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The truth behind Christianity vs islam

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

There remains a strong illusion that the government regulates everything. Perhaps if you live in a big city, they do control the water wells and water supply. But, have you ever vacationed in the country? Or near heavily wooded areas?

Fresh water running streams are abundant out here. While camping we use them.

If you're worried about bacteria and the like, then purchase a filter for a water bottle before you go "off the grid" and use that. Or boil your water before freezing it to drink it. Or use one of numerous other filtration techniques.

For every action or institution a government says we need them, there is a clear alternative which says we do not.

~ Wandering Scribe

I live in the large Canadian city of Toronto, yet when I travelled to the country in South American regions within the country of Guyana, one of the few dominant English speaking countries in South America, it is amazing how much regulation is still present from seatbelts to bridge tolls. Rainwater essentially is the only free/safe water.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by MysteriousHusky

Yes, the government can tax you for using a car to travel over a bridge. What if you walk, or rode a bike, or took a scooter (as ridiculous as that sounds) and went over that same bridge? How about a small canoe, and crossing a river by good old fashioned hard work? Yes, it's more of an inconvenience to walk across a bridge, or paddle a boat across a body of water, but, then again, the government regulates, taxes, and controls us through our laziness. If you walked everywhere, or rode a bike everywhere, their are no safety-belt laws then, and no tolls. There is a way around everything, it just happens to be less comfortable than the lazy, taxed way.

Rain water can be a great source of free water. And yes, third-world nations do try to regulate water based on it's scarcity. However, if you managed to live out in the jungles, or out in the desert, or other typically uninhabited lands, the government sanctions fall away very quickly, and what you find, becomes yours. Consider tribes living in the rain-forests, who never encountered modern humans until we discovered them, usually by accident. They have no regulations outside of tribal customs and laws.

There is an exception for everything. Always.

~ Scribe

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:58 PM
This is like looking at Islam and Christianity from Greek perspective

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by VOB786

Yes, it is. And if you're going to look at Islam and Christianity from a perspective other than the Islamic and Christian... why pick Greece, an unrelated culture?

Why not Mesopotamia, and the Near East, where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam come from?

It should make perfect sense that, to understand the origins of a thing, you look at... well... it's origins.

Abraham, the father of Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam, comes out of the Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) city-sate of Ur. Not Greece.

That's what I don't get about this thread.


~ Wandering Scribe

edit on 21/7/12 by Wandering Scribe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 10:54 PM
islam and chritianity only really differon one main aspect.

jesus in islam is a christianity the son of god.

i heard also that god gave the words...the jews hid it.....he then gave it again....the christains corrupted it....he then gave the same word to the muslims, which remains uncorrupted.

also for ancient egypt

the son = horus
the father = osiris
the holy spirit = re (sun)


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by coyote66
While Islam is the couterpart, it is a moon worshiping cult, also disguised as monotheism. Islam's nature, then, will be representing the feminin natur of the cosmos.

This is 100% absolutely not true. Islam is not a moon worshipping cult. There is absolutely no moon worship in Islam. I know people like to falsely claim that Allah is a pagan moon god but that's just not true. It's only people's ignorance to history which allows them to invent and perpetuate this false claim.

Here is the historical facts regarding the prescence of the moon in Islam:

The city of Byzantium (later known as Constantinople and Istanbul) adopted the crescent moon as its symbol. According to some reports, they chose it in honor of the goddess Diana. Others indicate that it dates back to a battle in which the Romans defeated the Goths on the first day of a lunar month. In any event, the crescent moon was featured on the city's flag even before the birth of Christ.

The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic armies and caravans flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. In later generations, the Muslim leaders continued to use a simple black, white, or green flag with no markings, writing, or symbolism on it.

It wasn't until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city's existing flag and symbol.

Source citation

Furthermore, how can Islam be a moon worshipping cult when the Qur'an says things like:

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." [Quran 41:37]

Also, in Arabic the word for sun is "Shams" and the word for moon is "Qamar." Shams is a feminine noun and Qamar is a masculine noun. So that also shoots down your theory that Islam's nature represents the feminine nature of the cosmos.

I'm sorry but nothing that you have said is factual.
edit on 22-7-2012 by CoolerAbdullah786 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by coyote66

Albert einstein said:

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."

