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What is your theory on the events of 9/11???

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posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

specifically I meant the miss le hit the ptgn. As to what hit the tower or if it was a hologram I'm undecided. But there is a lot of evidence supporting a hologram. Like for example they found a few parts. But they're missing tons and tons of parts. Like were's the miles of wiring that are in those planes? That's all missing as well as all kinds of stuff.

edit on 19-7-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by r2d246
reply to post by thedman

I never said it was hologram my friend. It's possible it was a real jet. But say it wasn't. Say you wanted to plant an engine. I don't think that's hard at all. Here's what you could do. You bring the engine there before the collapse. You cover it with something lose. Something that would easily be blown away if there was any significant wind. then you put some road construction signs (keep out, keep off) around it. The buildings fall. The wind from that blows away both the contruction signs and the tarp or covering, leaving the exposed engine. you then rush in a firefighter who's an under cover agent to each piece of debree that you had planted to make the plan worked. And to fix anything if there's a problem. Now that's just my explaination. Some professional could easily figure out an idea.
Geez I saw the real deal... talk to the people that were there instead of speculating. Talk Talk Talk yes this is a good site to talk about this stuff, but other than people trying to make money about all this(which are many) get your own facts from the soures there are...they will talk to you. If people believe all the money makers trying to make a buck on all the conspires and the truth this world will fall apart. People do not realize how many terrorist events that happened soon after 9/11 that were stopped by small town to large town Police and Firefighters...yes not on the news ...would have cost a lot of panic. And no I can not talk about it...but the bottom line is SAVE lives. And I am sure this was also going on in many other countries at the same time.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 03:42 PM
I have seen a lot of stuff on the Pentagon ... But I know some people I can call... I will get back at you...for real.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:10 PM
Oh I will tell you all after all this crap went down I kinda panicked....what if this was just the start,,, I talked to some of my cousins that served in Nam special forces and asked what should I do if the crap hit's the fan. Simple they said you live in a rural area stay home and stock up.At the time I just got Divorced and became a single parent of a 6 year old ...when the planes hit I was the first parent to take there kid out of school living so close to NY. my primes beside being a Vol Firefighter was living through the Cuban missile Crissie....every day in school we had CD dad owned a restaurant and we had stock pile of food in the basement and sand bagged the windows. Not to mention we had like 8 Niki missile bases in our small state of Connecticut. All the time heavy duty aircraft and a lot of sonic booms over head....Anybody out there in other countries go trough this ?????
So I became a firefighter and learned what I could to protect my family... I will deal what is real and not speculation > but If I am called to help my fellow Firefighters in Ny or world wide I will not question...I will be there cause it is not about conspires's about people! Yo God bless America!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:10 PM
Oh I will tell you all after all this crap went down I kinda panicked....what if this was just the start,,, I talked to some of my cousins that served in Nam special forces and asked what should I do if the crap hit's the fan. Simple they said you live in a rural area stay home and stock up.At the time I just got Divorced and became a single parent of a 6 year old ...when the planes hit I was the first parent to take there kid out of school living so close to NY. my primes beside being a Vol Firefighter was living through the Cuban missile Crissie....every day in school we had CD dad owned a restaurant and we had stock pile of food in the basement and sand bagged the windows. Not to mention we had like 8 Niki missile bases in our small state of Connecticut. All the time heavy duty aircraft and a lot of sonic booms over head....Anybody out there in other countries go trough this ?????
So I became a firefighter and learned what I could to protect my family... I will deal what is real and not speculation > but If I am called to help my fellow Firefighters in Ny or world wide I will not question...I will be there cause it is not about conspires's about people! Yo God bless America!

