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Survey: How Many Have Switched from Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to Interdimensional?

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by g2v12
I've found similar principles of utilizing this force in other places, like the teachings of Norman Vincent Peale and many like him.

Basically, it states that we are what we think. Our fears, thoughts and imagination is somehow perceived or recorded and then manifest through this universal medium.

My mom was one of the original members of Norman Vincent Peale's first church in Los Angeles.

Her best friend was friends with Gina Cerminara. My uncle was a lecturer for the Edgar Cayce Society.

Few my age (65) were actually raised with the Power of Positive Thinking.

I think its in my blood

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by g2v12
I've found similar principles of utilizing this force in other places, like the teachings of Norman Vincent Peale and many like him.

Basically, it states that we are what we think. Our fears, thoughts and imagination is somehow perceived or recorded and then manifest through this universal medium.

My mom was one of the original members of Norman Vincent Peale's first church in Los Angeles.

Her best friend was friends with Gina Cerminara. My uncle was a lecturer for the Edgar Cayce Society.

Few my age (65) were actually raised with the Power of Positive Thinking.

I think its in my blood

I'd love to hear more about your experiences with these interesting people and of course your own perceptions.

My parents were students of Cayce and the subsequent Rosicrucian organization, with which I'm sure you'll be familiar. These days I am not much for organizations, ideologies or doctrines, but I read the story of Cayce and found it quite amazing.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

I missed your post back a page or so. And its similar in that there is a kind of dreamscape, and its got infinite realms, but there are real people, with advanced systems and I'm not sure if it was just the surreal way you described it that distracted from this. One thing I feel in every system strongly, that calls out to me is the life, each persons signature, I can see a photo of a spiral galaxy and see babies getting up to go to school, some in the past, some futuristic.

I have a psi gift that sometimes kicks in, and its scent, I can smell, the stars above one night, a night my son and I witnessed a craft down low, a wingless plane or cigar. But I sensed life, water, soil, I smelt my garden and knew whatever was overhead was life giving. And it was concrete life as we know things to be here.

For infinite souls come into the infinite schools.

Here is a post I just made, and a video that shows the schools being formed and the human element involved, its wonderful.

Looking at the wonderful colored pigments, pinks, blues, the ochre, and faces, sculpted in the nebulas, human faces, profiles, a wise man in robe walking on the fabric of space even, and then this article came to me:

And I remembered my meditation, where I was suddenly standing on the poster of the universe and couldn't get back in, it was work of art. I've also been shown it like a 3d pop out story book and during a CME, it was a board game, picture book, 2d, we were looking in, expanded consciousness, looking in.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by g2v12

Oy Vey, g2v12! First you give me a hard-hitting intellectual counter-punch by socking me with the perceived scientific holes in my methodology for leaning towards the IDH and then you bring up The Secret?

I'm not saying that the so-called "new age" concepts hold no sway in this discussion.

The alleged "Space Brothers" are some of the great Prophets & Missionaries of New Age thought.

But then again, I have a distinct distrust of the Space Brothers and any ulterior motives they may have, should they indeed even exist at all.

That's not to say that I think positive thinking has no power, but it does start to take this discussion into an area I'm personally trying to stay away from.

Since you brought it up, however, I will say the last time I gave The Secret much thought was a few years ago when I listened to a speech given at a"Celestine Prophecy" multi-day event by a nationally known writer/radio host. His 2-hour apologetic was on why The Secret wasn't working for most folk.

It's kind of complex, but I was then sitting on the board that helped plan the event, although my interaction with the metaphysical new age community wasn't one of complete immersion as it was a sociological consideration of mine that came about as a result of some friendships I had made at the time.

What are you trying' to do here, G?
That's a laugh of love...and some friendly exasperation....I hope that came across...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by g2v12
I'd love to hear more about your experiences with these interesting people and of course your own perceptions.

Yeah - well - - - it wasn't quite like that. My mom had polio when I was 5 - - my Catholic gramma took over - - my dad split. My mom and her mom were in a power struggle raising me and my 2 brothers. Neighbors tried to help in many ways - - including taking us to several different Christian churches.

However - - I was born this way. My first memories are OBEs and the "gray place".

What's interesting is kids don't know they are different - - until they butt up against restricted adult society and their phobias.

I'm fortunate - - that I never had to overcome restricted thought - - - and my mom believed everyone must "Walk their own path".

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by g2v12

Oy Vey, g2v12! First you give me a hard-hitting intellectual counter-punch by socking me with the perceived scientific holes in my methodology for leaning towards the IDH and then you bring up The Secret?

I'm not saying that the so-called "new age" concepts hold no sway in this discussion.

The alleged "Space Brothers" are some of the great Prophets & Missionaries of New Age thought.

But then again, I have a distinct distrust of the Space Brothers and any ulterior motives they may have, should they indeed even exist at all.

