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It's coming. Do you feel it?

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Nikola014

Well with me it wasn't a feeling of something 'dark' was more like something 'big' is coming....but the human mind is paranoid and interpret it as something 'dark' in an instant depending on the amount of fear they have ingested.

I still think something big is coming...just a big blob of unknown....

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 06:01 PM
I will hasten to remind everyone of a couple of things:

1. Think back to a time you had a bad feeling where nothing happened. Chances are, that's happened to you. It doesn't mean you weren't perceiving something real, but it does mean that it didn't happen.

2. Predictions, from Revelation on, I firmly believe, are NOT there to say, "This is what's going to happen." They are there to say, "This is what could happen." They are there so that they hopefully don't happen.

3. I think it's very much the same with our own "bad feelings" which I myself have had for over a week now. I think the bad feelings are there also as a warning to avert, not a warning to say, "You're screwed."

Sometimes the "bad feeling" can be an INNER sense personalities changing, moving underneath our conscious awareness SO FAST that it creates an anxiety, almost a feeling like you're dying - because a part of you is. In that scenario, which I've felt before and is by the way similar to what I'm feeling now, I just end up changing on deep levels that I'm not always consciously aware of. And it's anxiety producing to say the least.

Sometimes the very speed at which things are changing - good or bad - causes this feeling. We interpret it as bad because it's foreign. It COULD be good.

Just saying...

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Nikola014
It's interesting how all of sudden everybody "have" felling that something dark is, I wonder why is that...

You speak as if, you don't have the feeling yourself. Maybe what we're feeling is a result of what we've seen in life? Maybe what we're feeling is a result of what is to come in life? Maybe what we're feeling is a result of who we are in life? Maybe what we're feeling is a result of taking in to much ATS in life? Maybe what we're feeling is neither of the above but, rather something bigger than mentioned? For the record, I've taken Rydelyn at the age of 11 for approximately 1 month. so, maybe what we're feeling is a result of taking Rydelyn, if of coarse you've taken Rydelyn in your life.

I don't know what i'm feeling but, I can tell you that I feel it! Like I said about my dream a few pages back, it took the cake - hands down. Somewhat confused still, I've been over these pages only to not find any correlation between anyone else's feelings vs my dream. Except someone mentioning food. Besides that, that's the only thing, that made me realize my dream was about food. Hey for what it's worth, i've attempted to answer the question "I wonder why is that?".

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Qi Maker
The apparent chaos we see in people acting out could be due to an internal conflict that is the result of two factors:

People that are "losing" it are people that have never perceived outside of their cultural-ego program, that they mistake for their true identity. Couple that with the possibility that earth changes, particular geomagnetic, could be stirring energies in such a way, so as to stimulate kundalini arousal.

These people who do not know their true selves have no way of knowing how to deal with kundalini awakening because the western cultural-ego program does not account for it.

The house of cards of the materialistic paradigm coupled with the ego threatening nature of kundalini awakening resulting in a disconnect; there's no frame of reference for the people with no spiritual foundation to be able to deal with a consciousness shift. All they've ever known was their culturally indoctrinated ego program that they mistakenly identify as their true self, and with that paradigm phasing out, you have a perfect storm of society-wide mental instability.

But that's only a theory!

Well it's a good theory. I went through this anxiety 23 years ago and it was VERY connected to going through kundalini at the time. Your ego doesn't "die" as so many people think - that's actually impossible. But it goes through a MAJOR shift and since we place most of our consciousness identification on the ego, when we are forced to back AWAY from things for a larger view, and begin to perceive our ego as a dot on the much larger full self, it's SCARY!

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by samlf3rd

I have been saying October 2012 for the past 2 years now.. when I vision the date in my mind I see darkness. I also have a feeling the lunar schedule could mark this dark "event" (if I may).. October 29th 2012 is the one and only full moon of that month. 3 days later is "Devils Night".

I dont want to program, or advertise fear here Ats... its just something I have been feeling and seeing for a while now. I heard alot of crap about October 2011... but in my heart and in my mind it wasnt correct. People were going nuts over nothing but online-hype. October 2012 has a darkness to it, I see it and feel it, so do many others. And this isnt mainstream fear-factoring here.. I havent read anything on Oct.2012... I just feel it.