You are very "unlearned" lovely.Next time i'd suggest you use bigger "magnifying glass" for Guileless research, babe.

Reply To Robert Morey's Moon-God Allah Myth: A Look At The Archaeological Evidence [color=grey]/ A must read for those who are seeking truth and surely falshood and ignorance shall perish.

One of the favourite arguments of the Christian missionaries over many years had been that Allah of the Qur'an was in fact a pagan Arab "Moon-god" from pre-Islamic times.

The seeds of this argument were sown by the work of the Danish scholar Ditlef Nielsen, who divided the Semitic deities into a triad of Father-Moon, Mother-Sun and Son-Venus.[1] His ideas (esp., triadic hypothesis) were used uncritically by later scholars who came to excavate many sites in the Near East and consequently assigned astral significance to the deities that they had found.

Since 1991 Ditlef Nielsen's views were given a new and unexpected twist by the Christian polemicist Robert Morey. In a series of pamphlets, books and radio programs, he claimed that "Allah" of the Qur'an was nothing but the pagan Arab "Moon-god". To support his views, he presented evidences from the Near East which can be seen in "Appendix C: The Moon God and Archeology" from his book The Islamic Invasion: Confronting The World's Fastest-Growing Religion and it was subsequently reprinted with minor changes as a booklet called The Moon-God Allah In The Archeology Of The Middle East.

[2] It can justifiably be said that this book lies at the heart of missionary propaganda against Islam today. The popularity of Morey's ideas was given a new breath of life by another Christian polemicist Jack T. Chick, who drew a fictionalised racially stereotyped story entitled "Allah Had No Son".

This jolly fella nails it

"We have the truth, we have the proof" - Yusuf Estes

Do Muslims Worship a moon god & a black box in the desert?



'It really makes me think about becoming a Muslim"

'The call to prayer happens five times a day, and for the first week, it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit, and it's the most beautiful, beautiful thing,' he said.

edit on 22-7-2012 by iIuminaIi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
I think you guys are putting to much into this.

edit on 21-7-2012 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

and I don't think you've given it the weight it deserves, or consideration to all those pious well intentioned followers of mentioned religions, who chant and repeat, chant and repeat.

Do you understand the shear weight of the energy being harnessed by those at the apex of all those wonderful words they string together in their books, now times that by millions over the years, negative and positive.
One says one thing
the other says the opposite
yet another taps into the etheric to channel divine information which they all use to decide their course of actions for their people and countries.
How do you know what they are channelling is in any way godly? Just because someone said so?
I was never a sheep to bleat out someone elses tune for them, sorry.

Would it interest you to know that having that opinion and knowing there is a 'one' is where I stand? I didn't find him in a book or from the mouth of someone else on their say so, but I certainly haven't found a group yet which fits what i know about how it all works, that is concerning that imo none of them have got it right.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Originally posted by AussieAmandaC
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

I would like to hear more of this, but I will do a search also, thanks in advance

This is my own take on mostly stuff from john Lash's writings - he thinks the Archons are all bad - I think they are what made uscivilised - with some rogue actors (unrecoverable elements) interfering along the way.

YHWH for instance comes across as an arrogant psycopath in the OT - but that is only because he is an inorganic conciousness cut off from source - it doesn't know any better. It is the mediation of the Aeon Christos that humanises him - hence the rise of Christianity - though taken over almost immediately by the Babylonian Mystery Religious elites. The Jews were YHWH's special grooming project, due perhaps to their genetic propensity to intellectualise everything.

The NWO is the attempt of the fallen angels to divert the human race away from a final reconciliation - hence why the elites are so tied in with Jupiter Saturn the Moon etc - all the astrological dates are for the ease of influence of the Archons whose proper home is interplanetary/ interstelllar space
edit on 21-7-2012 by JohhnyBGood because: italics

This is very interesting, after doing some searches.
I wonder if this is what a poster meant on ats a few months ago when they said
"finally, we get to kill the seven" That didn't make sense to me back then at all, but it was ignored and moved on from like all uncomfortable responses on ats.
Are they akin to the seven deadly sins do you think?
They don't necessarily cause the strife but they certain back up bad behaviour if it's asked for....?
What is OT?
and what is final reconciliation?
what is she (sophia?) supposed to do?

