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Survey: How Many Have Switched from Extraterrestrial Hypothesis to Interdimensional?

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posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 06:25 PM
Reading the "The trouble with Greer" thread makes one so sad and a little bit peed off. I suspect there are more than few who have contributed to this thread who understand why I feel as such and possibly, feel the same.

As a spirit from Sigma Ophiuchus once said to me... "You can lead a human to slaughter, but you can't make them think"..or was that my cat? hmmmmm quick Gut, tell me what I'm supposed to see when I'm having a whibble fest

edit on 3-8-2012 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by FireMoon
As a spirit from Sigma Ophiuchus once said to me... "You can lead a human to slaughter, but you can't make them think"..or was that my cat? hmmmmm quick Gut, tell me what I'm supposed to see when I'm having a whibble fest

The following is what you are supposed to see when having a whibble fest whilst also rhythmically chanting, "Whibbles wobble but they don't fall down...

How'd I do on the test, mate? That Chicago is definitely proof of another dimension.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Lol Gut that was definetly some strange "dancing" there.

The problem with Greer post was great, at least for me personally. When looking at UFOs and Aliens , it's important to keep in mind the money aspect of the whole thing. I do think there is something occurring, that as of yet, we cannot explain, the hoaxers do nothing but make money off a very interesting topic, and cast an unfair light into people that have had actual unexplained experiences. It's sad, but money drives people to do things less than honorable.

I try to take a skeptic view of all claims, despite believing in the actual ( personal belief) that there are beings in our world we have not identified. The Greer post has made me aware how many people are actually actively involed with creating a hoax, for the sole process of making money and playing off public interest.

Deeper than that, I believe that we as humans, desire a deeper understanding of where we come from, and Darwin evolution falls flat, so we are searching for an alternative that could explain our own origins.

That would be a majority of people I think. The other side, as I see it, is that if life evolved on our world, statistically speaking, it should have evolved on many worlds.
edit on 4-8-2012 by CalebRight14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I cannot provide information or proof one would seek to verify my next statement but I hope that can at the very least see a line of logic. we go.

As far as a large number of people perpetrating an E.T. HOAX...this is both true for one reason...true for another...and true to hide a REALITY that is in direct contradiction to the creation of a HOAX.

GUT has many times stated that he does not see any real form of proof of the existence of E.T. visiting this planet. I have posted where to look for Highly Reliable information that contradicts this claim. I do respect his beliefs but then...I wonder why...if he or anyone else has looked into what and where to look for this information...and after reading it and sourcing it...why anyone would not take this information seriously given it's authenticity as well as logic?

Please enlighten me? Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by Soloro
reply to post by The GUT

...My only qualms with all of this multi-dimensional theory, is that the level of complexity and diversity just within this one Universe we are aware of could give rise to plenty of beings/forces that would essentially be deemed as multi or inter dimensional.

Pondering now...

Seeing as how we haven't come close to deciphering the complexities of our existence, I imagine the mechanics of the answer is fairly complex.

Welcome aboard the good ship Discussion, mate.

Aye, and indeed. The bits and pieces, the details, must be absolutely mind numbing if they are ever to be uncovered by any mortal, let alone understood to any significant degree.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Split, I cannot speak for Gut, but there is another alternative to ET and the problems with aliens coming from another solar system, but still fits the model of craft and beings here we know are not known species here, and with tech we don't currently posses. I won't speak for Gut, but I will tell you my own thoughts if you want

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I would like to hear your thoughts. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by CalebRight14

Also...the only reason some people tend to think that there are inherent problems for either the existence of E.T. or due to the Massive Distance between Stars....closest one to our Sun being Proxima Centauri...a Red Dwarf at a distance of 4.2 Light Years...or 4.2 times 6 TRILLION MILES...that these distances are too far for Travel even at a speed that is a quarter Light Speed which is .25 times 186,300 miles per second...this is looking at Travel within normal Space/Time.

In reality...a Highly Advanced Race that understands the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY...would be able to create a Gravitic Drive...thus Fold Space and be able to jump from one point in the Universe to another point by creating a directed Singularity or an Expression of One Dimensionality. This would allow a Highly Advanced E.T. Race to traverse the Great Distances between Solar Systems. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Ok, since you asked, my personal belief is that what some people have seen, and experienced are fallen angels. This is not a new idea.
It's been around for awhile , my personal belief is that these are the same beings mentioned in the bible as fallen angles. Can we actually touch them, I don't know, based of what I have read so far, my understanding is Angels can still change shape and realm at will, fallen angels are much more limited. Their. Crafts are real crafts that they fly in, not angel wings as most people think of angels.