edit on 19-7-2012 by nighthawk1954 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:42 PM
I believe we were just sucker punched in the middle of a transition from one administration to another. Think Star Trek Before Q introduced The Enterprise and the Federation to the Borg they were sitting on top of the world. they were complacent just as we were on 9-10-2001. The Islamics took advantage of our complacency. Not everything has to be a conspiracy. They took advantage it and got lucky.
edit on 19-7-2012 by knightrider078 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by knightrider078
I believe we were just sucker punched in the middle of a transition from one administration to another. Think Star Trek Before Q introduced The Enterprise and the Federation to the Borg they were sitting on top of the world. they were complacent just as we were on 9-10-2001. The Islamics took advantage of our complacency. Not everything has to be a conspiracy. They took advantage it and got lucky.
edit on 19-7-2012 by knightrider078 because: (no reason given)

LOL Ilke that what a concept to thick about...but I will repeat, a lot of terrorism was going down that the the people of the U. S. did not know about to cause a U.S. and world wide panic.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by thegameisup

Surely if it was crowded there would be people with injuries, perhaps even a fatality?

try to follow this

Woman almost cut in half by aircraft debris

Mardenfeld, 31, was on her way to work that day when she was hit by falling debris from the second plane that slammed into the World Trade Center. Her legs were crushed below the knees, she lost skin and muscle on her buttocks, she suffered blood loss and trauma that can hardly be imagined.

Once we started taking off, I guess 30 feet in front of us, there was a lady on the ground by the curb and she was just waving her arms. That's all she could wave. Her legs were crushed. Apparently she got hit by part of the landing gear, one of the tires of the airplane. There was a large tire next to her. FDNY EMT Orlando Martinez

...we started making our way to NYU Downtown Hospital, Beekman, to drop off our first set of patients when we got flagged down for another lady who got hit by the landing gear of the first plane. FDNY EMT Frank Puma

Vesey and Church, Vesey and Church right there. We stepped off the rig, and there were plane engine parts and people yelling and screaming. FDNY firefighter Bertram Springstead

I'll use a video to illustrate the point knowing your issues with reading comprehension.......

9:30 - medics treating her in street - note aircraft parts

30:15 - doctors describe horrific injuries

Asked about plane engine.....

Church and Vesey. We were coming across and we walked down. We had to go down to the command center. We carried all our tools, the bottles, everything, and as we're walking down, part of the plane engine was sitting right in the street, still burning. I said, look, this is the plane. FDNY firefighter Paul Hyland

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by thegameisup

Surely if it was crowded there would be people with injuries, perhaps even a fatality?

try to follow this

Woman almost cut in half by aircraft debris

Mardenfeld, 31, was on her way to work that day when she was hit by falling debris from the second plane that slammed into the World Trade Center. Her legs were crushed below the knees, she lost skin and muscle on her buttocks, she suffered blood loss and trauma that can hardly be imagined.

Once we started taking off, I guess 30 feet in front of us, there was a lady on the ground by the curb and she was just waving her arms. That's all she could wave. Her legs were crushed. Apparently she got hit by part of the landing gear, one of the tires of the airplane. There was a large tire next to her. FDNY EMT Orlando Martinez

...we started making our way to NYU Downtown Hospital, Beekman, to drop off our first set of patients when we got flagged down for another lady who got hit by the landing gear of the first plane. FDNY EMT Frank Puma

Vesey and Church, Vesey and Church right there. We stepped off the rig, and there were plane engine parts and people yelling and screaming. FDNY firefighter Bertram Springstead

I'll use a video to illustrate the point knowing your issues with reading comprehension.......

9:30 - medics treating her in street - note aircraft parts

30:15 - doctors describe horrific injuries

Asked about plane engine.....

Church and Vesey. We were coming across and we walked down. We had to go down to the command center. We carried all our tools, the bottles, everything, and as we're walking down, part of the plane engine was sitting right in the street, still burning. I said, look, this is the plane. FDNY firefighter Paul Hyland

Thank you sir for backing up some of my post! I truly thank you!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by nighthawk1954

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by thegameisup

Surely if it was crowded there would be people with injuries, perhaps even a fatality?

try to follow this

Woman almost cut in half by aircraft debris

Mardenfeld, 31, was on her way to work that day when she was hit by falling debris from the second plane that slammed into the World Trade Center. Her legs were crushed below the knees, she lost skin and muscle on her buttocks, she suffered blood loss and trauma that can hardly be imagined.

