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Survey: How Many Have Switched from Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to Interdimensional?

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posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by CalebRight14

Originally posted by Everywhen
reply to post by CalebRight14

Split, This is starting to have the ring of, Give an infinite number of apes, an infinite amount of typewriters, and they will not only recreate all the works of shakespeare, but all the written work of authors ever known, provided the apes have an infinite amount of time to do so. By throwing infinite out there, we have a catch all that basically means eventually, it will happen, just by chance.

What if there are an infinite number of possibilities?

Possibly true for some things, not for apes typing on on typewriters. I had this argument with a friend of mine a long time ago.

As the typewriters themselves are not infinite it WOULD happen... eventually. There are only a set amount of letters that the apes could hit, if there were infinite apes, and had an infinite amount of time to type, all possible sequence of the typewriter keys would be hit. Not only would they create all works of Shakespeare, they would include all works ever published, all books ever made, all ATS posts ever written, everything that could possibly be written would be... Sort of.

The flip side is not infinite possibilities in this case, it is that it may take an infinite amount of time to do it... but for just Shakespeare... I'm betting on 1 week.

I dismissed this post then thought about it and you know what? Even though your post was not what I was getting said something that rings true...Given enough time...Apes would be typing Shakespeare or even debating it's merit. This has already happened. Although Humans and specifically Homo Sapiens, Cro Magnon all the way back to Lucy and Ardi...which were versions of Humanity stretching back to almost 5 MILLION YEARS of our EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT...Humanities Evolutionary Line SPLIT from Great Apes and given enough time...the current Great Apes will Evolve into a species of Greater Intelligence that will be typing and debating Shakespeare. If it were not for the Asteroid Collision on Earth near the Yucatan that wiped out the Dinosaurs about 70 Million Years ago...Humans would not have Evolved into the dominant species on Earth. that aspect...given enough time...Humanity came to being from the events that if had not occurred...would not have allowed us to Evolve into what we are...and Great Apes are on a close path but will not be forced into an Forced Evolutionary Change as long as we exist. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Although Humans and specifically Homo Sapiens, Cro Magnon all the way back to Lucy and Ardi...which were versions of Humanity stretching back to almost 5 MILLION YEARS of our EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT.
Split, Lucy and Ardi are not Homo Sapiens. Just thought you should know that. Peace.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Although Humans and specifically Homo Sapiens, Cro Magnon all the way back to Lucy and Ardi...which were versions of Humanity stretching back to almost 5 MILLION YEARS of our EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT.
Split, Lucy and Ardi are not Homo Sapiens. Just thought you should know that. Peace.

Yes...of course I know that. I was listing forms of Humans...thus the commas. I was trying to convey that we are still evolving. Homo Sapiens are mostly evolved from Cro Magnon but there was a bit of interbreeding between Neanderthals and Cro Magnons so we have a bit of Neanderthal in us but Neanderthal was an evolutionary dead end.

Cro Magnon was very much like Homo Sapiens and you could not tell the difference in a Police Lineup between a Cro magnon and a Homo Sapien other than Cro Magnon were on average...taller and they also had a LARGER BRAIN than we do but they are now...US. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 02:01 AM
GUT...I have been thinking of that CD Release Party and my discussion with my Silver Haired Friend about Overlapping Alternate Universes which are not of the same Divergent State as ours. Thus they are from a Group or Tree if you will within the Multiverse that would have different Physics or Dimensional Geometry or something so different it would have no classification.

Then I thought of Thought. Thought is not of a Universal Classification in this Universe that we know of but we know what it isn't....Continued...SI

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Yes...of course I know that. I was listing forms of Humans...thus the commas. I was trying to convey that we are still evolving. Homo Sapiens are mostly evolved from Cro Magnon but there was a bit of interbreeding between Neanderthals and Cro Magnons so we have a bit of Neanderthal in us but Neanderthal was an evolutionary dead end.

Split, there is zero evidence that we evolved from Cro Magnon or Neanderthal. Many anthropologists are even increasingly loathe to use the term "ancestors" these days.

Biochemistry is shedding some interesting light on the whole issue, btw. Among the many things that are lacking in a purely evolutionary context is, as I mentioned before, consciousness. How does the "material" create the immaterial? It can't.

