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US Marine Corps Create 3 Law Enforcement Battalions

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posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Oh &$*^!!

1,500 troops divided into 3 battalions. This is getting intense. I need to reread the Constitution. I didn't think this was legal. My older bro is former marine. I remember he told me they drilled the Constitution into him during his service. Forced gun seizures, north american union, all the rest of the rumors are beginning to seem more feasible.
FOX News

edit on 22-7-2012 by GoldenRuled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by GoldenRuled
I think the link is broken. Looking forward to reading about this though.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:27 PM

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AP) -- The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions - a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations

It says to be used in Allied nations.

Not the US.
edit on 22-7-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:27 PM
I'm just starting to read it, but here is a working link.

S tars and Stripes - Marines Create Law Enforcement Battalions

"Over the past 11 years of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, some lessons learned painfully, there has been a growing appreciation and a demand for, on the part of the warfighter, the unique skills and capabilities that MPs bring to the fight," Durham said. "We do enforce traffic laws and we do write reports and tickets, and that's good, but we do so much more than that."

Durham said the Marine Corps plans to show off its new battalions in Miami later this month at a conference put on by the Southern Command and that is expected to be attended by government officials from Central American countries, such as Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize.
(From linked source/OP story)

Well, it sounds like they've gotten fed up with using a little bit of everyone across the Corps for a job no one really wants anyway. Why not make dedicated units? Look how long it took the Marines to form Special Operations units for JSOC? For how many years did they insist 'Every Marine unit is special, we don't need Special Forces'. I think I've read that once or twice. Finally? They got it.

They're late to finally having this internally, but nothing nefarious here. The numbers couldn't restore order in a single city riot, let alone pose any domestic threat to anyone. They'll come in handy for what it sounds like they're designed to do though!

.......what bothers me is, aren't we supposed to be downsizing and looking for new ways to save money and be peaceful for a change? I mean, they say that. This smells of a preparation move for a long term view of needs. I don't like that part one bit.

S/F Op! I have to check S&S more often...
edit on 22-7-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:31 PM
Link works now, and I believe this is just more training and integration of law enforcement tactics for use someday on American soil. What business is it of ours to play world cops? The link mentioned drug enforcement among the reasons behind the the formations, and I just think our resources would be better served doing a multitude of other things.

edit on 7/22/12 by VikingWarlord because: because

edit on 7/22/12 by VikingWarlord because: spelling

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:38 PM
It seems the US is arming up at home. Last I checked we were not fighting a war incountry. With all the cases of police brutality do we really want or need police that were trained to kill? I love how they cite the cuts to the defense budget as a reason (like it was ever really gonna happen) Yes we need military police walking the streets because hey you support the troops right? You don't want them to be jobless right? It's for your own good, you want to be safe right? What do they call it when the military polices the people ohhh ya martial law. I love the troops just want to know how many of them are willing to shoot American civilians on command.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

As long as we are talking about using them in other countries and not here at home I will have to re evaluate my feeling about it. Still think it's heading in the wrong direction though. Can't we re train the troops to fix some of our crumbling infrastructure instead? If we want them to not be unemployed there is positive and much need work that can be done here at home.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:42 PM
Double post

edit on 22-7-2012 by Ladysophiaofsandoz because: heavy hand double post.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Ladysophiaofsandoz

I have been known to say that I support bringing our troops home and fixing the roads.

We spend so much money on war all the while we have to have an all terain vehicle just to make it to the other side of town. What is the politicians answer? Raise taxes of course.

I do not know the answers but I do know that the current way of doing things is not working.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AP) -- The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions - a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations

It says to be used in Allied nations.

Not the US.
edit on 22-7-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

you belive everything the goverment pushes?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by GoldenRuled

Hello GoldenRuled, ATS readers, Writers,

Hi, was gonna post this and did a search.. prevented duplicate post! Yeah!!!!

S&F for bringing this to ATS readers focus.

Yeah the article says for use OVERSEAS.... BUT............

Historically speaking, as far as Patriot Act, NDAA, and a few other gems that got jammed down our throats go..
We gave the government an inch, and they did what? TOOK A MILE in return.. and systemactically ABUSED the permissions given them, and LIED, for these to ONLY be used overseas could EASILY change dear readers.

The other thing I noticed about this news story is they are being "showcased" in MIAMI, FL, and at the Southern Command... is that NOT where the Northcom stuff is at? The North American Command, for domestic defense?

If they are for overseas use, why didn't they showcase them in say Germany, or Japan...where they have had a PR problem with military personell? Especially JAPAN.. show them they got COPS to prevent those few and far between rapes etc..??

Anyhow... I am predicting this overseas use will be ABUSED and they will be used on home soil someday...

Abused just like all these other promises they made to the public on Patriot Act, Search Warrants, no knock door crashings, etc.. how many unwarranted phone taps were divulged?? And it showed how badly they abused their powers?? I remember some of that going on not long ago..

