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Survey: How Many Have Switched from Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to Interdimensional?

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posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Uneedhlp247

Have not switched my hypothesis just evolve my theories on the two. By hearing other good theories on each hypothesis helps all of our thinking process grow. I believe that interdimensional beings and extraterrestrials are two completely different existing entities. For example. Sasquatch, is interdimensional. Greys are extraterrestrial. I don't believe that extraterrestrials have interdimensional traveling capabilities. UFOs are seen too often comming and going. Sasquatch on the other hand seem to just appear and disappear from all that I had read and heard. Please give some more theories for we all need to develop our hypothesis.

You have to understand that Dimensions are just aspects of Space/Time Geometry. We can see and conceive 4 Dimensional States and also see via the Photon Slit Example...Light or Photons creating a Disbursement Pattern that allows us to understand that Photons which are Quantum Particle/Waveforms actually CHOOSING which slit to travel through as well as those Photons existing as more than one since they are tied to other Photons in a Multiversal Inter-Connective Transfer.

But we perceive Length, Width, and Depth as well as passage of Time. These are 4 Dimensional States within our Universal Reality that has a Minimum of 10 or 11...and I think more...Dimensions. A person can represent via Math a !0 or 11 Dimensional State but our minds cannot visualize it no matter what analogy or representation we use. Only the Math can do this for us. But because Matter as well as Energy cannot exist within only 3 or 4 Dimensions...because the Macro-Universe is comprised completely by the smaller Quantum Particles that do not follow the same rules as the Macro-Universe...we as well as everything in our Universe is Extradimensional.

Beings that would be able to travel from one Universal Reality to Another Universal Reality must do so within those Realities Divergent Interconnectivity. Thus...a Being that can exist here on Earth could not travel to an Alternate Universal State that was not Divergent from our own since if it was could not exist since Non-Divergent Universal Alternate Realities do not have the same Physical Laws. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 07:33 AM
I don't see it as an either, or, situation. Both are possible. Indeed, both may be likely.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CalebRight14

You mentioned Sharpening the Mind...we actually talked about that as I told him...the more time I have with people to discuss these things...the quicker my Mind Works...he agreed and said he was going the opposite way as he felt he was doing to many TV shows and was getting away from true research and I told him that I thought he was doing many people a Favor...even though it was at his expense...he was getting all sorts of people interested in Physics and maybe some day a kid who watched him on TV would be the next Einstein. Then we had two Girls jump on our laps and He said....WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? LOL! Split Infinity


I think you only get quicker if the conversation is at your level. I can talk about a topic with someone who is clueless for years, but all I am really doing is telling him/her, if they can't offer another view or reason, or add to my thoughts, I learn nothing.

I often tell people, I'd rather you can prove me wrong, because if you can, I might learn something, I learn nothing if I am proven right.

edit on 12-8-2012 by CalebRight14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 04:28 PM
We need to redefine a few ideas here as a group.What is inter-dimensional anyways?What does it mean or represent?

What is extra-terrestrial?and what does it mean or represent?

They are the same thing as you will soon see.

Imagine a layer cake,one layer is chocolate colored dark like space then a thin layer of bright white whipped cream then a layer of cake again this time blueberry colored like the sky,then a thin layer of whipped cream,then another layer of cake--but this time turquoise like ocean water,then a thin layer of whipped cream,then another layer of cake--this time marbled like stone or solid earth,then another thin layer of whipped cream.Our cake is finished and its representative of four "dimensions"or in other words "states of matter in a specific environment"




terra firma=marbled


This natural "neutral dimensional field"exists between all states of matter in the universe.

Now in your mind picture a knife sliceing down through the cake we built,watch as it passes through the first layer of cake and enters into the thin whip cream layer and envelopes itself in the whipped creamuseing it as a shield or a lubricant to continue into the next layer of cake while maintaining a continuity of whipped cream as a shield or a lubricant,now step back and watch as the knife stops at the bottom how the layers immediately fall together again sealing up the slice mark,now look at the crosssection and see how there is now a VERTICLE LINE OF WHIPPED CREAM CUTTING DOWN THROUGH THE CAKE,but you cant see it from the top.You just learned how these craft travel through different dimensions AND you learned what "dimensions"really are,and that extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional can mean virtually the same thing.Where these peole live can be in any dimension or state of matter they chose to disengage their "neutral dimensional field"in.So technically speaking they could live under the ocean and be extra- or multi-dimensional.They just need to ensure that the material their craft that houses their "neutral dimensional field generator"is made of a material that can withstand the state of matter the craft materialises out of its field into.So in a nutshell if they are flying flimsy little craft they are likely disengageing their fields in an environment that is conduceive to that materials structural integrity.Ships can easily be made out of granite because within the field there is zero weight,it is a matter of function.But it gives us a lot of data to work with.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

