OK, I believe this story is complete nonsense, but in line with an earlier moderator comment, I'll outline below why this is my personal belief:
Originally posted by crazydude
I just finished 5 years service with a military force. During my second year of service they selected 20 hardcore guys for special combat and recon
training in the Yukon.
This one is speculative on my part, but don't military services have very descriptive terms for different sized groups? Squad, platoon, company,
battalion, etc? It seems strange that they would just pick "20 hardcore guys". particularly if it was only for "training". Surely for a just a
training exercise, they would pick and entire squad, platoon, company, etc? What is the point of 'training' only 20 guys from one unit? And after
"just" finishing 5 years of service, would you not refer to such a group by name?
2. Some of the terminology just comes across completely amateurish. "20 hardcore guys"??? Come on. This isn't high school. And comments like
"sometimes I shiver when...". Given that all you have seen is footprints, and read crazy/creepy comments in a mission log, that seems a bit over the
top? Shivering? Does anybody ACTUALLY shiver after incidents like this? Seems like a line out of a fiction novel.
3. Given that this was only a training exercise, all of these military personnel would have been based locally. Therefore the disappearance of 20
people could not have been explained away to 20 families as being MIA or KIA. This would be a different story for troops who were deployed overseas
somewhere. Have the families not questioned anything after so many years? Even after accidents, the bodies are returned to the families. They would
want to know why there was no body. They would NEVER give up on this point.
Originally posted by crazydude
3.) They didn't all take their weapons (this would be a punishable offense and it doesn't make sense).
Would be? Would??? You only "just finished 5 years of service" but you don't know whether leaving weapons behind is a punishable offense or not?
You only suggest it would be?
5. A "friend", quailman03, logged on to tell the world that they directed you here from another site. I have entered sentence fragments from your
original post in google, even simple strings of 3-4 words, and Google only picks up ONE result which is this very thread. It appears as though not a
single element of your story was discussed on a forum anywhere else. Can you tell us where you were redirected from?
6. Quailman03 is a pretty unique moniker. Twitter has a user "quailman03", under the name Mitchell Williams. Are you Mitchell Williams? For someone
who doesn't want to share info about the incident in case of reprisal, it seems odd to leave so many traces.
7. Following up from 5, you also said this only FIVE hours after your original post:
Originally posted by crazydude
This has been a very respectful and supportive forum for me to discuss this content. My gf laughs at me and some of my "friends" dismiss me.
So... if I'm reading this correctly, are they laughing at you and dismissing you for using ATS? Or just your story in general. If the former, how
have you discussed this site with so many people in under 6 hours? If the latter, obviously you're not sharing your story with them in such a way
that they are believing you. If you are "shivering" when you think about it, as you claim, then surely your GF will not simply laugh at you. Nor
will your friends simply dismiss you. People can genuinely tell when someone is distressed when sharing a story. It does not sound like you have
shared this with them in such a manner.
8. You say you don't want to share what's in the mission logs because they "take away" from your story? Come on. They ARE the story. I feel as
though you realised you would struggle coming up with something so scary to read that a veteran of 5 years' military service would "shiver" after
reading it.
9. You say the missing patrol reported the distances they traveled every day in kilometres, not miles, yet you convert them back to miles. If you're
part of the same unit, why are you more comfortable operating in miles whereas the others in your unit were operating in kilometres? And would there
not have been regulations to use one or the other to avoid life-threatening confusion?
10. In this post:
Originally posted by crazydude
4.) A sentry reported someone/something was trying to lure him away from his post and into the treeline throughout the night. It was calling his name.
Severe weather, fatigue, and over-active imagination?
... you add a whole list of "self-strawmen" arguments. You pose something 'crazy', then shed doubt. A voice lured him! Probably fatigue... it's
like you don't want to come across as spruiking nonsense. You want to sow the seed and let others do that for you.
I'm sorry. Not buying ANY of this...