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Romney Might Be In TROUBLE

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by phantomjack

This is why Ron Paul has stayed int he running...

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Have you considered the Republicans are simply giving the base what they think it wants? How many people still apologize for Bush around here? If they haven't learned that lesson it's likely they will never get what the average American wants.

I've faced the music, we are just screwed. There is nothing to be done. The old vanguard of reasonable Republicans are either dead or marginalized to the point they don't matter at all. Ike and Reagan would be laughed out of the party. The Democrats are too damn spineless and bought out to truly represent the poor. The poor in this country are further screwed by this mindset that looking out for their own interests is "class warfare". It's pretty much over and I don't care. I tell people to just leave the country if they have money. There is no fixing it.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by phantomjack

There's even more coming out. 2003 reports. This is why he hides those tax reports. We need to look at them. The truth about his true motives are in those tax reports. After November, we will never have this chance again.

This man is dangerous.

I hope you don't honestly think that he has done anything illegal in regards to his taxes. You must realize that before he can even announce that he is a presidential candidate that a government board looks at his entire life history.

Back to the thread. Where is Obama's tax returns? They say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. What will be the argument when he releases 2 more years of tax returns next month? He isn't hiding his tax returns, his returns are so complex that he has to pay a team of accountants to get the paperwork together in a digestible format. Its costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars to release just one year's worth of filings. It takes time, be patient.

Lastly, if he releases two years will it be enough for you? And, will you even review them?

PS, I'm a Ron Paul supporter.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by ColoradoJens


Cause your main man Obama has nothing and I mean nothing to run he creates division and attacks regardless of how fallacious to make himself look better in his colossal imagination!!


To be fair, he got Osama. He also lines the pocket of his base with welfare checks and free cell phones with promises of more handouts, ie Obamacare.

You are 100% correct however that he wants to be miles away from any discussion about the failing economy. God forbid we have a real discussion about what 90% of Americans care about, the economy. Lets just attack people's character instead ROFL. The sad thing is that Obama still has a chance at winning because his base is brainwashed and stuffed with government cheese.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:53 AM
Republicans don't care about the 2012 election, because they know they will win in 2016 and 2020. The american public is so predictable. The whitehouse is a timeshare vacation spot.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 12:09 PM
As much as I hate to say it, Obama has already won this election because that was the plan all along. Anyone who thinks that the Democrats and Republicans aren't working together to destroy the Constitution and usher this country into a new age of global Communism is naive.

Just look at what's happened to the two parties over the past 50 years:

JFK would be considered a neocon today. He was vehemently anti-Communist and anti-Socialist, involved us in an illegal Vietnam War. He even believed in tax cuts for corporations and proved that they produce jobs, increase productivity, and bring in greater tax revenues! Anyone who had never heard of him would undoubtedly be convinced that he was a Republican by these facts.

President Kennedy proposed an across-the-board tax cut lowering the top marginal rate by 20%, from 91% to 71%, which was enacted in February 1964 under President Johnson (three months after Kennedy's assassination). The tax cut also significantly reduced marginal rates in the lower brackets as well as for corporations. The gross national product rose 10% in the first year of the tax cut, and economic growth averaged a rate of 4.5% from 1961 to 1968.[3]


Since then, the two major parties have been slowly converging, while pretending that they are different as night and day.

Republicans accuse Democrats of spending too much on social programs (discouraging productivity and encouraging dependence on the government), being "weak on defense" (which is newspeak for avoiding foreign wars), and killing jobs by raising taxes on the rich.

Democrats accuse Republicans of war mongering, working for banks and corporations instead of average working Americans and further separating the rich from the poor with their policies, and being anti-minority.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and in the case of American politics, the middle has become so blurred as to be almost invisible. Look at the policies of both Republican and Democrat presidents over the past 50 years, and you'll see that in 2012 there is virtually no difference. Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts is very close to Obama's record as president of the U.S.:

Romney passed Massachusetts health care reform, complete with the individual mandate.
Obama passed the Affordable Healthcare Act, complete with the individual mandate.