So OP, Im with you on this one, our intution speaks for the both of us.

What has always bothered me is "Halloween".. which gives October that creepy vibe, but for children its "fun and candy". In reality, and outside of "safe-society", October 31st is a dark day. The energy that flows through cities on this day, I belive feeds certain entities and peoples hidden from plain sight. I dont mean to sound crazy lol.. and yes Im flowing towards a satanic type topic here.. but regardless, the Halloween thing was invented to raise energy throughout cities. This energy is fed off of.. I call these entitiese "Vampires". Not the fairytale crap dracula thing.. but we are all made of energy, and entities can feed off of that, or in other words "suck" off that energy like a leech.
As Halloween approaches little children and parents raise their energy for this "exciting" day. LOTS of energy flows through the streets of cities, I dont speak for the world, but as a Canadian, Halloween is a big thing for these kids and their parents..
With that said, the energy build-up to Halloween will be amplified by the full moon on the 29th of October. I belive something or someone will be sucking on the energy of Earth that week.

My input about Ocotober 2012.. I do not know what is going to happen, I cant even guess. I only feel that there is something lurking in darkness on that future date. I am not a prophet nor a psychic, but a spiritual being, for skeptic-sake.

Thanks for sharing OP, take care

~ Love is an art

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by EllaMarina
Regarding a lot of people's feelings being different from a true feeling of doom, or simply just a sense of waiting (or even anticipation in m case), I wonder: could the hypothetical impending craziness be more due to a big shift in comfort zones rather than true suffering of the starvation and death variety?
My belief is that a big part of what is going to happen is the end of the separatist system of living. A lot of people love this societal structure, and I can see how something that forces us to live contrary to it would be interpreted as painful, even apocalyptic.
Global disasters won't shift our ways of relating to each other. After rebuilding society, our system of relating to each other will shift into its old way eventually because of basic human nature. That's why I think this thing that's going to happen will be spiritual in nature.

I look at it this way too.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
I am not sure what "it" is yet but I can sense it.
This post and those like it are why I don't come here much anymore.

I'm curious, though: why don't you see these vague feelings of an impeding "it" as exactly the sort of propaganda of fear and misinformation that you also claim to be fighting? I'm reading post after post of members saying they, too, have these ambiguous, fearful notions that "something" is about to happen. And many of these same posts offer woe to the sheeple who don't heed the warning.

I submit that you are the sheep -- you who subscribe to fear and doom; you who offer non-specific "warnings." You sheep have been trembling at the sound of thunder since the dawn of man and warning everyone else that the gods are angry or that bad omens abound. Then, when something happens, you can shake your head and say "see, I tried to warn you."

I know you want more. More meaning to life. More connections. More understanding. More truth. Is this nebulous "it" really the way to achieve that goal?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 07:51 PM
I’ve had psychic experiences throughout my life. Normally it’s all small, innocent kind of stuff like seeing baseball plays happen before they happen or “seeing” certain numbers someone has in mind. I’ve had psychic dreams where I’ve seen things happen to people close to me that turned out to be true. Or dreams of my past and future lives and revelatory metaphysical dreams. I’ve never trained myself to use this ability, but I’ve always let it guide me if I felt it strong enough.

In 2004, I knew the economy was going to fall apart and so I invested in precious metals. I’ve always been able to get a sense of future events but in 2009 when I tried to get a sense of the future, I could only sense up to 2012. I could not sense anything in 2013.

I’ve tried to ignore these feelings that something big was going to happen and I tried to live my life and make business decisions as if nothing was going to happen. However, certain events and my psychic sense kept confirming to me that something big was going to happen very soon.

I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if it’s for everybody or just for me. But I’ll share with you two psychic messages I received recently: “Enjoy every moment.” and “Do your best to help others.”

