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Want REAL change? Just walk away.

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Indigo Starchild

Hmmm...I agree with your philosophy. However, just walking away from our problems will not serve any purpose nor push us closer to our goal of a peaceful existence. In order to achieve a new beginning you have to start out fresh IMO. All barriers need to be broken down, every hierarchy down to the last politician...the last problem.

Every Origin, Outset, Commencement or Inception must rise, yet peacefully. We can not simply walk away...IMO, there must be order and relevance for everything just as "they/TPTB" say it is now....just anew...our way!

Comprehension of a new beginning is far from the minds of many. It will take will, courage and more strength than you can comprehend to make "real change" possible. But, simply "walking away" won't cut it and neither will violence.

Nice Thread OP

edit on 7/23/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:28 PM
The more you try to hold something in the harder it tries to escape. The more the "Government" or whatever you want to call those who claim to be in control try to squeeze the masses the more likely the masses will rebel. Everyone is on edge at the moment. I don't think there is anyone out there who would disagree...

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by neOrevolutionist

No...he said don't participate.
Big difference, and you aren't the only one who used that inference erroneously.
I have not participated in many things, but I did not ignore them.
If we all decided tomorrow, or even if 25% of the population decided.... to not use money
anymore, not use banks, and just basically tell the government to shove it sideways, we will do it without you, they would be buggered, plain and simple.
Hell, if all the people who DIDN'T, vote actually stood up and gave them the high hard one, they would be screwed, since that is the true majority in any any given "Democracy"....
Face facts...governments usually win by a margin of roughly 10-15%.
Considering only 40% or less of the eligible voters even vote, that means most majority governments represent at best, 25-28% of the populace.

You want a change and a revolution?

If every non voter (me included...I don't ignore it, I just choose not to participate in a rigged system designed to give me the illusion of choice) stepped forward and said collectively, GO F&&k YOURSELF you inept, greedy, selfish, bastards (and that goes for those who voted them in, thinking you were doing your part.....haha, jokes on you sucker.....4 more years of "meet the new boss...same as the old boss") there might actually be some real change.
Problem is, we the non voters, are not the least bit interested in running anything, or being a part of it's machinery.
That is for those who have a need for a perpetual parent figure in their life, which is why the circle keeps going.
Those who participate in the system of perpetual Government/parent--citizen/child don't want to leave it behind.
For the government/parent types, they lose their reason for existence.
Survival is a powerful driving force.
We don't really need it.
They know it, but they propagandise continually that we do.
The child/citizen does not want to face the reality of being on their own.
So they believe that government is there to help them and protect them (as evidenced by a poll I seen earlier today that say's 55% or something of Americans believe the government will be there to save them in a disaster)
even though evidence of past calamity shows that to be not only folly, but completely freaking stupid...
Yet, they are at the polls, every time, voting their little hearts out for big daddy... 'cause he knows what's best, and I'm an informed voter....
Bullsquat you are.
If you are at the polls actively voting for one of any of the major, minor, or even wildcard candidates, you are not only not informed, you are completely hypnotised.
So, on the count of three I will snap my fingers and you will wake up...
Hold on, someone is at the door....

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Tell that to Bernard von NotHaus......

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 11:30 PM
I love the idea of a general strike for the 99%. It would grind the system to a halt in less than a week. Then we would have a voice to be heard. End the FEDERAL RESERVE central banking grip on all western democracies. Remove all elected officials and all political appointments. Review all legislation and simply remove fascist measures, all laws infringing upon our civil liberty and any other garbage we might find. The only problem is that there are still too many people in a trance hypnotized by this system. But, this new consciousness is surely emerging and spreading out in all directions. Many of us realize we're having game run on us by the powers that be. Manipulated, conditioned and led astray from our true nature. Keep spreading the good word, teach those who are willing with an open mind to consider we should not be oppressed through fear mongering and just keep the resistance going. They are nervous that we are waking up. This is a good thing.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Indigo Starchild

I do not think this will defeat the current system as it is near its final act and scene.

I think it is good for ppl to be self sufficient though so that has great merit.

Too many ppl are too enamored of the current paradigm, and like addicts there
withdrawal will not be pleasant.

I have no idea how many 10's of millions are on SSRI's but it is quite a few,
cold turkey off some of those somewhat resembles a psychotic break,
and under extreme stress such as a economic collapse, it will be ugly.

A stipulation I will add to your walk away is have a place to go away from
any large city and have a good place to hide, and preferably have a expedient
fallout shelter as WW3 is looking more and more likely.

Have all you would need for wilderness survival, especially the knowledge.

Hiding will be more important than fighting, good odds most ppl will be outgunned
either by firepower or by numbers, and there is always the 30,000 now approved drones.

Good Luck to all the good ppl of the world of all races, colors, and creeds...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by frazzle

Originally posted by QUANTUMGR4V17Y
I'm fairly sure it's illegal to print your own currency.

