incoherent, bizarre" voice-mail message, which he described as "very guttural." "There was all kinds of low groaning in the middle," Mr. Rotkovich said. He called twice more and left three messages. The range never heard from Mr. Holmes.


Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a university professor who has served as chief psychologist at Mendocino State Hospital, is another health care professional who has stated his opinion that many patients in mental hospitals are possessed by demons.

"I am totally convinced that there are entities that can possess our minds and our bodies," Van Dusen said. "I have even been able to speak directly to demons. I have heard their own guttural, other-world voices." And all too often, some researchers say, those hellish guttural voices have commanded their possessed hosts to kill, to offer human sacrifice to Satan.

In a recent report released by the American Psychological Evaluation Corporation, Dr. Andrew Blankley, a sociologist, issued statements about the rise in contemporary sacrificial cults, warning that society at large might expect a "serious menace" to come. According to Blankley, human sacrifice constitutes an alarming trend in new religious cults: "Desperate people are seeking dramatic revelation and simplistic answers to complex social problems. They are attracted to fringe groups who provide the ritualistic irrationality that they crave. In the last ten years, fringe rituals often include the sacrifice of a human being."

Catechism of the Catholic Church on Demons
Signs of Demonic Possession

Demonic possession of Exorcist fame is the most serious form of demonic influence. An individual loses all control over himself/herself when possessed by the devil and is like a puppet moved by a demonic hand. Friends or family members may not recognize the individual's words or behavior, as he/she appears to be a completely different person.

Signs of demonic possession may include:

•Speaking in languages the individual has never learned or even heard
•Saying things that do not make sense
•Physical strength above and beyond what the individual is capable of medically
•Loathing the name of God, Jesus, Mary, or the names of any saints or other religious individuals
•Pain or physical discomfort when Scripture or prayers are read or the sacraments performed

Psychosis Information

Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality that usually includes:
•False beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions)
•Seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations)

Psychotic symptoms may include:

•Disorganized thought and speech
•False beliefs that are not based in reality (delusions), especially unfounded fear or suspicion
•Hearing, seeing, or feeling things that are not there (hallucinations)
•Thoughts that "jump" between unrelated topics (disordered thinking)

Catholic Bishops Exorcism Workshop - Distinguishing Demonic Possession for Mental Illness

Psychosis Speech Patterns

Disorganized speech. Psychotic patients often speak incoherently, using noises instead of words and "talking" in unintelligible speech patterns.

The cause and cure of psychosis

MY OPINION - At this point I have none. I don't know if he has a psychosis or a demonic possession. But, it's an interesting topic to discuss .... psychosis vs demonic possession.
edit on 7/24/2012 by FlyersFan because: fixed quote

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:34 AM

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:41 AM
too many strange stories like this recently

i doubt its all a coincidence.

weird times the world is going through

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:46 AM
There is literally no information coming out about what his motivations for his crimes were, I mean most people who do this kind of thing have "reasoning" behind their actions.

Also, in court, he looked kind of bored and normal, like he didn't expect to get any charges placed against him, or does expect to get some charges placed against him, but knows he is getting something in return.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:48 AM
I'm not surprised that you posted this topic, and I'll tell you why.

I'm a Christian, and believe that God can speak to us when we are in a deep and meditative state of prayer. For several days now, I kept 'hearing' the Spirit of God saying ''FlyersFan''. I didn't even realise that it was an ATS username until I saw your post in the recent posts section of ATS just now... I've been researching the specifics of demonic affliction for the past few weeks, and I believe I have been led to come onto this topic and explain a few things to those who will be very sceptical of the matter of demonic possession/ oppression.

Now don't get me wrong, hearing from God isn't the same as schizophrenia, where sufferers will literally hear audible voices, or have 'interfering thoughts' that seem to come from their own mind but are unsought and unexpected.

When the Spirit speaks, it is almost like an impression made upon the depths of your being - not at all like the audible and interfering voices that a schizophrenic will hear. The Spirit only speaks in this way occasionally, and only when sought. The voices of schizophrenics will be intrusive, disruptive, often malicious and aggressive. Hopefully this clarifies for you that I am not a schizophrenic, just a religious believer who holds to the same that Jesus taught - that the Spirit of God can 'lead us into all truth' by direct contact, as 'the Helper'...