Romney cut taxes, while more than making up for them by raising "fees" for such things as vehicle registrations, and eliminating tax loopholes for corporations. Many "fees" were doubled.

Romney supported raising various fees by more than $300 million, including those for driver's licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses. He increased a special gasoline retailer fee by two cents per gallon, generating about $60 million per year in additional revenue. (Opponents said the reliance on fees sometimes imposed a hardship on those who could least afford them.) Romney also closed tax loopholes that brought in another $181 million from businesses over the next two years and over $300 million for his term. He did so in the face of conservative and corporate critics that considered them tax increases.


Obama included billions in tax increases in the "Obamacare" bill and wants to eliminate tax cuts for businesses making $200,000 a year.
Romney raised "fees" at a much higher rate than his tax cuts, and eliminated tax breaks for businesses (see above).

Obama is anti-gun ownership (just wait until 2013-14 for the big push to end private gun ownership).
Romney is anti-gun ownership. He passed the assualt weapons ban in Massachusetts, among other anti-gun laws.

In 1994 Romney had supported firearms-control measures opposed by the National Rifle Association: the so-called Brady Bill, which restricted the sale of handguns, and the assault weapons ban. During the 1994 senatorial campaign he had taunted: "That's not going to make me the hero of the NRA." He reinforced his support for these measures when he ran for governor in 2002, when he promised not to chip away at the Commonwealth's tough gun laws. Now as a presidential candidate, Romney presented himself disingenuously as a lifetime member of the NRA and a hunter of "varmints," which prompted the acerbic Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi to write: "Leave it to Mitt Romney to shoot himself in the foot with a gun he doesn't own."


Obama is pro-NAFTA
Romney is pro-NAFTA

I could go on, but I think I've made my point, which is that there is not a dime's worth of difference between the parties these days, and it's been building up to this for at least the past 50 years.

As such, people will vote for the devil they know. Mark my words, the plan by TPTB was to run a RINO to ensure an Obama win.
edit on 7/15/2012 by AntiNWO because: nobody's perfect

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by AntiNWO

Can you show me some examples of democrats raising taxes on the rich?

Can you show me examples of the rich creating jobs because of tax breaks given to them by republicans?

The tax rate for the wealthy was at 91% at one time, Nixon lowered that to 60%, Reagan lowered that to 28%, and Bush lowered that to what 15%??? Where are the jobs promised, or is all these tax breaks do is to allow the wealthy to hoard wealth?

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by AntiNWO

Under Clinton, democrats raised taxes on the rich, and went after the employers of illegals, while all the repub admins increased taxes on the working class while cutting taxes for the rich, while turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and modern day slavery.

While the demos have their problems, there is a huge difference between the two.

All efforts by the repubs is to make things worse. They want to turn us into a 3rd world nation of rich and poor with no middle class.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 01:53 PM
Let's stay on topic.

Republican Governors to Romney: Release Tax Returns, Offer More Specifics

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 02:35 PM
When will you PAULBOTS wake up Ran Paul will NOT be the GOP nom Santorum and Perry have more delegates than Paul, and Paul would NEVER beat obama

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool
reply to post by phantomjack

Did you know that Romney is actually worth over 4 billion dollars far above what he claims of a few hundred million? That's what this story and not wanting to reveal his tax history is really all about.

No, I don't. Do you have any facts or sources to back that claim up?

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by antonia

Have you considered the Republicans are simply giving the base what they think it wants? How many people still apologize for Bush around here? If they haven't learned that lesson it's likely they will never get what the average American wants.

Actually, I hadn't considered that, but you're probably right.
The Republican leadership, and guys like Romney are so far separated from the average American that they have no idea what we want. They think listening to a few rabid supporters at a political rally is representative of the whole of America, but that is completely out of whack!

The solution is to elect a regular guy, instead of a billionaire, but wait, no regular guy can get the attention of the MSM, so they will never have a shot.