That's not to say that I think positive thinking has no power, but it does start to take this discussion into an area I'm personally trying to stay away from.

Since you brought it up, however, I will say the last time I gave The Secret much thought was a few years ago when I listened to a speech given at a"Celestine Prophecy" multi-day event by a nationally known writer/radio host. His 2-hour apologetic was on why The Secret wasn't working for most folk.

It's kind of complex, but I was then sitting on the board that helped plan the event, although my interaction with the metaphysical new age community wasn't one of complete immersion as it was a sociological consideration of mine that came about as a result of some friendships I had made at the time.

What are you trying' to do here, G?
That's a laugh of love...and some friendly exasperation....I hope that came across...

Apparently we are on opposing cliffs of a vast gulf in terms of the connectivity of what you are calling new age metaphysics and ufology. I would appreciate some explanation of your etymology and what is meant by the 'space brothers'.

Also, let me clarify that I was never opposed in principle to the EDH (IDH) explanation. My only objection was its utility by Hynek and Vallée to characterize the entire phenomenon, even in cases of physical evidence.

I would in fact say without hesitation that I have certain knowledge of the existence and intelligence of non-physical entities through some paranormal events in the family.

As for what is mentioned in The Secret concerning something one might refer to as a universal mind or thought medium, its really a very simple and straight forward concept. I fail to see any conflict with ufology.

I'm not sure how you perceive or process this information, but I would like to understand the source of your objection to it.

edit on 15-7-2012 by g2v12 because: grammer

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by g2v12
I'd love to hear more about your experiences with these interesting people and of course your own perceptions.

Yeah - well - - - it wasn't quite like that. My mom had polio when I was 5 - - my Catholic gramma took over - - my dad split. My mom and her mom were in a power struggle raising me and my 2 brothers. Neighbors tried to help in many ways - - including taking us to several different Christian churches.

However - - I was born this way. My first memories are OBEs and the "gray place".

What's interesting is kids don't know they are different - - until they butt up against restricted adult society and their phobias.

I'm fortunate - - that I never had to overcome restricted thought - - - and my mom believed everyone must "Walk their own path".

I hope you don't mind the question, but would you happen to be Native American?

In any case, I would be humbled to be a participant in any unusual experience you may be willing to share.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by g2v12

As for what is mentioned in The Secret concerning something one might refer to as a universal mind or thought medium, its really a very simple and straight forward concept. I fail to see any conflict with ufology.

What brought damage to The Secret - - was not the concept - - but good old fashion human greed and Love of Money between the participants.

I worked in a metaphysical self-help publishing house. While there are some genuine authors who live their life according to their principles - - - most put money first. It is a business.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by g2v12

As for what is mentioned in The Secret concerning something one might refer to as a universal mind or thought medium, its really a very simple and straight forward concept. I fail to see any conflict with ufology.

What brought damage to The Secret - - was not the concept - - but good old fashion human greed and Love of Money between the participants.

I worked in a metaphysical self-help publishing house. While there are some genuine authors who live their life according to their principles - - - most put money first. It is a business.

This may be true to concept, but I can tell you that it works for me.

I've conjured some experiences that even my own family doesn't believe. Frankly, most people who talk about positive thinking, faith and the universal mind, probably believe about ten percent of what comes from their own lips.

What I believe in is the tangible results of the experience. It is the only evidence I can accept.

And there are the corroborating witnesses of my experiments as well. From people who lived on the other side of the planet to my own wife.

I don't like terminology, like the words metaphysical or paranormal or psychic whatever. To me its just a nondescript force that responds to thought and intention. Terminology has the unprincipled tendency of being defined by individuals' perceptions.

I think its more important to understand what it does, rather than focusing on what its called or what it is.

edit on 15-7-2012 by g2v12 because: grammer

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by g2v12

I hope you don't mind the question, but would you happen to be Native American?

In any case, I would be humbled to be a participant in any unusual experience you may be willing to share.

I'm as WASP as you can get. Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch), paternal side part of the great Palatine migration of the 1700. Maternal side FOB Irish about 4 generations back.

These days I absorb from the universe and put one foot in front of the other. I've never really done any "work" for enhancement. My "Guys" (guides) do warn against false prophets. So if it doesn't feel right - - I don't do it.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by g2v12

I hope you don't mind the question, but would you happen to be Native American?

In any case, I would be humbled to be a participant in any unusual experience you may be willing to share.

I'm as WASP as you can get. Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch), paternal side part of the great Palatine migration of the 1700. Maternal side FOB Irish about 4 generations back.

These days I absorb from the universe and put one foot in front of the other. I've never really done any "work" for enhancement. My "Guys" (guides) do warn against false prophets. So if it doesn't feel right - - I don't do it.

So, is your etymology (of the guides) related to ufology? The only two sources I have for drawing any conclusions about guides, would either be from Native American teachings or ufology.

What is the nature of your guides and how do you know they exist?