This may all be in my imagination and it may mean nothing to any of you. That’s alright. As for me, I’ve learned to trust this voice and I’m trying my best every day to live my life in accordance with these two messages. Regardless if these messages are psychically inspired or not, I feel it’s good advice anyway and I thought this would be the right thread and the right time to share my experience.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by 1questioner

I have been getting the same "enjoy every moment" feeling. I started getting that feeling two years ago. No I am getting a "get ready for something big" feeling.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 08:11 PM
I have read a few comments by people who think that something will happen at the Olympics. Logically, if a truly evil person or person wanted to do something that would have a worldwide impact the Olympics would be the perfect platform. But if there were a truly benevolent entity that wanted to make a showing that world peace and harmony is achievable the Olympics would also be perfect. Wouldn't it be weird if the Olympians returned during the Olympics. After all the first Olympics were supposed to honor the Greek Gods. I wonder if it is a coincidence the History Channel has constantly been repeating episodes of Ancient Aliens...

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 08:23 PM
All I feel is this hangover

Broke up another bar fight last night and decided to accept the free drinks people were giving me. Free drinks are not free!!

Seriously though? I've had a horrible feeling about our future for years now. I still think a major crunch-time will happen within the next decade or so, but now feel that we'll be ....something else when it's all said and done. Something better. It simply must happen.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Blender Ace

Originally posted by samlf3rd
I am not sure what "it" is yet but I can sense it.
This post and those like it are why I don't come here much anymore.

I'm curious, though: why don't you see these vague feelings of an impeding "it" as exactly the sort of propaganda of fear and misinformation that you also claim to be fighting? I'm reading post after post of members saying they, too, have these ambiguous, fearful notions that "something" is about to happen. And many of these same posts offer woe to the sheeple who don't heed the warning.

I submit that you are the sheep -- you who subscribe to fear and doom; you who offer non-specific "warnings." You sheep have been trembling at the sound of thunder since the dawn of man and warning everyone else that the gods are angry or that bad omens abound. Then, when something happens, you can shake your head and say "see, I tried to warn you."

I know you want more. More meaning to life. More connections. More understanding. More truth. Is this nebulous "it" really the way to achieve that goal?

You know what? I'm all about truth, asking questions, and putting everything out in the open. Why don't we see if all having this feeling have something in common. What's the best way to start? Sharing our personal experiences, you follow? On another note, The only thing i'm fighting(definitely not some disinformation junk)is the devil. As far as seeking truth, to me, you sound ignorant in your rant about seeking truth - as if that's an easy task, that comes without trials and tribulations(In these days).

Somehow I think think you are trying to gain some brownie points, somehow... Like you think my dream is a joke! As if mostly all our claim are just that, claims. Lets try to keep this going smoothly, and not bash people for having feelings right now, that you - obviously are not!

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by buggy166
Skimmed thru the thread. If theres one word i can sum up everything up in, it would be anxiety. .

I think you may have hit the nail on the head with that one.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Spotless
Emh people who have been around ATS for some time know that these kind of threads are pretty damn often.
"Are you feeling that something is coming?" "Did you notice the new vibrations?"

The first sentence looks ridiculous to me "I am not sure what "it" is yet but I can sense it."
ANYTHING can fall under this "it" label.

I used to have some faith in threads like these, i lost it after the first 3/4 times.
I know that feeling, but im pretty sure its just our life going by, relatively sppeding up as we deal with our daily business. I hope the OP is wrong and right at the same time.

I have been here awhile,..even long before the 100K post, but I am speaking from the feeling myself. This isnt like 'before', it is like never before.

And the feeling is strong in alot of people, not just the conspiracy nut jobs like myself.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by smirkley

Originally posted by buggy166
Skimmed thru the thread. If theres one word i can sum up everything up in, it would be anxiety. .

I think you may have hit the nail on the head with that one.

Do you think you might want to add something a bit more to the table? I would really love if you had knowledge to share that might make me open my eyes to this anxiety you speak of. As far as I am concerned, this anxiety you speak of, is unknown. After all, what is it? Where does it come from? Do We the People fully understand it? Do we understand it's origins? Who states what anxiety is officially? If i'm feeling what you speak of, then what do I feel next? Have you had any personal experiences like this? Try to open up, and share a bit more please.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by 1questioner
“Enjoy every moment.” and “Do your best to help others”

First off, I am sorry for what you had to have seen negative in your visions/thoughts. You know, I have felt like this for a while now. I mean, look at my signature. I also believe that this is the right place and perfect time to express your feelings. I think you should read my bio, I hope it's not offensive to you and I also wish you well in your quest for truth.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Fatscrilla
You know what? I'm all about truth, asking questions, and putting everything out in the open. Why don't we see if all having this feeling have something in common.

