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It's coming. Do you feel it?

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by WereWolfWoody

Originally posted by KaiserSoze

Originally posted by WereWolfWoody
I love a thread about someone warning everyone about a feeling they get.

I guess i should warn everyone everytime i get a boner, eh?

Legally, you're probably not to be that close to the kiddies pool anyway.

It's not illegal to be inside your mother with it though!

You have been warned.


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by smirkley

Originally posted by Spotless
Emh people who have been around ATS for some time know that these kind of threads are pretty damn often.
"Are you feeling that something is coming?" "Did you notice the new vibrations?"

The first sentence looks ridiculous to me "I am not sure what "it" is yet but I can sense it."
ANYTHING can fall under this "it" label.

I used to have some faith in threads like these, i lost it after the first 3/4 times.
I know that feeling, but im pretty sure its just our life going by, relatively sppeding up as we deal with our daily business. I hope the OP is wrong and right at the same time.

I have been here awhile,..even long before the 100K post, but I am speaking from the feeling myself. This isnt like 'before', it is like never before.

And the feeling is strong in alot of people, not just the conspiracy nut jobs like myself.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:24 PM
I think we're in for a real nasty storm of some kind in the next week or two..

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Fatscrilla
So, you think anxiety only entails fear?

Yes. Anxiety is a kind of fear. Both are normal, valid feelings. What I'm railing against here -- I'm running out of different ways to put it -- is the vague, undirected anxiety and fear mongering expressed in this thread.

You also seem to be afraid or reluctant to discuss what you do not understand. From where did you get this research? Who makes these claims? Why do you believe them?

Are...are you just trolling me now? I don't even know how to respond. I would love to discuss something, but there hasn't been a singular "something" to discuss in this thread. And certainly not in OP's post. My counter-argument to pretty much everything said in this thread is common sense.

Having this global feeling of something that is to come, both good and evil(if you were looking you would have seen the the coin is two-sided), does not explain what we're feeling.

Everyone has these feelings in some form. Literally everyone. As I said, it's part of the human condition -- we're all mortal and none of us knows what's going to happen next. So common sense dictates that, of course, something is going to happen. These "somethings," both good and evil and everything in between, are happening all over the world right now. And they will keep happening as surely as time marches onward.

Dreams on the other hand, have very deep meanings to me.

Great. Me, too! I'd say for a lot of people dreams do have a deep personal meaning. But you're trying to add greater external importance to your dreams and that's where I disagree. I believe you are suggesting that there is important-but-cryptic information in your dreams about a big "something" that's going to happen. To me, that smacks of fear mongering.

You actually go on to talk about "truth." Since we apparently have vastly different ideas of what truth is I'm not going to go into it (I think that would be off topic).

So... Is something big going to happen? Absolutely! I also guarantee that there will be something big after that. And then something after that. And after that.

Do I think these "somethings" are somehow being predicted by the vague feelings expressed in this thread. No. Without a doubt, no. To suggest that they are -- specifically to do what OP has done and attach a warning to "be prepared" -- is fear mongering at its worst.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
I think we're in for a real nasty storm of some kind in the next week or two..

Be more specific.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Blender Ace

Do I have to? I just sense some weird changes coming. Maybe it's just local, maybe it's bigger.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by Blender Ace

Do I have to? I just sense some weird changes coming. Maybe it's just local, maybe it's bigger.

Wow. Yes.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by samlf3rd

You mention specifically the month of October when "it" starts, and by december will be worse, (forgive the paraphrasing). This could be the economic collapse, I've read in several forums due to hit most likely October/nov or dec. SO- based on your "feeling", (which I totally believe in "feelings"), I would suggest this is a possibilty. Perhaps the collapse will be worldwide, since the worl(by december?) It may also be a nuclear attack-as that would have world- wide effects as well. I DO feel something too. I'm hoping MY feeling is related to the imminent Rapture of the church-so I can escape the coming nuke/economic collapse, etc. Time will tell.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt
I'm thinking the much predicted on alyernative news sites) complete economic collapse-and the famine in this country that will likely follow. Perhaps an EMP attack-and the shutting down of our grid? Any feelings about those two considerations? I am very curious.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Blender Ace