Angels are able to do much more than fallen angels, which have been limited by what they can do by God.
I know this sounds a bit crazy, there is a lot more "proof"Than I have offered(meaning no proof) and even seeing it all layed out, it is still just a theory, it just happens to be the one I believe.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I will add that starting my quest to get to be the bottom of this, I had a series of really bad nightmares. It might have been unrelateded, and probably was just in my head, but I think it bears note, these were dreams that scared me, and it was at the same time my eyes were opening to this possibility. It may be. Completely unrelated, but it happened
edit on 4-8-2012 by CalebRight14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CalebRight14

In reality...a Highly Advanced Race that understands the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY...would be able to create a Gravitic Drive...thus Fold Space and be able to jump from one point in the Universe to another point by creating a directed Singularity or an Expression of One Dimensionality. This would allow a Highly Advanced E.T. Race to traverse the Great Distances between Solar Systems. Split Infinity

I'm not so hung up on IF they could come here, we have no idea what is really possible, and to limit what is possible, to what we understand of as possible, seems to be a mistake in my opinion.

My bigger issue would be what is their motive? Why would they come here? They are not taking any of our resources, at least none that we know of. Why come here and secretly conduct experiments on us? Why hide the fact? We can pose no real threat to them. Anything they wanted, they could do out in the open. Despite the movies, it is very unlikely we could do anything to protect ourselves. Why spend the time to try and erase our memory of the encounter? Because they are advanced and care about our feelings? That doesn't hold a lot of water for me.

If they wanted to conduct experiments on us, be worshiped as our creators, or learn about us, all they would have to do is publicly announce it. We would freely discuss anything with them, and there are plenty of nut jobs that would worship them and would fight for the chance to be experimented on by "aliens".

A lot of people have the view, that Christians twist a known phenomenon to fit the Bible just to keep their faith in tact. I don't see it that way. There is simply another explanation, that fits in perfectly with the Bible. I don't have to twist anything to make it fit, I just have to be open to the possibility that it is true.
edit on 4-8-2012 by CalebRight14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

Any civilization that has achieved the technology of interstellar travel, would have probably mapped our planet's location in our Galaxy, for possibly thousands of years. They probably don't have far to look, because the majority of habitable planets are mainly located in the outer spiral arms of our galaxy. Any waystop --- like our Earth --- would be heartily welcome by entities, whose code of honor is probably non-intervention --- because Earthling's could possibly pose a threat to other planetary systems that harbor other humanoid civilizations; based on the history of our savageness and imperialism.

The main resource of our planet...that the other-worlder's strive to aquire --- is the abundance of fresh water --- and saltwater --- as fuel for the photon engine; during the time when starlight photons are lacking in abundance.

edit on 4-8-2012 by Erno86 because: added a few words

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by CalebRight14

...GUT has many times stated that he does not see any real form of proof of the existence of E.T. visiting this planet. I have posted where to look for Highly Reliable information that contradicts this claim. I do respect his beliefs but then...I wonder why...if he or anyone else has looked into what and where to look for this information...and after reading it and sourcing it...why anyone would not take this information seriously given it's authenticity as well as logic?

Please enlighten me? Split Infinity

Split, what sources do you feel are definitive and unquestionable as regards your assertions? Give me two or three of your best and I'll give you my opinion on them.

What you consider "sourced" may not meet another's criteria. Same goes for me, although I do try to vet anything I link to some degree. You use the word "authenticity." What does that mean to you?

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Sorry GUT the ;proof; of dimensions at this time is less credible even than 'aliens are visiting us' and so are any who make such claims on videos, even as a number and as information, the 'proof' is less and so far there has been not a single even on the level of the proof of aliens to show there are dimensions other than these.. Contactees, sleep paralyses and such - do not count as credible

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
reply to post by The GUT

Sorry GUT the ;proof; of dimensions at this time is less credible even than 'aliens are visiting us' and so are any who make such claims on videos, even as a number and as information, the 'proof' is less and so far there has been not a single even on the level of the proof of aliens to show there are dimensions other than these.. Contactees, sleep paralyses and such - do not count as credible

No, you're right, Imtor, that no one from either side of the fence has "proof." But it is disingenuous--not to mention unscholarly--to suggest that one "negative" theory is "less than" the other.

That doesn't mean I don't have an opinion because I do. And from my own personal viewpoint, I find the circumstantial evidence quite compelling.