Hey, I'm there, too. But this thread isn't about putting everything out in the open. It's about putting a vague nothingness out in the open. It's about expressing anxiety. And I've got news for you (apparently): anxiety isn't anything special. I guarantee MOST if not everyone experiences anxiety. It's part of the human condition. What's worse, though, are these nondescript feelings of fear and the posts that support it. That's fear mongering and I think it shouldn't be tolerated by people in pursuit of truth.

Somehow I think think you are trying to gain some brownie points, somehow... Like you think my dream is a joke! As if mostly all our claim are just that, claims.

I'm not trying to gain brownie points. But I DO think your dream is just a dream. And, as I said, I DO think your claims are just fear mongering.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 01:24 PM
A few psychic thoughts I'm getting these days...

Our pineal glands in our brains are some sort of transmitter/receiver connecting our inner spirits or souls to "God" which I think is a supreme intelligence hooked up to all the galactic centers in our universe. I think what they call "junk DNA" has the function of being dormant or activated and when activated raises our consciousness by supercharging the pineal gland. I think that "God" can send signals to pineal glands to interact with the dormant DNA and activate it. I think this is how consciousness is raised.

Now, not everyone is capable of getting the activation and subsequent enlightenment. Those who are spiritually and mentally ready for it, get it. The process causes anxiety because we don't understand on a conscious level what is going on. Those who aren't ready for the change, for whatever reasons, won't ascend to the new level of enlightenment and are likely to either go insane or just zombie out in shock when the change peaks.

I think that this change will coincide with some sort of worldwide cataclysm whether it is Nibiru screwing up our poles and asteroids from its tail hitting us or whether it is more like WWIII breaking out. It will be something big and unlike anything in history.

If the calamity is Nibiru, we can expect an invasion of ET hybrids. I think they have been cross breeding them for years using human DNA. If they invade, they will look just like us only much more intelligent and probably more physically beautiful. ETs could have genetically engineered hybrids to have the best human genes for intelligence and beauty. If they invade, I think they will appear to us and pretend to be very caring, loving and peaceful beings so that we get suckered in. When the world starts worshipping them, they will suddenly screw us over with a violent and overwhelming takeover. Then we will either be slaughtered or enslaved. I think they already have hybrids on Earth now and installed in high places of government. Whenever the whole thing goes down, the masses will be extremely confused except for the ones of us who have the 'big shift' happen when our 'junk DNA' activates. Sadly, those chosen ones who have the suddenly higher level of enlightenment will promote and lead the worshipping of the ET hybrids, thinking they 'come in peace for all mankind.' Then, bing, bam, boom the only ones who will actually inherit the Earth will be the hybrids. All the rest of us are doomed.

The only way this can be stopped is a worldwide revolution in which advanced and newly enlightened humans band together and kill or arrest the "Illuminati" masters now running the world. These "Illuminati" are the hybrid lords already running things on Earth at the current time. If we act fast and overthrow them, we all might be able to resist the coming fakery and deception we are going to be in for.

O.K., I have no inside info, all that was psychic remote viewing, premonition, or whatever you want to call it. You're feeling anxiety because your DNA is GRADUALLY being activated from the center of the galaxy at the present time. These are the strange feelings you are having. By the way, I am not a violent person and would not initiate any kind of revolution or violence whatsoever, in fact I'm a Buddhist and it's against our religion to hurt any living being. But I do think that the only hope of the world is to overthrow and neutralize the current powers that be. Whatever is going to happen in the next six months, be prepared for a wild ride. My intuition is telling me many, many people will die and most people will not know what the hell is going on in the least.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Blender Ace

Originally posted by Fatscrilla
You know what? I'm all about truth, asking questions, and putting everything out in the open. Why don't we see if all having this feeling have something in common.