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:53 PM
There is a picture in this:

Beethoven Symphony 7 + Hubble images

That is the Orion Nebula and it has a fight, lower level duality look, humans, and negatives, and a Christ like man walking peacefully in a robe. I thought briefly, this system forming will be alot like ours, and then I thought, I was told our planet was moved, and how do we know that this wasnt our formation, ie. like looking into the past, for the star light and distance IS THE PAST.

Other nebulas show, well some are beautiful human faces, so more advanced innocent planets are planned, some seem disturbing, busy and insectoid, with lower level faces, kind of sad/scarey ones, some are more aquaitc, in their feel.

A voice spoke in my mind and said, "Souls are Brave to come into the schools" and I understood they experience pain, loss and hardship to learn LOVE AND EQUALITY, in profound levels.

I flashed on the bigger bullies, the annanuki, the bad ETs of old, and realized, when you're looking at the Creation of the artwork, of the universe/school/picture book/scroll/movie, however this can be seen, you know the Teachers/Adults are aware of eveything, and the grade 3 bullies lording it over and abusing the kindergarden students are noted and seen fully by the Teachers. All is well, everyone will be procuring what is needed for them on the next levels or our next steps. We need not fear its all noted, its all understood, our Family does not make mistakes.

And then sort of saw, that we are watching the movie, and projecting in, and forget who we are and we're playing out a character, and its like the neverending story.

The purpose is to be Love and raise frequency and STO.

That man peacefully walking wearing the robe, he is someone that reminds me fo Yeshua, so we have a wonderful teachings in this school, examples and Family. There is immanuel, superman in the system.
Its even written in the stars.

Now I know why its been said Yeshua was from Orion, and NASA and all the PTB they are privy to these photos and obviously a lot more information. They keep it all from us.
edit on 15-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by The GUT

I believe long distance space travel requires inter/extra-dimensional capabilities.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by schuyler

Well, what about Warp Drive? That may be. It might be possible. But right now Warp Drive is a theatrical way to keep our fantasies alive. It is the stuff of screenplays, not science. Warp drive has no solid scientific basis. From what we think we know today, it does not exist. And here’s the necessity. We absolutely must accommodate the science we know today. It may be superseded in the future by a grander theory, but we can’t dismiss it. If we do, we enter the world of abject speculation. Now some of us will dismiss science outright with some sort of “Science doesn’t know everything” statement, but I would submit that is not a particularly useful approach. It doesn’t help us explain anything.

edit on 7/15/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

Here is the Alcubierre drive this is a warp drive based on Einsteins Field equations, solid scientific theoretical basis, yes! Just to correct you there are some scientific basis for a warp drive. Did not want to get off topic but when I was reading you post felt the need to show you.

Here is a video which also describes 10th dimension, its old but it does a good job describing what world inter-dimensional beings might live in, and how they might see us.

edit on 16-7-2012 by XstanX888 because: Double sentance

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by g2v12

So, is your etymology (of the guides) related to ufology? The only two sources I have for drawing any conclusions about guides, would either be from Native American teachings or ufology.

What is the nature of your guides and how do you know they exist?

Honestly I don't know. As said - - this is how I was born - - its my normal/natural.

I seem to have 3 energies around me. I once asked them their names - - you know - - in the craze years of naming your guides/angels. They said: "for what purpose in thought communication". In other words - - if you are communicating via thought - - you know everything you need to know. What purpose does a label have.

I used to fight them - - you know - - independence in my youth. I don't anymore. Over the years I've discovered they are always right.

If you have an ear for music - - how do you explain it to a tone deaf person?
How do you explain blue skies to a blind person?

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by The GUT

i believe it Could be both. im not shutting the door on any of the possibility's. i could see how easy it would be to connect space travel with time travel when you talk about going light speed. in turn makes me see with in that. see a chance of say like a wormhole or "gate" jumping to say a different plane of reality or dimensions

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:40 AM
I didn't switch to...But I'd say I believe in both....I think both are real....even human from our own future can be put on that list!!! I don't see why it should be inter dimensional OR ET...The real question is how they come here...And If we survey everybody, I'd say most of you will think they travel trough dimension, warm holes, teleport them self like Einstein Theory....So They may come from our own dimension trough other dimension if you follow what I am trying to say, but to me, it doesn't matter, they come from elsewhere...and that means we are not alone, But I think we live in a multi-verse, with multiple dimension, they are ET's in our own Dimension, and ET's in other dimension, So Both exist

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Let me tell you what I believe/think.

Anything/Everything is possible/probable.

WE - - No One - - KNOWS. We simply do not know.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:57 AM
i switched to the beliefsystem that both is possible.

As Bashar (an ET from another dimension) states: both forms visit us...the greys btw are interdimensional too. They are from a parallel earth.

very important message from bashar:

Bashar - ET contact act - Hawaii 2006

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 01:16 AM
I have thought they were interdimensional from the first time I examined the issue.

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