So - moving on to your topic.

Demonic possession is a real and terrible condition - it is debilitating and degenerative for the sufferer. There are distinctions to be made between those psychiatric patients who have an organic illness such as schizophrenia, or other psychosis, and those who are in fact 'possessed' by a demon (or several demons). Often the symptoms will appear to be very similar, though demon possession/ oppression cannot be alleviated by medication, whereas organic illnesses can be.

The primary way to determine whether a person is suffering demonic possession is through prayer, and a sensitive use of the spiritual gift of discernment. For example, when praying with a person who has an organic psychiatric illness, the name of Jesus often promotes a sense of peace in the sufferer. Conversely, if the patient is suffering from demonic possession, the name of Jesus will often cause a violent, or extremely fearful reaction in the patient.

I have participated in the performance of exorcism, and it is not a process for the faint-hearted. At the time I was gifted with a supernatural level of confidence and faith, which enabled me to forcefully command the demon to leave the afflicted person. Anyone who attempts to perform an exorcism without the proper gifting or faith necessary, will put both themselves and the patient at serious risk of harm.

I could spend a lot of time explaining the way these things work in more detail, but for the moment I would say that the only way for us to decide whether the perpetrator of the Aurora shootings was demonically afflicted, would be to get into a room with him and offer to pray for him. That is highly unlikely to happen while the investigations and ongoing legal processes are effected, and I can imagine only that when he is committed to a secure psychiatric facility (as he surely will be), will anyone be able to gain access to him in this way - and only with the permission of his psychiatrist, and with James Holme's express consent.

Thanks for posting such an open-minded OP, which is sure to provoke a lot of debate.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Hes definitely not posessed by the devil :L hes simply nuts, theres not much more to it.
Unless mk uktra is involved. But if it is, why? And its not like we'd know this early on

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:04 AM
He is a patsy of an elaborate stunt masterminded above him with the SOLE OBJECTIVE of softening the public up for stricter gun control. This tactic is NOT new and other countries have used it successfully on an ignorant public. Hopefully Americans have more brains then them...

Remember obama is "working under the radar" to complete gun control in America. His plan A with Fast & Furious didnt go too well, hence Plan B...
edit on 24-7-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:08 AM


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:11 AM
James Holmes is a very intelligent individual with a mental condition. What that condition is, I have no idea since I am not a trained psychiatrist. This tragedy was not caused by MKUltra, HAARP, Illuminati, demons or is simply a tragedy.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by FFS4000
especially if the retards re-vote in the retard.

I love you, too!

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:14 AM


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:30 AM


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:35 AM


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:03 AM
Isn't anyone going to say a thing about MK-Ultra and Government Mind Control? That happens to be my pet theory right now, especially after watching his face in court yesterday. It is a well known, and documented fact that our CIA used methods of Mind Control for years, and probably still do, although most would deny they are being Mind Controlled. But, there are actual U.S. Patents for mind controlling devices, and certain individuals have come forward to tell of Mind Control and Psyops operations perpetrated on the American People.

The Strange World of NSA Mind Control

NSA Mind Control and Psyops

Mind Control - The Ultimate Terror

RFID: Radio Frequency Identification

Program to implant RFID tags in homeless

Does anyone besides me think this was a Psyop?

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
Isn't anyone going to say a thing about MK-Ultra and Government Mind Control?

It's too sloppy ... IMHO ... to be MK Ultra or Govt Mind Control. Not that I'm an expert in those areas but I do know a little about psychology (I have a BS in psychology) and I do know a little about the spiritual side of things (prayer, meditation, and study of the metaphysical/spiritual).

His language was a red flag for me. It fits into both Psychosis and demonic possession. We'd have to know more about what he was into and everything, but I'm really going in those directions. A regular 'bad guy' wouldn't be all garbled and gutteral. IMHO

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
I'm a Christian, and believe that God can speak to us when we are in a deep and meditative state of prayer. For several days now, I kept 'hearing' the Spirit of God saying ''FlyersFan''. I didn't even realise that it was an ATS username until I saw your post in the recent posts section of ATS just now...

