I haven't had time to comb the thread, so apologies if someone has already connected these dots.
First, notice how NO ONE has been able to confirm that he was the shooter. He was wearing a gas mask and no one was able to see his face.
Here is what I think happened; FALSE FLAG!
I believe he was subjected to a well-known South American drug called Scopolamine (
abolut it here!). This drug is extremely powerful and basically allows anyone under its influence to be easily manipulated. Interesting, this
drug has been used by clandestine forces, like CIA and Mossad, for decades. It makes for perfect patsies.
I believe that he was drugged and instructed (programmed) to purchase a ticket, sit near the fire exit and when he received a call to take the call
and exit the theatre. Out of sight, the story is that he suited up and loaded up and re-entered the theatre and began shooting - but not so fast -
How do we know it was actually him!? Answer: We don't! The shooter was wearing tactical gear, including a gas mask, and further obscured the
victims vision by launching tear gas into the theatre. This would prevevnt any would-be identifiers from noticing things like height, build etc...
Further, his apartment was wired with state-of-the-art booby traps, explosives etc... This was done to tie HIM to the crime. But when one employs
basic logic, one has to wonder: How does a 24 year old, with no military training, obtain explosives in the first place and then know how to rig
complex trip wires and booby traps. Additionally, one would have to wonder, how does a 24 year old student afford to purchase over $5,000 of tactical
gear, weapons and ammo?
Next, his court appearance... he is very clearly under the influence of advanced pschotropic drugs. I believe that he is on Scopolamine which would
impair his ability to speak out in his defense. In fact, it would make him the perfect patsy. Also, the influence of Scopolamine would likely have
made him compliant enough to simply sit/stand next to his vehicle and wait for police to conveniently pick him up.
MOTIVE: So why would the government, the "THEY" do this? Well, sitting in front of Odumbass is the UN Small Arms Treaty. News reports long before
the shooting stated that Obama was set to sign this treaty late this week or next. We ALL know that had this been done without proper pretext, there
would have been a rebellion. This is called softening a hard target. By playing on the emotions of the public at-large, the pretext has been
created. Now the opposition is only a small vocal minority - as was the plan all along. Next step - disarmament of the public. Because Fast and
Furious failed to produce the desired results, this was the next step.
Again, employing logic when considering all of the mass shooting as of late we notice a few common threads. First, all males between the ages of 17
and 24. Loners or outsiders. No previous criminal history or brushes with the law. All depicted by the media as being mentally unstable (I believe
this is the Scopolamine). Mass shooting in a public venue for maximum effect. Immediate and repeated news-cycle coverage for days, if not weeks
(Operant conditioning of the public).
So, what say all of you? make sense of should I whip out the tinfoil hat and fit it snugly upon my head?