The only way we will know how many dimensions or states of matter exist is if we create a neutral dimensional field and travel there to see for ourselves,we need to explore and take serious risks to learn these things,we cant extrapolate our way through the universe we need to be braver and get focused on exploration,we dont know what we will materialise into when we pass beyone space into the next dimension,and we never will until we can master neutral dimensional fields which exist between all states of matter in specific environments throughout the universe.

Imagine being on a granite ship that disengages its neutral field generator in a new dimension?Imagine looking out the window at another undiscovered dimension,imagine the possibilitys,there is life in all dimensions of one type or another,imagine what we will find,and now imagine that we have had visitors from these dimensions in the past and are haveing them today,now you know how and why,how because you now understand dimensional quantum physics and why--because lifeforms naturally expand within the universe.

Dont let the word "dimension"scare you---there is no perfect definition--it is a state of matter in a specific environment ,beyond that it could be anything we could imagine.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Imagine a layer cake,one layer is chocolate colored dark like space then a thin layer of bright white whipped cream then a layer of cake again this time blueberry colored like the sky,then a thin layer of whipped cream,then another layer of cake--but this time turquoise like ocean water,then a thin layer of whipped cream,then another layer of cake--this time marbled like stone or solid earth,then another thin layer of whipped cream.Our cake is finished and its representative of four "dimensions"or in other words "states of matter in a specific environment"




terra firma=marbled

Okay, great, now I've got the munchies AND I'm uber-confused.

Actually, I think I see where your going but I'll have to read back through and make sure. It'll definitely be interesting to see how you and Split interact.

ALSO: I'd like to ask anyone still with us here to give a general idea of what parts of the phenomenon that they include or exclude in their considerations.

Sky sightings only. Sky sightings and close encounters. What about abductions? Contactees?

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I believe I agree. Even though I have a MASSIVE EGO...If I can learn something new or be proven wrong with verifiable proof...then I am HAPPY! Happy that I will not look like a fool by telling someone something that is wrong....and Happy that I just learned something new. I am ALWAYS READY to learn something new and I have NO EGO as far as that aspect or being proven wrong.

If I am wrong...I am wrong. The person did me a favor pointing it out. I will NEVER FIGHT TO PROVE I'M RIGHT if someone gives me proof or a line of logic I can ponder on my own...NO EGO THERE EITHER! LOL!

Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by one4all

I think what you were trying to express would be the concept of being in a different Vibrationary State or in a state of Temporal Flux. Either one would allow you to be able to pass through Solid Matter but the first is just being slightly out of PHASE with everything else and the second is a state of being a Nano-second behind or in front of Relative Time.

E.T. means not of this Earth. E.T.L.F. means Not of this Earth Life Form.
Dimension is a Geometric Term of Designation. Matter IS NOT 3 OR 4 DIMENSIONAL STATES.
One Dimensional is a condition of SINGULARITY of which in our Universal State or Construct. GRAVITY is an expression of ONE DIMENSIONALITY. our Universal Space/Time...One Dimensionality means that all points of position are the SAME POINT. One Dimensionality or Singularity is responsible for Large Quantities of Mass to Converge and is responsible...when enough Mass is ignite that Mass via the process of Fusion which is what occurs in our Sun as Hydrogen is Fused into Helium.

Extra-Dimensionality means more than one dimension or more than would normally be present as the term is Relative to it's use.

Inter-Dimensionality means a Connective Construct of Space/Time that has properties which use or access more than One Dimensional State.

Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I got Hungry TOO! LOL! Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by one4all

I think what you were trying to express would be the concept of being in a different Vibrationary State or in a state of Temporal Flux. Either one would allow you to be able to pass through Solid Matter but the first is just being slightly out of PHASE with everything else and the second is a state of being a Nano-second behind or in front of Relative Time.