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by iIuminaIi

You should really post this stuff onto Lonewolf's The Bright and Morning Star "Mary" Queen of Heaven and husband Allah if you haven't already.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Thank you brother. I have no time of dealing with kindergarten naysayers.

This redneck is in ats to crusade and to slander islam by making things up.

Believe me i have followed his trait

edit on 22-7-2012 by iIuminaIi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by coyote66

Christianity is a sun worshiping cult, even though masqueraded by its monotheistic face. Which means a masculine nature. While Islam is the couterpart, it is a moon worshiping cult, also disguised as monotheism.

Exactly what kind of a sun/moon worshipping cult prohibits the worship of the sun / moon?

Because both the Bible and the Koran prohibits the worship of the sun and moon.. or anything else.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by iIuminaIi
reply to post by CoolerAbdullah786

Thank you brother. I have no time of dealing with kindergarten naysayers.

This redneck is in ats to crusade and to slander islam by making things up.

Believe me i have followed his trait

edit on 22-7-2012 by iIuminaIi because: (no reason given)

No, I am not! You silly, disinfo phrankster, you. I didnt wrote Islam in lower case in the title, why should I when in the rest of the thread, I capitalized it?

All the secret cabal do is try to schmooze Islam. There are plenty white people converting to Islam, question why? And even Liam Neeson, a "hollywood actor".

I am telling you, Islam is just like Christianity, it ought to fool the masses, while hidding its true nature of moon/sun worship. The moon and the sun in this case is a symbolic to the natural cosmic powers!

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by AussieAmandaC
The sun and the moon
What's up with the middle east women then? I haven't seen evedence of them being empowered by their reverence to the moon, or aren't they allowed to? It is a very 'man' run area.
The sun is most deffinately masculine
In this lays the reason they keep their women out of the sun, not just the weather/climate, and only their eyes show.

He is the judge, but she is the death dealer imo....maybe....

I like your thread though, sorry for rambling, just glad someone else is thinking along these lines too. makes me feel less freakish and confused.
Who says moon is feminine.
According to Hindus, he is a male.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by coyote66

You telling me without an "accurate historical evidence"?

Wow , Bravo

edit on 23-7-2012 by iIuminaIi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by CoolerAbdullah786

This is 100% absolutely not true. Islam is not a moon worshipping cult. There is absolutely no moon worship in Islam. I know people like to falsely claim that Allah is a pagan moon god but that's just not true. It's only people's ignorance to history which allows them to invent and perpetuate this false claim.

Here is the historical facts regarding the prescence of the moon in Islam:

The city of Byzantium (later known as Constantinople and Istanbul) adopted the crescent moon as its symbol. According to some reports, they chose it in honor of the goddess Diana. Others indicate that it dates back to a battle in which the Romans defeated the Goths on the first day of a lunar month. In any event, the crescent moon was featured on the city's flag even before the birth of Christ.

The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic armies and caravans flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. In later generations, the Muslim leaders continued to use a simple black, white, or green flag with no markings, writing, or symbolism on it.

It wasn't until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city's existing flag and symbol.

Source citation

Then, why dont you just take out the moon symbolism right away, out off Islam? Why are your ulamah not saying anything about this? If the moon was pagan and absolutely contradicts the teaching of Islam, why is it still on top of every mosque in the world?

The moslem brotherhood in Egypt even called for the destruction of the great pyramids. But no words what so ever about eliminating or throwing away the crescent moon and 5 pointed star out of their flags and mosques. Non at all, null, niet, nothing, ablosutely zero talk about it, and yet you say, the crescent moon is in no way Islamic? What a logical fallacy you have there. Not even the Wahabian Salafis in Saudi Arabia have ever raised a single word about getting rid of the moon! Vice verca, they keep building new mosques, and adding it above it everytime! Cant you see the pun in this?

Its called belief, because it cant be proven, or disproven. Its just like a child believing in the easter bunny. Please grow up, my friend. Thank you

Furthermore, how can Islam be a moon worshipping cult when the Qur'an says things like:

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." [Quran 41:37]

Also, in Arabic the word for sun is "Shams" and the word for moon is "Qamar." Shams is a feminine noun and Qamar is a masculine noun. So that also shoots down your theory that Islam's nature represents the feminine nature of the cosmos.