So, we're all just feeling fear here? I don't think you understand the OP. You say there is nothing to discuss. The main thing we're discussing here is Feelings. I appreciate your e-diagnosis, but that just doesn't cut it for what we're really talking about. When I said "something you don't understand" I am referring to the OP, the question at hand. Now we all can't help but, be confused by this anxiety. I asked where did you get the research on anxiety, do we understand it, who makes these claims and why you believe them to be true. I don't expect you to give me a doctrine-type response - just one that is true i.e feelings. Openly explaining will not be off-topic, as we will remain in the scope of the thread(Do you feel it?). Those questions are straight-forward. I'm questioning these claims because, you keep saying "fear mongering". To me, that doesn't even seem like that's where this topic started, nor heading. I see it like this, this information, is priceless - as it is the collective conscious(a library, if you will) on a given subject right now in life. You seem like, you want to smash this thread down - perceptively due to fear mongering. Let's slow down, as we could be on to something large. You also throw numbers about explaining something always takes place. The same is true, for other who have predicted. So it seems to me, that this feeling I'm having, is a result of something that is to come. I don't know what will happen, don't know where, to whom or how good or evil it will be. I'm just here saying hey, I had this weird dream and I can definitely sense a weird mystical change in the past year or so(especially with my mysterious happenings). Now about dreams... Dreams are more than the loosely coined term dream, I know we don't fully understand them - They are more!. As a result of my personal dreams, I know they are more than that. How can I relate that? I can't. That's partially the reason I'm here, To attempt to make a conscious-connection if you will. After all, it's not just me feeling it, it seems others are also. Hey man, if you feel it, then maybe you can share, if you can't... To put it nicely, let's observe(or even question) and see where this one goes - as it seems, you're really not a part of this development.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Mthompso
reply to post by LoveisanArt
I'm thinking the much predicted on alyernative news sites) complete economic collapse-and the famine in this country that will likely follow. Perhaps an EMP attack-and the shutting down of our grid? Any feelings about those two considerations? I am very curious.

There is a lot of hype. We all could definitely be feeling a little shell-shocked on-top of other things. You see, there is another correlation between this EMP you speak of and my dream:

It was real dark due to no working street lights

total darkness, only the ships in the skies and the moon was our light

As you can see, there is some weirdness between my dream and your question. I am curious as to why does EMP come to mind?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Kastogere

Could it be that we are being connected sub-consciously on a emotinal level of heightened anticipation? that we are all connected in thought manifesting a physical warning that we should be aware of? .

Fabulous observation!

I can't stress it enough that I believe this is "exactly" the case, Kastogere.

Source: I experience an overabundance of 'synchronicities' (awareness of patterns, events and connections) in my life at which I overwhelmingly conclude this is indeed the case.

edit on 27-7-2012 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by unb3k44n7

I believe in it as well......we are far too alike as humans to treat each other differently IMO. Alas society had other plans.

The feeling you speak of getting stronger...

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by samlf3rd

Especially for the last 2 months i am about to drive crazy!! I am certainly sure, something very big will happen soon but i dont know what it is..

Anxiety disorder, general unhappiness, unexplained fears ( like death of my relatives) AND ADDITIONALLY : ANIMALS ..Yes.. This is like my 3rd eye is opening for animals. Nowadays, I've been thinking about animals more than ever. ! All animals in the planet. All sufferings, all persecuted ones. When i go to bed, i can not sleep immediately like before. I am thinking of them and praying until i asleep..Its a big fear..very hard to describe..

I also notice animals are not happy..They are changing or they are feeling something that will happen. Birds are in hurry and they are very hungry, dogs and cats are weird (not all of them of course )
In 1999, 11 Aug i felt weird, dark during the total solar eclipse AND had felt kinda panic attack after 9/11 ( as if world jumped more than one step in 1 day.)

BUT this time, my feelings are much more stronger than the others. There is no way out.! Yes, this sentence scares me : there is no way out ! Something very extraordinary, maybe miraculous and global will happen and nothing will be the same after that.

I like this site because i see that i am not alone with my thoughts and feelings. Personally, i believe in a big creator..Also some functionary spirits, angels etc..I am above the religions..I hate racialists..People are getting rabid and randy day by day..For me, its very hard to resist..!

I really want to see, whatever it is ! This world is the real hell..There is no need to imagine a hell after death ..

With respect

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by knidos

You blew my mind with the animal part! For me, it's been insects, although I've never liked them before - I'm doing going so far as to spare a fly! I mean a fly? This time of year where I live, they are all over, landing here and there.

Check: Not even 6 hours ago, I was talking to my girl about how lonely our fish was... So, we decided to get him a friend(so he wouldn't be lonely). I'm not trying to go soft here but, this goes to show, I'm doing things I wouldn't have considered before.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Fatscrilla
reply to post by knidos

You blew my mind with the animal part! For me, it's been insects, although I've never liked them before - I'm doing going so far as to spare a fly! I mean a fly? This time of year where I live, they are all over, landing here and there.

Strange how you mention this. I have found a few beetles around my house recently...

Years ago I would have just stepped on them or flushed them down the toilet. Now I have this unusual urge to avoid that and pick them up with a piece of paper to drop them back outside.
edit on 28-7-2012 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:43 PM
Weird. Lately I've been feeling anxious and uneasy.. Almost depressed. It started about 2 weeks ago and I just can't shake this feeling!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 01:24 AM


posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Now now, let's not let this thread end like a fart in the wind.
Any updates on your intuitions, samlf3rd?

I can tell you one thing, I have the feeling that tuning in and being the change that is about to come has become a lot easier than it was a few years ago. Which could be a sign that we have actually managed to reach critical mass. I have a good feeling about this.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:41 PM
I got this uneasy feeling as if something big is going to happen in the next couple weeks. Something seems different outside. Can't tell what it is, sometimes I know a storm is coming ahead of time but this is different.

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