posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 04:23 PM
Sounds like the Marines are finally going to use their MPs in the way teh Army does.
Army MPs function in 2 basic rolls. .Divisoinal MP companies and Seperate MP Brigades/Battalions.
Dvisional MP companies are assinged to and are part of the division structure. In non deployment they run essentially as the law enforcemnt and home
base security force. When deployed they do law enforcement, but they primarily are used as rear area security, traffic control during combat movement,
check point and force security, and handling of EPWs (enemy prisoners of war) with in the division area.
Seperate MP Brigades provide MP Battalion's and Companies for use outside of, and/ or in addition to Divisional MPs. They often provide rear area
security at the Corp, theater or Army level. They are used in Humanitarian and Disaster Relief mission, Riot Control, Occupation Duty, Convoy
Security, and other missions where their training is much more suited then infantry units are. They can also function as a reserve light infantry
Marine MPs have, based on what I know, been more of the first capability. Sounds like they simply are moving to the second mission.