Traditional evolution has no real answer for it. But that brings us to something you seem to know more about: Physics, especially of the quantum variety. Maybe we'll get closer to the truth of where we come from--and an explanation of the dimensional variety--that way.

edit on 20-8-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity
Continued...sorry...CAT issues. LOL!

Anyways...we know that Thought is not a Particle Emission from within the EM Band. We know that it displays no Mass not even though are Brains are Electric via Biochemical Reaction...Thought is not a Quantum Particle such as an Electron or Photon or any other Quantum Particle. It seems to have no ability to effect this Universal State other than create concepts and ideas which our Body which is a Bio-Mechanical Machine.

Yet...we are SENTIENT as well as many other Species on Earth as well as...and I know I can only provide places for you to look for proof...but I KNOW...and believe me when I say...I WISH I DIDN'T...KNOW with 100% certainty that there exist many races of Sentient and Advanced E.T. both known and unknown. You will have to take my WORD on this.

Still...I have been thinking that an Overlapping Universal Reality with no known Physics of comparison to our own Universal Group may be a Universal Reality of Pure Thought. A Universe where Thought is both it's essence and it's construct and a Reality where there is no need of Dimensionality or Physics in our understanding off them.

It's existence is a possible reason why we are sentient and even though we cannot detect it in a conventional sense...we do think and that alone is a method of forming a line of logic for this possibility. It would solve a great many issues and since the entire Concept of thought is based on the Sum being More than the Total of the Parts...has given me even more drive to believe it exists. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by The GUT

I will have to disagree with you on Zero Evidence as I have stated...Cro Magnon was almost identical to Homo Sapiens. When the Human Genome was mapped...we found that ever other Genome of ever other species we mapped...and this is a Large Number...all had within their and our DNA...ancient Viral DNA that showed that we all were at one time descendant from a common ancestor. This included everything from Animals to Single Celled Organism.

The only way that could have happened is if we all evolved from the same original Single Celled Animal. A Virus is NOT ALIVE...but is close and is a picture of how the Non-Living can have an arrangement of DNA as a Virus has DNA and not be living.

As per the Quantum aspect of or Minds or Brain...the Protons and Neutrons in the Atoms Nucleus' that make up our Brain are comprised of Quantum Particles that Blink in and Out of Universal Existence and most likely transfer themselves to Alternate Versions of us in a Divergent Universal Reality within our group. This is the most likely reason for the existence of Psychics as these sensitives can access different Universal Divergent states and as TIME is not Linear...they can access information from their other versions that have seen the result of an action...and since time is not an issue...they know where and when...Timmy Fell down a well. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Bit older, but will toss out my opinions for your survey anyway. "Interdimensional", and no, didn't always think that. Personally, as I have posted in other threads, I would call them "demonic", but I understand that not all do. In any case, not thinking of them as I used to.

How did I get here? Well, I have not seen a UFO. Not that I know of, anyway. Do you count seeing stars seem to move back and forth? In any case, no real sightings, though I have seen some other VERY weird things, and know some that have seen them (including a close relative, and a late friend that spoke of being abducted). Grew up on sci-fi. Dad was a big fan, and have read a TON of the stuff. Lots of older short stories, from his books, that I would dearly love to be able to locate again! Cut teeth (literally, age-wise) on Star Trek. Remember the moon landing. Very young, but I remember; it was a BIG DEAL. I also really love the Zenna Henderson books. So in a lot of ways, the idea of beings from other worlds can be attractive. Or, some good, some bad. That said, I don't think most, if any (leaving a small possibility open) of what people see, and those involved in abductions, is from some other world, not like most mean. Yeah, that isn't very clear. meaning that yes, a demon would be, by definition, "extraterrestrial", but I don't see them as just something that traveled here from some other world, if that makes any sense.

I have watched a lot of programs on UFOs (still do from time to time), read about various theories, talked to people online, and a few I know, and over time, decided that the "from another world" idea didn't seem to fit the facts. The friend I mentioned, I have talked about on this site before. His situation and comments, while visiting me, caused me to more strongly believe as I do, but that wasn't the cause. I can't really recall what exactly was. Long years of thinking about it, I suppose. I do remember a book I used to have (not sure if I still do or not) on the history of the UFO phenomenon. The fellow wrote it from a totally objective viewpoint, not stating what he believed one way or another. He discussed the famous cases, and listed when they were properly resolved (not the BS excuses, but credible explanations), and also cases where there was no good explanation. He also discussed the various ideas over the decades, including one that a fellow had, that these were not creatures from space, but evil beings from right here, that hated us and plotted our destruction. I am fairly sure that one also said they were from "deep beneath the earth" or something of that nature. Interesting theory, in any case!

