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Dangerous Game: 'US almost daring Tehran to Strike First'

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:48 AM
Everyone in the Mideast, US included, needs to take a deep breath and relax......Less than 1% of the world wants this war to happen, we all know that there is ZERO good to come from this, and with this war there will only be losers... I know that a lot of people believe that us americans want this war, trust me when I tell you we dont, this has cluster-f*ck mess written all over it... And this can easily escalate into something no one wants to see where Russia and China get involved, and then NATO jumps in and before you know it half the world powers will be fighting eachother... Like I wrote earlier, its lose lose...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:55 AM

The writing is on the wall. Reminds me of this thread about the proposed conspiracy to send a nuclear powered battleship there to purposely sink it.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:01 PM
Somebody said Iran has never started a war.

But they've definitely started war by proxy.

Some examples:

During December 2001 Mughrabi gave the ship detailed instructions to sail to the beaches of Qeshm Island, Iran.[1][2] There a ferry approached it—most likely from Iran. This ferry contained the weapons stored in 80 large wooden crates, which were transferred onto the ship. The personnel of the ship then placed these weapons in special waterproof containers—which were produced only in Iran. These containers are floatable and have a configurable system that determines how deep they are submerged.

On May 30, 2003, Lamberth found Iran legally responsible for providing Hezbollah with financial and logistical support that helped them carry out the attack.[45][47] Lamberth concluded that the court had personal jurisdiction over the defendants under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, that Hezbollah was formed under the auspices of the Iranian government and was completely reliant on Iran in 1983, and that Hezbollah carried out the attack in conjunction with MOIS agents.

The attorney for the families of the victims uncovered some new information, including a National Security Agency (NSA) intercept of a message sent from Iranian intelligence headquarters in Tehran to Hojjat ol-eslam Ali-Akbar Mohtashemi, the Iranian ambassador in Damascus. As it was paraphrased by presiding U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, "The message directed the Iranian ambassador to contact Hussein Musawi, the leader of the terrorist group Islamic Amal, and to instruct him ... 'to take a spectacular action against the United States Marines.'"[49] Musawi's Islamic Amal was a breakaway faction of the Amal Movement and an autonomous part of embryonic Hezbollah.
........ - Hezbollah says gets support, not orders, from Iran...

"Yes, we received moral, and political and material support in all possible forms from the Islamic Republic of Iran since 1982," Nasrallah told supporters by videolink in a speech marking the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Mohammad.
........ ...

Iran has reduced or possibly halted its funding of Hamas after the Islamist movement, which rules the Gaza Strip, failed to show public support for Syrian President Bashar Assad, diplomats said on Sunday.

Hamas has denied that it is in financial crisis but says it faces liquidity problems stemming from inconsistent revenues from tax collection in the Gaza Strip and foreign aid.

The West refuses to have diplomatic relations with the group because it refuses to recognize Israel and renounce violence. It receives undisclosed sums of cash from Iran, which has acknowledged providing financial and political support to Hamas.
...... ...

Iran has the technological ability to target any point on the planet with an intercontinental ballistic missile should it choose to, according to Brig. Gen. Seyyed Mehdi Farahi of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, who is the director of the Iranian air and space industries. Read more:

Military experts and analysts who cover Iranian military and defense issues have acknowledged that Iran does in fact have the strongest ballistic missile program in the Middle East and that the low costs of the missiles has in fact taken the ballistic missile market out of the West's hands, the editorial says.

The newspaper cites recent testimony before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee by the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Ronald L. Burgess. "Iran's progress in building ballistic missiles is noticeable, and with the launch of satellites to space it became clear that Iran has succeeded in building intercontinental ballistic missiles," the general testified, according to the paper. The successful launch of the Rasad satellite to space drew the attention of observers and foreign counterparts, the general reportedly testified.

There's far more dirt I could dig up on Iran, far more than I can list here.

There's no reason not to hit Iran with heavy sanctions.

Ballistic intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads = TSHTF.
edit on 15-7-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Iran and Syria have already been told not to attack first by Russia and China.

