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Popular video game reveals villain as “leader of the 99%”

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by seabag

As a person who plays all the Call of Duty games, I cant wait for the release of this game... Black Ops 2 should have the zombie mode in it like Black Ops 1, they skip zombie mode each game.... Anyways, thanks for bringing this trailer to my attention the game looks sick...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by seabag

I never liked these games in the first place, they marginalize the horrors of war and even make kids believe it's fun and cool and full of honor. It already was propaganda before this... but now they are making these kids believe the greatest threat to America could be the 99% of people who want to change America and they are getting them to fight a virtual war against them, so they might be more likely to fight against them when the time comes. It's nothing but status-quo brainwashing teaching them to always kiss the ass of the war machine no matter what their orders are. This is completely sickening on all levels. The people who created this game should be ashamed of themselves.
edit on 14/7/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

Its a video game, relax... Some people today just love to create stories out of nothing.... ITS A GAME..

And if you cant seperate a video game from real life, you probably shouldnt be playing... Its not like I go out and steal a car, go on a killing spree killing innocent people and prostitues after I play Grand Theft Auto.... Well maybe not all the time, but you get my point...hahaha
edit on 15-7-2012 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by jhn7537

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by seabag

Its a video game, relax... Some people today just love to create stories out of nothing.... ITS A GAME..

And if you cant seperate a video game from real life, you probably shouldnt be playing... Its not like I go out and steal a car, go on a killing spree killing innocent people and prostitues after I play Grand Theft Auto.... Well maybe not all the time, but you get my point...hahaha
edit on 15-7-2012 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

a] A lot of the time, people minimise what someone else is saying, or claim that reading a particular subtext into something is insane, because atheism has taught society to falsely equate cynicism, and a habit of making negative assertions (i.e., that something does not exist, rather than that it does) with rationality, maturity, and intelligence. I'm not saying that you're definitely doing that here, no; but it is something to think about.

b] The person you are in a game, is very often the person you wish you could be in real life, if you had the ability. There's an old Chinese proverb, which states that if you want to find out who a person really is, put them in a scenario where there are no restraints on their behaviour, and then watch what they do. Something which people tend to want to use contemporary games for, is an opportunity to abdicate personal responsibility for their behaviour for a while; which although they can't get away with all the time, is the one thing which most human beings crave more than life itself.

So saying, "it's just a game," doesn't cut it, as far as thinking that that gives you a free pass to act antisocially or whatever else. Of course, it's possible that yes, a person really is an asshole, and that's why he or she is so desperate to use a game as an excuse to be one for a couple of hours; because of the fact that there are consequences attached to antisocial behaviour in real life.

I played the GTA games, too. A person can learn a lot about themselves in such environments. If you're paying attention, games can mean a lot more than you might think.
edit on 16-7-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:27 AM
I don't play these stupid games like Call of Duty or Black Ops anyway. Same reason I don't watch propaganda films like "Act of Valor." It's all designed to condition the American population to get behind wars and make "modern warfare" seem cool.

This new game just takes it a step further and is obviously trying to poison the population against the Occupy movement and Julian Assange.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by Pinke
'm not a massive gamer, but the call of duty games I've played have allowed gamers to control characters just before they are killed from first person perspective. Often these deaths are brutal and senseless executions or horrific ways to die. I've never seen a game discourage a person more from being a soldier and it's a giant step forward from games that were just senseless killing of foriegn power's militaries.

When you die, the screen flashes red and white until it goes blank.
Where the hell is this gore you are talking about?

Do gamers find these images encouraging warfare or violence? ... It may not be war and peace or arthouse cinema yet, but is a damn sight better than games in the 80s and 90s as far as emotional content goes.

This isn't the only part of the call of duty series like this ... The game developer's audience skipping or ignoring these moments says more about the gamers than it does the developers IMO.

Side note: I see games as about 10 years behind films as a form of expression. At the moment games are sitting in the early 90s of cinema ... it's still mostly about the spectacle and less about the meaning. People might look back on some of these games and see them as the first 'Rambo'. Rambo was mostly violence and spectacle but underneath that was a story of a traumatised war veteran.
edit on 16-7-2012 by Pinke because: Side note

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Pinke the screen goes black.
How gory!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by habitforming
reply to post by Pinke the screen goes black.
How gory!!!!!!!

As opposed to the screen being covered in unicorns when you lose consciousness?

It's still a massive step forward for narrative and experience based gaming.

Originally posted by petrus4
I played the GTA games, too. A person can learn a lot about themselves in such environments. If you're paying attention, games can mean a lot more than you might think.
edit on 16-7-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

Then according to games I'm an odd serial killer person with a desire to stack bricks on top of one another and an obsessive compulsive disorder?

While I don't doubt that games can tell you something about a person, I don't think I *want* to be an alcoholic excop, a special forces soldier, or anything like this. So I believe the 'its just a game' argument does cut it to a degree. Some people might use these things to live out or practice disturbing fantasies, but some people also think a firing squad would be an autoerotic experience without playing video games. Some people also just like interesting stories.

I think as a culture we're over obsessed with the concept of a gaming character being 'the self'.

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Pinke
As opposed to the screen being covered in unicorns when you lose consciousness?

You lied then. You specifically said I was going to witness horrific death from a first person perspective that was detailed and gory.
Why did you make that # up?

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by Pinke
As opposed to the screen being covered in unicorns when you lose consciousness?

You lied then. You specifically said I was going to witness horrific death from a first person perspective that was detailed and gory.
Why did you make that # up?

I said:

Often these deaths are brutal and senseless executions or horrific ways to die.

If you don't think being shot in the face in a prolonged execution is horrific or emotionally impacting then that's your thought process, not mine. If you think a nuclear explosion is tame, again, your thought process.

I don't even think I used the word gory or the word 'detailed' in those contexts? Even then I don't think it would matter. Get the impression you're having a good troll.

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