You can take that one to the bank.

In "Rethinking Our Centralized Monetary System," law professor Lewis Soloman states, 'There is no legal prohibition to local scrip, community currencies or private exchange systems in the United States. The fact that there have been no challenges to the systems already in operation support that finding. Taxation operates under the same fundamental rules of trading with the national currency.'

So no, actually you can't take that to the bank.

Well said and its already taking place.

Local currency in the United States

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:16 AM
they have made it illegal to make your own currency, they will go after you if you do... Look at countries without a Rothschild controlled bank... Look quickly, because that list is down to about 3 countries in the world.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:30 AM
Great great thread, I suspect this is pretty threatening to those who attempt to retain their waning power.
Maybe some of them secretly want it to be over.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by tamusan

A part of me wants to say anarchy while another thinks that we do need law and order to, at the very least, keep the scum in check. It really is a fine line to walk between true anarchy and government restricting freedom. As it is, America has the largest prison population in the world - most of that is due to drugs and non violent behavior. What would honestly happen without government? Not without law and order mind you, but simply without government? I don't think that the idea that most invision in their mind of looting, burning, violence etc. is based in reality.

The founders of this nation knew that for freedom to persist, government needed to remain small and act on behalf of the people. Sadly, and for the most part, we can longer trust our elected representatives. With that said, the founders also knew that mob rule wasn't the answer either. So what is the solution? Honestly, I don't know, but I do know that there are 2 forms of government that haven't been tried yet - world government and no government.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Indigo Starchild

That's exactly what John Galt did and once he and others did just that (walk away). That's when all the pieces started to fall apart....

John Galt is a fictional character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged...

Just sounded very familiar...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:42 AM
Well I knew a lot of people would write this idea off immediately. But for me, there's always been something to it on many levels. In one way, it comes down to what you give your attention to only grows. And that's one of the reasons I keep thinking I should not be coming here anymore! Then again, it's an interesting place when I'm bored!

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
they have made it illegal to make your own currency, they will go after you if you do... Look at countries without a Rothschild controlled bank... Look quickly, because that list is down to about 3 countries in the world.

Read the post right above yours. No, alternate currencies havce not been made illegal. Note that federal reserve notes are "A" legal tender, not "THE" legal tender. Even Time magazine did an article on the growing popularity of alternative currencies:

edit on 24-7-2012 by frazzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by SibylofErythrae
I like oranges.

Oranges don't grow here.

I need a way to exchange my work for oranges.

The person who grows oranges probably doesn't need a Report run for them that I can throw together. They probably don't have some systems project needs.

I need to find a way to exchange my work for something that someone with oranges wants. I also need a way to exchange my work for transporting those oranges.

And I need nice transportation systems so that those oranges can move from one place to another.

I'm pretty sure I'm describing a need for money. Whaddaya think?


Do you want true freedom, freedom from the yoke of oppression that is currently foisted upon humanity with this master-slave paradigm? Aren't you being crushed at the bottom of the pyramid, while those at the top parasitically live off OUR blood, sweat and tears? I say enough! To hell with oranges! I want TRUE FREEDOM for myself and ALL of my sister and brothers!
edit on 24-7-2012 by HEYJOSE because: TRUE FREEDOM!

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Lannister
reply to post by tamusan

A part of me wants to say anarchy while another thinks that we do need law and order to, at the very least, keep the scum in check. It really is a fine line to walk between true anarchy and government restricting freedom. As it is, America has the largest prison population in the world - most of that is due to drugs and non violent behavior. What would honestly happen without government? Not without law and order mind you, but simply without government? I don't think that the idea that most invision in their mind of looting, burning, violence etc. is based in reality.

The founders of this nation knew that for freedom to persist, government needed to remain small and act on behalf of the people. Sadly, and for the most part, we can longer trust our elected representatives. With that said, the founders also knew that mob rule wasn't the answer either. So what is the solution? Honestly, I don't know, but I do know that there are 2 forms of government that haven't been tried yet - world government and no government.

We the people will band together as equals and defend ourselves from the criminal element. How long do you think criminals or those who covet their neighbors goods would survive in such a world? Think of it, a world free of A$$holes.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:52 PM
I think you've got a pretty good philosophy there my friend. I agree that the best way to defeat the system is to take away all that you have invested into it. However, there are many who can't and are crippled by the pressures that have been perpetuated by the system. I myself am not fully capable of pulling away, although I hope to learn the skills necessary to do so in time. Nevertheless I do believe we have what it takes to pull together for something much better than our current situation allows. All we truly have to do is look out for each other unconditionally. So I'll keep hoping for this and continue to live it. Peace and love.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Indigo Starchild
Everybody (or most of us, at least) knows that there is something wrong with "the system" in all its forms: social, political, economic, cultural. There has been talk of revolution. I'm here to tell you today this is not the way forward.