Who have both already said they will attack US and EU soil if either the US or UN attack Iran or Syria first.

Lets just hope neither of those countries have EMP or Bio weapons they are willing to use

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:13 PM
Every soldier on those ships, every citizen of the ME, is sitting with a cocked gun to their heads. [metaphorically speaking]. With pressure building, somebody is gonna flinch. All it's going to take is one missile, one misinterpreted move and the lead is going to fly.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Pardon me, I know that video is a crude display at humor. However, I am fairly certain the religious authorities are absolutely fuming at their religious services across the country. Ticked-off beyond belief. Livid!

They have the full might of the US Navy on their doorstep, and have to deal with sanctions as another insult to injury. I have no pity for them, because they have had nearly a decade to work out the disagreements with their critics. Unfortunately, for the people whom are under their leadership? They may very well be caught up in a war. As I said in my first post, the fighting has not started, and a deal can still be made. However, Iran is going to have to be serious about it this time, and mean what they say. I hope they chose the easy route, and not the one of war? Make no mistake, the finger is on the trigger as I write, and I think this little drama may turn into an action packed summer blockbuster instead of the dreary soap opera we have had to deal with for what seems like an eternity. Time will tell . . .
edit on 15-7-2012 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
Everyone in the Mideast, US included, needs to take a deep breath and relax......Less than 1% of the world wants this war to happen, we all know that there is ZERO good to come from this, and with this war there will only be losers... I know that a lot of people believe that us americans want this war, trust me when I tell you we dont, this has cluster-f*ck mess written all over it... And this can easily escalate into something no one wants to see where Russia and China get involved, and then NATO jumps in and before you know it half the world powers will be fighting eachother... Like I wrote earlier, its lose lose...

Actually? If you buy some stock in weapons manufacturing companies, you'll do pretty good if a nice long war breaks out.
Just saying.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Ben81

The knowledge of the US about the capabilities of the Iranian armed forces, particularly those of the IRGC, is merely a small portion of their real capabilities, It means that US will face unexpected consequences...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:17 PM
I doubt Iran has much in the way of surprises for the US in terms of technowar,....that being said, they sure have the missile manufacturing business down pat....literally thousands of missiles targetting the US fleet, will definately score some hits,,,,,
The tanker traffic is easy meat for shore based missiles of a rudimentary nature....and they would make good hulks to block tanker traffic if nessessary.....
meantwhile the Iranis have emplaced the maximum of underground sheltered missile site along this waterway if they have any foresight.....the obvious ploy would be also mines of varied natures both accoustic, and magnetic, as well as other remote systems and sunken torpedo and mine launch capabilty....(lying in wait right now in the Irani waters of the straits.....)
If the US has sent drones, i guarantee you, this is already fait acomple....
The Iranis have home ice and they have the means to make the US pa a large price for its victory, if indeed it pulls it off....
Remember a while back the admiral of the Simulated Iran side, beat the American side with a preemptive massive misssie attack......?
this in US navy war gaming......
So, if a US officer can figure it out....
Do you think the Iranis are so stupid?They have all kinds of advantage here we are not considering.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Ben81

It is important to note that Russia and China (Gog & MaGog) have military support contracts with Iran. If we or Israel or someone else attacked them, Russia and China would be obligated to jump in and defend Iran.

There seems to be a lot of sabre rattling going on, and it usually leads to war. Its not clear if Iran has nuclear weapons and or neutron weapons (I would speculate neutron weapons because in the event they go against Israel, they will want the land and everything on it intact, just no people there) and that has yet to be figured out by the powers that be. Sooner or later, war in that region is going to occur. Just be prepared for it when it comes.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:47 PM
Once again, so short sighted. Iraq's military machine was DECIMATED IN A FEW WEEKS. Plus the US was in a ground occupation and regime change situation which TAKES TIME-A LOT OF IT-and casualties. With Iran we are not talking regime change or boots on the ground outside of special ops groups who are probably already there. Not sure why this is such a difficult idea for some to comprehend. Compariung Iraq to a would be Iran attack is like comparing appples to oranges. Yeah they are both fruit but not the same.