You're right, we are completely screwed. At least politically. But we still have more guns than they do.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by knightrider078

I agree with you up to this point.

and Paul would NEVER beat obama

Paul is the only GOPer that stands a chance against Obama. I agree with you that he doesn't have the delegates, and he won't be the nominee, but that is a GOP mistake.

Romney, Newt, Santorum, any party-line Republican is going to get the party-line vote, but that is all they are going to get. They aren't going to pull any of the Dems from Obama, and they aren't going to bring the Independents and Libertarians and Constitutionalists the way Paul would.

The Republicans will have a flacid turnout and lose embarrassingly to Obama unless they put up a true Conservative that can win over the Blue Dog Democrats, and win over the undecideds, and win over the Far Right anti-establishment folks, and carry the Tea Party, and unite the 3rd Party and Independents.

Ron Paul could, and would win the National election, but he will never get the shot at it, because the establishment doesn't want someone like him in office, they want someone that will play the politics they way they want them played.
edit on 15-7-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:42 PM
Mitt Romney is obviously lying to sombody in this situation. It's either the American people or the SEC. no matter which way you look at it hes screwed. If his name is on the papers as CEO and chairman till 2002 then thats the end of the story. it doesnt really matter what his friends say.

And yes, he should release his taxes. i think i heard somewhere that hes worth a quarter billion dollars, would be interesting to see where all that money came from and if he lists bain after 1999

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by carewemust

Because that isn't how politics in America is done, that's why. Take a look at Bush in 2004, or Clinton in 2006. Bashing your opponent is interpreted by Americans as strength. The high road is seen as indicative of a "weak-agenda."

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:53 PM
"Romney Might Be In TROUBLE?"

Hell,with him and Obama being our only choices,were ALL in trouble~!~
edit on 15-7-2012 by Black_Fox because: SpELLiNg

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Though I went back and re-read your post and found something that I would like to ask. What did you mean by this:

After November, we will never have this chance again.

Who is "we" and what is the "chance?" Just a sincere desire to get into a political debate, but just curious.

Oh, because regardless of the outcome of the election , after November, he will not be pressured to reveal what's in those tax records, like he is today. We wont even be able to ask. Right now, we at least have the right to ask because of the office he is currently running for.

And "we" is all of us citizens.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
reply to post by AntiNWO

Can you show me some examples of democrats raising taxes on the rich?

Can you show me examples of the rich creating jobs because of tax breaks given to them by republicans?

The tax rate for the wealthy was at 91% at one time, Nixon lowered that to 60%, Reagan lowered that to 28%, and Bush lowered that to what 15%??? Where are the jobs promised, or is all these tax breaks do is to allow the wealthy to hoard wealth?

Thank you!! I have been making this point for years! Trickle down economics DOES NOT WORK!

Here is a great read on it
Epic Failure of Trickle Down Economics

What we need to do is to start making things again. My economics professor said it back in 1985: You can't have a viable economy that is strictly service based. You need to have a manufacturing base!

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by gepetto

Originally posted by LDragonFire
reply to post by AntiNWO

Can you show me some examples of democrats raising taxes on the rich?

Can you show me examples of the rich creating jobs because of tax breaks given to them by republicans?

The tax rate for the wealthy was at 91% at one time, Nixon lowered that to 60%, Reagan lowered that to 28%, and Bush lowered that to what 15%??? Where are the jobs promised, or is all these tax breaks do is to allow the wealthy to hoard wealth?

Thank you!! I have been making this point for years! Trickle down economics DOES NOT WORK!

Here is a great read on it
Epic Failure of Trickle Down Economics

What we need to do is to start making things again. My economics professor said it back in 1985: You can't have a viable economy that is strictly service based. You need to have a manufacturing base!

Thanks for the input, but you are quoting a liberal blog site, and, trickle down Eco was put into place by Reagan, not Bush...20 years BEFORE the Bush era.

So to say that TDE didnt work, and to quote a liberal site, is just disingenuous.

Lets look at the grown of the economy AFTER TDE was put into place in the early 80's, hmmm???

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 11:29 AM

Here is McCain's file on Romney from 2008. It's really clear most people in the GOP camp are not thrilled about Romney.

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