Hey, I'm there, too. But this thread isn't about putting everything out in the open. It's about putting a vague nothingness out in the open. It's about expressing anxiety. And I've got news for you (apparently): anxiety isn't anything special. I guarantee MOST if not everyone experiences anxiety. It's part of the human condition. What's worse, though, are these nondescript feelings of fear and the posts that support it. That's fear mongering and I think it shouldn't be tolerated by people in pursuit of truth.

Somehow I think think you are trying to gain some brownie points, somehow... Like you think my dream is a joke! As if mostly all our claim are just that, claims.

I'm not trying to gain brownie points. But I DO think your dream is just a dream. And, as I said, I DO think your claims are just fear mongering.

So, you think anxiety only entails fear? You also seem to be afraid or reluctant to discuss what you do not understand. From where did you get this research? Who makes these claims? Why do you believe them?
While you may see this thread, seemingly from a wide perspective, let's zoom in a little to see in between the lines. Your not looking to see what is there. There are a lot of things, people here put out in the open. That being, we are not here to diagnose ourselves with anxiety - even though I will accept your claims(speaking for myself). Having this global feeling of something that is to come, both good and evil(if you were looking you would have seen the the coin is two-sided), does not explain what we're feeling. We are just here to share with others, our global feelings* Dreams on the other hand, have very deep meanings to me. How? I cannot make those connections. That's why I am here, seeing if others can help me see what I cannot. After all, we all need each other to find the truth. Please do understand, that through truth seeking, we will have to knock down many barriers before we get even close to the truth. Truth-seeking, does not come without pain. Please do not make truth-seeking seem as if, we can seek with our eyes, mouths, and hearts closed. Anyone seeking truth will tell you that the road ahead is a little scary, just look at history(as to, the history of seeking truths). I do believe that we will prevail in our quest for knowledge. Back on my dream though, I feel as if it was telling me something. Something about food, seemingly wars, and or darkness. I don't know. I wonder what would life be like if we all had dream hubs throughout every country -- and this hub, could paint together a picture or movie of a series of sub-conscience events.

I think maybe some don't feel, because they are not truth seeking. I think maybe, we feel - because we are.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 07:33 PM
I have felt lots of stress.
I realise it is completely futile to allow stress and fear to take over.
For several years now I had allowed my "fear" motivate me a bit to be prepared. I met someone and we managed to purchase a about 3 acres and a forclosed house that had a pond. We were working to grow food and fix it up, get a wood burning stove and solar, but we had a major set back with Illness and had to rip up the brand new floor we bought. (long story) Anyway, today I felt resigned. I realise that whatever happens will happen. Both my partner and I lean towards more of a metaphysical state of mind, he is more psychic and has predicted a few important things. But now we are both proverbial "Dead in the water" and with the this latest shooting I admittedly have been a bit "obsessed" with paying attention to alll the symbols and meaning present.

Today I was listening to a Red Ice Creation podcast interview about Remote viewing and if what this guy said was accurate... some s**** is going to hit the fan next year. I hope he is wrong. I really do.

Honestly, I don't want to live in fear.

Fear is the mindkiller.

I do have a sort of funny story, however.

I think back in 2007 I was listening to an episode of Coast to Coast and there were a couple of guys on talking about the Webbot project and said that there was some stuff coming down that they saw. People would call in and ask how they should prepare, buy gold? Food? etc.. While they agreed that being responsibly prepared is always a good idea, one of the guys said the best way is to learn how to meditate and essentially "get your head in order" . NO amount of gold or hoarded food wlll ultimately save you in a serious disaster. We all will need to work together to survive. Locking yourself down in a bunker mentality is not the way to go.

That night I called my mother (who was an Atheist) and told her that apparently some stuff was going to happen and I was a bit concerned. The next morning, I flipped my light on and not 5 minutes later the electricity went out! I freaked a bit. It was out for a good 20 minutes or so. Before I headed off to work that morning I took a detour to the local grocery and started stockpilling lentils, rice and 7day candles and water!. I must of looked strange at 7:30am running around stocking my grocery cart in the empty grocery!. I started to laugh. And THAT is how I can keep things in perspective.

work with your neighbors. Do not live in a fear mind state.

Do not allow "evil" forces, negative dark forces to manipulate your fear.

Already gun sales have spiked. Ok, fine, be prepared.. but be rational and do not lose your head or all will be lost!


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