The way forward is not revolution, violent or otherwise. It's not voting, and it's not "reform within existing channels." The only answer is to turn your backs on the whole mess and to just walk away. I don't mean walk away physically - I mean walk away "from the inside."

Some would call this apathy. I call it transcendence.

When you fight the system, see, you are engaging with it on its on terms. You are just playing their game in another way

For these corrupt systems to thrive, you need to give them Energy. That's all these systems are- ways of organizing energy. Without energy, the system dies. What most people don't grasp is that by resisting, fighting, arguing, or rebelling, you are just giving the system more energy, making it stronger by accepting and legitimizing it on its own terms. By turning your back on the system, on the other hand, you deprive it of the energy that is its lifeblood. Then it just shrivels up and dies of its own accord.

Examples: not happy with the money system? Make a new currency, or barter goods and services with others shut out by the official system. If enough people did this, they would get the goods and services they need, and the banks would simply be irrelevant. Not happy with military adventures? Simply turn your back and laugh. If enough people refuse to fight there will be no wars. And nothing deflates the warlike spirit like laughter.

Think about it, friends. That's all I ask. Thanks for reading.

Your comment about laughter reminded me of a post I made in one of the Olympic threads yesterday that mentioned Project BlueBeam.

Off the cuff, I simply said "what if Bluebeam WAS initiated during the Olympics, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of people looked up, pointed at the sky, and started LAUGHING THEIR BAGS OFF..."

You could literally hear that big evil balloon deflate and wilt...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Lannister

What would honestly happen without government? Not without law and order mind you, but simply without government?

Without government, there would be no law and order. The criminal element is already out of control. It's naive to think that everyone would suddenly get along and be happy with each other. The people holding all the wealth and resources now, would probably find a way to screw us over even more. Then there is the threat of foreign invasion after our governments theoretical collapse. I'm not naive enough to think that unorganized group of Americans could defend against China or Russia. None of us are Wolverines, and the opening scenes of the real Red Dawn would have left those trying dead. I'm happy to be fluent in Mandarin Chinese. Maybe I should study Russian just in case.

I like to think that I am prepared for nearly anything. I will quickly get out of of the U.S., if I happen to be here during the first signs of clear stupidity. I have my choice of four countries. What gives me easy access to other countries, was not planned for possible exhile, but it's looking good to have the options.

I know there needs to be a change in the way each member of this planet is compensated for their labor. Everyone who works should have a comfortable life, regardless of the job they do. The unemployed, who are seriously job hunting, should have the same comfortable life as the employed. The disabled should also be afforded the same comfortable life. Those who are able to work, and don't, can starve for all I care. If the people are out of work , because there are no jobs, then it is the government job to create employment for them. Just my opinions.
edit on 24-7-2012 by tamusan because: typos. grrrrr

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by HEYJOSE

We the people will band together as equals and defend ourselves from the criminal element. How long do you think criminals or those who covet their neighbors goods would survive in such a world? Think of it, a world free of A$$holes.

I'm not talking about one neighbor taking something from another. I am thinking about the expansive hives of criminal networks that are already feeding off the people. I am not thinking of the bankers who some call criminals. I am talking about the groups of people who are already actively robbing and murdering the general population? How many of these already go unsolved? I suspect it is because of the highly organized criminal groups that many somehow don't think about. Those are going to be the people who are in control of of an ungoverned America. I can exist in that scenario just fine. Can you?

It does not matter to me what kind of changes are made in the United States or any other country. I spend my days setting up my own contingency plans. I'll die or adapt. I'm not thinking of myself when I present my views. I am seriously trying to care about all of honest and just people of the world and desire for them to be treated the same. We all have to come to the middle for something to work. Or at least a MAJORITY of the people need to agree on what the middle is. Direct democracy.
edit on 24-7-2012 by tamusan because: my fingers are always numb and tingly

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Indigo Starchild

You just take your birth certificate to the "County Recorder" of Marriages, Briths and Deaths and nullify it along with your drivers license and marriage license. File a UCC-1 for $20 and tell the state to sod off. You are not playing their game anymore. Make up a fee schedule that if they ever violate your natural UNALIENABLE right as a man, that you will file a Commercial Lien in excess of $100,000 on everyone involved. They will back off real quick and then we get the Sheriff to do his job and arrest all the traitors and we hang them!!!!

Sounds good to me, and I have started the process. Told Montana to buzz off on a speeding ticket, haven't heard anything back!! Commercial Lien, tell every cop that instead of your name. You will be the first lien holder on HIS NAME and get all his pay until the lien is satisfied!! It works!!

There have been so many people making out a "Bill of Exchange" and taking them to the banks to get cash from the state for their trust account that banks have been told to stop accpeting them!!! Too funny!!!
edit on 24-7-2012 by daddio because: (no reason given)

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