Still, even that wasn't the first I though if my idea. That made it stronger, but I can't recall precisely when I started along those lines. I do know some reasons for it. Many of the encounters seemed more spiritual than physical, and I remembered some (even, if I remember correctly, one from Streiber) where people in the room saw the person right there, but the person believed they were abducted. No, don't think they are lying, but maybe there was some mental manipulation, and not just all physical (though I won't discount those, either). The abductions all seem to be about very nasty types, that hurt people, seriously scare them (that late friend, if you mentioned insectiod types, would freak out!), and do things no one wanted done to them. EVIL beings, no matter what label one applies. Passing through walls, doors, etc, at times, or vanishing into thin air (both the beings and their craft). Many, many things that suggest a dimensional aspect, rather than simple space travelers.

Reading things like Von Daniken actually pushed me away from the "ET" theories. He was so "out there", and so inaccurate in many cases, that I found myself watching more closely any and all claims, and noting a lot of exaggerations and misrepresentations in other discussions. I began to notice that some (not all, but some) in the field were so determined to be right, they didn't care about good research anymore. Instead of looking for the solution, they were looking for verification of their own ideas. I also think that many people see what they want to see, and that beings that want to deceive can easily do so, by simply playing to the current cultural myths. We talk of space travel, people see strange things that they believe are from space. Others talk of witches flying about, or vampires, or fairies, and that is what they see.

Plus, when looking at how demons (that I do believe exist) might fool people, and where we might see that today, the entire UFO/alien thing seemed so obvious.

Yes, I know a lot of people won't agree, but those are my thoughts, and you asked what we thought, and why. Alright, now off to read the other responses. Quite curious.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to explain your process, m'LadyGreenEyes. I enjoyed reading your post. Certainly as legit a theory as the others at the top of the list all things considered.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:23 PM
I'm going with interdimensional these days. I've seen some stuff that most people wouldn't believe.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by aaaiii
I'm going with interdimensional these days. I've seen some stuff that most people wouldn't believe.

Me as well. Last year and a half, especially. Approaching around 10 ce-5 type of sightings.

I've found that the ABSOLUTE ease w/which they-I don't know how to describe this...act within & around our physical reality as an adult would play with a baby. They are very ambivalent, though. They do not want to be our friends, but they are willing to teach contactees the most basic aspects of how/what happens & can happen during the contact process. Yet because they operate on such a very high level of intelligence & overall mental ability, they aren't apparently, obviously a part of our reality. We can't explain our philosophy & science, to lower primates, or have them immersed in human society in any meaningful way, & they cannot explain themselves to us, except on a fundamental level of interaction. Not at least without some prerequisites.

Most people do not know they exist, or refuse to allow themselves to be a part of a greater awareness, because to their minds, they can only interpret them as being NONSENSICAL (not conforming to social rules or physical law, because [they are not part of it as we are, although they can exist here for short periods of our time). Therefore they simply do not exist for people that cannot handle it, & it cannot be any other way- there will never be a "great disclosure", because it must happen one person at a time. These are the absolute fundaments of the contact process. We have to expand ourselves, & challenge ourselves greatly to have them interact w/us- especially in order for a CE-5 type of sighting to even happen at all.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:55 PM
Sort of off topic a tad however, pertinent to the chat in hand. Apes unlike humans have a connection missing in their brains that precludes them from conversation. The weird thing is, birds have this function and it explains, in part, why parrots talk. That is, the great apes and monkeys hear something yet, what they hear is not shared with their speech part of the brain whereas in birds it is. In short, birds hear people talk and sounds in general and its' brain is wired to then respond vocally.
edit on 21-8-2012 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by FireMoon

That is very odd. Why would an animal with near identical DNA have no ability to speak when birds do?

Older species? Birds are older than apes. Apes are older than we are. It screams intelligent design.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 07:59 PM
they are either from other dimensions or from other time line

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to explain your process, m'LadyGreenEyes. I enjoyed reading your post. Certainly as legit a theory as the others at the top of the list all things considered.

Most welcome! people that know me know that I love to talk, lol! In any case, it IS a very interesting topic, no matter what position one takes. Still trying to get through the rest of the posts, to read others' ideas.