I worked long and hard to develop an opinion and I'm not afraid to have one. That's okay isn't it?

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 05:57 PM
Inter dimensional Extraterrestrial Entities,Terrestrial Inter dimensional entities, Extraterrestrial Biological entities, and terrestrial biological entities. Seems like Politically correctiveness has made its way to Ufology. Simply put we do not know, nor do we understand since were not on the inside. One thing I know for sure regardless on how they present them selves to us I can call some friends/allies or enemies. Seems like a distraction/deflection tactic focusing on the irrelevant instead of what they can do for you and what you can do for them. It does make for interesting discussion none the less.

edit on 4-8-2012 by Fuzz420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by The GUT
GUT...for the purpose of providing a way for people to find RELIABLE PROOF of the existence of E.T. Races...plural...visiting Planet Earth as well as observing our Space Programs...I will NOT use anything I know of from my THIRD JOB as a reference to where to look.
This information source must STAND ON IT'S OWN in order for anyone here to determine the truth.

What I am about to post is FACT and can be looked up or googled or even found in the Library of Congress. In the early 1950's...shortly after the Roswell Incident and whether you believe what happen there or not has no bearing on what I will the early 1950's...Washington DC and Hundreds of Thousands of people witnessed MASSIVE UFO flyovers of the Nations Capitol. The Magnitude and daily flyovers of CRAFT that were flying low over the most protected airspace in the United States...and a TOTAL INABILITY of U.S. Jet Fighters to shoot one out of HUNDREDS...caused widespread PANIC through out the DC and surrounding areas. These Flyovers went on for WEEKS and Washington DC Newspapers ran FRONT PAGE articles and Photos of the Craft as well as interviewed everyone from every branch of the U.S. MILITARY as well as CONGRESS, the PRESIDENT, Civil Defense, FBI, Police and Fire Officials.

People were DEMANDING that the PRESIDENT as well as the U.S. Military do something about the Flyovers as U.S. Jets were TOYED WITH and after a while and after just about every leading Scientist, Physicist and anyone with a PHD or 4 Stars with a bunch of FRUIT SALAD on their uniform was just stopped. Now I KNOW why it stopped but preserve this posts integrity...I will not explain.

The same type of event occurred in the 1960's and this time the Chief of the U.S. Air Force decided to strap a NUCLEAR AIR TO AIR MISSILE on the small wing of an F-104 STARFIGHTER...our best interceptor Jet at the time. THIS WAS VERY DANGEROUS as these Nuclear Tipped Air to Air Missiles were designed to destroy large numbers of incoming...over the Arctic Ocean...Soviet Bomber Wings that would come in LARGE NUMBERS...just putting the Nuclear Missile on the F-104 was an indication of how serious the USAF wanted to shoot one of these UFO's down...and these UFO's were seen at DAY and NIGHT and there was NO DOUBT that they were ULTRA-ADVANCED CRAFT with flight abilities that broke the LAWS OF PHYSICS. The President himself cancelled the attempt to shoot one down with a Nuke! Again...all this can be found as it is fact.

Another very reliable form of proof is the incident involving the rush to cover up and hide Ultra-Top Secret Information as the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT was about to become an active LAW AND RIGHT! Various Agencies and Military Archive Personal SCRAMBLED to hide or BLACK many here have seen a Top Secret Paper released but 95% or more has been BLACKED OUT to the point that a single document with hundreds of typed words ends up after being Blacked Out for reasons of NATIONAL SECURITY...15 words. But what they forgot about in this scramble and only remembered that it existed in PAPER FILES was many correspondents or letters between FBI Director and one of the most powerful Man in U.S. History...J. Edgar well as the man Hoover was FIGHTING WITH OVER ACCESS TO ALIEN CRASH RECOVERIES....GENERAL CURTIS LeMAY...the Founder of SAC and the man responsible for the saying..."BOMB THEM BACK TO THE STONE AGE!" Hoover was FURIOUS that he could not gain access to the Roswell Crashed CRAFT as well as several E.T. BODIES and one still ALIVE. ALL things living or machine were moved from the crash site to WRIGHT FIELD which is now WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB. the home of the U.S. MILITARY'S REVERSE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. All these letters were found in the ARCHIVES OF THE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE by total chance as they were paper files and if you were 5 Minutes to Midnight and you forgot about some Multiple Decades Ago Secret Paperwork and you didn't have time to Black them out...where is a place NO ONE would think to look for anything to do with E.T. Craft or Letters between two fighting and very POWERFUL MEN over who had the rights to access? The Dept. of Agriculture Archives of 1947, 1948 and 1949 of course! These letters as well as other paperwork which was confiscated then Blacked out and properly stored...was for a time...completely available to any and all...till they found out and if I was running that show...Heads would not just ROLL....they would FLY through the Air like a Bruce Hurst Curve Ball!