It is pretty obvious by looking at the BIG picture, and not just picking a story here and a story there, for info.. the whole picture spells the poo is coming to America, and they are getting ready..for whatever mess they got going, or planned..

Economy, food shortages, drought, USD& Euro crisis.. LIBOR, HSBC... you name it ALL HITTING AT ONCE.. the perfect storm so to speak eh??

One could always hope cooler heads will prevail, and some miracle can occur, and get things back on track for the world.. but unless God does some wild miracle....or two.. I think the die is cast, just a matter of time til it all goes up..

China said today they are building a military garrison in South China Seas area of dispute,. and naming the CITY.. SANSHA..So, another hot notch upwards for that region as well.. lovely eh?

Certainly another rung in the draconian ladder to success!!

Crazy times are here, worse is coming


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:01 PM
So...The World Police Force is the US of course.

Some here are sticking to the wording that this will only be used OUTSIDE of the US.



edit on 22-7-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by pravdaseeker
The other thing I noticed about this news story is they are being "showcased" in MIAMI, FL, and at the Southern Command... is that NOT where the Northcom stuff is at? The North American Command, for domestic defense?

If they are for overseas use, why didn't they showcase them in say Germany, or Japan...where they have had a PR problem with military personell? Especially JAPAN.. show them they got COPS to prevent those few and far between rapes etc..??

No. Headquarters NorthCom is at Peterson AFB Colorado, near NORAD. They have nothing to do with Florida. CentCom, and JSOC are in Florida.

Why showcase them overseas, when they are going to be headquartered here in the US? The Marines have always ridden on the Navy coattails. That includes having to rely on NCIS to investigate crimes. This "force" will give them an investigative service that belongs to the Marines instead of having to rely on the Navy.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:08 PM

"Am I a Marine or a cop? Can I be both?" he said. "Cops apply human rights law and Marines apply the law of war. Now that it's blended, it makes it tougher for the young men and women who have to make the decision as to when deadly force is not appropriate." Durham said that military police understand that better than any Marine since they are trained in both.

"They are very comfortable with the escalation of force," he said. "MPs get that. It's fundamental to what we do."

Well, isn't that just super. They're comfortable with cracking skulls and killing people.

Let me get this straight....our tax dollars are being used to pay for police forces for the rest of the world....Coming soon to a town near you.....

Our military / industrial complex government has gone completely rogue and out of control. Next time you look at your pay stub and see all the tax taken out, keep this story in mind.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:09 PM
And many said the Drones would also only be used overseas as well.....

Originally posted by jude11
So...The World Police is the US of course.

Some here are sticking to the wording that this will only be used OUTSIDE of the US.



posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by jacobe001
And many said the Drones would also only be used overseas as well.....

Originally posted by jude11
So...The World Police is the US of course.

Some here are sticking to the wording that this will only be used OUTSIDE of the US.



It's almost too easy to spot the lies now.

Whenever they say "It's never going to be used on domestic soil nor against our own citizens"'s a lie.


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by jacobe001

Good point. That seems to be the way it starts doesn't it? We have issues here at home lets work on those first. I don't recall hearing about any countries ASKING us for police support. I wish for once we could just mind our own business and take care of some of the massive problems we have at home. I worry that "we the people" just might be the massive problem they are thinking about fixing. I hear 3 million people will loose their food stamps in January. I imagine these people have no idea that they are going to be dropped. Hungry people with hungry kids at home might do some pretty desperate things. I think everyone just needs a time out to cool off before this whole thing goes to far.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Well, isn't that just super. They're comfortable with cracking skulls and killing people.

You guys remember that vid of the very Large angry marine telling off the cops for pepper spraying inoccent protesters?

Id rather that man policing an area than the F-ing NYPD, I know thats not what anyone wants to here...

But Ive know marines, many in my life, Always honorable, always aware of the constitution...

Perhaps we should look at drilling cops in Constitutional law as much as we do the marines...

There is a reason the Marine motto is "Semper fidelis" they have earned it and proven it through out the Marines history.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Look, we need these troops for police duty.....Iran or Syria, we will need to police the place before we install the proper puppet dictator.....One who will sell us all the resources we want at our long as theres an extra few millions for himself.....
We need these guys to confiscate weapons should we have another Katrina.....
and they can keep the survivors bottled up in some stadium for days with little food and water, or facilities....
While Fema finishes destroying their neighbourhoods....
yep we sure need a bunch more heavily armed police to keep the rabble down if they get rowdy.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Well, isn't that just super. They're comfortable with cracking skulls and killing people.

You guys remember that vid of the very Large angry marine telling off the cops for pepper spraying inoccent protesters?

Id rather that man policing an area than the F-ing NYPD, I know thats not what anyone wants to here...

But Ive know marines, many in my life, Always honorable, always aware of the constitution...

Perhaps we should look at drilling cops in Constitutional law as much as we do the marines...

There is a reason the Marine motto is "Semper fidelis" they have earned it and proven it through out the Marines history.

Semper Fi.

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