Originally posted by Trajan

Originally posted by princeofpeace
And by the way, not THAT dangerous....the US would WIPE THE FLOOR WITH IRAN in less than 2 weeks without ever putting a boot on the ground.

Once again, narcissistic and egotistical.

The US has been in Iraq for nearly a decade and you can't even beat some farmers with Kalashnikovs. How the Hell do you suppose the US will handle 250,000 Revolutionary Guards (Who are bloody fanatical), 550,000 Active Troops, 650,000 Active reserves and over 11 million paramilitary with twice the land mass of Iraq and treble the population.
While the US is strong, no doubt, I doubt they are going to be able to beat 12 million odd Iranians who are well armed, well fed (Yeah, well fed. Do you really think Ahmadinejad is going to risk pissing off armed troops?) and ready to martyr themselves for Iran. We will watch and wait and see how Iran reacts when the US comes a knocking.

edit on 15-7-2012 by princeofpeace because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:50 PM
Irans ONLY HOPE is to launch a pre-emptive attack because if the US is the one who luanches first it will be a blitzkreig ari attack that will take out just about every offensive capabality that Iran has before they even have a chance to react defensively. Those thousdands of missiles Iran has are only good if they can launch them first but you can be SURE the US has just about everyone of those sites marked, locked and loaded. Those sites will be destroyed in the first few minutes of the war.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Looks like you overlooked the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah didn't come into being until after their lands were invaded. So they didn't start any war they are defending their lands from aggressors two totally different things.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Irans ONLY HOPE is to launch a pre-emptive attack because if the US is the one who luanches first it will be a blitzkreig ari attack that will take out just about every offensive capabality that Iran has before they even have a chance to react defensively. Those thousdands of missiles Iran has are only good if they can launch them first but you can be SURE the US has just about everyone of those sites marked, locked and loaded. Those sites will be destroyed in the first few minutes of the war.

This is were You are wrong. Iran has a early warning system that is better than What the US have.
Iran is capable of detecting a first strike by the US and retaliate at the same time.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by jude11
There is no doubt that the US wants yet another War. This is the one they want and they will keep poking the bear until they get their War. Simple.

It's as if the US just can't go without War. It's a disease amongst the leaders and a sense of pride amongst many citizens. Very obvious with some of the posters even on ATS. And to clarify, NOT all Americans fall into this mold.

Make no mistake. There will be War and this time the US will most likely get bit by the bear they keep poking. It's only arrogance that keeps them from knowing it.


edit on 14-7-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

Agree with you 100%,and it isn't just it's own bloodlust that the US political/industrial/military complex has this obscene desire to sate,it will insist that other nations join them,particullarly the UK where our leaders seem to genuinely believe that they are important ,if not essential to US war plans!

As you say ,the bear is going to bite back and when he does we may as well kiss goodbye to the western world.
The only aspect of this which prevents me from hoping that the bear is succesful are the numbers of young American(and British) servicemen/women who will be coming home in body bags,but the US has become an irrational mad dog and does deserve to be put down.

(By US I am,of course refering to the political leaders of that country and not the, mainly decent and honourable, people who live there).

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Once again, so short sighted. Iraq's military machine was DECIMATED IN A FEW WEEKS. Plus the US was in a ground occupation and regime change situation which TAKES TIME-A LOT OF IT-and casualties. With Iran we are not talking regime change or boots on the ground outside of special ops groups who are probably already there. Not sure why this is such a difficult idea for some to comprehend. Compariung Iraq to a would be Iran attack is like comparing appples to oranges. Yeah they are both fruit but not the same.

It seems worthwhile to get a few facts straight here.