I have more but I must respond to the kind lady above who is talking about fallen angels...but GUT...EVERYTHING I JUST POSTED IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC! The best way to view the Washington Incidents in the 50's and 60's is to actually get a copy of the original Newspapers as they tell it best and have interviews. SI

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I Thank You for you thoughts and explanation. The idea of Fallen Angels arriving on Earth in Crafts would least from my view Angels...or Primitive Mans interpretation of what they were the arrival of E.T.

This makes a lot of sense considering what is written in the Bible and although I am not Religious in an particular way...I am Spiritual as I have experienced things that go right along with your statement...that we should not think we understand everything or even think we can understand some of these things....YET! LOL!
Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by CalebRight14

I would think that a Highly Advanced Race would visit Earth for Scientific Research and basic curiosity. With the understanding of the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY...comes the ability to Change Matter into Energy and back again. Also the ability to use Energy to create or arrange Matter in any form or Element or Molecular Structure in existence.

To FOLD SPACE/TIME we are talking about a level of tech that could allow Primitive Man to confuse these E.T. Races with any belief system that ancient Man might develop...or perhaps steered into developing. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by The GUT
GUT...for the purpose of providing a way for people to find RELIABLE PROOF of the existence of E.T. Races...plural...visiting Planet Earth as well as observing our Space Programs...I will NOT use anything I know of from my THIRD JOB as a reference to where to look.
This information source must STAND ON IT'S OWN in order for anyone here to determine the truth.

Split, if in your "third job" you have access to information that proves the existence of E.T., then I'm thinking I should be ashamed of my affection for you. How could you keep earth & life-changing information like that to yourself and not share it with your brothers and sisters world-wide? I still love ya, don't get me wrong, but...

...What I am about to post is FACT and can be looked up or googled or even found in the Library of Congress. In the early 1950's...shortly after the Roswell Incident and whether you believe what happen there or not has no bearing on what I will the early 1950's...Washington DC and Hundreds of Thousands of people witnessed MASSIVE UFO flyovers of the Nations Capitol.

Hundreds of thousands of people did not witness the Washington D.C. flap, Split. Although quite a number of folk were witness in one way or another and I agree that it is an interesting incident.

However, there's just not enough info to determine which of the following it was:

1.) Interdimensionals
2.) Extraterrestrial Interstellar Craft
3.) Some combination of temperature conversion with mistaken sightings of natural phenomenon.
4.) A controlled intelligence test using radar spoofing equipment and mixed natural variables.

Most of those that did report sightings, reported various "light" phenomenon, btw.

...Soviet Bomber Wings that would come in LARGE NUMBERS...just putting the Nuclear Missile on the F-104 was an indication of how serious the USAF wanted to shoot one of these UFO's down...and these UFO's were seen at DAY and NIGHT and there was NO DOUBT that they were ULTRA-ADVANCED CRAFT with flight abilities that broke the LAWS OF PHYSICS. The President himself cancelled the attempt to shoot one down with a Nuke! Again...all this can be found as it is fact.

There are no known credible reports/documents that support your story as related above. If these craft "broke the LAWS OF PHYSICS," then I would suggest, once again, maybe we're dealing with something that transcends the limits of these "laws" as well as biological matter.

Another very reliable form of proof is the incident involving the rush to cover up and hide Ultra-Top Secret Information as the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT was about to become an active LAW AND RIGHT! Various Agencies and Military Archive Personal SCRAMBLED to hide or BLACK many here have seen a Top Secret Paper released but 95% or more has been BLACKED OUT to the point that a single document with hundreds of typed words ends up after being Blacked Out for reasons of NATIONAL SECURITY

The above doesn't speak to the ETH vs IDH question. In addition, while the government MIGHT be covering up what they know, it's also become apparent that the CIA and various Military Intelligence agencies have used the UFO phenomenon as "cover" for top secret projects. Undeniably and repeatedly.

I'll leave a few links addressing that aspect including some info that makes a case for the Washington Flap being a military exercise of top secret hardware.

A lone chemist’s quest to expose the UFO cover-up


Weapons of Mass Deception

edit on 4-8-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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