Once we started taking off, I guess 30 feet in front of us, there was a lady on the ground by the curb and she was just waving her arms. That's all she could wave. Her legs were crushed. Apparently she got hit by part of the landing gear, one of the tires of the airplane. There was a large tire next to her. FDNY EMT Orlando Martinez

...we started making our way to NYU Downtown Hospital, Beekman, to drop off our first set of patients when we got flagged down for another lady who got hit by the landing gear of the first plane. FDNY EMT Frank Puma

Vesey and Church, Vesey and Church right there. We stepped off the rig, and there were plane engine parts and people yelling and screaming. FDNY firefighter Bertram Springstead

I'll use a video to illustrate the point knowing your issues with reading comprehension.......

9:30 - medics treating her in street - note aircraft parts

30:15 - doctors describe horrific injuries

Asked about plane engine.....

Church and Vesey. We were coming across and we walked down. We had to go down to the command center. We carried all our tools, the bottles, everything, and as we're walking down, part of the plane engine was sitting right in the street, still burning. I said, look, this is the plane. FDNY firefighter Paul Hyland

Thank you sir for backing up some of my post! I truly thank you!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:29 PM
This man did some research I do not have the time to do....but I heard of this first hand! I watch this post I an very upset and crying .witch I never do. To much death ...some were my friends! Here again STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! Investigate it your selves If Ya got a hair on your butt!!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by thegameisup

Surely if it was crowded there would be people with injuries, perhaps even a fatality?

try to follow this

Woman almost cut in half by aircraft debris

Mardenfeld, 31, was on her way to work that day when she was hit by falling debris from the second plane that slammed into the World Trade Center. Her legs were crushed below the knees, she lost skin and muscle on her buttocks, she suffered blood loss and trauma that can hardly be imagined.

Once we started taking off, I guess 30 feet in front of us, there was a lady on the ground by the curb and she was just waving her arms. That's all she could wave. Her legs were crushed. Apparently she got hit by part of the landing gear, one of the tires of the airplane. There was a large tire next to her. FDNY EMT Orlando Martinez

...we started making our way to NYU Downtown Hospital, Beekman, to drop off our first set of patients when we got flagged down for another lady who got hit by the landing gear of the first plane. FDNY EMT Frank Puma

Vesey and Church, Vesey and Church right there. We stepped off the rig, and there were plane engine parts and people yelling and screaming. FDNY firefighter Bertram Springstead

I'll use a video to illustrate the point knowing your issues with reading comprehension.......

9:30 - medics treating her in street - note aircraft parts

30:15 - doctors describe horrific injuries

Asked about plane engine.....

Church and Vesey. We were coming across and we walked down. We had to go down to the command center. We carried all our tools, the bottles, everything, and as we're walking down, part of the plane engine was sitting right in the street, still burning. I said, look, this is the plane. FDNY firefighter Paul Hyland

Just goes to show you're working off a script, there has been a few occasions when you and your colleagues have posted links that don't work or have been out of action for a while.

Yeah, I know I'll post one of the links from my script! Fail! Check your script links before you post next time.
Reading comprehension, jeez you have zero comprehension to even follow the script you've been given correctly.
Jog on with your lies. Stop defending murderers.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by r2d246
Personally I think it was an energy weapon.

The Truthers on this site assure us that the energy weapon crowd doesn't really exist, and that energy weapons are only brought up by sinister secret agents attempting to discredit real Truthers. You're a sinister secret agent, aren't you? That's okay. So am I.

My theory is that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed brought a version of the Bojinka plan to Osama Bin Laden, so he could finish what his nephew Ramzi Yousef failed to do in the 1990s. Bin Laden approved it, perhaps with some modifications by Al Qaeda, and supplied the men and the money. The plan worked, for the most part, and put giant burning holes in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. The Towers did not survive the massive uncontrolled fires and structural compromise. The debris from their collapse caused damage and destruction to nearby buildings. A fourth plane crashed when the passengers fought back against the hijackers.
edit on 19-7-2012 by FurvusRexCaeli because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 06:24 PM
crap gotta sign off comp being attaced!