This is how I think of it. When I talk about extra dimensional, I mean a being that is capable of phasing in and out of our known world, and possibly being able to phase in at a desired location. How this is done, admittedly, I do not know, I am simply speculating, and I could agree it's because they are out of time with us.
I do however, believe there is a dimension we are not aware of, and the inhabitants of that dimension are far more aware of us, than we are of them. The ghost phenomenon fits well here I think, when looking at other possible dimensions.

This kinda puts me in a strange situation.. I have a hard time rationalizing ghosts. There is the whole, ghosts don't exist, and all psychics are fraud angle, but the same could be said of UFOs. My problem with ghosts, is that based off, my belief, I don't see how they can be.
Spirits are judged, and then enter heaven or hell.

I could say that spirits are not judged one at a time, and spirits are free to roam the cosmos until the time of Judgement, which all spirits will then face God, and be judged. Ghosts would then be phasing in and out of our realm, and the spirit realm, and the only difference is our use of the terms "spirit realm and physical realm", or "dimensions", they effectively mean the same thing. This has merit to me, because the Millennial reign seems to indicate that all people ever born, will populate the earth again for a 1000 year reign of Christ. It makes sense to me that this would happen prior to judgement, as a vast majority of people will purportedly side with Satan after this.
The other possibility, as I see it, and has been stated before, is that they are not actually spirits, but imprints of energy during a traumatic event.

I honestly struggle with ghosts more than I do with UFOs, maybe because I haven't done enough research yet, and I need to get cracking on it.
edit on 13-8-2012 by CalebRight14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

OK...the Phasing concepts would exist within our Universal Realities Multi-Dimensional States. This Tech. would just allow something or someone to be able to change their Vibrationary State or in a Temporal existing again within our Universal Dimensional State but either a Nano-Second ahead or behind Relative Time.

As far as Beings existing in ANOTHER DIMENSION or in a Extra-Dimension....remember...if they are comprised of Matter or even Pure Energy...they MUST EXIST within a MULTITUDE OF DIMENSIONAL STATES. They could not exist within just ONE DIMENSION as this does not allow either Matter or Energy to exist. It is the reality that there are at least 10 or 11...maybe more...dimensions in our Universal Reality that allows for the existence of Matter and Energy. Plus even if they existed in say 12 to even 15 Dimensional States...all Dimensional States are tied to one another so we would be aware of them by one means or another.

I believe your confusion lies in HOLLYWOODS incorrect assignment of Beings from a Different Dimension when they should be saying...Beings from an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE.
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

OH! And believe this or not...I of all people...believe in GHOSTS! WHY? Even though I am a HUGE SKEPTIC...I cannot discount what I have seen and heard and experienced with my own senses.

I have had to come to terms with this reality. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

ALSO: I'd like to ask anyone still with us here to give a general idea of what parts of the phenomenon that they include or exclude in their considerations.

Sky sightings only. Sky sightings and close encounters. What about abductions? Contactees?

I consider all 4, though I am far more skeptical of Abductions and Contact claims. If they are as highly advanced as they are thought to be, I don't have a huge problem believing video evidence is so hard to obtain. We ourselves have signal jamming technology that would render WiFi and cellular networks useless, I wouldn't find it a stretch that they can form an EMP bubble so to speak around their own craft to make them unrecognizable or not even show up, or disable whatever device is trying to record them.

That's a bit out there, I'll admit, but I don't know they would be unable to do so.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CalebRight14

As far as Beings existing in ANOTHER DIMENSION or in a Extra-Dimension....remember...if they are comprised of Matter or even Pure Energy...they MUST EXIST within a MULTITUDE OF DIMENSIONAL STATES. They could not exist within just ONE DIMENSION as this does not allow either Matter or Energy to exist.

I agree, This is why I believe, that while our knowledge is limited to this dimension, we have spirits that are grounded in another. The same is true of Angels, they are grounded in another dimension, but also exist in this one, they simply have the ability to travel between the 2, where as we, currently do not.
how many Dimensions there are, I don't know.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I think I may have told you this before but as far as Abductions are concerned....this number is extremely low and I get a Chuckle when I read about the Vast Number of people who claim to have been abducted. You have a better chance of Winning the Lottery...TWICE...without having bought a ticket! LOL!