Have you made any attempt to correlate the ideas presented, and maybe get some numbers, as to how many believe one way or another? Could be interesting! I am also curious as to how much one's belief system affects their opinions on this particular issue.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by The GUT

Of course I believe in inter-dimensional.

Demons? What does that mean? It's religious - - as are angels.

I find it stupid - - in these type discussions. As do I find Angels stupid in these type discussions.

Religion is man made. Religion has no part in serious discussion of "dimensional beings".

Religion is, by definition, simply a set of beliefs. Angels and demons are not necessarily "religious" in nature, simply because some religions include opinions on them, no more than the sun is "religious" because some religions have opinions on it. If a thing is real, it isn't "religious".

As for "stupid", well, when discussing reports of beings that are frightening to people, perform acts of violence to people, take people against their will, and so forth, "demon" seems to be a pretty good fit, as the term describes beings with more power than we humans have, that are evil and don't like us very much. From a strictly scientific point of view, if you accept the existence of ANY beings that can communicate with us on some level (like channeling, for example), then you can't discount that some of those could be what many call demons. Tossing out a very good possible explanation, simply because of a philosophical disagreement, isn't good science.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
reply to post by Annee

I agree.

If someone interacted with a demon in our reality and it turns out there was no halucinations or whatever people write these things off as so frequently, it isnt a demon. Thats just what they labelled it from a religious stand point as a demonic being.

What i presume a demon to be is a non human being that interacted with a human. Interdimensional, et, bla bla bla, it was a life form not a demon.

I am not clear on your point here....are you saying that a label somehow changes the nature of the thing labeled?

If said "life forms" (and I don't think anyone ever said a demon wasn't a form of life) were evil, and had bad intentions towards us (as indicated by the vast majority of abduction accounts), then how is a label of "demon" any less accurate or valid than a label of "evil alien from another planet"? By definition, as I have stated in the past, a demon would be "extraterrestrial" in nature, as they were not made to be a form of life on this world. They were "cast out" to here, from Heaven (however you want to describe that), and thus are not terrestrial in nature.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Interesting stuff on the plasma! Think I will have to be doing a lot more reading.....

That brought to mind this idea as well, which is somewhat related:

plasma vortex theory for crop circles

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by disgustingfatbody
I have to say, having had a strange year, that my opinion about this subject has changed and the OP has it right. Without saying too much, I have seen evidence that I think substantiates the theory.

I have made stunning EVP's, the content of which, to me, further proves the premise.
edit on 7/15/2012 by disgustingfatbody because: VARIOUS

Any possibility of sharing those? Most interested, if possible. Some pretty creepy things on some of those EVP recordings out there. Maybe post them someplace, and start a thread on what you got?

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by votan

Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl12
The Universe is an extremely massive place, with many many possibilities, the question shouldn't be who has switched from Extraterrestrial to Interdimensional, the question should be what are the limits, if any, of a conscience being of any level in this Universe? Look at the whole picture and not parts of the picture. Chances are they both exist with others we haven't even dreamed to hypothesize yet.

With all those infinite possiblilities in this massive universe, we have not had one ET or Interdimensional being make itself known to us! Nor have we detect any of the unlimited lifeforms that could exist in this universe.

And for the sake of conversation lets say there are lifefroms and you cannot perceive them with your senses how do you even know they exist?? Is it based on faith alone or the assumption that because the universise is huge and probability says so there must be other intelligent life.

At the end of the day no matter how much you hypothesize it is not reality.

Don't you mean that you have not had such a being make itself known to you? A lot of people claim they have had such beings made known to them. A LOT of people, and with many opinions on what those beings might be. I have personally known someone that talked of being abducted. I have personally encountered, well, things, that cannot be easily explained using the "accepted scientific ideas". Both some pretty unusual sightings of animals, and some things most certainly NOT animals, and not friendly, either.

The mainstream scientific community isn't trying to detect any unknown lifeforms on this world, and looking for microbes on Mars isn't exactly looking for "ET", either. It's a fact that one doesn't tend to find a thing they never search for in the first place. Just because such lifeforms, if they exist, have not landed on the White House lawn, and announced themselves to the world, doesn't mean they haven't contacted anyone, or that people can't perceive them with their senses. The people making reports DO claim to perceive these beings. Such reports have, in fact, been part of the human experience since recorded history.

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