Oh man .. I"m on God's radar. I'd better behave better ...

Seriously though. I understand your post. I understand the difference between hearing voices in a psychosis and having a locution or vision from God. I understand that some with psychosis think they hear God while others really do hear them in their souls. I totally get it.

ETA .. maybe God was 'name dropping' my name because I need a little deliverance prayer?
hmmm .... I'll have to think about this ... you've tickled my brain.
edit on 7/24/2012 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:45 AM
Personally.. And I ask this without judgement, but how may people have had 'episodes' in their life? I have.

I don't mean to say I've plotted to murder or attack.. But I've had times when I feel at my wits end.

I've also been on the wrong end of many days of insomnia. I've also been at the whims of certain things in my life.

Looking at this guy in court.. I don't see someone acting. I see myself, at a certain time.

Has any of you ever been so strawn out that even the light in the room you are in, absorbs you?

Where your very essence seems to melt and you are lost in time, where you cannot comprehend the magnitude of what you feel has suddenly engulfed you?

I have.

When I look at Holmes in court... I see someone bereft of logic. Someone so ensnared in his own appalling reality that it has now become an overwhelming .. how to say it.. immeasurable life.

He sits there, he sees the bright lights, the reality of the people around him, the absolute certainty of knowing what he has done. He no longer has his fantasy. He has nothing now but certainty.

Suddenly, he is scared. He built up this amazing reality, of fame, madness, living in the dream of madness.. and now it's all shattered. He has no way to get out. And it's not what he had imagined.

He's now that scared little kid we see in the younger photos.. wide eyed, but now facing death. From everyone he meets. No one says "Good one man".. everyone says "I WANT TO KILL YOU."

His fantasy has become nothing more than a regret.

He is now left to his own mind, to know reality. to know his vision of fame, do not come to his needs.

We should pity that poor foul man.. he was most likely shown photographs of the people he killed. And as soon as a 6 year old entered his vision, I can only hope he cried.

I hope he cries for 1 year.

then I hope justice removes him from this earth..

edit on 24-7-2012 by mainidh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by mainidh

I completely understand what your saying because i know i have.
Obviously, like you nothing too extreme it just gets to the point where youre like "woah i need to get back into my head"
Ive always thought, if you can realise your losing it, are you actually losing it?
Holmes must be thinking about it right now.
Its hard to imagine how someone can become so lost in fantasy and so desensitised without having second thoughts, hes having his second thoughts now and they cant be nice.
But he deserves whats coming to him, i think solitary confinement til death is what he needs.
He shouldnt be put to death and he shouldnt be allowed to do it himself, that would be the easy way out

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Wongbeedman
reply to post by FlyersFan

Hes definitely not posessed by the devil :L hes simply nuts, theres not much more to it.
Unless mk uktra is involved. But if it is, why? And its not like we'd know this early on

Really, how about gun control. A poster above says he looked disinterested, looked spaced out of his mind to me and i've seen more than my fair share of space cadets

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
Isn't anyone going to say a thing about MK-Ultra and Government Mind Control? That happens to be my pet theory right now, especially after watching his face in court yesterday. It is a well known, and documented fact that our CIA used methods of Mind Control for years, and probably still do, although most would deny they are being Mind Controlled. But, there are actual U.S. Patents for mind controlling devices, and certain individuals have come forward to tell of Mind Control and Psyops operations perpetrated on the American People.

The Strange World of NSA Mind Control

NSA Mind Control and Psyops

Mind Control - The Ultimate Terror

RFID: Radio Frequency Identification

Program to implant RFID tags in homeless

Does anyone besides me think this was a Psyop?


I watched "The Naked Gun" with my family last night, and even in that old movie they portray mind controlled individuals who have been trained to carry out specific acts--specificaly, in this movie, the assassination of the Queen of England.

I feel a little dumb mentioning The Naked Gun as an example of mind control---since it is such a silly movie.

But I DO think that this type of thing is possible.

The video we've probably all seen by now of that kid when he was 18, showing him at the science program--he just doesn't seem like the type of kid to go on a fantasy-inspired shooting rampage.

He DOES seem like the kind of kid, however, who would be intrigued by mind control experiments and who would be open to something in the name of "scientific experimentation".

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