First, one cannot compare Iran's military with Irak. Seriously, do your research. Iran has indigenous capabilities in aircraft production, navy, small arms, artillery, ground to air missiles, and ICBMs. Irak had none of that. You know why there is such a difference between the two? The Iran Irak war of the 1980s, when Saddam Hussein was supported by the US, France and Britain to CHANGE THE REGIME in Terhan and could get all the weapons he wanted, but Iran could buy squat. Since then, they made it a national policy to produce stuff on their own. You think it's bad equipment? Think again. After all, it was just a few month ago that they brought down the US most advanced spy drone without a scratch.

Now, on to your second point: it's not about regime change? Serioulsy? Have you never listened to what every american administration since Carter has said about Iran? In fact, the reason the US has no diplomatic relations with Iran is because the US refuses to recognize its regime. Since the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the US has only had one policy for Iran: and that is regime change. Just ask saddam Hussein how he feels about that. Oh, wait, he is dead now!

The US is currently following their classic game plan for regime change: rally support (France, UK, Israel...), pile up the sanctions (oil, swift) , create internal divisons (remember the aborted "Green Revolution in 2009?), infiltration and sabotage (stuxnet anyone?), and, of course, bust allies (hence the current situation in Syria, Iran's only regional ally, now severely weakened). And meaniwhile, they pretend they hope to solve the situation "diplomatically" while "keeping all options on the table". The truth is that the US is only waiting for all the pieces to be in place. And then it will strike.

How will it look? It will shock and awe times twelve. How will the Iranians respond? God only knows. We better hope they're like Irak and we've hyped their capabilities...But I wouldn't hope too much. Irak suffered tow wars and ten years of heavy sanctions before the US struck in 2003. Iran is in way better shape than that, it's a bigger country, and they are intelligently governed, whatever CNN says.

So, don't believe it will just be special ops goin' in n' out to "snatch" the WMDs, or a few jets "smart bombing" sensitive only need to look at the map of known sites to understand that when the West strikes (and it will), things are going to get very dirty. I pray whatever happens, we don't end up in world armageddon.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Haknow because: typing error

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:19 PM
LMAO!!!!! Okay-Iran's indigenous capability:

Whatever. And Iran does NOT haver any early warning systems that are superior to what the US has. Early warning does you know good when the warning ebing given out is simultaneous with the destruction of said warning system

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:23 PM
Oh yeah-dont forget that Iran is building UFO's too!!!!

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
LMAO!!!!! Okay-Iran's indigenous capability:

Whatever. And Iran does NOT haver any early warning systems that are superior to what the US has. Early warning does you know good when the warning ebing given out is simultaneous with the destruction of said warning system

aha! Yes, I can see why you may think this is funny...A flying stealth boat, right? Except, the Pentagon is apparently not amused. Did you know that during the last wargames in which the US rehearsed an attack on Iran (except, of course, they don't call it Iran in the games), they simulated the Iranian response (which would have comprised similar high-speed stealth boat mounted with surface to sea rockets). It's a scenario called "swarming" by strategists, where big, heavy targets (say, like an aircraft carrier) is faced by simultaneous; multiple, agile threats. Well, in their simulation, the US Fifth fleet suffered heavy losses and even lost the carrier. They werent' too pleased about it.

So, I agree, it may look funny. But actually, it's a clever example of assymetrical sea warfare: numerous, high velocity, stealth boats with heavy caliber machine guns and rockets against HUGE sitting ducks.

Iran is merely learning, picking things up from other nations that have faced the US, and trying to find weak spots. Wouldn't you?

So, thank you for making my point.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
I am in The US. The US is playing a very dangerous game. We can beat any 10 counties hands down but what is going to happen when the whole world jumps us at once? We are making far too many enemies. At some point the world is going to get feed up with the way things are with the US pushing the rest of the world around and decided we need put on our place. In fact this WW III people keep talking about could be the US on one side and the rest of the world on the other side.
Remember even the mighty elephant can fall to the lonely ant when there is enough of them.

If you go into Iran then I am thinking about joining the other side and I am a White European who have preached nonviolence all my life and have nothing in common with Iran except my hatred of US imperalism and your souless poleticians. Bullies needs to be stopped and you have clearly crossed the line a long time ago and is in need of a spanking that will make you crippled for decades.

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