Now this next statement I can provide no proof to so you have to bear with me. We are aware of Various Races of E.T.'s that are from within our Universal Reality. Some races are known...some are Unknown other than that we have observed their existence.

After the first Massive UFO flyover in the early 1950's and again in the 1960's...a DEAL was hammered out and this was not easy. We had something they wanted back...they were willing to deal and there is no doubt that if they wanted to...they could have taken from us what they wanted to but it would have been too...OVERT.

After the agreement...certain issues such as No More Daytime Massive Flyovers as well as placing a NUMBER on Abductions as well as stopping out right KIDNAPPING as some people were never brought back...were put in place.

It is the UNKNOWN RACES that cause us concern but again Leverage was applied that gives us a certain amount of protection but nothing is completely lock tight protected.

This is about all I can say. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by CalebRight14

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CalebRight14

As far as Beings existing in ANOTHER DIMENSION or in a Extra-Dimension....remember...if they are comprised of Matter or even Pure Energy...they MUST EXIST within a MULTITUDE OF DIMENSIONAL STATES. They could not exist within just ONE DIMENSION as this does not allow either Matter or Energy to exist.

I agree, This is why I believe, that while our knowledge is limited to this dimension, we have spirits that are grounded in another. The same is true of Angels, they are grounded in another dimension, but also exist in this one, they simply have the ability to travel between the 2, where as we, currently do not.
how many Dimensions there are, I don't know.

Limited to this UNIVERSAL REALITY! A Dimension is just a Term of Geometry and it takes Many Dimensional States for the ability for any Universal State to exist. The fact that we can see or hear a GHOST or even an ANGEL would mean one of two things...either they are existing within our Universal Reality or Visiting from an Alternate Universal Reality or they are accessing our Minds thus have the ability to directly input data into our Brains Sensory Area. But...NOT ONE DIMENSION! LOL! PLEASE! For me? LOL! Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by CalebRight14

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CalebRight14

As far as Beings existing in ANOTHER DIMENSION or in a Extra-Dimension....remember...if they are comprised of Matter or even Pure Energy...they MUST EXIST within a MULTITUDE OF DIMENSIONAL STATES. They could not exist within just ONE DIMENSION as this does not allow either Matter or Energy to exist.

I agree, This is why I believe, that while our knowledge is limited to this dimension, we have spirits that are grounded in another. The same is true of Angels, they are grounded in another dimension, but also exist in this one, they simply have the ability to travel between the 2, where as we, currently do not.
how many Dimensions there are, I don't know.

Limited to this UNIVERSAL REALITY! A Dimension is just a Term of Geometry and it takes Many Dimensional States for the ability for any Universal State to exist. The fact that we can see or hear a GHOST or even an ANGEL would mean one of two things...either they are existing within our Universal Reality or Visiting from an Alternate Universal Reality or they are accessing our Minds thus have the ability to directly input data into our Brains Sensory Area. But...NOT ONE DIMENSION! LOL! PLEASE! For me? LOL! Split Infinity

I'm not disagreeing Split, I am actually agreeing with you. If you exist in one dimension, I believe you exist in all, in one shape or form. I am just saying I have no idea how many there actually are.

Oh, and you can't say it would mean one of two things, and then give 3 options, though your 3rd option could very well fit in as a possibility of either the first 2. Still bad form I say Split.
edit on 13-8-2012 by CalebRight14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14 got me on the 2...3 thing! LOL! But I am still trying to say that You and I or anything that is Matter or Energy can exist in ONE DIMENSION. There has to be 10 PLUS or more.

Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I just remembered something that I discussed with Michio Kaku. We were discussing...and this is on Topic...the concept of Overlapping Universes where Brane Theory is thrown out the Window and Two or More Universal States with different Physical Laws overlap one another.

This would be so because the Physics of these two or more Universal Realities were NOT Divergent from OUR Universal Reality thus since the Physical Laws were so different they did not effect one another. I think we had had a lot of drinks by this time and even though it is hard for me to get DRUNK...I always maintain a Sober State even if I am feeling good...our thoughts turned to focus on these concepts and how we could ever know there was an ovrlap if we could not detect it.

Then I thought of something. The concept of detection via THOUGHT. continued...Split Infinity

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