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by r2d246

Well, I certainly don't believe in the Official Theory !

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by thegameisup

Just goes to show you're working off a script

What script is that .... one that does not include your conspiracy delusions

Made statement that people on the street should have killed/injured

Guess what clown - they were .....

What link doesnt work...?

Here is the video documentary of NY Downtown Hospital on 9/11

I highlighted the relevant sections in interest of time and to allow for someone of your mental acutity.......

9 minutes in - impact of United 175. Shower of debris onto street, Paramedics treating women struck by debris

30 minutes in - doctors describing injuries

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by thegameisup

Just goes to show you're working off a script

What script is that .... one that does not include your conspiracy delusions

Made statement that people on the street should have killed/injured

Guess what clown - they were .....

What link doesnt work...?

Here is the video documentary of NY Downtown Hospital on 9/11

I highlighted the relevant sections in interest of time and to allow for someone of your mental acutity.......

9 minutes in - impact of United 175. Shower of debris onto street, Paramedics treating women struck by debris

30 minutes in - doctors describing injuries

You know what I'm talking about, the copy and paste script you and all you OS liars work from!

I've seen it time and time again, copy and paste from your scripts to counter anything anyone that goes against the OS says, all with your dubious links neatly pasted in, but you lot forget to check if the links are working, and many times you OS lot have posted old links that are dead, someone forgot to update the script links. Tut, tut.

You're trying to blag people that deborah mardenfeld, who was found injured on Vesey St, was injured by the engine on Murray street! I asked earlier in the thread why no one on murray street was not reported injured by the so called 'plane' engine, that is an obvious planted part, and you come back with the deborah mardenfeld story, that relates to Vesey St, no where near Murray street.

Also, as the story goes, she was injured by debris from when the 2nd 'plane' hit, no one has confirmed if it was a plane part, she just got injured after the 2nd impact, and you're just trying to mould things to fit the story you are selling.

You're the clown, a clown with blood on his hands. I can see right through you.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
my theory is that two fat drunkards, acting on a tip from a prostitute, attacked, but failed to defeat, someone they shouldn't have even known about.

now they spend all their time trying to escape and inescapable appointment with the Grim Reaper.

This may be a new one....

care to elaborate? I don't think I follow.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:07 PM
Show the people of the world the video footage of the Pentagon,and I don't mean the lousy five frames of a fireball, and we'll be getting somewhere. Way too many firsts in history took place on that day. Building 7, the Pentagon, and the lack of much eveidence on the ground in PA. are the give away that the gubmints story is BS. But, it must be true if our government tells us so. Many people refuse to acknowledge what is obviously a coverup because that would alter their reality of how they perceive their own government and would be forced to call someone on it, possibly resulting in a revolution or coup or at least taking the wind out of ones sail vis-a-vis sheer apathy. It is much easier to discredit verbally those choosing to question the story as that is something anyone can do with anonymity from the spineless safety of their keyboard. The author Jordan Maxwell has said that nothing in the world works the way most people think it does. I believe this is true. The harsh reality is that either some people in our governmint were colluding with others to make this happen as a false flag event, or that all the goddamn money we spend on our defense systems is useless to such a simple plan from a bunch of nit witted Saudi's with box cutters who were possibly set up by a foreign government, maybe even one that is supposed to be our ally. Either way, it doesn't make us look good. The innocent people who lost their lives that day deserve better. Until we see the Pentagon footage there is no transparency, only lies and coverups. Anyone deciding they can change my opinion can just send themselves a reply because in my view it is you that you are trying to convince otherwise.

posted on Jul, 19 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by hooper

hooper left you a reply over at the truthers & debunkers thread page 7 that is my recollection off events have a look and tell me what you think

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