I'm sorry but nothing that you have said is factual.
edit on 22-7-2012 by CoolerAbdullah786 because: (no reason given)

Like I have said it in a previous post in this thread, male and female is a mere concept, created my a species, that happens to be bisexual of nature. The masculine is actually insignificant, if you want me to put it this way. Its a concept developed by our understanding, and the way the human mind works. If you take this feminine masculine idea into another realm of consciousness, it could be absolutely irrelevant, at all.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by VOB786

Yes, it is. And if you're going to look at Islam and Christianity from a perspective other than the Islamic and Christian... why pick Greece, an unrelated culture?

Why not Mesopotamia, and the Near East, where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam come from?

It should make perfect sense that, to understand the origins of a thing, you look at... well... it's origins.

Abraham, the father of Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam, comes out of the Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) city-sate of Ur. Not Greece.

That's what I don't get about this thread.


~ Wandering Scribe

edit on 21/7/12 by Wandering Scribe because: (no reason given)

Do they by any chance call you "the spin doctor" at a given time, somewhere in the past?

Funny that you even have a moon on your avatar, what do you have to say about this?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by coyote66

Your premise is entirely wrong. Islam is not the anti-thesis of Christianity and to say such things shows an evident lack of knowledge on the subject.

Islam and Christianity are the two major religion on this planet and have more in common than any other two religions. Jesus is mentioned well over a hundred times in the Quran. Jesus in Islam is also the most important prophet, Mohammad being the last. In Islam Jesus is the " word " of God. In Islam Jesus is born of the virgin Mary. In Islam the second coming of Jesus marks the judgment day. The second coming of Jesus is described in more details in the Quran than in the Bible. I could go on and on but i think you get it by now.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:56 AM
The crescent moon and star is an internationally-recognized symbol of the faith of Islam. The symbol is featured on the flags of several Muslim countries, and is even part of the official emblem for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Christians have the cross, the Jews have the star of David, and the Muslims have the crescent moon, right?

What is the history behind the crescent moon symbol? What does it symbolize or mean? How and when did it become associated with the faith of Islam? Is it a valid symbol for the faith?

The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. Information on the origins of the symbol are difficult to ascertain, but most sources agree that these ancient celestial symbols were in use by the peoples of Central Asia and Siberia in their worship of sun, moon, and sky gods. There are also reports that the crescent moon and star were used to represent the Carthaginian goddess Tanit or the Greek goddess Diana.

The city of Byzantium (later known as Constantinople and Istanbul) adopted the crescent moon as its symbol. According to some reports, they chose it in honor of the goddess Diana. Others indicate that it dates back to a battle in which the Romans defeated the Goths on the first day of a lunar month. In any event, the crescent moon was featured on the city's flag even before the birth of Christ.

The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic armies and caravans flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. In later generations, the Muslim leaders continued to use a simple black, white, or green flag with no markings, writing, or symbolism on it.

It wasn't until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city's existing flag and symbol. Legend holds that the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman, had a dream in which the crescent moon stretched from one end of the earth to the other. Taking this as a good omen, he chose to keep the crescent and make it the symbol of his dynasty. There is speculation that the five points on the star represent the five pillars of Islam, but this is pure conjecture. The five points were not standard on the Ottoman flags, and as you will see on the following page, it is still not standard on flags used in the Muslim world today.

For hundreds of years, the Ottoman Empire ruled over the Muslim world. After centuries of battle with Christian Europe, it is understandable how the symbols of this empire became linked in people's minds with the faith of Islam as a whole.

Based on this history, many Muslims reject using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam. The faith of Islam has historically had no symbol, and many refuse to accept what is essentially an ancient pagan icon. It is certainly not in uniform use among Muslims.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by deepankarm

Who says moon is feminine.
According to Hindus, he is a male.

Exactly, you can asociate it with anything you want. Its called a CONCEPT!! A means to explain something rather hard to comprehend, just like this thread! A metaphore, language has it limits. It just happens to be that the moon is a natural phenomenon, that could serve as the counterpart of the sun.

Originally posted by iIuminaIi
reply to post by coyote66

You telling me without an "accurate historical evidence"?

Wow , Bravo

edit on 23-7-2012 by iIuminaIi because: (no reason given)

But guess, who wrote all those history books? I mean the version they teach you in schools, and allow to be reprinted by the industry? Nice try, spin doc

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